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PORT OF AUCKLAND, High Water, To-day: 1.36 morn., 2.13 even. „ Manuktiu : .4.31 mom., 5.8 #ven. StJK : Ei'os 4.31: set« 0.41. MOOS : New, 24th, 8.41 p.m. ARRIVALS. City of Xcw York, P.M. s.s., Cobb, from Sail Francisco and Honolulu. Passengers: Saloon . Mr. null Mrs. J. Bailment, Hon. C. H. Bromby, Certain William Messrs. AV. K. Graham, John McL-.tnc, A. W. G. Ki'.chaiin'.m, William Blackloclr. IT. Britton, C. Kciil. For Lyttelton : B'r. anil-Mr?. J. A. Sut.ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ■White, Mr. H. H. Hill. For Tort Chalmers: r.liss Richardson, Mr. H. Griffiths; and 20 steerago. For .Sydney : Mr. and Mis 3 Gill, Mrs. SI. Keely, Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. "W. Upton, Mr. and Mrs. A. \Y. Beard, Mr. and Mrs. A. Loake, Mr. r»nd Mrs. "\V. H. IT. Lane, Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garratt aud child, Mrs. ,T. M. Stokes, Messrs. SI. A. Bell, H. , Butterfield, *T, Woolwortb, Upton (2), Leake, Kev. Dr. Moore White, Walter Hopkins H. SI. Peabodv, 11. Russell, K. SwMiston, "H ilham Thomas, iisitev, Conway, Garratt, Gregory, Gibbes, A. and O. B.innerman, T. Horan, 1-. li. Allan, Spofforth, Murdock Blackliam, Boyle Upwurd, Caleb Peacock, J. M. Gill; aud .iS steerage.-Owen and Graham, agents. Kriemhilda, schooner, Bathurst, from \Y nail "area. —Auckland Timber Company, agents. brigantine, Joels, from Oamaru.— John Reid aud Co., agents. Queen, schooner, Jones, for Hokianga. — Master, agent. , Taiaroa, s.s., Peterson, from New Plymouth and Southern ports. Passengors From Duncdin : Mrs. Hill. From Lyttclton : Miss Cook, Messrs. Cook, Conyers, Culberfc, Berry, Lawson. From Wellington: Misses Lewis and "Woodward, Messrs. Lewis, Hean, Rowe, Henderson, Seeker, Woodward, Chambers, Francis, Sharland, Johnson, Wild. From Nelson : Airs. Breer and two children, Engel, Tovey, Stewait. From Taranaki : Goklwater, Brown, Sh«ra, Fepperill, Serge, Hutchins, Smith, and two natives.—Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. Onward, schooner, Pankow, from ijussell.— Master, agent. Ruby, schooner, Coekfiold, from Russell. — Master, agent. Mercury, cutter, Baxter, from Tairua. — Master, agent. Dieari, cutter, J.msen, from Russoll. — Master, agent. DEPARTURES. Pretty Jane, s.s., Amodeo, for Oisbornc.— A.3.5. Co., agents. Argyle, s.s., Stephenson, for Whangarei.—A. McGregor, agent. o.uiuru, Short, for Lyttclton rt# Thames. — O-. Si". Owen and Co., agents. ENTTiUKD XNWAKPS. Onward, scliooncr, 32 ton?, Pankow, from Rus3ell, with 52 tor.:; coal. schooner, 40 tons, Jones, from, with 10.000 feet totava, 10 tons bark. 2 tons gutn, 30 hi»!«»s. 3 bales wool. From Ahipara : 18 to!;s mut), 8 bales wool, o biles skins, 31 hiilen. North Cape : S bales wool, 1 bundle skins. Avoca, barsjuentiae, 257 tons, Joels, from Oamaru. Rub\", schooner, -il tons, Cockneld, from Russell, with 60 tons coal. Taiaroa, s.s., 22$ tons, Peterson, from New Plymoutli and South. CLEARED OUTWARDS. • Transit, schooner, 79 tons, Hooper, for Dunediu. Kate McGregor, schooner, G5 tons, McDonald, for Ru?sell. Taiaroa, s.s., 22S tons, Peterson, for New Plymoutli and Southern porta. IMPORTS. [A special charge is imde f*r consignees' names inserted in this column.l Per s.s. Talaro.i, from D'inedin :—-1 case.?, 2 cask?, 1 truss. From Lyttelton—3 cases. From Nelson—i cases, From New Plymouth—7 boxes - butter. Fiom Wellington—o bales fungus, 1 coil. 1 ca^e.Per barquentine Avoca, from Oamaru : 1500 sacks oats, 443 sacks bran, 750 sacks flour, 200 sacks pollard, 50 sacks wheat, 50 sacks oatmeal. 