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Wanted. jgUARD OF EDU OATI ON. TKACHKU A\ \NTEU for Mt;ll-*t Point and Lo««r Ma'aVhoi* l!al!-t:me s. hnoh. ApjjlM iition* to i o wMrc-i-e'l the Botrd of 'Li, Auckivjd. on cr b«fote 3ls. instant. VINCKNTE. RI^E, Secretary. 0 A X T E i: C~O LLEG E. :.:ODEL FA KM. Aiin:icAiior.s are invito,l for the OSice of llanaser of the Mud '•'arm, Lincoln. Tli»* duties of the m,iv l e learnt by appli» catron jo »}>•> nrgi*trar. " £(V) 0 per tnnnni : and up.m the completion of the Firm Uuilditnr* fre« re.«i.i-nce, with the right of taking Tweaty Students, a-i bcardcrs, at £5) each ner annum Appl:i**tion»c addressed to the Chairman of Board of Governors of <.'ant*Tt>urv Co!i*»ge. anil ecdorwd " App'L-atlons for Manager," to be sent «n to this olQce on or befora 15th, at 12 noon. By order, F. G. STEDMAX, Registrar. W AX t e d. Tenders are invited, .ind wilt be rcc-ived br tbe v,v? in v i \'', t tl'., l oyal Hotel, ' Oromuntlel, up to 5- v" 1, ' t e 17ta 'nst-int, for thn s U p D lr of Itn'b-r. tocethef H-.t), lro..iv>.rk- and for the n . 1 .P ,lrt,i; "'ars lo be Iwd it the Black Hull Hotel, Albort-strert, Auckland. „ , , „ V. GLOVER. Coromandel, December 10. 1577. \\/ ANTED—Situation, by Carpenter and —Apply •• M HK°™ l i >l n n o : tl ?° rou C h} T c.mpeteQt. WANI ED—Those interested to know th.H I>. Mc Taumi is yrepirod to make ".Kp wwi" RrU . e,i / ccou ""- - < r.ic-, 39, Usnraar. iJuildtiinß (upstairs). — vy ANTED—A Milliner and Saleswoman. JJy w - l> —. "TJETAXTKD —A Clotliing Hand.—Apply MU 92. Q^tr^S^,^., 00 - C "- r WANTED — A tliorouL'hly competent Rn 3 .me.T, for Coromm„l.-l. Ap- Iy, sUU.ilwag.'s rfqutr-d, to Mr.Tonn,.,, Shnrtland.-trcet, oa or before tmon of Monday nut, 17th instant. WANTED— A good General Servant for a private farnilv, where a nurso«ir! is keptliberal wages.-Apply at Mrs. Klsmokk's Kesriatrr Ofnue. Shorttund-str^et. W TAN a rfaleamau and Manager for VV r Wine and Sp.rit Depariuieut ; must have oxpenencf 1 and first-clas< testimonials.—Apply L. D Nathan C•».. ShortUnd-stre^t. WANTED KNOW N —That Bili-heada Circulars, Cards, {'rogmmmes. and General Printing of every description, fovu entirely new type, is executed -it the Ukkald OiUco. at th« lowest possible puces. WANTED— A Tenant for tho Upper Mat of my More in Cri'tw-lMirhttm-iitreet, at present occupied by .Messrs K.iwler, Tinjiniths suitable f r storage or for a workshop. Kent. £1 per week.—S. O. liuon'.s, Durham-street. WANTED KAU WW — That Musio rm.NTlx.i, .f sijMs adapted to Hymn-boots and the Pianoforte, is uoutly >:ieoutod at the Hekald otliee. •'stimatcs for .Mttsic-book.s, arraceed both for th»« Piano, and in WA NT E D—To Clear-out my Entire Sto ,- k of I urnitur»» av.d -Miscellaneous Articles of every description, a 1? the arc to be titted-up for the Working .Meu's t'ablic Buhs.—No reasonable refused.—Cheap Furniturb Maut, Victoria-street *jv>t, coruer of Highstreet. WANTED KNOWN — That at K, Frkncu's Rojml Tea Mart, and Cheap Drapery Vstablishm»tnt, Upp-jr rlobson-street, the best qualities at low prices, in both departments, may al\v;iv-« be h id. R. F. gives special attention to his selection of, which will i»e found to be of extra value. Country-Settlers will tlud it well worth. their while to call and inspect utir stock, and nolo the prices. Goods* carefully packed. Families in city and suburbs waited oil for orders. Goods delivered. Licensed dealer in Stamp.?. School Books, Stationery, tvc. Glorious nfavs i — fexton has again Commenced Husincii in the Auckland Market, where hu intends business on the old prinriple. He calls public attention to a small liat of his prices : New Currants, od. per lb ; New Raisins, 5d.: Candied Peel, I*. t>d. pt«r lb. : Cantcrbuiy lOd. perlb.; Splendid Tea, 2s. per lo.; and every oiher artic e i:: the Grocery and Provision line equally as cheap. Kvery article guaranteed of the nevvest and best quality.