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Medical. HITCHENS' CELERRATED BLOOD Restorer, a never.failing remedy fac r h a, L S Gont D '? heum . at,sm >° »ll it. for*,!, "»Sf S.fng'tfiS W."od y Mt: ' lU;lne ,0r PUr " yin S '"» 1 No bottles are genuine lining bearing the Proprietor's Signature. HAMILTON BROTHERS, Queen-street, "WHOLESALE AGENTS. V? 01 ? -?^ r * J - Edsos, Chemist, Queen-street; r Y"' M t7onKs, corner of Shortland and I'ruiees streets; Mr. Rouixsnj., <'hemi»t, Parn»»l' • Meuis "J5 ns ?, v » street;; Mr. Fallw<t. l ; Otahuhu: Mr. Mr. T. R Gillmav. OnewSkato C3ANDS ' and Co -» chem wt. Hamilton, Testimonials can b* seen on application to the proprietor, at his residence, top of WakefiaM-airoet. Tne strongest recomiuen«lati..n for ihis medicine is its own intrinsic worth, as #ho.>n by the marvellous cures effected on well-known and much respected members of our community. The be*t proof of Jtliis is to be found in the laree number of testimonials 1 received by the maker, thankfully aeknowle the complete restoration of health experienced bv using this panacea. " & At the request of tho?e already cured, the proprietor now brings the "Blood Restorer" more prominently before the Public, in the sure and certain hope that this utilising of the gifts of a merciful Providence will prove a great blessing to suffering humanity, by cunag long-seated disease, and av«-rtiDg threateuiue lckuesa. 6 The want of a reliable remedy for Rheumatism &c„ has long been felt as one of th* greatest calamities of the age. While oth*r means and medicine have been proving them*elve * vain and delusive, this remedy has been sileutly and steadily unloosing the cruel tinkers of disease, and freeing captive man from that deadly embrace. The people are now miuested to give the Blojd Restorer a f-ilr and impartial tri* 1 And the Proprietor would h iv« it distinctly undirstood that the cures of Rheumatism, &c., are due entirely to this medicine's wonderful effect upou the blood, by its cleansing purifying and invigorating power. Impurity and inactivity of the blood is the cause of most sickness and pains. After a course of this medicine, blood vessels—which have become, as it were, choked up with unhe «Bhy matter-b.-come exhilirant with pure scarlet life-blood, flowing naturally along, and imparting in its course vigour and to the entire system. .N.B.—Country Settlers will fled in Hitchens* Blood Keatorer au almost complete substitute for the Doctor. It arrests Colds, allays Fevers, and builds up the system. Children tnke it with wonderful results. ISo household should be without it. Fresh proof of the effectß of the Restorer on the Blood: Eokeby-strcet, Auckland. Ist December, 1577, Mr. HiTcnENs, — DtrarSir,—l have to thank you very much for ihe benefit I have received through using your valuablw Blood Kcstorer, and a- a warning and guidance to others, would make known the particulars of my illness and cure. Some months *go I was Uk*n, ill with pains in the back, supposed ti* be lti'rbaro. So far from bsiug benetite.t oy the attendance of m-idical men, 1 grew rapidly worse, and the pain became agonising. One dty my husband had hi his hand a portion of an old Aucklai.d JCrininu Star. cortainiug your professional annmmement of th«- medicine and its cures. The paper was of a buck date, and the advertistd agent's address a Chemist in "Wellesley-street. My hu>bwd applied to him for Hitehens's BloQd Restor-r; but the Chemist i>««l such illnatured remark- to dissuade us from testing the virtue of the medicine, that we felt there wa* some spite at work, and determined more than ever to give it a trial. The pleasing result of the trial was, that after taking it a week, I felt wo nderful relief; before many bottles were taken, I whs not only liberated froin a sick room, but feit in perfect health ; appetite was restored, strength regained and I have to ibank God that you were »t Iritid to provide the means of my rapid cure, and cnaale me once more to attend to my hotuchold dutie?. Yours very gratefully All:*. Walteu KN'OX. To Mr Hitchens, Upper Wakcfield-street. Other Testimonials from sufferers who have marvellously recovered, will follow. SAVES 10 lEAEN HOW TO BO YOUIt IT READ AND HEED HAIR I WHAT POLLOWS. SAVE YOUR HAIK,- I ThMaws of TWin ami Longevity demand it, the customs of serial life require it. The mutter id of great importance m every wnv. BIKAtTfTHFY YOUR ISAJW.—It is tho surpas-sim? crown of jrlory, ami lur Hie J<*.s of it then* in no compensation. CUI/TSVA'JTfci I'OUK HAIR.-For by no other means can it bo suved ami beautified. BLyon's BCafhairon,

