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[FROM OtJR OWN CORRESPONDENTS.] THAMES, Saturday. GOLD RETURNS. Moanataiari Company ... ... 171 0 0 Ditto, Howe's tribute 4 10 0 Ditto, "Whisker's tribute ... 410 0 Princo Imperial, Kiogsford'a tribute 22 17 0 Resolution claim 7 0 0 Te Papa Gully 6 0 0 Old Bright Smile 2 0 0 Solo 15 0 Caroline ... 114 0 Prospectings 1 10 0 Moanataiari.—The usual fortnightly retorting for this company took place to-day, for the return of 1700z3. gold ; 230 tons of general dirt have been crushed for this yield. Golden Calf.—A few pounds of good specimens were obtained from the lode at the 3GO-feet level yesterday. To-day some good goldou atones were broken out. The keys of the United Pumping Association works have been handed over to Mr. T. James, manager of tho Caledonian mine, Mr. Black having been relieved of the charge. Mr. Malcolm Bruce, a gentleman recently arrived from Sydney, has become interested in the Tararu lead mine. Yesterday he left here en route for Sydney, with a parcel of five tons of lead ore, which he intendfi having tested. Thames, Saturday. Alburnia.—The manager's weekly report is as follows : —"70-feet level: I have been engaged during the week in taking down the reef left standing in footwall west of No. 3 winze, preparatory to continuing the drive. The reef averages 2 feet in width, and, as well as the leading stope, carries good strong colours of gold. Tho rise in stope east of No. 3 winze has been put through to tho intermediate, and the stopes are now being filled in with mullock, and when completed a start will be made to break down quartz. Whau level: I am engaged in securing drive preparatory to stoping out reef in bottom of level, east Jind west of No. 3 winze. Tho reef in leading and two upper stopes in back of this drive is about 1 foot in width, shewing gold freely. Dixon's : Work has been started to stope out; the reef here is split into three, each portion carrying gold. In breaking down a portion of one of these, 201bs. of good picked stouo were secured. Battery : The samo number of stampers have been employed at the Herald, general stuff improving. The amalgam on hand at Moanataiari battery has been retorted—result Olozs. 15dwts. The cleaningup and retorting for tho month will take place on Friday next.—Samuel Gribble, 28th of January."

United Pumping Association.—The long-talked-of stoppage of these works took place on Friday morning, at 7 o'clock. The boilers were blown-off and the furnaces cleaned. Tho buckets and draw-lifts have been taken out of the shaft, and the gear and machinery greased and secured. It is expected tho water will rise rapidly. There is some diversity of opinion as to the time the water will take to rise before the workings of surrounding mines aro affected. Thero is no doubt the effects of the rising gas will prevent work being carried on in the adjoiuing mines long before the water is up to their levels. It ia well-known the Cure, Caledonian, and other mines in the vicinity, were driven out by gas after a few days' stoppage of the pump for repairs.

ICuranui Hill.—The battery has ceased working for a few days, to enable the men to repair the water-pipe which supplies the battery. Tho manager intends to cleau up and retort for the month on Monday next; a firstclass yield is anticipated.

Golden Calf.—During the week tho men who have been working on the 3GO-feet level intersected the reef they were driving .for. Some time ago the reef was successfully worked from the company's own shaft; but, after two or three crushings had been taken out, the difficulty of breaking out the quartz became very heavy, and it was determined to drive to the lode from the Caledonian 3GO-feet level. The lode is just to hand, and on the first breaking down gold could be seen in the stone. The men have been engaged during the last day or two working on the reef, and yesterday a few pounds of excellent specimens were obtained, and again to-day some dark-blue quartz, shewing string colours of the precious metal, were broken out. The lode, which is about 2 feet thick, is supposed to be identical with the Caledonian No. 2 reef. The discovery is somewhat important, as it is the greatest depth at which gold has been obtained in this locality. The company have a largo block of the reef lying in their ground, aud if the gold continues the value of their property will be con - siderably increased. GOLD RETURNS FOR TJIE WEEK. Oz Moanataiari Company .. .. .. 171 0 0 Ditto, Qiiiiclly's tribute 113 0 lJitto, Tierney's t;ibute.. .. .. 20 4 0 Oitto, Rowts's tribute 4 10 0 Ditto, Whisker's tribute 4 10 0 Alburnia Company .. .. .. .. 376 10 0 Don Pedro, Robert's tribute .. .. 15 6 u Kuranui. Murphy's tribute .. .. .. 1 15 0 New North Uovon, Caruie'a tribute .. 4 7 0 Prince Imperial, tribute .. 22 17 0 Piako, Wilton's tnbtute .. .. .. 3 9 0 Lucks-vll claim .. .. .. .. S 14 0 Star of Te P.ipA .. .. .. .. S 0 0 Feiruaught 4 8 0 Clyde 4 0 0 WhVd-have-t'joUjjbt-it 4 15 0 Kesolution cUnn 7 0 0 IV Pap.nJully 6 0 0 Old Hrig'it Siuile .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 Solo claim .. .. .. .. .. 150 Caroline claim .. .. .. .. .. 1 14 0 Sm'lo of Fortune, Kichardsou's tribute .. 81 1 0 Ditto, Mart's tribute .. .. 7 4 0 Dit o, Liddle's tribute .. .. 3 13 0 Total 775 13 0 MONTHLY SUMMARY.