— Fuakcis Fen ton, Auckland Market. To Let. MRS. MOULEY, Havelock House, Auckland, has Removed from her late residence, to very pleasantly-situated ajiartdients opposite. TO LET—That Shop iu Wellesley-street", near Uewiu's Building*, and uext door to Mr. Parker, Plumber ar d Gasiitt;:r.—Apply to Jouir Buchanan, Custom-house street. BOARD AND RESIDENCE in a Private Family (no children) for one or two Gentlemen.— Apply at the Poat < >ltlce, » on&onby. TO LET, for Daucea, Lectures, Theatres, scc.—The Allert Kail. The Bowling Alley (underground) can be engnged per hou*-, day, or night; select and private.—Apply to Mr. itAr, Darby-street. TO BE LEASED, for tea years, those extensive »nd excellent Premises, comprising Mr. Dornwell's Butcher >hop, together with shop adjoining in Que*n-street, spven shops in Darbystreet, Albert Hull, Bowling Saloon, Stable, &c. F. Ri>g, Agent. For Sale. TO BE SOLD, Cheap—A 5-ton Yacht, in good repair.—For particulars, apply to W. H. CkAKKK, Hiijh-str»jct. CO i'TAGES for Sale, suitable for working men. 4 £115, £120, £150, £175, £V.OJ. £"i2O, aud upA'ards ; gootl allotmonts.—C. "Williamson, Estate Agent, Vulcan Lane. T>KOPHttTY AT KEJIUEEA. For Sale, 13 Acres adjoining Residences of T. Morrin and J. L. Wilson, K<qs , fenced, in grass, and iiTit-qu died for *• it.- and view. Price low ; term 3 ea^y. — App'y to K. Mkiivku. or B. Tonks & Co« gMOKED SAKDXNE3, Eiqqteen foi*. One Shilling, At McLean's I ish Shop, Queen-street WharL TO rUOTOGKAPKEKS AND CAPITA LIST-S. FOR 3A—A Fir.-t-cia-s r»usin«.« (the oldest in Christc'nurc'i, C -.t:t -ibur>}, v/sth tno Sole riaht of Working the Patent Chruiiotyi e t'eimanent Pictures. For fiuther particul addrc.»:s — C. TAVU>R a CO., H. r« Christchnrcb. MUNTZ METAL A.VD ' enci'is Wire and Standards Taper Ua*s and Te* i'.'per Gvdvanized Iron. *' Gosptd o;ik " brand FuK tSAIA ii/ W. S. LAURIE. MAUSHALL & C<ICELAND'S CELEBUATEL) XXXX DUXEDIX ALB, In Quarts anil Pints. 0>" SALE BY JOHN 0. MOUKIN & CO., grockks, wine and spirit mkechakts, QuKfcN-.vrKEfcT, Auckland. X.B.— ,_ ?rd rs delivered ia Town or Suburbs. x> EM U E H A . FO" SALK OIL LK.VS-E, The Well-known Freehold Messuage and property of W. A. Himt, J-'-'Q. situareat Remnera. The proper:v ••onsUts of ven Aces of good Land, well eneed v\ a-i«l suitaolv divided into paddocks. Thg Dwcllin?-hou?e. .-tables, and outbuildings are in repa r Hi*d erudition The groun<L»are tastefully laid out tndppint-id with choice tie c s and sLrubs of many vc-irV growth. If sold, a Jarre portion of tlie purchase mon»»y can p-niain on mortgage for a term of years. Possession can be. given at once. For farther particulars, apply to * RU^SFXL. mo CAPITALISTS, M ERC HANTS, _g_ TRADERS AND STOREKREPiIIvS. FOR SALE (WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESiCON), A Lucrative, Wholasale and Retail, WINE, SPUIIT, anli GENERAL STOUE IiUSINLS^, AT RUSSELL, li.iY OF ISLANDS. This be inesshas l-cen carried on for a number of i'i commodious preu.Lses {ad Custom Uou>e\ row tccupieit by Mr. James pujtious'y by tne 1 -ti Mr. A i;i".e Yilccq, ;iQd coru-pri-e. L;rg" DduUlc >t r*. t'tiice and *tore Koom, \vi;h I'\vellir.3-liouse above: and attached is a Free And Bonn*- ; .-tore, witii large Yard, and the neces* aary out-tmiluings r« quired tor tv.rryiug cn the busiR ss 1 N iiMve. k'vc inuiiir.iiMtioii with Auckland a- d ib»- South not oti'v b.'lug a i>or' of call for the Vui, n Company's stemV.-s, b.:t •- s • the clearing port i\>: {he steaui;.coliicri, und traders noctb cf Auckl.i u ai •! i.-» the L'ei-ot for ;iie Anirrican Pacific Wl.a ing Fleet. 'I ho •>> advanta :> s are too well kno'wn to ut-ea any comment; and c»»uld i>e ve:y much im proved 1/ anyone having a kno>*i«.d;.;e of the retail trade. Reasons for giving up business and all aud information, can bo obtained un application to JAMES iIACPARLANB, Russell; Or t:> Missus. UESKETH i RICHMOND, Auckland,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5018, 15 December 1877, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5018, 15 December 1877, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5018, 15 December 1877, Page 3