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MedicaL |i g HARL A N d . JgLOOD rjIONIC, | | A BLOOD RESTORER AND VITAL Tin's Blood Tonic raises thi debilitated frame t ' high state of physical perfection, and win fc found eminently useful in the treatment . '& Indigestion, flatulency, Loss of Appetit* \ vonsne*s, General Debility, Rheumatism, v bago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Diseases of the Impurities of the Blood. Blotches and Headaches, Giddiness, and Depression of Spirit, The chemical action of this Blood Puri a er produced by absorption in the blood ; by increiv the digestive powers of the stomach, renovati D? tone and contracting the energies of its fibre, its stimulating power expelling all kinda of j a ' nutritious matter from tbe blood, arising f rota disordered digestion. It will give vigour to tfc ( constitution, by converting the elements of food i ata healthy bodily tissue. It will produce an easj- g-, - of blood, through tbo liver and kidneys, thus enabll; these organs to perform th»-ir healthy functions i» will stimulate the gastric organs, and throucli action on the blood will increase the digestive pc*- t of the stomacb, liver, and bowrls. It will acgra a . { the strength of the whole body, and, if pcrs^r^ with, will undoubtedly raise up the system to healthy ard vigorous tone. Plain directions for the use of tlo Blood Totj* -1 accompany each bottle, also > "Diet Table," m rules to be daily observe I while using the medicine - We have rccsivcd a number cf testimon als f fora those who have taken the Biood Tonic, and we * two of them, because tli-y are living in the Ci rci Auckland, and C*n be referred to if neoss.iry •'Gextlemkn, —The u-c of your Blood Toricfci, completely restored my health an i strength. I IQI iwe:ity-six pounds heavier in weight than I * &l befor usicg your medicine. I am n,w muscular, at' hearty at my food, and can undergo any reasonab;! amount of fatUu*. I suffered, as you know, froa weak and impoverished blood ; I ba'l no appetite tc strength ; a bnd ct»ugh, with a loss of flesh ; ia fnc»* I was daily wasti g, and, as m:>st p ople thought "l was fast getting into a decline I was quite done db for business, and was compelled to kr-ep at home. \ cannot sufficiently express my gratitude to joa fcr the means y u put int» my Imtiri.s, and to which with God's blessing. I can only attribute my recover* lam in the employ of Messrs Porter & Co.. Auck' / land» and have been so for years ; any enquiries msfo there will satisfy the inquirer cf the geouinxeisct tbi3 statement. —I am, &c., "(Signed) Geobqe Daniel B^vek. " Messrs. Sh irland & Co." .Li 4, Dear —I wil«int>ly and with m*:ch pleasnr* bear testimony to the .flicicy of your lilood Toni/ and, as lam ia -Auckland, I deemitj duty to state that by its use, and by following the • " directions given as regards my dietary a>td mr every. \ day mode c f life, I am now in possession cf soarij bodily health. As you well know. I ha i long b*t an invalid, so much so that I ear* ! little to attccd the duties of my every-day life. I suffered from \ low state of vitality, a w«afc and irritable stomach* mr powers of so freblc I oarteok of my food without *rh-r reh*h or pleasure; myhvw " seemed quite out of order, »nd was manifestly wronp. I am now t. ha'e, strong man. anil I consider thvt i have been restored from weakness to compsutire health. I know of many persous (whom I tavern commended, who have received similar benefit iron - jour medicine.