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[BY CABLE.] THE DISTRESS IN ENGLAND, [p.bitter's special cablegrams.] London, January 4Sir M. Hicks-Beach, in a political speech at Gloucester, saiil the about the distress in the diatriets were much cxa-jgera ec, I . purposes. He also said there was e\ci> hope of maintaining peace. R]dl Lord Derby, speaking at Kocluuue, also stated that the reports were exaggerated! though the distress was severe owing to the state of trade. IF*. FREE FIGUT AT AN ELECTION. IfROM Ot"P. owx CORRESPONDENTS.] Sydney, January 7. \t th. 1 election at Young a free tight took ill-ice "Vlanv prominent partizans were conspicuous." The excitement was unequalled since the time of the memorable " roll-up." THE EXHIBITION AT SYDNEY. Sydney, January S. The Government have approved of a liuigniticcnt design for the Exhibition building in Sydney, covering several aC £t S i 3 stated that Prince Hcinricli, soil of the Princess Royal, is in a German frigate bound for Australia. THE LOCK-OUT AT THE COAL MINES. CHARGE AGAINST SEAMEN. The action of the Kulli Company in lock-ing-out t!ie men has been followed by the Mount Kena and Mount Pleasant Companies. Nearly a thousand men are aft'eeted by this stop. It is proposed to form a society for the introduction 01" English song-birds. Four seamen of the Minnie Lowe have been convicted for assaulting and binding the captain at New Guinea. It appeared that the captain had been guilty of brutal conduct and drunkenness, and once nearly set the ship on fire. The prisoners jrere released at tiie rising of the Court. IS'earlv three thousand pounds have been subscribed for recent trade funds. SEW ZEALAXD TELEGRAMS. [ ?E?. " HERALD " SPECIAL WIRE.] COKOMANDEL, Wednesday. Tha adjourned inquest on the lad Mitchell is still sitting. The medical evidence is conclusive a3 to the cause of death being inflammation of the intestines. The kick had nothing to do with it. XEW PLYMOUTH, Wednesday. The Courtney's township, Yogel Town, 50 acres, about ten minutes' walk from the town, was sold to-day in quarter-acre allotments. some as high as £45. The whole nropettv was purchased fur £750 about two inouthsngo. To-day the sale of 33J acres realised £1760. A meeting has been called to establish a Temperance Alliauc*. Tii ? electric light was exhibited in town last night. A number oi friends to-day presented the Kev. Mr. Isitr, Wesli-yan minister, with a purse of sovereigns on his departure for the Hot r.aUes. N API R, Wednesday. The session of the Grand Lodge 1.0. G.T. closes this afternoou with the iustaliatioa of officers. This evening a pub'ic meeting was held in connection with the Grand Lo.'ge,—Mr. M. K. Miller in the chair. The K ;i>. W. Fox and others addrerS'rd the meeting. WELLINGTON, Wednesday. Jamei Allan Mackie, the Jate manager of the Bank of New Zealand, Hutt, was convicted to-day of forgery, by ti lint; up a cheque signed in blank with £1.300 instead of £30. l! was done to £>as 3 the inspection. The jury recommended him to mercy on account of his youth, the apparent negligence oi '.he bank, authorities in conducting inspection, and the insufficiency of his salary to maintain his position. The land revenue for December, so far as the return has been receiv. d from the several districts of the colon}-, shews a decided falling off. The returns areas follows : General, £0 ; EllesmeTeandForsyth reclamation, &c.,£G74; Westpoit and Ngakawau Coalfield Railway, £2 13s 4 5 ; As'nburton, £1493 lis Sd; Ashley, £1493 Ss 5d ; Akaroa, £4So ; Bay of Island?. £274 5-* ; Biuce, £4SI 163 lid j Buller. £37 7s 3d; Clutha, £035 Is 4d ; Corommdel, £27S ; Collingwoo£3l 19e Od ; Grev. £C-G 2s Gd : Geraldine, £597 ; Inangabua~ £113 SsGd : Lake, £943 los Sd ; Mauukau, £07S 5s ; Manawatu, £75 13s ; Maniafcoto, £2SO "2s ; Marlborough, £5 lis SJ; Vatea. £1; Sounds, £1 0s lOd ; Southland, £9IDG lis 3d ; Stewart Island, £21 17s Gd ; Selwvn. £GS 9s lis: Owen, £144 10s; Taraiiaki. £1790 5s Gd ; ihimes, 7s Gd ; Tuapek i. £1403 4s 5d ; Vincent, £G5 7a ; Wairarapa East, 10-i ; Wairarapa _ West. i' 44 ; Waip-iwa, £GG 93 Sd ; Waimea, is 4 i ; "Waimate. £742 7s ; Waikouaiti, t:;G2 17> lid ; Wallace, £742 12* ; Whakatano, £io ; Westland, £17 12a Gd : total — £23.001 9s Sd. The following laud has been 30UI on d-feired payments Lake, £G ; .v»ut'u!a:id, £S ; Sehvyn, £4S; Wallace, £25 10s : t -tal, £S5 10 a. This gives a gross ;.>ta> o: £24,740 19* Sd for December. All the drapers but ons in the city have agreed to try the Wednesday half-holidav. "in releasing Kate Dawes, who pleaded guilty to attempted suicide, the Chief Justice said, "Will, M-s. Margetts, I have to say the same to you as I said to Mrs. Jacob). I say nothing about your ofiunce, ■A'} far i 3 r"Hards yourself, for you must he ab fully C"2riiz.\nt as I am of its grave nature, bat I must point O'.it the great trouble sr.d incoi.venienee which might be caused ■ y such an act as that of wliiehyou have guilty. The constable —1 don't know -—who rescued you, might have r i tU life. In this instance the Witer appearid to have been shallow, bet h-.