Mining matters are still in a very depressed state, and at present there is no immediate prospect of a recovery. In many old-established mines, which at one tiuio yielded large quantities of gold, operations have almost entirely been suspended-in fact, the number of miues which are being worked vigorously is very small compared to what it was a year or two back. — Moanataiari: During the month the winze and rise on the Point Russell lode havo been connected. This work has been one of considerable magnitude, and its successful completion must be re ry gratifying to the shareholders, besides reflecting great credit on the management. The total depth of the winze, from tho level on the Moanataiari Creek down to tho tunnel level, is 272 feet. It will thus be seen that several new levels can readily be opened out on the lode, and, as the lode was once famous for its gold-bearing qualities, there is a good prospect of meeting with further deposits of the precious metal. Tho cross-cut to intersect tho i\ T o. 9 reef on the 218feet level is making good progress through a. fair class of country. The lode, however, will be cut at a point between the two slides whore it is likely to be disturbed, so that the chances of meeting with gold-bearing quartz at once aro not very good. The out-put of quartz during the month, although small, has been of better quality, and the return is considerably larger than it has been for several months previously.— Kuranui : Operations in this mine havo been confined to the newly-discovered leader mentioned in last month's summary. Tho lode is to hand on the battery level, and appears to be of similar quality to the levels above. On the Shotover level it has been driven on both east and west, with excellent prospects. About 100 feet further west it should junction with a number of cross lodes, which are supposed to have caused the deposit of the rich patch in the Shotover lode, and on this junction it is supposed rich gold will be met with. During the month a large tonnage of stuff has been crushed, but the amalgam has not been retorted yet. —Cure : | Tho No. G lode is just to hand on the Caledonian No. 2 level. The quartz has a favourable appearance, and the couutry is of a first-class character.—Alburnia : Mr. S. Gribble is again in charge of this mine, the late manager, Mr. Daykin, having resigned. On the battery level, the reef has been worked out, and operations have consequently been suspended. Above tho Wliau levol, the main block of stopes is ■ nearly worked out. West of these stopes > tho lode has been picked up in the footwall. The reef is about a foot thick, and shews occasional strong colours of gold. On the 70-foot level westward, tho lode has also been picked up in tho footwall. Here it is about two feet thick, and shews gold freely. The return for the present month shews a considerable improvement on that of the previous month.—Waiotahi; The shaft of this mino is being sunk for the purpose of opening out. a new level.—Prince Imperial: During the month a parcel of quartz was crushed for this company, which gave a fair return. Operations in tho mine are at present limited.—Queen of Beauty : The return for this company was chiefly obtained from a jjarcel of tailings. Operations at the mine are almost suspended, owings to tho works being flooded with water, consequent on the stopping of the Waio-Karaka pump, mentioned in last month's summary. The most important event of tho month is tho stopping of tho big pump. Tho arrangement between tho local bodies and Uuited Pump Association, by which the cost of pumping was maintained, terminated at the end of January, and as the local authorities have intimated that they are unwilling to contribute any more moneys toward assisting tho association, the pump has been stopped. It is fearod that this will affect all tho low levels of the mines in the immediate vicinity of the United Pumping Association's shaft, and that consequently most of the operations below the sea level will shortly be suspended. Tho chief argument put forth by the local bodies in support of their determination is that the companies interested havo not fulfilled their part of tho agreement, in prospecting tho ground on the low levels which has been drained by tho pump. Tho object tho authorities had in view by contributing to the cost of the drainage operations was to enable the companies to devote their money and energies to developing the ground. This has only been done to a limited extent, and consequently the local bodies are unwilling to give any further assistance. The gold return shews a considerable falling off, but this is owing

