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Balance Sheet. CKLAND IMPROVEMENT COMMISSIONERS, 1878. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOB THE YEAB ENTING DECEMBER 31. 1878. Rec " pts - Expenditure. To cash received on the following acc junta : - By cash paid on the following accounts T ,? Kent- o Account JJ i! " |Jo's 5iV * ***'• JL- \\ „ Barrack Property Account .. .. 248 10 0 ~ Interest \ccoult %,5 ,« „ Princes-street Rale Account.. .. 2.552 10 0 „ Law Costs Account 8 ? fi " R utla nd-street Sale Account .. 323 li 2 , Rebate Account Princes-street c ale"* 25 16 4 ~ C«h Returned rc Appeal Case .. 250 0 0 „ Gas Company . ce3 - street **«•• o? o A " BKdao,t,«-Skof>,ewZealalia8 K da o, t, «-S kof>,ewZealalia „ Office Expenditure " ** 1S9«0 December 31,1S<S -.*,117 11 0 „ General Expense Acconnt .. *' 170 5 2 „ Property Purchased .. .. " 435 0 0 ~ Deposit paid into Court re Appeal Case 250 0 0 £33,333 7 0 £33,335 7~~0 F. L. PRIM'S, SecretaryI hereby certify I hat I have eiamincd the accounts and vouchers of the Auckland Improvement Commissioned for the year ended December 31, IS7S, and that I find the same to be correct. ! L. A. r.URRIEU, Auckland, January 14, 1579. Provincial District Auditor. Electoral Notices. I Licensing Courts.

HARBOUR BOARD. ELECTION OP MEMBER. Harbour Board Office,. Auckland, January 30, 1879. The following Regulations for Election of Members of Harbour Boards are published for general information, viz.: — REGULATIONS. 1. Whenever it 13 necessary to elect a membsr of a Harbour Bo*rd constituted under tho Harbours Act, 1878, by a 1< cal governing body, or by any other body or association having power to do so, such election shall be held at a meeting of the local governing body, or other body or association (hereinafter called the " electing body"), of whi h notice shall have been given in the samo manner as no'ires of the meetings of such ejecting body are usually given, and in such notice the object of tho meeting shall be stated. For the purposes of these regulations the expression •' local governing body" shall have the like meaning as assigned to such expression in the Harbours Act, 187 S. 2. On the day fixed bylaw to hold the election, and at tho meeting of the electing body, the nam«3 of the candidates being stated by the chairman, oich cmdldate shall proposed by one member and seconded by another member of the electing body on the daj* fixed by law to hold the el r ction. The chairman at any such meeting of the electing body may be any person who would be entitled or might be appointed to act as chairman at the ordiuary meetings of such body. . 3. After the candidates for election have been propo ed and seconded, the chairman of the meeting shall c ill for votes by a show of bauds for each candidate in order of proposal. 4. The candidate getting the largest number of votes shall be elected. 5. In the case of there being an equality of vote 3, the chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote. Such chairman shall have a casting vote, but not a deliberative vote. 6. Where members of a Harbour Boird are required to be elected by the payers of due 3 and the owners of ships, a meeting of the said electors shall bs held at the Harbour Board office on tho day fixed by law, at a time to be fixed, and which shall be publicly notifie.l uuder the hand of the Chairmm of the Harbour Board, and at such meeting the members shall be elected by show of hands in like manner ai hereinbefore provid.d for the election of members of llurbour Boards by local governing bodies. If there be any vacaucy in tho oflicj of chwraan, tten such meeting may be called by tho secretary or clerk of tho Board, or other officer discharging the duties of such secre:ary. 7- Any sueli meeting shall have power to elect its own clnirman, «nd he shall have a existing but not a deliberative vote, and shall deci :e all questions of qualification as to vote by causing the c'aimant theu and there to produce reeeip's in h s favour for the due 3 required to bn p .id by him to qualify him to be an elector, or a certificaie of ownership o* other sufficient document from the It«gistrar of Shipping or otht'r proper ofiiser, as the can may require. 8. The decision of the chairman of any meeting, whether as to any election of a member of the Boar-S or a 1) fo the proof of any qualification as aforesaid, shall be final aud conclusive on ail parties. Noticc is hereby given that, in terms of the above regulations, a Meeting of the Electorsof tho Auckland Harbour Board will be held at the tfiices of the Auckland Harbour Board, Fort-street, at noon on MONDAY, the 10th day of February, IS7£>, for the purpose of Electing three Members. J. T. BOYLA.V, Chaiiman.