250 sacks oats, G. W. Binney. 250 sacks flour, 500 sacks oats, T. H. Hall and Co. Per P.M. s.s. City of New York, from San Francisco : 35 sheep, 70 bales tops, 25 cases hardware, 1039 packages green fruit, 566 packages canned fruit, IUS packages reapers and mowers, 40 pieces lumber, 820 cases salmon, 05 packages lead, 406 packages merchandise, and 54S tons (in transit for Sydnoy). 430 cases American apples, L. W. Eaton. EXPORTS. Per schooner Transit, for Dunedin : 06,000 feet timber. Per s.s. Taiaroa:—For New Plymouth: 6 packages, 1 package sashes, 1 box, 1 case, 30 bags bark. For Nelson :17 cases. For \\ elliugton : 26 sacks, 2 cases, 194 packages timber, 8 cases. For Lyttelton : 1 package, 2 cases. For Dunedin : 3 cases. Ixwabds Coast-wise.—Mary, schooner, from G-reat Barrier, with 26 tons firewood, 200 feet timber; Dream, cutter, from Russell, with 45 tons coal; Mercury, cutter, from Tairua, with IS,OOO feet timber, 700 bags gum, 8 hides. Outwards Coastwise.—Fairy, schooner, for Katikati, with 15.000 feet timber, 50,000 shingles, 7 sacks lime, 4 tons sundries. The agents of the Union Steam Shipping Company. Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, have received a telegram stating that the s.s. Rotorua, hence to Sydney, arrived at 10 o'clock on Monday morning. She leaves Sydney this afternoon for Auckland. - The Union Company's s.s. Taiaroa arrived in the Manukau yesterday afternoon from New Plymouth and Southern ports, with passengers and cargo. She will leave Onehunga at 4 o'clock this morning, with the Southern portion of the English and American mails. The following passengers b?.d booked up to 4 p.m. yesterday Mrs. Nealson, Miss Smith, Mr. Hare, and the Star Pantomime Company (14). The A.S.S. Co.'s Pretty Jane sailed last night for Gisborne, with passengers and cargo. The s.s. Argyle sailed yesterday for Whangarei and Mangapai, with numerous passengers and cargo. The new. brigantinc Oamaru sailed yesterday for the Thames River, and will load at the Hauraki saw-raills with timber for Lyttelton. The A.S.S. Co.'s s.s. Southern Cross was towed out of dock yesterday, after receiving a thorough overhaul. She sails for Napier, Wellington, and Lyttelton at 5 p.m. to-morrow. The brigantiue Island Lily will scarcely sail for the Chatham Islands before Friday, in consequence of her cargo of timber coming forward very sl<rwly. The p.s. Haurnki i 3 advertised to sail from . Onehunga to-day for Waitara. The schooner Queen arrived in harbour about Monday midnight from Hokianga, Ahipara, and the North Cape. She brings a large quantity of gum, wool, bark, and timber. The three-masted schooner Sea Belle sailed from Adelaide on the 10th inst. for this port. She brings a cirgo of general merchandise, consigned to Messrs. Stone Brothers. The barque Caberfeidh is loading at Oamaru with grain for-this port. The schooner Sissy, on her return from the Bay of Islands, will probably proceed on a cruise among the South Sea Islands. The schooner Mazeppa will complete her loading to-night, and will sail early to-morrow for Rarotonga. The P.M. s.s. City of New York will sail for Sydney at 7 o'clock this morning. Tho following passengers from Auckland had booked at a late hour. Saloon :—Captain Marshall, Messrs. Elliott, Snow, M. Maskill, Piotrowski, A. C. Black, Qukson, T. H. Dudley, R. K. Davis. Steerage: -Mr. and Mrs. Harsant, Mrs. Raw, Mrs. E. Hatram, and Mr. P. McVeagh. The barquentine Avoca, from Oamaru, arrived in harbour early yesterday morning with a cargo of grain and breadsttiffs, which she is now discharging alongside No. 1 western tee. The master reports sailing from Oamaru