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Medical. W H O L Ij AH' S GREAT INDIAN CUBES. The Inhabitants of tho City and Province need no longer suffer the tomenU ol RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. LHMBAGO, SCIATICA, and MUB CULAE SHIFTtNG PAINS, for by using that moat beantlf ol preparation, GHOLLAH'S RHEUMATISM MIXTURE, All the above-named maladies are MOST COMPLETELY CORED Clout Sufferers, why allow yourselves to be tortured by that agonizing malady ? GHOLLAH'S GOUT MIXTURE Never fails to give qnlck relier, and by continuing Its use for a reasonable time, alll gouty symptoms disappear. - ■ '- • ■■• : GHOLLAH'S APERIENT MIXTURE, A perfect and complete rectifier of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels. It is a splendid and safe Family Medidne. : These Indian Medicines can be had of all Chemists and Medicine Vendors. BROWN, BARRETT & CO., SOLE WHOLESALE AGENTS POII THE AUCKLAND ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, CON bU S^^H||f|NCHITia. Aa AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAX. It is composed of the active principles of reots and plant." which are chemically extracted, so as to retain "" SPEAKERS, who are so often afflicted with throat diseases, will find a sure remedy in this balsam. Lozenges and wafers sometimes give reUef; but this balsam, taken a few times, will ensure a permanent cure. Will all those afflicted.wfth coughs or consumption read the following, and learn the value of ALLEN'S LTTNG BALSAM. WHAT THE DOCTOBS SAY. Amo3 Woolly, M.D., of Koseiusko Co.. Indiana, jajs : " For three years past I have used Allen s Lunir Balsam extensively in my practice ; and I am satisfied that there is no better medicine for lung diseases in use." Isaac B. Doran, M.D., of Logan Co.. Ohio, says:— "Allen's Lung Basalm not only sells rapidly, but gives perfect satisfaction in every case within my knowledge. Having confidence in it. and knowing that it possesses valuable medical properties, I freely use it in my daily practice, and with unbounded success. As an expectorant, it is most certainly far ahead of any preparation I have ever yet known." Nathaniel Harris, M.D., of Mlddlebury, Vermont, says:—" I have no doubt will soon become a classical remedial agent for the cure of diseases of the throat, bronchial tubes, and the lungs." Dr. Uoyd, of Ohio, surgeon in the army during the war, from exposure, contracted consumption. He says :—"I have no hesitation in stating that it was by the use of your Lung Balsam that I am now alive and enjoying health." Br. Fletcher, of Missouri, says:—" I recommend your balsam in preference to any other medicine for coughs : and it gives satisfaction." BR. A. li. SCOVILL. who has for many years been known to the public throughout the TJnito I States as tho inventor of remedies for the lungs, recommend? Allen's Lunq Balsam as surpassing anything that has ever been offered to the public for the euro of lung diseases. He has used it in his own family with great success, in the case of his sister, who was supposed to be in the last stages of consumption. This lady is now well, and has been permanently cured by its use. Physicians who havo failed to euro their patients should try this medicine before they give the case up, as we know very many valuable lives have been saved by being persuaded to give it a trial. Don't despair because all other remedies have failed .- but try this remedy, and you will not be deceived. It will euro when all other 3 fail. Directions accompany each bottle. L. D. NATHAN & CO., Agents. Sold by ail Druggists and Storekeepers. A NEVER-FAILING REMEDY. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS, Prepared without any mercurial ingredient, will be found invaluable to all who suffer from Bilious and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Wind, Spasms, Giddiness, Dizziness of the Eyes, and many other symptoms which sone but a sufferer can describe. For habitual Costiveness, as a family aperient medicine, and as a pnrl&er of the blood, thoy are unequslled; mild in their operation and grateful to the stomach: tbey create appetite, promote digestion, and strengthen the whole nervous system. Prepared only by W. LAMBERT, lα, Vere-street, London. W., England, In boxes. Is ljd and 2s Sd. Sold by all Chemists. IMPORTANT CACTION.—Be sure to ask for " Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills." If you ask for " Scott's Fills," you will getquite a different medicine; if you ask for " Bilious and Liver I'ills," you will get a spurious compound, which, if taken, will not have the beneficial effects. The genuine are in a square greou packet, and must have the name and address "WILLIAM LAMBERT. 