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New Zealand Herald Orfice. Monday evening. The total amount of duties collected at the Customs to-day was £430 10s 3d. The R.M. s.s. Australia, from San Francisco, with the English and American mails, arrived in harbour at early dawn of the 30th ultimo, after a splendid run of a little under 21 days. She brought English advices to October 18th, and San Francisco to November 7th. The arrivals from. England since our last summary have been nil ; while the only foreigu one of importance is the barque S. R. Lyman, to-day, from New York via Port Chalmers, with about 400 tons of merchandise, principally oil and tobacco The English ships due are the Abbey Holme and Iron Queen, whose arrivals are anxiously awaited. The two ships on the berth for London are the City of Auckland, aad the Famenoth, which have been very fortunate in loading, both of which will sail within a day or two of Christmas. The port, at the present moment, exhibits a bare appearance, and should the two vessels now ou the berth be away before the two duo are in, we shall be without any English ship, a most unprecedented state of affairs. In mercantile matters we have to endorse what we reported in our last summary, viz., a general improvement in all branches of business, and consequently a better feeling in respect to credit.. As the insolvent estates have been wound up, so it stands to reason that there is greater faith in all the transactions going forward. At tins season of tho year there has been a demand for all descriptions of goods, and so far as we can learn, that demand has been fully accredited by the trade. The wool season is drawing to a close, and we understand the producers have realised prices which have proved satisfactory. We are now suturing upon the harvest, and from various scribes we learn that, with such weather as that experienced, and the indications of continued fineness, the harvest will be, in a monetary point of view, so productive as to render the province independent to a large extent bf disposing of their money co Southern pvoynces. In mining matters, the year has prove.} 'one of great prosperity, and the collapse {which we were threatened with for several! years has passed away, and on the contrary new life has been infused into this most important of our local industries. Gainsay it who may, the indications arc that the past year is not going to be an exceptional one, and we are firmly of opinion that 1878 will uncover hidden treasures equal to those which saw the light during the year now drawing to a close. No greater illustration of this can be afforded than the recent discoveey in the once-celebrated Caledonian mine, which, since its splendid dividends in 1870 and IS7I, has for six years had a lingering existence, and yet within the last month the manager has uncovered a run of gold the extent of which one cannot foresee. Nevertheless, it has given abundant evidence of being rich. 200 tons of stone crushed last week yielded 102Gozs. of gold, of the value of £2700, while stone of equal richness is reported as being grassed at the present moment.,' It is impossible to give an idea of the profits made by mining during this, as so many tribute parties are at work and doing well, but we arc in a position to give j the profits of the two leading mines for a period of short nine months, which will illustrate the richness of the "shots" of gold when discovered. The Alburnia Company .since April last have takeu out £30,500 worth of gold, at an average cost of £500 per month, distributingamoi.g its shareholders £25,200, and adding to the reserve fund £3500. The Moanataiari Company had liabilities at the commencement of the year amounting to £5700. Gold was discovered early in March, and since the company have made a profit of £97.G00, the shareholders receiving£Bß,Gso in dividends, and the remainder providing a reserve fund, and cash in hind. Facts Jike these spea:* for themselves, and we are in hopes that the ensuing year will prove as prosperous in this industry as the one expiring. Relative to gum, we have for a couplo of months back pointed out that the low prices which have ruled would be disturbed, as it was scarcely likely that country storekeepeis and diggers would rest content with what they were getting, and the extraordinary figures merchants were realising in London and New York. The consequence is that shortly after tho dispatch of last mail prices gradually advanced from £26 to £29 and £30, and at this moment there is an active demand for the article, and £30 can