on the sth inst., with^ strong westerly and variable winds, Lasting until the East Cape was sighted on the 13th. Off and on the Cape until the 17th, when a S.W. breeze set ix;, carrying tho vessel acro3s the Bay of Plenty, making Cape Colville at 9 p.m. on Monday/ and the harbour at 2 a.m # yesterday. The P.M. s.s. City of Sydney, hence to San Francisco, was sighted early on the 15th inst. by the steamer City of New York. The City of Sydney is likely to make another brilliant voyage, as it is computed she must have made 238 miles per day since leaving this port. The brig signalled throughout yesterday had not turned up at an early hour this morning, but it is supposed to be the Elliotts, from Newcastle. ARRIVAL OF THE P.M. S.S. CITY OF NEW YORK. The arrival of this mail steamer from San Francisco on the present occasion was looked forward to with more than ordinary interest, in '•consequence of the announcement that the Australian Cricket Team was au board. The flagstaff at Mount Victoria was eagerly watched throughout the day for the notification of the steamer, but as noon passed without any sign, hope began to flig, and the opinion to • grow that she would not put in an appearance before dark, and so spoil the ceremony of welcoming the incoming guests. Shortly after 3 p.m. the long looked for signal of a steamer in sight was hoisted, and the newß spread rapidly through the city, and shortly afterwards tho mail flag was sent aloft, thus confirming tho general opinion. Although an hour-and-a-half would elapse before she would round the North Head, yet the wharf began to be crowded by the public, and this, in conjunction with the brilliant dressing of the ships in harbour; was a sight unexpected to tho passengers by the steamer, and highly gratifying to all on board. The City of New York comes into harbour fully 24 hours before contract time, although the early portion of the voyage, from * San Francisco to Honolulu, was unusually long, and the time lost then could not have been made up in the latter part of the voyage had she not possessed high steaming capabilities. The vessel entered harbonr In splendid order,

well patronised both by passengors and cargo. ! Captain Cobb, Chief Officer Hansen, Mr. i Beardsley (the purser), and tho whole of tho I officers are spoken of in the highest terms of I praise by the passengers for their uniform courtesy and attention to tho wants and comfort of all on board. To Mr. Beardsley (the purser) we are indebted for the following report, full files of American exchanges, and other favours. The following is the official report Tho P.M. s.s. City of New York, 3020 tons, W. B. Cobb, commander, left San Francisco October 2Sth, at 12 noon, with 115 cabin and 107 steerage passengers, 10,233 packages (973 tons) cargo, 504 bags mail, 22,070 dollars in treasure. Night of October 31st encountered a strong westerly gale with high head sea, j which lasted until the morning of November 12. From thence to Honolulu fine, clear ! weather, arriving November 5, at 4.30 a.m. I Discharged 4400 packagos (251 tons) cargo, 11 ! mail, 22,070 dollars in treasure, and landed 50 cabiu and 130 steerage passengers, aud left the s?nie day at 4.30 p.m. Have experienced pleasant weather with light easterly winds since then up to date £ Noveinocr 17, crossed the ISOdeg. long., and as this date fell on Sunday, the next day was dropped intead. r»ssed the Samoan Group on Wednesday, the 13th instant, tho Island of Tuituila appearing fresh and green. On the 15th inst. (Friday), at 5.30 a.m., lat. 22'305., long. 174.30 W., passed tho steamer City of Sydney, standing