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[BY CABLE.] OVIi H FECI A L MESSAGE. [FKOM OCR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] COLON IA J, NEWS. FOUND SHOT—TERRIFIC HEAT. Sydney, January 31. \cTHi : R Camtbeli. was found at 2 o'clock this morning, in tho Domain, desperately grounded by a bullet. He states that he wa3 attacked by two men, shot, and robbed. The statement is doubted, and suicide is suspected. His recovery is doubtful. _ _ The heat in the interior is terrinc. At VVilcania it was 125 in the shado. There , jrrre fourteen sudden deaths tliero in ten davs ascribed to the temperature. | Private advices by the mail state that the colonial securities are in marked j favour. I supposed wreck of a levuka I ' VESSEL. I Sydney, January 24. Pleuropneumonia has appoared in the oftttlo district. A four-oared whaleboat has been washed [ ashore at Double Island Point. The [ Queensland beach is strewn with cocoanuts. It is probably a Levuka vessel. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Brisbane, January 31. Baker Martin attempted suicide to-day. He tied two bags, each with 141bs. lead, round his body, and walked into die river. He was dragged out by some boys in a boat. _ FUNERAL OP J. T. SMITH. Melbourne, January 31. J. T. Smith had an immense funeral. There are numerous candidates for his *eat in the Assembly. Seven cases of sunstroke have been reported recently. LORD HARRIS'S TEAM P*. BATHUKST EIGHTEEN. Sydxey, January 31. In the match Lord Harris's Eleven v. Bathurst Eighteen, the latter, in their tirat innings, were all out for 46. The Englishmen, in their tirst innings, scored | : Ulyett and Penn scoring 23 each. COMMERCIAL. [recter's special cablegrams,] Sydn'ky, January 31. Heunessy's, case, 23s ; quarters, 9s 3d ; kerosene, higher ; Adelaide flour, £12 fcs to £13; New Zealand wheat and •aU, none ; candles, 10d. KEW ZEA LA XD TELEGRA MS. {PER "HERALD" SPECIAL WIRB.\ [FROM OOK OWN* OORRR-SPONDKSTS.] I'HAMt.S, Friday. GOLD RK.TUU2TS. Aiburtiiiv ... ... ... ... S7O 10 0 Ifoanataiari tribute, Qualley ... 11 3 0 Ditto ditto. Tierney ... 26 4 0 Beron tribute, (Jamie ... ... 4 7 0 Fearnaught 4 S 0 Clyde * 9 0 Wao'd-liave-thought-it 4 lc» 0 Total 425 10 0 Albureia.—The fi»al retorting for the month for thin c •mpMiy took place to-day, for the return of 370 z*. lOdwt*. gold. About 320 tons of ge eral dirt and 2001b9, of picked »t newer? crushed for this return. The total yi 11 of »M duriuv the mouth for the companies is 4540zf. sdwt*. melted -old. Kuranut. —Ket«»rting f<>r this company will not take place b-fore Monday. All works at t.h* b*u pump were stopped aud the men (iaH 'iff at nnori to-day. Everything has been made suug for a long spell of idleness. The workmen presented Mr. Black with an address and diamond ring. Mr. S. Cameron has taken the whole of j the Golden Crown Company's mine from the | 175 feet level to 'he surface, oa tribute, for a term of two ye*r3. COROM NDEL, Friday. Kelly's Lease.—The workmen are flojded out. and have had to ihandon the cnterpiiae. This is much r« gretted here, as something good was expected. The Corby have started finking on 2so. 1. The water is dtaiutd Ivy the tow level. The show is very ko d. The new lea.Ur in the bottom is tuniiuu ou- first rate. The i.'oDg'e-s are dliving to cut the leader got before Christina* on the turfaoe. GISB >RNE, Friday. POVERTY BAY hACES. Pcblicans' Purse of miles. West End, 1; Queeii <»f Hearts, 2; Corsair, j Poverty Bay Ccf of XOsovs. Two-year-elda. 3 mile. Weight for age. Lady Ortnond, 1 ; I'retend- r, 2. Tauranga Baxdicap of 100?ov3. 2 miles. Pinfire, 1 ; Souyster, 2 CONSOLATION' 'Ha>"i«icap of loaovs. 1 mile. 'Vueen of Hearts, 1; Ztcco, 2. NEW PLYMOUTH, Friday. DROWNED A "IVER. Mr. Shore. ju»»., of Mokau, who a-compa-xited Dr. Hector ov-rland to Waik ito on the late expedition, was accidentally drowned in the Mobakatino Biver yesterday, white crossing on hors.-bnek. He had been to New Plymouth, and was overlaud with hia wife and family. The natives had warned him that the river was too The body has not betn recover d. DUNE DIN, Friday. The publication of th« -ms revenue returns, shewing that Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington are progressing at a greater rate than Dunedin. been commented on by the Press, aud now forms the topic of verier*] 41 The matter," Bays tbe Herald t "is not at all re* 39auriog to thr>*e which have the wo'.fare of Otago at heart. Events which bav«j taken place in Dunedin recently lead us to fear for the future of this city. The evpnta referred to have th ir character so plainly written upon them that th'ipe who run may read. They call for »o explanations upon our part, b in« so patent that enly those who are generally blind cau fail to see their tendency. It 13 thankless work to ' probe our commercial pyst-m, ->ut if we fail I to do it, less t'ri**udly hands nill uotfail. No small responsibility teats upon those who, | by their co'iduct, threaten to rnaku Dunedin a by-word in the colony." The valedictory soiree to Mr. Charles , Bright wa3 