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Medical. ' HITCHENS' CELEBRATED BLOOD RESTORER, A NEVER-PAILINC REMEDY for all Skin Diseases, Rheumatism in all its forma, such as Gout, Neuralgia, Sciatica, and Lumbago, likewise cures Chronic Dysentery, and is a valuable remedy as a Family Medicine for purifying and cleansing the blood. No bottles are genuine unless bearing the Proprle- ! tor's Signature. HAMILTON BROTHERS, Queen-street, WHOLESALE AGENTS. Sold by Mr. J. Edson, Chemist, Queen-street; Mr. A. G. Huobks, corner of Shortland and Princes streets; Mr. Robinson, Chemist, Parnell; Messrs. Hill <» Hudson, Victoria-street; Mr. Fallwkix, Otabnhu; Mr. Fallwell, Mr. T. R.Gillmjln. Onehunea, and Sands, and Co., Chemist, Hamilton, Waikato. Testimonials can be seen on application to the Proprietor, at his residence, top of Wakefield-street. The strongest recommendation for this medicine is its own intrinsic worth, as shown by the marvellous cures effected on well-known and much respected members of our community. The best proof of |thls is to be found in the large number of testimonials received by the maker, thankfully acknowledging the complete restoration of health experienced by using this panacea. At the request of thope already cured, the proprietor now brings the "Blood Restorer" more prominently before the Public, in the sure and certain hope that this utilising of the gifts of a merciful Providence will prove a great blessing to suffering humanity, by curing long-seated disease, and averting threatening ickness. The want of a reliable remedy for Rheumatism &c„ has long been felt as one of the greatest calamities of the age. While other means and medicine have been proving themselves *?ain and delusive, this | remedy has been silently and steadily unloosing the cruel flnprers of disease, and freeing captive man from that deadly embrace. The people are now requested to give the Blood Restorer a fair and impartial trial. And the Proprietor would have it distinctly understood that the cures of Kheumatism, &c., are due entirely to tbis medicine's wonderful effect upon the blood, by its cleansing purifying, and invigorating power. Impurity and inactivity of the blood is the cause of most sickuess and pains. After a course of this medicine, blood vessels—which have become, as it were, choked up with unhealthy matter—become exhilirant with pure scarlet life-blood, flowing naturally along, and imparting in its course vigour and strength to the entire system. N.B.—Country Settlers wiil find in Hitchens' Blood Restorer an almost complete substitute for the Doctor. It arrests Colds, allays Fevers, and builds up the system. Children take it with wonderful results. No household should be without it. Fresh proof of the effects of the Restorer on the Blood : Rokeby-street, Auckland, Ist December, 1577. Mr. Hitchens, — Dear Sir, —I have to thank you very much for the benefit 1 have received through using your valuable Blood Restorer, and as a warning and guidance to others, would make kuown the particulars of my illness and cure. Some months «go I was taken iil with pains in the back, supposed to be luu>bago. So far from being benefited by the attendance of medical men. 1 grew rapidly worse, and the pain became agonising. One day my husband had in his hand a portion of an old Auckland Eveninu Star, coptaining your professional announcement of thn medicine and its cures. The paper was of a back date, and the advertised agent's address a Chemist in Wellesley-atreet. My husband applied to him for Hitchens's Blood Restorer; but the|Chemist|used such illnatured remark* to dissuade us from testing the virtue of the medicine, that we felt there was some spite at work, and determined more than ever to give it a trial. The pleasing result of the trial was, that after taking it a week, I felt wonderful relief; before many bottles were taken, £ was not only liberated from a sick room, but felt in perfect health ; appetite was restored, strength regained, and I have to thank God that you were at hand to provide the means of my rapid cure, and enable me once more to attend to my household dutie?. Yours very gratefully &Irs. Walter. Knox. To Mr. Hitchens, Upper Wakefield-street. Other Testimonials from Batterers who have marvellously recovered, will follow. For children and invalids, AND ALL WHO VALUE THEIR HEALTH. DR. NICHOLS' OF JJEALTH, A Food on which one may entirely live, and which will sustain the body in fuli vigour for an unlimited period. Even one meal a day of the FOOD OF HEALTH would give health to thousands who are now suffering from Dyspepsia, Constipation, and their attendant maladies. FROM THIS "CIVIL SKRVICE GAZETTE" OF FEBRUARY 3, 1877: "Dr. Nichols* FOOD OF HEALTH is a highly nutritious and suitable articlo of diet for invalids and infants, and it must not be named ia the same breath with many of the so-called patent foods." " Kidderminster, Dec. 9, 1576. 