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"Wanted. A N T E D. Te.-.d-r* arc invited. «tid will N, reched by the nt ih- < ryal fK«tc-!. omm.indel, up to tJ*e 17th f..r th- *npp!y of •i ob -r. t« with lrm.wr.rk und I'tl's f'.r tlw Wharf. /.;» p.trtic;: ar® >nl» h-*d *t ihu Clack Bait Hotel. Alb-7VMrc-t, Au-kian'!. IT. GLOVER. Cororanndol, Deem'' r *0. 1-77. T\r.A.VTKD-A Goml (ieneral Servant.—V f A;»]jlv to Wrj. Hay, llaz-;b'.nk. SymondsWANTKD — A Second-hand Donble-=;--*ted Huodei Jsuffgy t»; once.— ilr.vtcu A.M) XOLAN. WANTED —A Plofehing Hand.—A poly COOMB/S & Co., LilY ClOtWn* Mar*. f>\ Qi c~n «*»re ?. -nd. WAX'HvI) —A Cooper to proceed to Napier; con-taut employee:::; single man prcferrrd.— »i-hei- .v Co. ~V/S7~ANTErJ, by a Widow * Y (uewi'y arrived fm.r. the >cm'h:—.\ Situation a> Working Housekeeper. town or country. — Uannaforrt'srßngpifry. Queen-street. YVTAN'TED, a Salesman aix) Manager for ▼ * Wine and Spirit l>»»! ar:meiit ; mast h*v* experience ami first-cl*s* testimonials.—Apply L. D. Natftav A: 0->.. Sh^rtUnd-stre.-t. TXr ANTE D—Purchaser for complete ¥ r Meremypiog Apparatus, iu good order.—For pi ticuUrs ?i;>plv at the Hi:ru,i> = tlice. WAM'KD —A Teuaut for the Upper FUt of my >tore i i Cross-Durhim-street, at present occupied by Me»s:n. Fowler, Tinsmiths, suitable f.r .iterate or for h workshop. Iteat, £1 per w«--k. —*v C. Ukdws, r>urh:itn->*treet WA Is' T E U—To Clear-out my Entire stock of Furniture and Miscellaneous Articles of every descriptio-i, as the premises are to be fitted-up for the Working .Men's rublic Biths. ■*.11.—No re*aeuabl« cff»»r refused.—v.'ubap Fumfiti*rk Makt, V:ctocia-aireet Last, corner of Highstreet. WANTED KNOWN—That Bili-heada Circulars, Curds, Programmes. and General Printing of every description, fru«u entirely new type. is executed the 11 skald Otiice, at tb* lowest possible pnees WANTED KNOWN — That Mcaio Printing, if sizes adapted to liymn-books and the Pianoforte, is nearly executed at the Herald otiice. Fstiiii&tea given for Music-bocks, arranged b>th for *.ho fiann. xnd »n score. V%/'ILSONtS and HOKTON, Artiste, V V' tlugnv.-ra, Printers, Printers' Brokers, Litho* graphers, Aec«unt-Book, &e., Wyn iham* street. Auckland, are prepared to oxecute all k.nds ol work at English prices, iu style of work* mansmp. WANTED KNOWN — That at R. French's Roy.vl l'ea Mart, and Cheap Prap*ry * st-ibiishnmnt, Upper Hobson street, the bc>t equalities at low priccs, iu both departments, may alwiy* be had. R. F. give« special attention to his selection of Te-is, which will he found to be of extra value. Couutry settlers will liud it well worth their while to call and {u=peci our stock, and note the prises. Good? carefully ptcktd. Families In city and suburbs waited ou tor orders. Goods delivered. Licensed dealer in Stamps, Books, Stationery, otc. ANTED —To Sell Ready-made Ball Ureases, 255.; usual price, 455. Costumes, Sj. Cd. ; u3ual 275, Everything else in Drapery and Millinery equally cheap, at E. T. Heruert's Clearingr Out Sale, Upper Symonds-streft. Glorious news ! — fbnton has Commenced Business in the Anckland M.irkefc, whero he intends business on the old prin-.-ipie. lie calls public attention to a small list of his price's: >'ew Currants, sd. per lb.; New Kaisiny, 5d.; Caudied Peel, is. U'». per lb. : splendid Canterbury llatu c , lOd. v 'p?endid Tea. 2a. per lb : and every other artic'e i.-; the Grocery and Provision liue e<iu illy as chc ip hv»:ry article lOiaran-t-od of the newest ami best quality.—Frawcix Fenton, Auckland Market. Money. Jh £1,000 LENT, ou Building Society principles, or on any terms to suit borrowers. — C. Williamson, Estate Agent, Vnican Lane. Mortgages and Loans negotiated. TO LENO, on Freehold v.:- ' r Security, at a moderate rate of interest.