•siillKlfe r3 T A UIIA XG A NORTH TOWNSHIP u. moway district. Noticcis hereby g'ven that on Saturday, the 25t'.i day of January, IS7O. Air. Kbenczer Goddard Nor«U was duly elected a Trustee f. r the above Highway Board, vice Mr. E. >r. resigned. JNO. CO v WAY. Chairman pro tem. Meetings. EA LODGE, 34 8, I. C. 'J ho Regular Monthly Mootine will be hold, at the LidKe-ro .ru, Prince*-str=et, THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 7.30 o'clock. Visiting brethren are invited to attend. W. L. MI rc a ELL. P.M., Secretary. CLUB. The Annual Meeting of the Member* of the Northern Club will be held on THURSDAY nest, the fcixth day of February, at 2 o'clock, at t'.:o Club, Prlncc3-»t.col. HENRY EVANS, Steward. Bay of isl\nds coal company {li mi ted).

The Eleventh Annual General Mo ting of Shareholders in the above Company will be held, in the Large Room o tin Insurance Buddings, TO-DAY (Monday), February 3, at 3 p.m. Business : L'o receive Directors' Report and Accounts for tha year ending Dccembbr 31, 1878; to elect two Direstois and two Auditors ; to consider a proposal for increasing the capital of the Company by the issue of new shares ; and for tho transaction of ] any other business. The Transfer Books of tho Company will be Closed ' from noon of Monday, January 20, till noon of Monday, February 3. By order of the BoaH. HKVRY GILFILLAN, Jus\, _ Secretary. 10, Insurance Buildings, February 3,1879. Auckland and north shore STE IM FERRY CO. (LIMITED). Tho ordinary annual Meeting of Shareholders in the above Company will bo held at the oCLice above Mes3rs. Heuderson and Macfarlane's Stor. s, corner of Queen and West Queen-streets, TO-DaY (Monday), 3rd February, at 3.30 p.m. I Business: To receive Report and Balance-sheet, election of Directors, and an Auditor. By order of tho Directors. H. \V. DEATH, Manager. NV.T«£—Transfer Books will be Closed from Satur day, Ist, till Tuesday, 4th February, at noon. Banks. -gANK OP NEW SOUTH WALES. Kstablisued 1817. Paid-up Capital £1,000,000 Rksekve Fund 4G0.000 This Bank is prepared to makespcclal arrangements for Deposits lodged for fixed period?, and to transact all other Banking Business on term* to bo ascertained on application. LONDON EXCHANGE. Selling, 00 days .. ..1 Per Cont. Premium. Buying, ~ «. .. .. £ Per Cent. Discount. Auckland Branch: T. B. IVKY, Manager. Miscellaneous, COM FORTA.BLE Board and Residence for two or three Gentlemen, in Gra'ton Uoad, —Apply to Mr. Chapman, Bookseller. Qaeen-stroet. LOST, on the Papakura Racecourse Gate—An Ovorcoat.—Finder will be rewaided on leaving the same at the lleralo OrtJce. FENCING. —Contracts undertaken for Posts and Rails, Paling, Corrugated Iron, and Wire Fencing, by S. Wiiitb, Brighton, Parnell. ILLI AM ERRINGTON, CONSULTING ENGINEER, Panada BniLDixos, QuKcn-^rngrr £100 w. A B J>. a Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS (£100) will bo paid to anyone givijg such Information to the Pollca or the Insurance Companies, as will lead to the detection and conviction of any person concerned in wiifußy setting fire to premises in the Province of 'Auckland. HENRY WORSP, Sec. Insurance Companies Association.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5371, 3 February 1879, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5371, 3 February 1879, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5371, 3 February 1879, Page 5