to the northward, 13 miles to windward. Only aaw her sails. Ah wo had no canvas set she could not have sighted this ship. November 19, at 5.45 p.m., took Auckland pilot on board. Time from Honolulu, 13 days 3 hours 49 mins. Have had a very pleasant trip, with an amusement committee who were very cnergotic in organising amateur concerts, Negro minstrels, and dancing. Tho Rev. Dr. Moore White j officiated at the Sunday service, assisted by a , very good pianist and choir. Arrived at &.uck- j laud on November 19 at 6.30 p.m.; made fast to tho wharf. All well on board. ENGLISH SHIPPING. The ship Chile, Captain Ward, from Auckland to London, arrived at Gravesend on September 20th. The barque Lorraine, Captain Gronsund, from Auckland to London, arrived at Gravesend on October 4th. She was in collision on the moniiug of October 6th with a German steamer, and had all head gear aud bowsprit carried away, and also cutwater. She was towed up to the South West India Docks. The barque Clan Fergusson, Captain Jack, sailed from Gravesend on September 14th, and Deal on the 20th, for Auckland. •.Messrs. Shaw, Savill, and Co.'s barque Jairos Wishart, Captain Burns, left Gravesend on October 4, for Auckland. Tho following are the passengers : —Second • Cabin —Thomas Jackson, Ann Jackson, John Jackson, Walter Jackson, Bertha Jackson, Robert A. Jackson, Theophilus . Jackson, Alfred Jackson, William Honry Jack- ! son, John W. Chammon, and Mr. H. N. Harvey, i Steerage—James Hunter, W. H. O'Mahoney, | D. A. Osborne, William Robertson, Frederick , Nightingale, Mtsry J. Nightingale, Charles I Nightingale. David Emery, Hall Murphy, j Daniel T. Metge, Joseph Hawthorn, Robert ! Tilson, Herbert F. Ward, Alfred William Jones, and Emil}'Jones. i Messrs. Shaw, Sarille and Co.'s barque Alastor was to sail from London about October 10, for Auckland. The New Zealand Shipping Company's next vessel to Auckland after the ship Maravat was the barque Eudymion, which was to sail at the end of October. Freights.—The tennago loading on the berth at London, October o, for India, China, and the Cape of Good Hope, amounted to 40,200 tons, and for Australia and New Zealand to 55,282 tons. London, October 5. The position of the freight market has not changed iu any marked manner sincc the last issue. From London to the East, the Cape, the Australian and New Zealand colonies there is still a fair inquiry for both, steamers and sailing ships. From the coal ports rates are firmer, specially for Galle, Calcutta, and Java. In homeward freights there is no change to report. ' The New Zealand Shipping Co. will despatch from London for this port, on November 11, the barquo Star of the North. B r TELEGRAPH. RUSSELL. November 19. — Arrivals: The Gipsy and other colliers, also the Wanakn and lona. Sailed: Phoenix and Wanaka. Passengers per Wanaka: Messrs. Atkinson, Wright, Bates, Blair, Hall, Captain Henry, Rev. Hammond, Mesdames Wright, Atkinsou, and others. LYTTELTON. November 19.—Arrived : The Willard Mudgett, barque, from New York, 102 days out. She brings a large quantity of reapers and binders. Sailed : Ship Langstone, for London, with a cargo valued at £37,000. Taranaki, s.s., for the North, at 6 p.m. Passengers for Auckland : Messrs. Brett, Rigg, and Millison. PORT CHALMERS. November 19.—Arrived : The German barque Hong Kong, 56 days from Mauritius, with a cargo of sugar.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5308, 20 November 1878, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5308, 20 November 1878, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5308, 20 November 1878, Page 2