: enßily be obtained for an article that is somewhat above tho ordinary, while the latter quality will readily find purchasers at £28 to £30. The ship City of Auckland will take away 2500 cases, and tho ship Famenoth 1700 Timber still continues firm, the advance noted last month his been sustained, and, so far as we can foresee, there is every probability that the low prices whieli ruled so long will, under existing circumstances, not occur agai». The mills are working night and day where logs are available and orders are to band to such an extent at the advanced prices that it will be months ere tbcy are completed. In .English ales there has been a small demand for the best brands, while stouts have been altogether neglccted. The stocks of both are too heavy, with the exception of one or two brands of ale, which, in a great measure, monopolise tlie market. There is a .l'J r ß<s amount of colonial brew being bottled, which in a measure interferes with imported. Brandy : The market is very unsettled, as it is generally believed that the r.ext advices will show a decline in prices. Hennessy's bulk has been sold at 9s 3d, and Kartell's 8s 9d to 9s ; while case of tho former has been sold at 335, and the latter 30s, by auction, when upwards of 500 cases of inferior quality were sold at 17s to 30s. Genevas : JDKZ is worth 15s to 10s, witli market barely supplied, the Island trade having absorbed nearly the whole of the available stocks. Bags and»i n o : The demand for woolpacks is almost over, and an inquiry is on foot for cornsacks, a large supply of which came to hand this morning, for which the vendors are asking 10s to 10s (id. Candles, at this season ®f the year, are not in brisk demand, and ihe shipments made here from extraneous ports have interfered with direct imports. Prices] Belmont's are offering at 10? id, and Brandon's Nevas, lOJd; De Roubaix's, 10.|d. In drugs, soda crystals are selling at £9; and carbonate of soda at 19s per cwt. Fruits : There has been a large amount of business done. Currants in first hands being pretty well absorbed we quote l.Jd for cask, and 4Ad case. Sultanas overstocked and offering at G|d. Eleme raisins have also been quitted freely at Did for sound. Malt of English growth is overstocked and there is no demand even at 10s 0d per bushel. The early shipment of American hops realised Is 6d per lb., d.p. Subsequent shipments were received and prices gave way, ar.d with difficulty Is I3d per lb. was obtained, so that the large stock held had to be sent elsewhere. I Sugars are very scarce, and an advance at 10s per ton all round has been established. A shipment of Fiji browns and yellows would prove very acccptable. Holders of '.Sydney Company's No. 1 require £30 10s to £37 ; while brewers'" crystal for the time beinj are exhausted. Teas are fully supplied. Kerosene oil is now well stocked, in consequence of the arrival to-day of tho American barque S. R. Lyman ; Devoe's being worth 2s 3d, and Diamond 2s Id to 2s 2il d.p. Wines have been offered largely at auction, and a large quantity of close upon 100 qr.-casks have been sold at Is lid to os 9,1. Australian will eventually shut out all foreign wines, as the demand at, this early period of the season is becoming stronger than at any previous time. Mr. it C. Greenwood held a land sale at the Market-house this morning. There was :i good attendance, ami bidding was spirited. The following prices were realised for the various lots: Homestead and 51 acres rich volcanic soil, £ISOO, Mr. Huline being the purchaser; lots 1, 2, and 3. passed at £25 per acre ; lot 4 passed at per acre ; lot f>, £28 per acre, Sir. Tothill purchaser; lot (i, passed at £20 por ncre ; all of the 15-acre lots vrere passed at £55 per acre, with the exception of lot 15, which was sold to Mr. Bound at £00 per acre.

Melbourne. —Tlie Arr/us of the sth inst. reports : —Flour is maintained at onr quotation of £11 10.-! to £11 12s sil, ami trade parcels are

moving off steadil}'. At auction about GO tons were quitted, and though £11 7s Gd, rising to £11 12s Gd, was accepted, we have not heard that holders g3nerally are iu any way inclined to accept under £11 10s at least. Good old wheat is wanted, and sales can readily be made at 5s 7d net taken from railway. Oats are difficult to move. Small lots of feeding are quitted at 4s 3d, and we learn that 4s in bond lias also been realised. Maize is firm at improved rates. We hear of sales having been made at 5s Sd. Sugars are quiet, and not much has come under our notice. At auction 320 bags damaged Mauritius were cleared out at £31 to £35 net; 500 bags, also faulty, were quitted at £35 to £35 5s for brewing crystals, and £34 5s for grey crystals. Teas are somewhat slow, and beyond a moderate trade inquiry there is little to refer to in the way of sales. Publicly, 794 half-chests and 270 boxes congous were quitted at Is Qid to Is 2d. Cornsr»c!«sure moving quietly at 10s ~9d. Candles have had an improved inquiry at Bd, and even S£d, in hond, is reported to have been paid. Trade parcels of lib. salmon are beginning now to go at 10s 9J. Livorpool salt has been quitted at an improvement, and for trade parcels holders now ask Sss. Hennessey's brandy has been sold on easier terms.


TIMARU. December 17.—Jones and linrfc report : Fat cattle, £12, equal to 31s per lOOlbs.; store cattle, dull of sale, pending rain; heavy draught horses, £30 to £G0; medium. £3S to £40, AUCKLAND STOCK & SHAREMARKET. Stock and Mining Association's Quotations for Dk.cb.mukh 17, 1b77.