8, KING WILLIAMSTREET, CHARING CROSS," engraved on the Government btamp. It frequently occurs that druggists impose on their customers a " Scott's Pill," in an oval box, which is quite a different medicine, and causes much disappointment, as their medicinal effects are so opposite, therefore see that you get what you.ask for, namely, "dr. Scott's bilious and liveb pills." Wholesale Agents : Messes. FRENCH, KEMPTHORNE &CO., DUNEDIN. V , Local Agents Wanted. " Iβ there no hope ? the sick man said; The silent doctor shook his head." " While there is life there's hope, he cried." " JEgroto, dum animus est, spes cst." DR. L. L. SMITH (Tho only legally-qnalified medical man advertising) CONSULTS On all affections of the Nervous System (no matter from what cause arising) On ill broken-down constitutions On a'l diseases arising from e. r:y indiscretions On Gout On Rheumatism. In these colonies, those excesses which we have Indulged in "hot youth" tell upon us with fearful Interest. Our 1 egrets are nteless, our repiniegs futile. The Boleirtea should be the chancos we possess of remedying tho ills we already have, or combating tho effects likely to result. Hlda it as ho may, put on as good an exterior a< he can, still is tho victim conscious that he U a living lie, and that sooner or later his vices will discover him to the world. Our Faith, our obligati ms to society at large, the welfare of our future offspring, and the duty, we owe to ourselves forbids procrastination, anl points out to ns, not to wait till the ravages break out in our constitutions. Before negociating with a merchant, before engaging with a confidential clerk, before employing a barrister, a careful man makes enquiries as to their standing, their length of occupaccy or residence: and, in the case of a legal adviser, both as to his legal qualifications and as to bis capabilities of transacting tho individual business he consults him upon. Strange to say, however, in the selection of a medical man, the sufferer frequently omits these necessary precautions and without regard to tho fitness, qualification, experience and ability for the particular ailment requiring treatment, he consults the nearest man, whoso experience and practice, perhaps, lies in quite an opposite direc tion. It is astonishing that so many are driven mad, are ruiucd in health, and are bankrupt in spirits, hope and moneyi Havel not for years pointed out to them that 7, Dr. L. L. Smith, am the only legally qualified medical man advertising in Vie colonies t Have I not also prosecuted, at my own expense, these very quacks and exr-osed the various nostrums they arc selling', —such as Phosphodyne, Essence of Life, &c —and had them analysed and found them to consist of " Burnt Sujar and flavouring matter," and tho certificates have niovKD to be all forgeries. It is for this reason that I step out of the ethics of the profession and advertiso, to give thosH who require tho services of my branch an opportunity of knowing thoy can consult a legally qualified man, and ouo, moreover, who has rmde this his special s udy. Dr. 1.-. L. Smith is tho only legally qualified medical man advertising, and ho has been in Melbourne 21 years in full practice on NERVOUS DISEASES LOSS OF POWER AND DEBILITY SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS WANT OF CONDITION GOUT >ND RHEUMATISM Dβ. L. L. SMITH can be consulted by letter-Fee, £1. Medicines forwarded to all tho colonies. Dr. L. L. SMITH, 182, Collins-street East (late the residence of tho Governor), Melbourne. Vfsnsm THE FOLLOWING sMcf ' ,s A * v S EXTRACT FROM A LETTER, M—Sj dated 15th May, 1872, from an old inhabitant of Iβ. \ Horningsham, near Warminst. r, Wilts :— gj "I must also bep to soy that your Pills are 53(/j an excellent medicine for me, and I certainly Ql3' do enjoy good health, sound sleep, and a good ;!hS; appetite; this is owing to taking your Pills. 03M; I am 78 years old. Remaining, gentlemen QHI yours very respectfully. L.S." j}2J I To the proprietors of 1 NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS, London. O'neIbOXOP CLARKE'S Is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constltu tioial. Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes 4s Od each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole Proprietor—F. J. CLARKE Afothecauies" Hall, Lincoln, Esolaud EXPORT AGENTS : Burgoyne, Burbrldges & Co.,"Coleman-Btreet, London. Newbery &Sons, 37, Newgate-street, London uuua - Barclay & Sons, 95. Farringdon-alreet, London. Sanger & Sons, Oxford-street, London. And all the London Wholesale Houses Agents for New Zealand— KEMPXROBNJB, PROS3ER & CO.. DuawUfl and Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4748, 3 February 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4748, 3 February 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4748, 3 February 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)