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Houses and Land. gAM UEL "y AXLE, IIOUSE I.AND, ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT. iUORTLANU-STRBRT, AUCKLAND (Next the Post-olBce). MORTGAGES ond LOANS Negotiated. MONEY Invested on First-class Security. KENT:! and INTEREST Collected. Catalogues o( Propcttbs for Svle forwarded on Application. m AAA — EXCELLENT N K.WI.Y-BU ILT £/I,UUU. SUBURB RkSID NCE of Ms :con»3, kitcli-Mi, dairv, and ttore-rnom ; two shcl*, 3.<h CO feet lon , fitt-d as etihh-. r meh-hors % pushed, &c ; together with a'-out S of Hen i*nlca ic I-n-l, cleared of ft nes f'-DC'-d in thr»-e fnddocks, 2 acrrs planted with choi o fruit-to« f. ind the remainder ia gracs, crnumcntal trc-*, Tt-rms : Easy. *1 ~a PER ACRE—4CO acres of inited bush, 100. good quality soil; level and undu a'-ins; land. 10 ma sfr m Auckland. Terms: £100 cash, balan-.e ar S per ccnt. £0 K., PER ACRE. — 112)-acre Firm soil -j Jb. really tr«od; 75 ere sin grass, remainder mixed hu>h. Two h'Use of thicc rooms vu-h. with stockv»rds, vc.: SO miJo3 from Auckland. (Jlosr to this desirable est ito th re are two pi-cp* of worship, school, libriry, post-ollioe, Ac. Tcruis: Very ett-y. no en — WKEKLY PAYMENTS if desired. OU. Mou e, f six rnrms with xerar.dah v«n. well, k2 . with allotment 33 x 100 : nnntiUs' walk from Post-office. />.) -i r»., PER A f, KK —2GI acres :tOto 00 acres ct/ -L v •>. njixtd bush, tH<; remainder open. L **••- tlirds of this land is level and of qiulity: 13 miles fro m -tncklaml. P4 -xp —IT' TTSK of Five Rnmis, with freehold J\J. allotment. haviDg a fron ag- of 1 i>o feci to two streets. Commands an excellent view. P«aa ->'EWLY-BHILT DWFLTJVO TIOUPE ZJOKJU, 0 f fi V e room", with outbuildings ami over four acres of rich volcanic land, fenced, divided, and laid out as meadow, ornamental, aud orchard. I erun easy. Beautiful suburban residence of - ix ROOMS, Kitch-n and Scullery, Brick Dairy. Two 2 stall (■talilo, Hame«s-ro m and L-ft. Coachhouse. Cart->hed, Cow-shed, Urg* Ham, Fowl-house and Yard. Piggeries. Cottage of Two Ronnie. Washhouse. '"oU-hou-e, ami B»th-room-30 x ltf f"et, *c.. A-c wth 35 acres rich volcanic land, mo t tns* fatly out ns nraamenNil srom.ds. in-vulowj. • rn!i:ir(l ffuUyhtncbcd with or-nges, lemons, and other chcee fruit in full bearing.&c.), everything being nrrang d with a view to comfort, beautv, an I profit. This charming re idencc lus a good water fronttge, ai d command* views rf unsur;>asse ' beauty. Prici, .£,2500. OVmn, £1000 c ish, I alance at 3 per rent. C V s -n. balance at S per ccnt..—Two Simp* and Dwelling house. sibo Worship 4) x | 12, all rearlv now, with freehold all truant, in sv pr'noipal street, close to QiKeu-str-et. To lv soM. with the goodwill of an estab ished for £1000. J?nnr\ of 81 Actm. fO mib«a South Of lvUi)U. Auckland, all fenced in 4 p •dd'>eks : 7H acres in grass, S acr-s bush ; ice. d i» v. storo room, stable row-shed, &c. All ilie bui/dint;} aic new, and the soil i-i good. 1 r*TO of GO -D LINT), two-thirds li.hl xuixed bu-h, baUnc A h'-Avy busli. with, p good deal of pupi'rior fcau'i and A hirt'f proportion of this Block is of superior quality. a*ul i.« well-3helteied and watered. Price 32s Cd prr acre. 4? Ann —NEW TIOUPE (7 rooms), fit'rd wi;b a, ~r > OU. convonion-e for a fun'ly. Com-..,it, . excellent vi-'W. Stable, bed.®, &e. All'-'mrnt IS4 ? 10G, f'.d y planted with Kr,.it and Ornaoiental tree-. O 1 r\c PER ACUF.