—l am, yoars, &c., "(Signed) Geoege R. ilcN.vD. " Messrs. & Co." APOTHECARIES' HALL, i .SnORTLAND-STRBET, V Opposite tiie Post Office. j-. Dr. lIAIXEs may be consulted daily at thisestab- ? lishment between thehour» of 11 and *1 o'clock. pURIRI MINERAL WATER! BOTTLED AT THE COOL, SPARKLING, AKD EFFERVESCING SPRING! EQT7AL TO THE SJOST CELEBRATED WATERS— VICHY, FACHIXGEX, KI3SIXGEX. UNSURPASSED AS A SUM HER BEVERAGE. DRINK PURIRI WATER I A2!D KILL INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, GOUT, AXD RDEUaiATISM. Extract—lt bolongs to the interesting gronpof . : mineral waters known as the Alkaline, such as Vichy in Franoe, and Pachin?en ia Nassau, resorted to for the cure of diseases of tbe digestive organs of the kidney acd bladder, and for removing ooastitu:iocal tendency to gout. Db. Hector, "Wellington. Analysis by Mr. Sket, Wellington. Graias per gallon S-*U. 193-01 ; potash, 2 5tT; lime, ll'OSS; magr-esia, S'oo3; iron, traces; silicic acid, 2772; sulphuric acid, 2-903; carbonic acid, 30e*43S; phosphoric acid, traces; chlorine, 13 313; icdine, traces. These elements ara probably combined as follows ;— Bicarhouate of soda .. 452*393 Ditto of lime .. .. 2S SCC Ditto of magnesia .. 25 615 Chloride of sodium .. ~ 21D3S Sulphate of Potash .. .. 4 y3o Sulphate of o 940 Silica .. 2*772 lodide of magnesium .. .. Traces Phosphate of soda ~ .. Traces MEDICAL TESTIMONIES. As a pleasant, agreeable, and invigorating beveragd it 13 unsnrDa.«fied. As a therapeutic agent we may confidently eipict Puriri Water to be equally useful in all cases ia which European waters wouli be prescribed. As a stimulating alterative on the digestive organs, in sickness 1 have found it of great value. It is water which I would recommend frequently. Mabtik H. Paykk, F.c.S., L.R.C.P. t M.R.C.S. I find it strongly alkaline, and as an antacid would be useful in dyspepsia, gout, and rheumatism. When charged with carbonic acid it foi tns an agreeable effervescing drink. 1 have personally given the water a trial, and believe it will pxove valaabla in cases such as tho e above mentioned. CIIVP.LES F. GoldsßßO\ R.C.P. It promises to be a most useful addition to ths means of cure at the command of persons affected by gout in i s vations forms. It is extremely palatabla, and may be advantageously employed as a beverage • by all who are fond of a clear and sparkling drint. Its chemical constitution strongly resemble 3 the waters of Vichy. J. KILGOTJR, M.D. Puriri Water can be ben comnared in value to tha celebrated waters of K««singr n ; in Bavaria, teneficwlly uspd in of « s i se «ea of tha digpstiv® organ?. .T..ated, it is a cool &r»d rpfreshing drick. D. fiSCUWAItZBACir, ir.D. All orders Hotels, and Print* Families promptly attended to. Delivered in cases c ntainin? five dczen, at 3s. per dozen. " ' : iiottles and cases not returned will be charged for. Office : FORT-STREcIT, AUCKLAND; a no POLLEN-STREET,.THAME?. KELLY & ERASER, PSOPKIRTORS. RA YNHA M'S K N'T EIiICO X. THE SPECIFIC Giws immediate relief and Speedy Cure in Nervousu?is '. I,uli K e6tUm » Flatulence, Palpitation. Lowneu ~ of Spirits, Ac. G.ves speedy relief and a Permanent Caw ia Nervous Debility, Weakness, and all Functional Derangements of either sox. Rapidly Renovates the Nervous and Muscu'at System, and is an infallible remedy for Liver Coinplaints. Female Complaints, Loss ot" Appetite, *c. A specific for a.l Impurities of tho Mood, Offensive j. iJre.itb, Pimples, Eruptions, the baneful effect of Mercury, &c. A ishort Irial v«*iU sriti«factorily prove the eflicicj it feraor dinary medicine. Solrt byall respectable Chemists and storekeepers. Price, tf3. '£ Wholesale Agents, Kempthorne, Prosjer and Co. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYXE. | The Reliable Remedy for Indigestion, I*g£~ ?- vous and Liver Complaints, and all Function.*! i raogements. Recommended by the Faculty. Refuse \ useless substitutes. All * bemists and Storekeepers. ,■ Agents—Kempthprne, Pios>er & Co. h

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5356, 16 January 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5356, 16 January 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5356, 16 January 1879, Page 4