presided over last night by the Hou. Mr. .Stout, wh le the M »yors of Dauedin and Caversham were a'ao present. The fiemUl takes tl.e dignitaries to task for their action, and the A'je def« nda them A deputation waited on tho Education Board with reference to the e**ecti"n of a uew school. The present arc over-crowded to such an extent that there i 3 hardly room to turn n»uud. On a rec-nt day 15 scholars had to bd carried outside bleeding at the nose ; in consequence of the heated atmosphere. The city schools are also overcrowded. [press association.] WELLINGTON", Friday. During January 59 deaths w- ro registered and 3-t marriage ce. titicat»*s issued. Of the deaths, 39 wt-re from diarrhoei, 28 of which were children. On- case of English cholera ended fatally. '1 he Po3t repo.ter has interviewed a'l the leading medical men of the city, and to-night their opinion* are published. They dcclare warms, diarrhos i, and English cholera prevad to an immense extent, partly attributable to hot weather, but mainly to the imyi<re water supplied from the city re»erv« ir, the analysis of which shews it to be from the disgusting construction of filter-beds. Both paperß have strong articles on the College scandal cnae. The racehorses which came up per Kotorua were all landed in excellent condition to day. 129 nominations went by tho mail to-day from Wellin ton. Thomas Williams, late treasurer of the foresters* lodge, has been committed for trial for embezzlement. The Gazette contains a proclamation of the -Ist February a* a b »nk holiday. The following appointments are made :—Hio nonor •ludge Johnston, the Solic«tor-General # and Mr. J. H. Shaw, LL.B., as commissioners to revise statutes ; Mr. John Curnin, secretary to the commission ; Judge Johnston to be Jndge under section 5 of th& Thames Harbour Act; It. Matheson, to be member of the Te Puna Highway Board, vlcc J. H. Mauders resigned ; H. W. Northcroffc, Rogjatrar of the district of Waikato and Waipa. Letters of naturalisation have been

issued to John Diedrich Schmidt, lithographer, Auckland. The total amount of money order* issued for the December quarter was £98.595 (183) as against £85,877 12* 2d i» the c >rr. sjionriiog quarter of Jast year. The S tvings Bank returns shew an excess of withdrawal* over deposits of £10,249 15* 91. In the corresponding quarter last v» a»* the d« posits exceeded withdrawals by £15,724. The house burued at C<*rt< rton yesterday belonged to Mr. C. Potts. It was a seven roomed dwelling-home Its roof caught fire from a spark from the bnnh. Itwai insured for £200 in the Colonial office, and the furniture for £50. Moat of the furniture was saved. At a dinner of the Gas Company employees, last night, the manager said Wellington had more gas consumers than any other town in the colony save Auckland. Plans are being p'epan d f-r the er*-ct?on of a new Poet-office and T» legraph-office (brick) here, on the present site The Wanganot Education Board has received 90 application'* for po« f ß m th- District High School. There were 29 for the | headmasterehip, at £500 a-ycar. Mr. M. A. Kent, of the Training Institute, Melbourne, j has been appoiuted. For the second-master- ' ship, at £300 a-year, Mr. Ch*s. Stedman, I master of the Borough School, Williams- ' ton, Victoria, ha«* been a -pointed. Head- I mistress (£250), Miss Blythe, principal of the ! Ladies' College, Ballast, was appointed. ' Tho third-mastership and the Infant School has been given to a local applicant. 1 Betting is paralysed by uncertainty re- , garding Fish-hook's movements. He will be at a very short price. Laertes is suffering greatly. Danebury and Longlands hold the tirat place. NELSON, Friday. NELSON ELECTION. At the nomination for the vacancy in the House of Representatives, Mr. Saunders proposed, and Mr. Oram seconded, Mr. | Acton Adams. Mr. Richmond, M.JT. It, proposed, and Mr. Cooksey seconded, Mr. . Albert Pitt. Both the candidates, and their proposers and seconders, spoke well and fully. A number of qa stions were al«o put. Mr. Adams, io his fi«st address, spoke against Mr. Curtis's Bdl aod the Catholic demands. Since then letters hare been published, charging him with going to the Catholic Church on Sunday moruing and canvassing for vote 9. He deni d this, and challenged those who male the charges to confront him afterwards Mr. Cooksey said that a written paper had just been placed in his hand, signed by Mr. Condell. asserting that he canvassed his vote as charged. Mr. Cooksey could not bo heard for the confusion. Party feeling ran hiuh throughout the proceedings, which lasted fu'ly three hours. The show of hands wn 5S for Mr. Adams, and 43 for Mr. Pitt. The latter demanded a poll, which takes place on Thursday. j CHRISTCHUKCH, Friday. The furious gale yeste»day has left the marks of its violence throughout the city. Branches of trees are lying about in all directions. One tree wad blown into the river. At a meeting of the Hospital Board yesterday, it was stated that t he institution was wholly unfit to acoommodate the very lar«.e number of patients who occupy