-Improve) Farm, 3) » XUo. soutlj of Am:kland, 2 milm frotn mi! way. lf-0 acres cra«s, 9 acre* crop, 30 arr.»s 14 acres bush : House of 5 rooms, Stables. Cowshed C-itt-shed, Dairy, i'ipgerie«, FARM, about half fenced. G acre ' graRP. G nc»»s cro]>. 35 aer»M «:ood sw-mi Und ; ,J nearlv complet- dj. -1-roamed Hons quite new. well, *c. 10 mdes frcm AujklMid.Price £0. r »0. n-i OAA — EX'T.LI.KN'T FARM of 10< \w. 1 mile-" south of by riil an metal'od road, all f'Ticd in n paddocks : 70 to !• acr s in grass, CO in wheat. 12 aces bush: ietvl a;: nridulatitip la d. nearly a>! jn'pp d-ain«ul. Srootnu Cottage, Sheds, &c. Croji at valuation. —II ACUF. 5 at Onehunga, iVr.cod, and ti —Convenient Houso of 9 Rooa:?. ar.. X.OO\J. « iiiccs, flttod up with Vone i.-.i P.':nd. Gas, T.arg*» Ta>:k and Pump. Allotment 40 x !>•" i a leadiug street, fifteen minuts's* from the I'ost-c-Llie-?. -C*QQA —PAHNELL. —Capital House of Sj o^O—V. Uoom«, new'y painted a t id pij-erei Wood-shed, &c. Allotment 65 x 100. .poAA — CONVENIENT TTOU?E of Sevr cwOUU. Rooms, with out-buildings, wit Freehold Allotment of 40 feet frontage to two> by a depth of 200 feet. Terms easy. .pCKA —SPLENDID ALLOTMENT, in on* c cwOuU. Ie leading streets. S4 frontage b 313 feet deep, with a npwiy-built Four-roomed This is a rare opportunity of arcuiaiu a AlJei inent in the centre of the city. -*- •/*-»() — xiw xawurtc.ii in a princ'pal streel c-w I —i ukj. anfi on ] y minutes* walk from Po s oflice, with freehold allotment 32 x 140. The house are in sood repair. Terms, £100 cash, balance at per cent. 1 fio PER ACRE.—7O Acres of good Janil j-v/o about 1 mile from Hamilton stations. 94Q-ACRE FARM, all fenced, in 7 paddock. s about 90 acres in gras* ; yountj rrcliard about 00 acres splendid swamp ; land part y drai< etl k'ood water frontage ; house 6 rooms, stable, >h»*d? Ac ,li miles from railway btation. Price £.1 10s pc acre. Term% one-third cash, bilance at 7 per cent. 0-1 ACRES in Pukekohe West, all land of th -*- w x richest description, all feuced in G paddocks eOacrps in kmss, 5 acres tush, iluuse of 4 rooms dairy, cow-shed, &c. I'rice £13 per aero. -£l KC) — FARM of SS acres, 10 acres gras'. 2 acres bush, small orchard, six-roome< house, cow-sbed. workshop, &c. Steam conununica tion twic.' a-week. SAMUEL y A I L E HOUSE. LAND, AND ESTATE AGE:."T, SIIOI'.TLA.VD-STUKKT (noit th<! Post-oU::-;\ RC. Cii;KENWOOD, Ab'C'TIOXEEi: © lIOUfiE, LAND, AND K.STaTE AGFNT Maiskist- 01-sk. For Sale—The frer hold of the Ttiakau Hotel Tuakau, doing a good steady trade, together witl store, gardea, orchard, &c. The lintel contains : sitting-iooms. ball,bar, 4 kttchen,& •. Arc st-ibles, and all the necossary out-buildings It i situated in a thriving district, ia well builr, and to In sold a bargain; furniture at valuation; imm.drati [Wsc3sio:.>; licence and bar fittincs go with the h«jt«>l I'rice low. Terms easy ; every inf rm itti»n giv»-n. For Sale—A compact little Farm of 112 acres. r> roomed House (nearly new;, out-hcildings, 10 acres ir crop, 1 acre garden and orchtid, a run of 00 0 a<T-' joining, naturally fenced. Situated abunt 4 nrles frosi: Wanxku, and a deep-water frontage. J'ric" I w T-rms easy. For Sale—A very good F..rm of over 100 acres, or the Great S'-utli Road, 10 miles from Auckl u d, 1 mil. from Railway Station: 54 acres in gras», all fenced p.only of water, and liush for firewood and fencing! 