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Sales by Anction. MONDAY, DECEMBER 17. AT BARNES'S COTTAGES, NEWTON. Elegant drawing-room suite, (9 pieces), Brocaded Silk Kep, Superior Walnut Pianoforte, Zeigler. trichord; Walnut Canterbury, Walnut Music stool, Very Handsome Walnut jLoo Table, Wardrobe, Carpet and Rug, Chests Drawers, Iron Bedstead (double and single), Bedding, Curtains and Poles, Fender aud Irons, Ornaments, Washstands and Ware, Mirrors, Cheffinier, Cabinet Sewing Machine by Grover and Baker, &c., &c, &c, 1 The Subscribers have been instructed to sell, at the IttsidftncH (lSarnes'a Cottages, Newton), on Monday next, 17tb instant, at 11 o'clock, The above HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, moat of which is in exceUent condition, and of a superior class. SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Auctioneers. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20. VALUABLE FARM, EPSOM. LARGE ALLOTMENT, SALE-STREET. Tilt' siibficribori* h'tve received instructions to sell, at their Land Mart, (•ort-street, on Thursday, 20th instant, at 12 o'clock, That valuable freehold property AT EPSOM. containing 43 acres rich soil, divided into convenient paddocks, all substantially enclosed with wire fencing. The buildings consist of a comfortable five-roomed Verandah Cottuge, lirge .-tone Stable, Cow-houses, I'iggeries, »vc , all in good repair, and now in the occupation of Mr E. Mill. The above is situated on the Onehun.a Koad, ciose to Mr. Potter's properties, and being surrounded on three sides by roAda, can be advantageously sub-divided. The Farm can be confidently recommended a* one of the best that has been in the market for a long time. Also, (Without Reserve. To Close an Account.) SALE-STKISET.— Lit 35. and pvrts of Lots 13. 36, and 37, Section 89. City of Auckland, having a frontage of '201> link* to Sale and v\ ellesleystreets, and containing a laige area of ground. Full particulars on application to SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON. Auctioneers. Confectioners. Auckland steam con-fectick FACTORY, DURHAM-STREET. E. WATERS, confectioner. Bess to inform the public that the fol?cwini? goods, manufactured at his factory, are guaranteed of superior quality to any confectionery imported into Auckland. Tney contain no ingredient or colouring matter deleterious to »".ejilth:— Dry Gool>B. Dry Goods—Continued. Conversation Lozenges Imperial Drops Conversations Rings Good Words Thick Peppermints Cinnamon Comfits Thin Peppermint* Chocolate Creams Fruit Lozenges London Mixtures Fancv Lozenges IceiugSu^ar Scotch Mixtures Persian Sherbert Sugar Almouds Boii.rd Good*. Marbles Mixed Lollies Burnt Almonds Stieks(assorted) Birds' Eggs Barley Sugar Carraway'Comfita Barley Sugar Carraway Comtita (email Cushions Ginger Lozenges Acid Drops Extra Strong Peppermints Best Acid Drops Super. Extra Strong do. Rove Acid Drops Rose .Lozenges Black Balls Aniseed Balls Indian Corn Cayenne Lozenges Black Almond Toflv Musk Lozenges Sweet Kisses Paregoric Cough Lozenges Red Cocoanut Ice B&thpipe Red and White Tee Coaiafoot Rock Hone} Totlj Gelatine Lozengea Matrimonial Toffy Jujubet) Evorton Toffy Llauorice Star and Love Rock Pink & White Sugar Candy Imitation Stmwtierries Brown Oindv Imitation Almonds Horehound Candy Imitation liiispberrie9 lionpariel CoinUta Cough Drops Reirent Pipe Turkish Rock Plain Pipe Tom Thumbs Medicated Lozenges of every description always on hanu Waters' Chocolate, 20s. per dozen. Wkdoino Cakk Okxamrnts, Bonbonb, Somkbody'b Luooaor, &C., &C., &C. Tkstimosial. Provincial Laboratory, Auckland, October 26, 1576. Mr. E. Watkks : Sir, —I have much pleasure in j informing you, that after having made a very careful analysis of various samples oi sweetmeats manufactured by you, I find that they are free from all adulteration, and that the colouring matters are quite innocuous. With regard to the Chocolate, I And thut t La quite equal to the best English or French preparations ; aud, being entirely free from husk, it will form an excellent articlc of diet for invalids, edjkeciallj those suffering from an mpaired digestion.