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Gazette in Bankruptcy. J N BANKRUPTCY, i IN rHE SUPREME COUKT OF NEW ZE VL \ND NORTHERN DISTRICT. " ' Io the matter of "The Debtors and Creditors Act. IS7C," and of *' Ik* Debtors and Creditors Act Amendment .Act, 157&," and of the Bankruptcy of JDfIN JONES a Debtor. Ihis is to certify that John Joaes, of Hobsonstreet, Auckland, and Firewood I-ealer, ha» thi.s d»y filed a statement that he is unable to meet his engagements with his Crediiors. The First Meeting of creditors to be held at the Supreme Court-house Auckland, on WEDNESDAY", the loth day of January instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon Laud this Sth day of January, 1579. (Signed) H. "WILLIAMSON", r» . Deputy-Registrar. Dioxa.v Arhvtkoxg, Imperial Chamber.-?, Auckland, , Solicitors for Debtor. Publications. E W PAPER. On Saturday next will be Published a New Weekly 1 Paper, THE AUCKLAND FREE PRESS. Advertisements 1.-ft at Mr. W. Field's Printing Ofli:c, Albert-street, wi:l be attended to. J. D. WICKHAM. fJIHE AUCKLAND FREE KRESS. Having noticed an Advertisment in the Herald of this morning for runner* for -he Auckland Free < Press, anil directing applications to be niido to Air. Field or Mr. J. L>. Wickham, I beg to notify the public that neither of those persons h*Ye been in any way authorised by me to engage runners, or to con- ' tract any busiu-ss in connection with that Journal. All advertisements and othsr Communicati :ns for the Auckland Free Press should be addressed to the undersigned. Theatre Buildings, Vkto;ia-street 1 Auckland. J. BRAME, Proprietor. AUCKLAND FREE PRESS [Registered], i A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF POLITICAL. RELIGIOUS, AND SOCIAL FREEDOM, "WILL BB PUBLISHED OX SATURDAY NEXT. S3T All Advertisements and Communications should be sent to the PUBLISHING OFFICE, VICTORIA - STREET, neit to Pit Entrance of Tlirr.tre Royal. J. BRAME, PBOPRIETOK. Money. £Th to £1,000 LENT, on Buiidinj O&tt Society principles, or on other terms tc suit borrowers. — C. Williamson, Estate Ag*nt Vulcan Lane. Mortgages and Loans negotiate*'.' T0 —In Sums of £50 and upwards, upon good freehold securities.—Apply to J. Al. Lennox, E*tafi< Apent, Auckland. T0 LK^D on Freehold Security—Apply to W. Aixk < >, Sharebroker and Land Agent. " MONEY TO LEND.—Moderate rates of interest. No stipulation required, en orcing borrowers to insure in any particular company.— Jam»3 B. Graham. Solicitor, Hobson's Buildings. MONEY TO LEND, on Mortgage, at tti« usual rate 3 of interest.—'W. U. Cokkzll 3olicitor, Vnlran Lane. MONEY TO LEND, in large or smal: sums, at a low rate of interest.—Apply to ilr. LawhijEV, Solicitor, High-street. MONEY TO LEND, on .Fieeh'>)d Security, at low rates of intor;-»v kl. Dykr, Shortl.ind-st.ioet. ONEY TO LEND —A large sum" of Money to Lord, in sums of £100 and upws:-.?-, &t vo;y low Inierest.—Apply to Mr. \V. Airs* , Shortland-srrest. MONEY TO LEND, at a moderate raie of interest.—Apply So £r Solicitor?, Fort-street. MONEY TO LEND ON M.OKTGAGE —P. Ring, Agent. Shortland-street. MONEY TO LEND or. Mortgage of First-class Freehold Securitios. \VM. COLRMAN, •Solicitor. Vulnan !".*»* For Sale. FOR SALE—The well-known schooner ' Telegraph.*—For further particulars apply on board, from 11 a.m. to 12 o'clock. IFIOU SALE -The Yacht 'Alice/ with ; anchor and sails complete ; a good sea beat. Will b". sold a bargair.—Apply to Gkohcjk Smiuv. FOR SALE—Sixteen Years' Lease of a Gentleman's Residence in Town.—Apply to W. Flood. 28 MiortUnd-strett. FOR PRIVATE SALE—a Farm of 91 acre 3, situated at Taulioa Clock.