to the interruptions to all work caused by the holiday season. The following are the returns :— GOLD RETURNS FOR THE MONTH. Oz d* Jloanataiari Company, 312 tons.. -• 254 15 0 Ditto, tributers, 100 tons .. 123 17 0 Alburnia Company, 400 tons .. .. 454 5 0 Ditto, tributerj, 100 tona .. .. 93 12 0 Kuranul Company.. .. .. .. Notin Ditto, tributers, 25 tons .. .. 27 6 0 Prince Imperial Company, 85 tons .. 70 18 0 Ditto, tributes, 8 tons .. .. 9 3 0 Qu* en of Beauty Company .. .. 130 10 0 Ditto, tributers, 77 tons .. .. 82 16 0 Caledonian tributes, 15 tons .. .. 5 8 0 Watchman, tributers, 10 tons .. .. 20 9 0 Tookey Tribute Company, 7 tons .. 9 13 0 Crown Princess tributerß, 20 tons .. 20 12 0 New North Devon tributers, 13 tons .. D 12 0 Nonpareil tributers, 20 tons .. .. 7 5 0 Piako tributers, 12 tons 12 11 0 Don Pedro tributes 15 5 0 Hape Creek tributer?, 5 tons .. .. 517 0 Duke claim, 16 tons 36 5 0 Difficult claim, 10 tons 15 15 0 Little Bendigo, 9 tons 11 9 0 Little Lizzie 43 0 0 Last Chance, 9 tons 9 18 0 Portia claim, 5 tona 10 10 0 William's claim, 4 tons 4 0 0 Second Try claim, 5 tons .. .. 5 l o Little Sissy, 80 tons 20 10 0 Luck's All, 10 tons 8 14 0 fearnought, 4 tons 4 8 0 Clyde 4 9 0 Who'd-have-tlioueht-it .. .. .. 415 O jor claim, 25 tons 49 10 0 Hopeful claim, 3 tons .. .. 3 0 0 Golden Crown tributers, 15 lons .. 4 10 0 Prince claim, 3 tons 3 15 0 Welcome Extended tributers, 4 tons .. 41 5 0 Smile of Fortune tributers, 61 tons .. 91 IS 0 Star of Te Papa, 8 tons .. .. .. 8 0 0 Sundries 300 0 0 Total, 14S0 tons 2,020 C 0 COIIOMANDEL MONTHLY SUMMARY. There is a decidedly better feeling in goldfields matters here than for some time past. Although January has been characterised by its usual dulness, a very small amount of gold having been crushed out, but there is a feeling that we have got to our worst, and that the succeeding months will improve. This is not altogether without warrant. Several of our leading mines are on the eve of opening up new blocks, which, in all probability, will pay handsomoly.—The Union Beach called for tenders for sinking their new shaft at the beginning of the month. There was an unaccountable delay iu accepting or rejecting the lowest tender, but at length the company decided to do the work themselves, and if they succeed in doing it for less than the price tendered (£545 for 200 feet) the shareholders will have great causc to rejoice that a heavy call will not be needed. The company is now crushing a large parcel of stuff, which has accumulated from different parts of the mine. The yield is not expected to be large.—Tho Premier has sunk the now shaft the required depth, and arc now cutting out a chamber preparatory to driving for tho reef, which should be in hand in a short distance. There is a very fair future before this mine. Two winzes have been sunk some 40 on the reef, carrying first-class prospects, and as the reef is over 2 feet thick there is no doubt it will pay well. The great flow of water has hitherto prevented its being worked, which, however, the present machinery will cope with. — Kapanga: Some good patches of specimens have been got during the month, but not in suiiicient quantity to materially assist in opening up the mine; but I understand tho shareholders in England have such confidence in the ultimate success of the venture that they are preparing to increase the capital, to raise funds to sink the shaft several hundred feet deeper, and from the appearance of tho reef at the lowest workings there is every prospect of payable gold. It is a question which is not yet | fairly decided, either here or at tho Thames, whether rich gold does exist at great depths in this peninsula. It is held by some old miners that sections of blankfground occur horizontally between tho payable portions, varying in thickness from a few feet to several hundred ; but if the Kapanga shaft is sunk another 300 feet, as proposed, and the ground well prospected at that depth, it will go far to set at rest all doubts, at least on this part of the goldfield.— Corby: Some considerable interest has been excited by this mine of late. It was known that the company had been for some months putting in a lower level to intersect the reefs below the rich shots of gold worked on the surface. The required distance has nearly been driven, and last week a new leader, lying almost horizontal, was come upon, shewing good gold. It is about a foot thick, and in splendid country, and will no doubt materially increase the returns when worked. The No. 2 reef lias not yet been cut, but is expected every foot. The water has drained from No. 1, and tho manager has started a party of men to sink a winze to conncct with the nesv level. The stuff coming out is good. Altogether the prospects of this mine are excellent. —lloyal O.ik : For many months the manager has had groat difficulties to contend with : the ground is very hard, and a long distance had to bo driven, but now the mine is well opened up a rise has been put up aud connected with the old workings, and an intermediate level put in from it, aud in this latter a strong shot of gold was cut, and a good parcel of specimens taken out, leaving gold both overhead and underfoot. There is a large block to be taken out, and as the rich patch got three years ago came out immediately skbove this, thero is every probability that tho whole block will be good. At the bottom level payable stuff is also coming out, but at present none of it can be got to the battery, the tram being broken down. No doubt this will soon be remedied. —The Bismarck has just opened out 011 the reef from tho new shaft on the Van level. Tor several days after tapping the reef they were flooded out, but at the present time the water bids fair to subside into reasonable limits. Very little is known as yet of the value of the reef at this depth, but there is very strong presumptive evidence that it will be more than payable. Some very rich stuff was got in the level above in three well-defined shots of gold, and as they died out in stoping, it is presumed they have gone downwards. — Tokatea : After a long spell of almost total inaction, this mine shews signs of life, Mr. J. P. Hall having been appointed manager. No doubt he will at once proceed to open up tho lower levols. The following arc the gold returns for the month :—Kapanga, 'JlOozs. ; Elizabeth, 3ozs. lOdwts. ; Eureka, lOozs. 11 dwts.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5371, 3 February 1879, Page 5

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5371, 3 February 1879, Page 5

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5371, 3 February 1879, Page 5