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Medical. |TyTTnHEN,S'.S CELEBRATED BLOOD KESTOBEE. THE liKNOVATOR OF THE HUMAN RACE. HO HORE PHYSICAL DEGENEBATION IT THIS Laws of Hoalth are observed, ordinary tare exercised and the BLOOD RESTORER FREELY TAKEN. Thli wonderful riimody ' an attained to a popularity ah Krtmt a« it in fmrprlalnß. Thn fame of Che Mmlirlno In Hproiullng over Uio Australian Colonics.— Mich plrmnliiK notorlnty canlly oK|«lnlned b> tbe tiKlhltudA of enr«H rfTuotcd, and tho «ip<'cial fact, that nmong tho eanoi <ntrt'd wrro several suff'-rlug Au-tra-llan K<-i>tlnm<iii, wlio wro Tliitiiiif Aurklnn who QM lilkli punitionii, and Jmvn u»cd their influence in maUlny Unowli (he virtuon of tho BLOUO RESToUICII IJITCIJ KNS'S CK\j Eii UATIID OINTMENTS. ItIIEUMATIU OIXTMB^T. A gentlo and easily 'ippliod remedy for TJheumatlHin, fc>tl/r Joints, Ac. : for Bronchitis in children for Contusions, ?■ wolllngs, Hruisn , and Chilblains. SKIN OINTMENT. A very valuable and uiue!i required remedy, most cffectivo in its euro of Sores, Ulcers, ami Eruptions on any part of tho body aud for Ringworms. PILE OINTMKNT. Sufferers Bhould Hy for instant relief to this unexcMlrd remedy, as delay iu trotting t* id peculiar form of sickness may lead to serious results. N.B.—by request, Mr. llitciihks has arranged the following regular hours at which he may be consulted at his private house, Upper Wakefleld-stroet:— From 7 to 9 am. 12 to 1 p m. 5 to 7 p.m.

HAMILTON BROTHERS, QrTF«r-aTBEET, WHOLESALE AGENTS. Sold by Mr. J. Eomon, ( hemiet, Queen- treot; Mr. A. G. Hugiieu, corner of Shortlaiul add PrincesfltreetsjMr. Robinson, Chemist. Parnell ; Messrs. Hill £t Hudson, "Victoria-street, Air. haliwkll, Otahuhu ; Mr. Fallwell, Mr. II T. G llmas, ■'nehunga; Sands and Co., Chemists, Waikatn; Mr. Bhoadoate, Syinonds-st'eet ; Mr. Kiukpatjiick, Kawakawa ; A. C Iluonnj. Chemist, Cambridge, Waikato; and of all Thames ChecList3. UNSOLICITED TE9TTMONIAL. EXTRAORDINARY C7?.BO.VAN Airrr.;..AVD N'IBUS DltlVElt, 21 Yi'.'. ::Ti «FHIDK>'» nv t OSOST I <i.% J li U! l: A \'i :<>. Auckland, A'^'"?•*. '.! ; 7«v. Dear Sir,—l had suffered severclv aud .or,.vi ncutely from Rheumatism for many yoars, l-r«»iK'ht on, J helieve, from exposure to all weathers in the exerri-e of my calling. For years I could not sl«s»*p at n ght. and was unab!e to lie except in one position. Day and night I was full of excruciatins pains, scarc.-ly able to move about at all, and as a natn al s quence, my general health was alf-:o materially injured. I believo I f-.ulTered the pangs of »;heumattstu, aud its attendant evils, in every shape and foim, and my life was almost a burden to ive. I every remedy I could hear of, but without obtaining any whatever. The sum I spent iu medicine and medic tl , ailvico very considerable, but of ao avail, uniil I invested in a bottle « f your Blood Restorer. 1 cor.fess that I was not hopeful at aIL when I purchased your medicine, I h >d tried so many specifics without receiving the slightest benefit, but having determined to give it a fair trial, I carrie out my intention. I adhered ftrictly to the dirrctions, land the result is that I atn changed from a mere wreck to my former self apain—restored to health and vigour, and able to drive daily through ail weathers, and at all hours, if occasion requires 1 am sure you have n ver had a worse ease to deal with than mine, and although even now, in bad weather, I fuel my limbs rather si iff, after sitting on the box for a long time, I am a living example of the almost miraculous curat vo p'oiertica (uud r Providunce) of your now celpbratod Blo>d K'St.-rur My frtoads tell me it is a duty I own to my fellowcreatures to send you thi? acknowledgment and if it is the means of persuading other sufferers to go and do likewise, I shall feel that this letter >s not written in vait.. 1 have the more pleasure in giving this testimonial as it is quite unsolicited on your part. You are at liberty, of course, to make any use of this.—lam, sir, yours gratefully, _ HENRY Maidex. To 11. E. Flitchens, Esq., Auckland.

K AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS, TIIE OOOD OLD KKGLISII KK3IED7 FOR ALL DISEASES. ESTABLISHED OVKR FIFTY YEAKS. KNOWX ALL OVKIi THE WORLD. For upwards of half a Century ICAYE'S WOESDKIYL'S PILLS have been esteemed as the b<»st remedy for the prevention and cure of disease. Their uso renders tLo doc-or unnecessary in thu family. Acting on the blood, they purity it from rendering the lifw-giving Unit healthy in its and consrquently restoring and establishing the htakh of the inva>id. These Pills are inv>»luablo to Emigrants, being a certain remedy for all diseases of the Stomach, Lungs, Liver, &c. Are equally adapted for all ages and either sex. Persons residing in the Colonies who cannot have recourse to medical advice will therefore find them indispensable. The Proprietor has in his possession thousands of testimonials bearing witness to the wonderful efficacy of this invaluable medicine, a selection of which accompanies each box. Sold by all Chemists and others Dealers in Patent Medicines throughout the World, at Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., and 4s. Gd. per box, 11 Is there no hope? tho sick man said; The silent doctor shook his head." " While tbere is life there's hopr, he cried." I " JEgroto, dum animas est, apes est." DR- T-*. L. SMITH (Thej y legally-qualified mcdical mas advertising) CONSULTS j On all affections of the Nervous System (no matter I from what cause arising) i On all broken-down constitutions On all diseases arising from early ij:4iscretlo'.4 Os GCiSt On Rheumatism, In these colonics those excesses which we have indulged iff "hot youth" tell upon us with fearful • Interest. Our regrets are useless, our ropinings futilo. Th» soleidea should be the chances we possess of remedying the ills wo already have, or combating tho effects Ukely to result. Hide it as he may, pui on as good an exterior a* ho can, still is tho victim conscious that he is a liviug lie, and that sooner or later his vices will discover him to the world. Our Faith, our obligations to society at large, the welfare of our future offspring, and the duty, we owe to ourselves forbids procrastination, and points out to us, not to wait till the ravages break out in our constitutions

Before ncgociatinß with a merchant, before engaging with n confidential clerk, before employing a barrister a careful man makes enquiries as to their standing' their length of occupancy or residence; and, in the case of a legal adviser, both as to his legal qualifications and as to his capabilities of transacting the individual business he consults him upon. Strange to say however, in the selection of a medical man ihe sufferer frequently omits these necessary precautions and Without regard to the fitness, qualification, experience and ability for the particular ailment requiring treatment, he consults the nearest man, whose experience tion raC^lCe ' >er^a P s ' es * Q opposite direcIt is astonishing that so many are driven mad, are rained in health, and are bankrupt in spirits, hope and m< ney? Have I not for years pointed out to them tliat J, Dr. L. L. Smith, am the only legally qualified mcdical man advertising in the colonics ? Uave I not also prosecuted, at my own expense, these very quacks, ana exposed the various nostrums they are selling —such as Phosphodyno, Essence of Life, &o —and had them analysed and found them to consist of " Burnt Sugar and flavouring matter," and the certificates I have rnovED to be all forgeries. It is for this reason that I step out of the ethics of the profession and advertise, to give those who require tho services of my branch an opportunity of knowing they can consult a legally qualified man, and one, moreover, who has m-ide tins his special s'udy. Dr. L. L. Smith is the only legally qualified medical man advertising, and lie has been in Melbourne 24 yearß in full practice on NERVOUS DISEASES LOSS OF 1'OWEI! AND DEBILITY SYPHILITIC AFfc'KCTIO S WANT OF CONDITION nt r GOUT >ND RHEUMATISM -DR. L. L. SMITH can be consulted by letter -Fee V, 1 4 ed,cines forwarded to all the colonies. •J 1, SMITH, 182, Collins-street Kast (late the residence of the Governor), Melbourne. E./J Asr*rK !>/•: tv: "• ■■ ■■■ '

DINNEEORD'S MAGNESIA is the Universal ITemedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HKADACDE HIvAUTBUKN, INDIGESTION. ' SOUR JSKUL-TATIONS AND C.LIOUS AFF£CriuNS. The Physician's Cuie for GOUT, RHEUMATIC GOUT, GRAVED, and all other complaint 3 of the bladder. The safest and most gent's medicine for Infants Children, Delicate females, and for tho sickness of Pregnancy. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers. N.B.—Ask for DINXEFORD'S MAGXKSIA. Agents: Kempthorne, Prosser and Co.. Dun.din. TURKISH BATHS. SL m ui °uy to tho wonderful power of your treatment in lhad tri* 3^ 0 rll.e^matisnilast resort, ntthn rocommenrlabeen twelve wesks laidu,!' f a!^ - „ Zlnzul - 1 h ' d cm.che,. A cemplee euro' was" c°Sd V°seveu mi ' work — lte3 Pei;tf«lly yours, SsSISS-^S K- P. SYKES. BAYNHAM'S entekicon THE NEW SPECIFIC ?,!rf T"^ Cd '"? t0 rel ;,® f a,ld Speedy Cure in Nervousof Spirits, I" '° D ' atull:nco ' i'alpitationj Lowness Ve^o e u,Tel d ifitv oli vv T 1 a Pe "™nent Cure in I Derangcmcn ts of cither sex e3 '' » nd FuuCtlonal Sv^ d ' y , I: ': nora ; e3 , 'lie Nervous and Muscu'ar t "n° infallible lernedy fir Liver Complaints. Female Complaints, lost of Appetiro. J. c. t*^Y.m? CC i8 c ? a 1 * m P Ur 'tios of th« lioi'd, Offensive thd baneful ttfect of nf"ti> ! i flor V Jr^^- satisfactorily prove tho efficacy mediciDo - by all respectable Chemists and Storekeeper*. Price, 6s. ' Wholesale Agents, Kempthorne, Prosser and Co. 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5335, 21 December 1878, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5335, 21 December 1878, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5335, 21 December 1878, Page 2