Discovered t)ilrty-liv» ajro by Trof. Lyon, of Yale, is the most perl'.-rt preparation in the world fur preserving and beautifying the hair. Iscsi<lcs hcinir 1l»c Isnir riressinsr ever Lyojk's: S\alhair<tn win posilivejy pri'vcni jiess, snasl will restore new £»uir to b;t!d Steady if the runts and follicles an; not, destroyed. It actually performs these seeming miracles, of which the following is A FAIR SPECIMEN. I had been entirely bald for several roars, constitutional, I suppose. I used a few buttles of Kathairon, and, to my great surprise, I have a thick growth of young hair. COL. JOHN L. 17. S. A. In every important respect the Kathairon, is absolutely incomparable. It is uuequaled. 1. To Cure Baldness. 2. T« Hestore Gray Hair. S. To iiemove DandrnlT. •1. To Dress and Beautify the Hair. HEAR The Kathairon is no sticky pasta of sulphur and sugar-of-!ead, to pain' and daub the hair and paralyze the brain. It is s pure and limpid vegetable lotion, intended to re*, toretho luur by naturalgrowtli andreinvigoration. It is splendidly perfumed, and the most delijihtfu' toilet dressing known. No lady's or gentleman's toiler, outfit is complete "wiihout'Lyou's Kathairon. SOLD EVERYWHERE. So'e Wholesale Agent for Australia anil the Colonies A. L 0 U 111 fi, Hobson's Buildings,Shortland-street, Auckland. JJ OLLOWAY'S PILLS. I.MruniTY of thk Blood.—Unless Ihc l)lond he kept in a pure state the constitution n-ust be weakened and disease supervene. These wonderful Pills possess the power of removing or neutralizing all contaminations of the an«t system generally. Th«-v quietly, but certainly, overcome all obst<uci. ; '»ns tending to produce ill health, and institute tegular notion lo organs that are faulty from irritation or debility The dysp- ptic, weak, and neivous may rely on these Villa as their b»«.-L friend ;»n l comforter, as . they act upon the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from a premature grave. Complaints of Wu>!.kv and Cnii.DKKV. —The very mild and pdnle-s action ol those invaluable Pills recommends them to every household as a remedy for the tirst depasture from health. Any mother, nurse, or young person guided by th- directions which acompinv each box of Holluwav's Pills has at once available nuaus of checking disease, puryfying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross humours. They are indeed, at all ages, the female's tried frieud. UISOIcDKIIS OF TUB LIVKK WITH FIATULKNTV AND 1 muoestion. -Less tit' appetite and tiatulen.y are usually t>>o forerunners of .stomachic These famous Pills exercise the most salutary power on all atfeetion-s of th-.- liver, and all irregularities of the stomach and bowels ; they re '.ore a healthy function to every internal organ, overcome all obstruction anil cast out all impurites WISAK STOMACH' : IMt'.VJKKD IM GKSTJoS'. —Th wisest cannot enumemte one tithe. of the .Stressing yinitoms arising from enf eb ed digestion, ail of which may be readily dispelled by the*e admirable I'ills, as they rouse the stomach, liver, and every other organ of digestion to that healthy tone wfii. h fully enables them to cmvert all food ami drink to ihe nourishment of the body- -liKice, these fills are the surest s renL'tlieneri:, and the safest restoratne ic nervousness, wasting, and chronic de:»:li:y. Coucius, Coi.DS, iNFLUfcINZ.V AND SoUK TiIKOATS. — tor curiug diseases of the throat, chest, and these l'dls have established for thcm-elves a preeminently world-wide fame, as they purify the blood and regulate its circulation. Couths, common colds influenza, broi.chitis, a>tlmn, pleuri>y, inflammatiur of the lungs, and even consumption in its early stage* urn successfully treated witJi this mediciue, particularly if ilolloway's uintment be well rubbed upon the chest and back night »nd morning. ilolloway's Pills are the best remedy known n the world for the following diseases:— Ague Clout : Stone and Grava! Asthma Headache ■ Secondary Synip Bilious com- Indigestion I toms plaints Liver Complaints Tic-Doloureux Blotches on the Lumbago Ulcers Skin Piles Venereal AfToaBowei complaints ttheumatism ! tions Debility Retention of ; Worms of all Dropsy Urine i kinds Female Irregu- Scrofula or King's Weakness, from larities Evil whatever cause, Keversctallkinds Sore. Throats &0., \e. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professoi llollowav's Establishment, 530, Oxford-street, London, also by neaily every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World,in Boxes and Pots, at Is ljd, 2s c Jd, 4s GI, lis, 225, and each. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words " Ilolloway's Pilis and Ointment, London," engraved thereon. On the Label is the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where they are Manufactured. Zsf Beware of all compounds styled Ilolloway's Pills and Ointment, with a u New York" label.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5020, 18 December 1877, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5020, 18 December 1877, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5020, 18 December 1877, Page 7