- did not know it. Y-.-u b= awpre of the risks which even :iu experienced swimmer runs in attempting to rescue another person in the water. lu attempting to drown yourself, you risk the lives 0? others, and you thould bear this in mind I hope there is no probability 0' your attempting to commit this offence agai'i. '.he course I propose to ta'.:e is, to } ou without iudgrn -nt, and your hu-V:i-d entering i'.to his recognizances in the -::; f £50 that you .shall appear for judgment when called upon." The Hon. John Martin intends cuitingup a large p ,rtion of Mr. Watcrhouse's run into -ma'.l agricultural farms. Mr. T {Cemp'.on ha 3 been elected nr:-t Mayor of Ureytown. Uegi:l:itLr.ns are in course of preparation, and wi!! b:- gazetted, setting forth the conditions under winch exhibits can be for warded rrcm New Z .aland to the approaching Nc-.v South Wales Exhibition. The are determined tc* use every effort t ■ secure that New Zea'and .hould be properly represented at the Exhibition. At a meeting of the creditors of Mr. Guildford, leather ir'.rchaDt, of Wellington, held to-diy, his liabilities were stated to he £14.000, and his asseti £22,000 The creditor? all signed a deed of arrangement. 1 he sentences in the Supreme Court today we'e : —Charles Schmidt, for robbery at the Eirpire, 3 years; Kate Dawes, attempted suicide, released on recognizances. The jury, after being locked up all night, were discharged, being unable to agree re«arilir.3 the charge of forgery against A. Sweete. Instead of Gilligan leaving a large fortune, he was in pecuni iry difficulties, and his affairs ore much involved. Uig'iol :'s success in "Amos Clark," tonight, exceeded " Henry V." There was a large audienc-, and great enthusiasm. lie was called before the curtain at the end of every act, and at the conclusion the liouse roae and cheered him. GREYMOUTH, AVednesday. The s.s. Claud Hamilton shipped bore 10,5740z5. 6dwts. lOgrs. gold, valued at £42,29 G. Tho shippers were : Bank of New Zealand, G3450z5.; Union Bank, 1952 ozi.; National, 21990z5.; Chinese, 530z?. The amount of gold exported for the year ending December 31 is 67,0G90z5., valued at £266,275. CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday. The trial of reapers and binders has been definitely fixed for January 10. It will take place at TendaJton, near Christchurch.' x%?re ire seven different machines entered.

The number of tront hatched this season j and distributed by the Acclimatisation Society was 20,450. The number distributed last year was 4695. and no more hsh were shipped this season than last. On no previous occasion have more than a third of the current year's ova been distributed. J In the Supreme Court, John Fieeman andT. Riff, charged with larceny,—the latter was acquitted, and the former fouud guilty and sentenced to four years' penal servitude. ' He is an escaped convict from Western ' Australia, and is known to the Dunedin j police. George Muff, convicted of breaking ■ into> dwelling-house, was sentenced to si* j mouths' imprisonment. G. fcl. Valpy, was ( charged with embezzlement of the Railway , benefit Society's funds, but it not being j stated that he wasa servaut of the society, pro- , cc-edings were quashed. It is supposed that j fresh charges will be brought, but in the , meantime Valpy has been released. The , arson case comes on to-morrow. Three young men were brought up to-day 011 a charge of horse-stealing, but as no i felonious intent was proved, the prisoners ( having taken the animal in a drunken frolic, ; they were discharged with a strong caution. At the Supreme Court, to-day, J. Casey, | convicted of the larceny of £41 4a Gd, yes- . terday, was brought up and sentenced to , six mouths' hard labour, as it was his first : offence and previous good character was , shewn. J. Keig, convicted yesterday of indecent assault, was senlenced to three ] months' hard labour. The light sentence ( was due to extenuating circumstances. The , rest oE the day was spent on the case of Cowen for arsou in October last. The pri- ] soner was acquitted. < It is stated that Mr. R. Puflett, the j Uuion Steam Shipping Company's agent at ] Napier, will succeed Mr. David Mills, who ] is at preseut stationed at Lyttelton, and is to j be removed to Wellington. 