it. The hospital has never been so full. There are SS patients in it. A public meeting will probably be called by the Mayor for Wednesday. .Mr. J. E. Brown has given notice of motion at next meeting of the Hospital Board, to request the Colonial secretary to cancel the appointment of the present medical staff of Christchurch Hospital, in order that offers may be invited from duly qualified men residing in the city. The births registered during January were ISS. against 146 last ye*r; marriages, 55, against 44. The death-, however, shew an enormous increase. No Iss than 104 have been registered this month, agaiust 53 last month. This is the largest number ever recorded in one month. During February, 1576, there were 90 oeatbs, aud, with that exception, 75 has been «he highest number ever reachcd, and that iu a notoriously sickly season. The average, number per month hitherto has been about 49. The velocity of the wind on Thursday, during 24 hours, was 533 mile**, but, at the height of the gale, the speed was double that. A large wdlow, 15 yeara old, was suapped in two by the force of the gale, and the town was strewn with houghs to-day. The gale continued, but with less sevt rir.y. Strangely enough, the weather was quite warm, and the sky fiee from clouds nea«ly the whole time, although a sou'-wester is almost invariably accompiuied by heavy rain. TIMARU, Friday. This morning the wind from' the south-we&t to south-east, and drove a heavy sea into the roadatead. The harbourmaster ordered the vessels to sea, and all went but the George Noble ;ind Beautiful Star. This evening the wind and sea had uone down iu-shore, but a mountainous se* is running outside. It is feared thit the ketch Huon Belle, whieh put to sea with the other vessels, will, owin# to th" wind dropping, be driven ashore hoiu where on the Ninety-mile Beich. The Breakwater is standing magnificeutlv. The vital statistics for the month of January for the Timarn District are : Marriages, 11 ; births, 31 ; deaths, 17. There were only five deaths in the month uf Dec ruber last year. The i>.crease of fatal cases is ascribed to the drought aud scarcity of water. OAMARU, Friday, At an adjourned aunual meeting of th« Harbour Board to-diy there was a little scene. The Standing Committee recommended certaiu things, with which Mr. Shrimski did not agree. On the adoption of the report being moved by tho Hon. H. J. Miller, he left the room, remarking that they would not have a quorum ieft, and that they could not carry tbe motion. The Hou. R. Campbell, however, turning up, business proceeded. Ihe annual repot t shew* a very satisfactory state of things as regards harbour improvements. to the scarcity of feed, dairymen have raised the price of milk to 5d the quart. DUNEDTN, Friday. It is understood that tho Rev. A. lately a Wealeyan miuic&ir, havi/.g b en ordained by the Bishop of Melbourne, will preach in St. Paul's Church on Sunday. This morning the erald s- verelv condemns the Attorney General for presiding at a soiree given to Mr. Biignt, the Freethought leeturer. Mr. Conyers is about the same as yesterday. ThoDunedin " Prices Current" announces, 011 reliable authority, that th«re s-etns a fair prospect of an arrangement b-ing mvle between the banks, by which the present keen competition for deposits will ce sh, and that j negotiations as to a general basi* upon which j banking operations are to be conducted are being earned on, with an evident desire to arrive at a satisfactory determination. Hayman and Hiscocks have obtained a lease for twelve months of the Queen's Theatre. John Thomas, a quarryman, had both his legs broken this afte« noon by a stone falling on him when at work at Ande son's Bay. INVISRCARGfLL, Friday. Complaints are made about good* placed in the hands of the railway authorities in Duncdin not receiving swift despatch. The representatives of a large lirm in Dunedin I received a consignment of goods which ■ had been delayed on ttie line six days. I Other firms are complaining bitter'y. j At the annual meeting of sub-cribers to I the Benevolent In»t>tuti »n, held this afternoon, a report was suhm tted, ahewini the amount expended on relief for the year to be £6, while the subscriptions for the year amounted to £372. The committee recommended that the balance should form the nucleus of a building fund. Bordon, who was anest'-d at the Liuflf yesterday on a charge of stealing money and goods at Wellington, was brought before the Resident Magistrate this morning. Mr. Finn represented that tbe real offender was his wife, who had already r ached Melbourne. Mr. McCtillouh doubted if it was a legal arrest, being simply on the authority of a telegram. He remanded the ease to February 4, bail being accepted. | ; | | ; 1 1 i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5370, 1 February 1879, Page 5

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LATEST TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5370, 1 February 1879, Page 5

LATEST TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5370, 1 February 1879, Page 5