<JhAries Alexander Uobort Kratcr J. friar CUrke John [\Towbray J. B. Morpeth V.'m, wicort T. Leigh Whito SAi—uil Viekers .Robert Horns J. M. Lennox Jomkpii Nhwmas, Chairman. MP.. ALEXANDER SAUN'DEIW'S MONTHLY REPORT. Bank shares are in demand; there is a considerable inquiry for Bank of New Zealand shares at £22 10s to £22 12s Gd, and few sellers under £23. Sash and Door shares show a slight decline, sales having been made at £10 10s. There are buyers of large parcels of Loan and Mercantile shares, and none oifered. New Zealand Insurance could be placed at 05s to 07s Gd. The mining market shows the usual depression, consequent upon the approach of holiday time, and I do not anticipate much business until the new year. Tho news from Grahamstown and Coromandel shows a healthy activity in mining business, and should the eneigetic prospecting now in progress be rewarded with any good finds, we are likely to have a strong market, as most of the quotations have ruled low for some months past, and most of our leading stocks would show a very rapid rise in pricc should any find of any importance be made at the low levels. The above quotations give a fair idea of the present market value.

Buyers. Sellers. effected .C s. d. £ s. d. d Rank of Zealand 22 12 G 23 0 0 22 12 0 Union 15 ink .. — — 59,00 0 0 Colonial do. ..27G 2 9 0 290 National Uink .. 3 10 0 313 0 3 10 0 Vrw Z«aUnd Inuir. 4 25 0 — do. .. — 1310 111 c South British do. .. — 317 0 317 G Union do. .. .. 010 0 010 0 010 G Standard do. .. .. — 12 0 r,oan v Mercantile.. 512 G — Union and Door (third issue) .. — 10 10 0 10 10 0 Auckland Gas .. 10 5 0 — 10 7 G Thames Gas .. .. — 1 10 0 — Ne a- Zealand Shipping — 315 0 — Cold Miuing CompaniesCaledonian .. ..3 0 0 — 300 Voanataiari .. .. — 400 400 Alburnia .. .. 2 12 G 3 0 0 Thames .. .. 1 11 0 200 1110 lied Qneon .. . — 0 2 0 0 2 6 Took'ey Tribute .. 0 2 0 02G 023 Wait-kauri .. ..030 040 0 4 o Tokitea .. .. — 0 7 3 Union Heach.. .. — 110 0 1 7 G Youu< New Zealand 0 2 0 0 3 0 — Koyil Oak .. .. — 0 0 0 Conquering Hero .. — 01J 0 Kuranui Hill .. — 016 0 I'iako 0 3 G 040 ALKX. SAUN'DKRS, Stock and Share Broker. No. 2, Insurance Buildings, Auckland, 18th Dec., 1877. DIVIDENDS AND CALLS. The following uro. tho Dividends paid, and Calls uiade, since last summary :— £ s. d. Date. Dividends— Moanatairi .. .. 0 7 G — Nov. 23 Alburnia .. .. 0 2 G — "Dec. G .. ..010— Drc. G Old Whau .. 0 2 0 — Bee. 21 C\M.s - Bismarck .. .. 0 5 0 — Xcv. v; Alma .. .. ..010 — Pei\ Royal Oak .. .. 0 2 G — Dei.-. ILi Qje-u «'f Beauty Extended .. .. 0 1 C. — Dec. 12 Queen of May.. .. 0 2 C — Dec. 1:» £»ew Morning Star .. 0 1 G — Dec. \2 \

Busiueaa Closing Priced. hT0CK8 ' done. atfltet8> Bank of New Zealand.' £23 £22 15; National Hank .. — — 71/6 Colonial Hank .. .. — — South liritish Iusur'ce — — 77/ Uflion fash and Door — — £1010/ Caledonian .. .. — CO/ — ftl-auaiaiari .. .. £4 75/ 80/ Tookey Tribute .. — -/ — Waitekauri .... — — 4/ Afburnia .. .. — 55/ 57,0 Tokatea — — 7,3 Union Beach .. .. — 24;G 20/ Kovui Oalc .... 5/ — — Fuirauui Hill .. .. — I 14/0 — Piako .. .. .. — ! — 4/3 Thames G.M. Co. .. — 30/ — N«w_Gol2en_Pah — ( 1/4 2/3

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5020, 18 December 1877, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5020, 18 December 1877, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5020, 18 December 1877, Page 4