4t Gentlemen,—-I have never for one moment suffered from indigestion since takißgthe FOOD OF HhALTH for aupper. "W. Coxon, Councillor." AGENTS: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, Ic CO., Dusedim and Auckland. FELTON, GRIM WADE, & CO., Wellington I SOLUTION OF 1 F ~ s DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA Is the gTeat remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, INDIGESTION, SOUR ERUCTATIONS, AND BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. It is the Physician's Cure for GOUT, RHEUMATIC GOUT, GRAVEL, And all other complaints of the bladder; And as a safe and gentle medicine for Infants, Children, Delicate Females, and for the sickness of Pregnancy, Dinneford's Magnesia is indespensable. Sold bv all Druggists and Storekeepers. N.lL—Ask for DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. Agents: Kampthorne, Prosser and Co. Dunedin. IVT O U L T O N ' S PAIN PAINT Cures the Worst Pains in from One to Twenty Minutes. Not one hour After reading this advertisement need anyone suffer with pain. MOULTON'3 PAIN PAINT Is a Cure for Every pain. It was the first and is the only Pain Remedy That instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays inflammations, and cures congestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs by one application IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, No matter how violont or excruciating the Pain, the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, MOULTON'S PAIN PAINT WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. ! inflammation of the Kidneys, inflammation of the Bladder, Inflammation of the Bowels, Mumps, Conation of the Luuj?s, riore Thro-tt, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Mysteries, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrrh, Tnfiuenza, Headache, Toothache, | Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Culd Chills, 1 Ague Chills, Chilblains, and Frost Bites. ' The application of the Pa»n Paint to part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will, in a f«w minutes, cure Cramps, sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headachc, Diarrhuja, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all internal pains. Travellers should always cury a bottle of Moulton's Pain Paint with th»m. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters a* a stimulant. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers. C. E. MOULTON, Sole Proprietor, (>4i, Hunter-street, Sydney. INSURE YOUR HEALTH BV TAKING lIOCKIN'S IMPROVED SKIDLITZ POWDEK. It differs from the Seidlitz Powders usually sold in having all the ingredients in one bottle, is quite tasteless, and may be taken by persons of all ages as a Cooling Beverage, Mild Aperient, or Brisk Purgative according to Hose. Its extensive use during early iialv a ci'.ntuhy proves its valuable qualities a.» a Purgatiw Saline, and the fact that the puw«ier retains it 9 qualities for any nnmbcr of yearn renders it a most reliable and etflcient Domestic Medicine. It will b« found invaluable to Families, Travellers, or Emigrant*, as a preventive or remedy in all cases of Sickness, Hkadaciik. Bxliopm Attacks, Fevers, and the other ordinary ailmknts of life. IMPORTANT TO LADIKS. HOCKIN'S RUBY MARKING INK. This beautiful Ruby Fluid is perfectly transparent and without sediment, changes Jrom a Crimson Ked to an indelible Black on the application of heat, and can be used with a pen. See " Note" from Queen newspaper enclosed with each bottle. Sole Manufacturers— HOCKIN, WILSON & CO., 3S, DUKE-STREET, MANCHESTER SQUARE, LONDON. AgentsKemptborne, Prosper & Co , Dunedin and Auckland ; Felton, Grimwade & Co., Wellington. SAVARESSE'S PATENT FLEXIBLE CAPSULES, Enclosing Balaam Copaiba, pure "Essential Oil of Yellow Sandal Wood, and other Medicines. The Patent Capsules possess many advantages— especially the Medical Profession and the consumer of Capsuled Medicines are able to place perfect confidence in the quality and purity of the Drugs enclosed In them. EVANS, LESCHER, & EVANS, Bartholomew Close, London. Wholesale Auckland Agents •• Messrs. Kempthjrae, Presaer, & Co., and Mr. ■ sKdiou.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5018, 15 December 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5018, 15 December 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5018, 15 December 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)