—Apply, by eitcr, to John JDun*n, Panmure. FOR SALE (Cheap)— About 40,000 feet Firewood and Roush Scantling. Wi Ihe soli a bargain.—Apply to "W.m. loddmi, Wharf. SEA-SIDE RESIDENCE to be Disposed of Cheap, adjoining thn property of M. Buch'lz, with 130 feet water frontage, and a beaut:ful garden. —For terms, &c.,apply on the itemises, Kent V ilia, Gleubum. Pousonby. For s a l eTWO HORIZONTAL EXGIXF.S auJ Oomish BOILERS, with or without Winding Machinery. —For further particulars apply to T>. G. MacDOXNELL, Legal Manager Queen of Beauty Extended G.M. Co., Grahauiatowu. Matrh SO. IS7S. In O R SALE — ■ HORIZONTAL ENGINE*, 12, If.. 10, ami ISincli Cylinders; also, CORNISH HOILEh.S to .-uit For particulars and price, apply to A. & G. PRICK, Engineers, , Gr-.hamstcwn. ON SALE, One ton very Que AMEHIC.kX SIT.AR-CUUED IJAMS. EDWARD LEWIS. Custom-hou<e-st.*eet. O A U DING JlOUSii - £-2000. SPLENDID INVESTMENT, In one of the most rising towns in Canterbury. FOR SALE 0!: LEASE, With Furniture and Siock-in Trado, A most rcspectaMe Private Boai\lii:g-liGU3.', wii-i about 4 ) d »in;-f a busire c =. s! tonus : pr nrtator rciiiiug.—Appiv f r A-idro=i it Uu Utnu.i. Oiiice. R A TI V E BUSI N KS. P. A S OPPORTUNH'V SELDOJI -MKT I'.'ITII. AN" OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSIN'E.-S f'OP. SALE. T. TURRELL,, Stationer, jN'kw.s Age-.t, and Music Sellei:. T.T. bfin;' about to leave the Colo!»y, wiu'd l-e g'ad to with a pur-h;rer. W uld I*-? willin? to ?ive a few woeka* aisirtance slnuld t'w buxvr r. q-.iirc a kn wlrtdpft 'jf tho smsines3. Early app'ication rerinestir.l. To Let. TO"LE T—Bake-lionac and Shop in Queenstr*ct. —Apply to G. Hulmk. Rmchcr. TO LET, after the 2lsfc January next— Those Well-situated premises at occupi«i'! by the l'ol->nial Bank. For further paiticul.irs, app'v to JOSEPH NEWMAN. In-u-a;»co Buildin?^. TO LET — The Shop and Comfort \b!e Dwelling in Wellesley-street, ne'.r Q i»>cnstreet.—Apply to John Bi;ciian\n, hons.*street. 1 'g'O LE I l —A Hnnse of Six Rooms, with a \ve!l-s*oekC'l Fru't G-irden, six m»!rs from Auckland; 'bus f. ur time? daily.-Appy to J- ir< Buchax vn, Ou-tom-h'.u'o strec . Miscellaneoas. FENCING. —Contracts undertaken for Posts r.r.d Rails. Paling. Corrugated Iron, and Wire Fencing, by S. White, Brighton, Pi*rnptl. CIOMFORT:'iBLR Board and Resilience / for t*o or threo Gentlemen, i \ Gra'toa — 4pr>ly to Mr. Chapman', Bookseller Qngen-ntreet. BOARD and Residence, cl-an and comfortable, for one or two of Quiet habits, in a house pleasantly situate*!, off Upppr hymondsstreet; terms 2">3 per week.—Eotinirc ;»t Roberts jn's Grocery Store, Upper street. QN£ POUND REWA UD. Los 1 or Stolen, about the ?Srb Decembsr—-A Lirfr-;»ntl-Whlta Pointer Dog. When last seen had a on. Ho answers to the uame of "Shot.*'— Any person returning him to Mr. Edwaids, Wnitr mata Hotel, will receive £1 reward. A")* Person cletainiog the dog after thi-i date will be prosecuted. AuckUnd, J-.nuary7, 1870. gHE E P LOS T. Missed from my P.tddo:k at Mount St. John, cn Tuesday, the 31st ultimo, two Lincoln Sheep (a r-m and a ewe): the ewo has a slit in the left ear, and the ram a hole in the car. A reward of One Pound will be s'tven to any person who returns them to the owner, if strayed; if stolen, Ten Pounds wll be paid to any person who shall give such information as will lead to the conviction of the offender or offouders. JOSEPH MAY, Mouut St« Johu, January 7,1879.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5350, 9 January 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5350, 9 January 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5350, 9 January 1879, Page 3