4-roomed Cottage, out-buildings, good garden,orchard, Ac. Ow-er leaving the Piovince and must syil- vtrv cheap, and worthy of inspection. ~ Eo r "ale—At PapUoitoi, a very choice and comnact IntU l?artn of 00 acres, 22 acres in crop, remaiudt-t grass, divided into padclocVs, plentv firewood an I water, on the main South Roa'; G-roi.iu-d ilouso, stable, acd out-buildinga. Price moderate Term 1 : easy. For Sale—G miles from Auckland, a verv 5-rooincd Cottage, stable, cow-house, an! 0 a'cr.'S of good Land all fenced and laid down Ingram orchard garden, &c., goo-i well, and commands on« of the most magnificent views around Auckland;g .«d road-, cose to Railway Station and 'Bus. and will bo sold chew F.-r Sa'e—A go'nl Grocerv and Centra: St-re 7 roomed Cott-tee, firted up with every convenience' coopers, washing- üb3 &c , to?cher with 1 acre *.f good Land, laid out ;ta garden, orchard, situated in th.-» suburbs I'rice for fr» eliold, i: ICO Stock at valuation. For Sale—A Farm of 300 acres, 11 miles from tw , 100 acres in grass, remainder Bush, containing vduable timber; divided iDto paddocks, and feuced with 7 wire* and Puriri posts. New S-roorried Hun e 4stalled Ptablo, outdioufes. barns, <fco., go> d loi.dscbvu t«> th* Farm. I'rice very low, £1000. Terms to *uit pur Only reason for ."-eUuig, owners ill u- alth. il»:s is a veiy choice grazii.g farm, ai.d che»p. Sales of Household Furniture, M«.ck-in-Trade. Mathinery, Livestock. Agiicultural I'roducc. Farming Implements, Estates, etc., etc, coi,ducted at private rcfiidences, or i-Iscwhere, with promot settlements of alt sale accounts and other cash*transactions. Valuation for Probate "Duty, also survey» of land and houses; Compensation Claims valued and assessed ; quantities taken and made up for contractors to public and other work-, etc., etc. lloteN, House Property, Larul. etc., always on sale by private contract ; registers kept of bouses, shops oihecs, allotments, tiades, etc., etc., to be sold, 1 t* or otherwise disjosed of: rents collected, and* the general management of houses and estate" rnde--taken. Mortgages negotiated ; Insurances ieruis : Un commission or otlierwist*. as ;-»-r aerc.'--ment. UUicfl, Market If on e, Queen-street. JMPROVED FA KM AT PAPATOITOI. KOit SAr.K—ln.'i acrna or most choice folrinlc land, fenced an*! subdivided into 14 paddocks, the whole being in rich pasture and crop. Th** permanent improvements inoludo Dwellini'-l.ouse I»arn, Stable, Stockyard, «&c. all in excellent lopaj'r ihe distance from Auckland is 11 mihs, ami tho I apatoitoi station is on the propeity II d« sired thrco-fonrths of the purchase money cvi remain at a low iate of interest.—Ap'dylto .Jamkh i.t* o*»*neorjto ' W. AITKK.V, _ Land Agent. SALE—liurnsirle Farm, lluiiun, 6' consisting of 017 acres, of which 000 acres arc fenrei anil Mibdivided into paddocks, now in excellent jrra-s and crop . 'J he Farm Buildings co-iimne-Co ufortablc Xiwelhrg house, large b rn and cowsheds. Fach paddock is supplied by a nev.-r-falJing s.nnmofw t r. and on the j-ropeity t>ere is suttic ont growing limber for fencing purposes —For further information apply to the owner, H. R. Jonei On the farm ; or, to ' W. A IT KEN. _ Ltiud Acei t. FOR PRIVATE SALE-A Faraof 102 acres 3 roods, situated ni'ar Paiioiure : 24 acre 3 of wli:\ u ia in crop, the remainder in gri»? Crop could be taken at valuation. £Sou of purchaVe money could remain on mortgago.—Apnlr. oti the to John Dunn. Pamuure.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5364, 25 January 1879, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5364, 25 January 1879, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5364, 25 January 1879, Page 2