—l have the honour to be, sir, your obedient servant, Jaurs M. Tuns*. Provincial Analyst. JMPOBTANT NOTICE. E. WATERS Han very great pleasure to announce that since his removal into Mr. Dyson's late shop, his DINT NG-R O O M have been renovated at great expense, with every regard to the convenience of hia customers. THE LOUVER SALOON" is the most spacious and comfortable, as well as the best ventilated Dining-room in the Province ; and Upstairs he has furnished an extra room, of comfortable size, to prevent overcrowding. There are SPECIAL RO'>MS for Ladies also upstairs, to which are attached side olhces provided with ablutionary and ether conveniences. His Table he feels confident needs no recommendation. The liberal patronage of the Professiona and Commercial Gentlemen of the City which he has received for a period of over eight years is a guarantee that the Bill of Fare is such as will please the most fastidious. EVERY DELICACY OK THK SEASON is always to be obtained. British Magazines, Illustrated nd Comic Journals, together with the leading London Newspapers, are laid on the tables immediately on the arrival of each mail steamer. He, therefore, hopes with some confidence that he will, in his New Premises, continue to receive the large rihare of patronage which ha* been accorded to him in the past. E.W. wishes also to draw the attention of Merchants and Storekeepers to his locally-manufactured Confections, which rival those of Keiller and the best English makers. He has removed his Factory to Durham-street West, where he has fitted up all the most modern machinery of the trade. E WATERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONFECTIONER, OUKKN—TKKKT TO MERCHANTS AND STOREKKEPEKS The undersigned 1* now prepared to Supply description of Confectionery at a lower rate than any house in the trade. A great variety of French BotiBons, Somebody's Lugcage, &c., <Sco. D. H. is a Manufacturer of Genuine Persian Sherbet. D. HAMILTON", Wholesale and Retail Confectioner, Queen-stukkt, (Opposite the Market). Seeds, Produce, &c. CT ~ "W REN • NOII-ERYM.\N, SEEDSMAN, And Dealer iv Manurks and all Garden ani» Farm Requihitks, MOUNT HOBSON NURSERY, REMUERA, AND SEED WAREHOUSE (Next llink of New Zealand), Queen-street Auckland. CAUCASIAN PRICKLY COMFREY—SYMPHYTUM AS I'EKKJ MUM, The New Fodder Plant, producing from CO to I*2o tons per acre per annum, o f superior Flesh-forming and .Milk-producing Feed for Horses. Cuttle, Sheep, Pigs, &c. Heing a deep-rooted plant, it throws abundant succuleut food in dry weather; will grow in a swamp, sandhill, or clay buik. Can be planted now and for a month to come with success, aiul lasts for twenty yours or more. Is propagated most easily and rapidly by cutting and division of the root and plant; obtained for O. l*. "W. First-claj-s Ckktificatk at the late Agricultural Exhibition. Well-established Plants, properly packed aud forwarded in cases of one dozen, at 15s. per cuse. Nursery Stock of all kinds in their seasons. Farm and Garden Seeds of every description of ! first quality. The FjRhT Prize was awarded to C. T. "♦V". at the late Exhibition for Fahm and Garden Suedb. Nursery and Seed List forwarded on application. | Communications addressed to either Establishment / will have my best attention. C. T. WREN. , ONEDUST! BONK DUST! FREEMAN'S BAY BONE MILLS. The undersigned are now supplyiug Bonedust of their own manufacture, guaranteed free from adulteration, a £9 per ton of 2,240 lbs. (sacks or bags included).—J. & J. SOPPET, Freeman's Bay; or, at No. 101, Quean-street. Bones purchased in an quantity for cash

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5018, 15 December 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5018, 15 December 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5018, 15 December 1877, Page 4