—Apply to A. R. Grebswat, Solicitor, Highstreet. LEND —In Sums of ¥ * £50 ami upwards, upon good freehold securities.—Apply to J. JL.iiN.sox, Estate Agent, Auckland. l»fiiND on Freehold v/ Security— Apply to W. Aitkkw, Sharebroker and Land Ag'-ui. MONEY TO LEND, in large or small sums, at low rate of interest.—Apply to ill. Laishley, Solicitor, High-street. MOA'EY TO LEND, on Mortgage, at the usual rates of interest.—W. ii. Connell, Vulcan Lane. MONEY TO LEND, ou Firht-oiiisa Freehold Security, at low rates of interest—R.C, Dyer, Sbortiand-atreet. MON E V TO LE SD on .Promissory Notes, Laud, House.*, &c. Bills discounted. —Apply toGKOROB Duxkkt, i*s. Insurance lsuisdin\»s. i TO LE-\D. —A Urge Bum ot :Vi Money to Lecd, in of iilwO and upwards, &V Vciy low Interest. —Apply to £lr. W. AIIUV, Shortlanci-stteet. "jU/fONEY TO LEND, at a moderate rate iV a of interest.—-Apyly to Jacksos va iiOHHKix, Solicitors, yoruatreel. Money to lend on mortgage. —F. Ri>*o, Ag*;nt. Shortland-.-»treet. MONEY TO LEND, on Mortgage.— A. Mackkousik.Solicitor, Shortiand»Street. MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage of First-cla s Freehold Securities. Wil. COLEMAN, Solicitor, Vu'.can Lane. For Sale. TO BE SOLD, Cheap—A 5-ton Yacht, in HOO'I repair.—tor particulars, apply to W. H. Claukk, in^h-str-et. ASKNSIIiLE CHRISTMAS PRESENT: Mottled Kauri Chests of Drawers, at very low price-?, for a f«w weeks only.—W. -NoKRtE, Top of SlMrtlaud-stre^t. COTTAGES for Sale, suitable for working men. 4 ro ,uis. at £115, £i2O, £150, £175, .£-00. £'i2O, an.l upwmU; Williamson Estat-j Ageut, Vulcan Lane. "VT E W OATEN CHAFF! J3I Well saved, Green and Sweet. Oar horses eat it without com. JOHN WALLACE, Flat Bush. rjpo Plti-NTERS AND OTHERS. FOR SU.E—Ab .ut SOOlbs. Brevier and gOOlba. i.ourL'e 'is, tn !ot< t«» ••uit purchasers ; ;xls *, complete St«re>-typing Apparatus, i-y W-'od. .with or without Treitlle Circular Saw. —Apply at the Herald Office. TO riIOTOGItAPKKRS AND CAPITA LISTS. poll SAI FT—A Fir-t-class Business (the oldest in ChrUtchurc'-, C+r.t rb ir>), with the Sol* ri-iht of Working the Patent Chronotvj e Pict»ir«s. For further particul ir-- ud«lr«4s — C. !5. I AVLOK « CO., Tl« r»»f -rd-«trect. Christchnrch-

-j%,r u.V TZ MHT A L AX D X AILS I>X V eu. il.lC anil -tan.Sard! Pao-r Haes and I'ei iv.per G dvanizcd Iro 4 G«»sp«l Oak " brand Candles, Currant*. Uiis:ux, Sardiues, &c. For Sall bv W, S. LAmtlE. Marshall & oipelaisd's celeBKATKi' XXXX DOXEDIX A T .E, la Quart* ar.d Pints. OS SALE BY JOHN C. MORRI-V & CO., GROCEKS, WIN'S AND SPIRIT .MrJRCHiINTS, Qcbks-.-trekt. Auckland. Orders drt'ivered in Town or Suburbs. ~j > KM U E ft \ . FOft SALE oil LEASE. The Well-known Freehold Mc-suae < and property of \V\ A. Hunt. K-q., situate at Remuerv The property consists of Acres of goo I Lend, wftU f-'need i ; t and suitably divided in*o p;d>loc!ss. The Dwelliug-hnu«e. -tables, and »utb"il *ingi are in good r«pa ; r and condition Tlih grounds «re t-wtefally laid out tnfl pi mt d with choice aud shruos oi many ye*r>' crowth. If sold, a portion of the purchase money can r-main on nuTt-'aee for a term of years. Possession can b>? given at once. For further particulars, apply to ,Tv« K-<>X & RUSSELL. (TITLES ! BOTT LKS ! BOTTLES ! HIGHK>T CAS [I PRICE GIVEV fOK. ALE AND PORTER BOTTLES. EHUEXFUEID BROS. yy 0 0 L * Ihe unileriisneil ar, & Commerce-street,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5016, 13 December 1877, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5016, 13 December 1877, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5016, 13 December 1877, Page 3