1 The Ashburton County Council have de- , ■ ided to extend tho Rangatnka Road bridge , 17 chains, and construct 770 feet of it at once. There were 2S applications for the post of engineer to the County Council The Council have decided to build a hospital at Ashburton themselves. A meeting of footballers was held to-night to consider the English visit. It was resolved to wire to Mr. Henderson, in reply, that £250 could be raised, if necessary, but that at present only the gate money would he guaranteed. It was also decided not to join Otago iu sending a team to Australia this year, as it was thought the cricketers' trip was quite enough for the present. Thrashing of oats is in full swing in the Ashley District, and bears out a somewhat favourable estimate lately made. The Mayor initiated this morning thn practice to obtain, during his year of ollici, of attending at the Council Chamber from 9 to 11 a.m., to see any citizens who may waut to interview him on public business. ■, At the Acclimatisation Society's meeting yesterday, the secretary stated that it had ; come to his knowledge that three salmon had been taken in nets and sold in Christchurch, and as these men had obtaiued a i licence from the Custom-house to fish three miles up the river from it mouth, the Society were powerless in the matter. He had communicated with the Government, but received no reply. TIMARCJ, Wednesday. The next South Canterbury Jockey Club races are to be held on the 7th and Sth of March. The erection of a very large and costly grand-stand is proceediug rapidly, and it will be ready for the races. The man Ghadwick, who attempted suicide yesterday, is expected to recover. The Board of Education to-day resolved to spend £1000 during the current year iu repairing old school-buildings and iu the erection of new ones. Mr. Wakefield, M-H. R., addressed his constituents at Geraldiue last evening. There was a crowded meeting, many persous being unable to get admittance. Mr. Wakefield's speech was very similar to that delivered at Temuka, bat he went more fully in the probable course of politics n xt session, and severely criticised ihe Premier's speech at the Thames. He met with an enthusiastic reception, and at the close of his speech a cordial vote of confidence was carried unanimously. Mr. Lancelot Walker, formerly M. H.R., wa3 in the chair. OAMARU, "Wednesday. The second trial of Messrs. Reid an 1 Gray's reaper and binder cime off on Monday" afternoon, at the same places as formerly, and was in all respects a perfect success. The defect observed in the tying apparatus at its previous trial has been remedied, and it is said to work in a style equal, if not superior to that of the American machines. The local machine is a combination of the principal makers' best features, thc-3* having adopted in the construction of their machine the Wood "binder," the McCormick " elevator," and the Osborne " keel," together with several improvements effected by themselves, notable among-1 wkich was the wire spool being placed horizontally, as handier to replace when empty than in other machines. DUNEDIN, Wednesday. The Bishop of Melbourne has ordered the Rev. A. R. t'itchett, late Wesleyan roiuister, to Deacons' Orders, and no apiioiutuieut having been made at home, he will take charged of All Saints' Church, Dunedin. At Mr. Stout's meeting, at the Queen's Theatre, on Friday night, the whole of the dress circle will be reserved for the ladie3, anl gentlemen with ladies. The Waste Lands Board to cay declined to grant the petition for the opeuing of the blc°k of 10,000 acres at Mcßae's for settlement uuder the agricultural leasts and deferred payments, as thev did not consider ths circumstances justified the opening of more land at present in that district. The criminal sittings of the Supreme C'iurt were coucluded to-day. Jane Keid, charged with pc-rjury, was found guilty, and sentence reserved for the decision of the !a\v points raisc-d by the defence. Mr. R. G. Fowler, of the Telegraph Department. transferred to Greymouth yesterday, was presented with an Albert chain, pendants, &c., by the officers of the department. PORT CHALMERS, Wednesday. The largest crank shaft yet produc--d_ in t'tij colony, intended for the steairor Wait.aki, is now being finished at Tort Chalmers Government workshop. Competent judgt.-i pronouace it a superior piece of work. INYERCALIGILf,, Wednesday. Interest in the Mataura election is increasing. The general opinion is that Mr. Shanks, the moderate candidate, will be returned. Committees in tho interest of both parlies are being formed in various parts of the district. The ship Western Monarch, with 3GO immigrants on board, is now due. Her arrival is anxiously looked forward to, as labour of all descriptions is scarce. The exptc'.-d immigrants chiefly hail from Enghuid and Ireland. A poll, to decide whether money shall he borrowed to supply the town of Inveroargill with water, will be taken ou Friday. A rumour was current iu town to-day, to tho off ct that the convict Walsh was executed thi3 morning. This is not the cas**. Up to the present time, the officials here have received no instructions whatever as to the matter. So far as appearances indicate, Walsh is not much concerned about his approaching doom.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5350, 9 January 1879, Page 3

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LATEST TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5350, 9 January 1879, Page 3

LATEST TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5350, 9 January 1879, Page 3