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' Wholesale Druggists. ', - QOLE WHOLESALE AGENTS r FOR. V . ,';.;-V ■ V' NEW ■ZEALAND .....-,...■ j .:;; 1 :' KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER,. & CO;,;: > •■■'■■ WHOLESALE DRUGGIST 3, . \ \ ...: ;■ '' ■ ■ ' ..' : STATIONERS, '; ,•' ! ■ ... COMMISSION AND GENEBAL j. '-.' MERCHANTS,- ' ' ■ DUNEDIN AND AUCKLAND; . ; . WELLINGTON: FELTON, GRIMWADE,; &! CO., . ■ ■- ■■: ■ : -■'■■ FOR , ■' - '■ j ' "DLOOR'S FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. ■' ■ Prepared upon Baron Lieblg's principle; approved and recommended by the most eminent of the Medical Surpasses all other substitutes for the natural food of Infants, and effectually promotes nutrition and health. !. .■ •. • ■ .: \ "A child deprived of its mother's milk can only be fed properly when the food given is equivalent in powerto that of woman's milk.— i y ■■■•;■ "BARON LIEBIG." The great success of this food is a convincing proef that it perfectly .fulfils Its object. . i : MEDICAL CERTIFICATES. I "After a careful trial of Mrs. Bloor's Farinaceous Food for Infants and Invalids, I feel no little pleasure in recommending It as the best substitute I have met with for the natural food of infants, from its being, highly nutritions, easy of digestion, and not'irrltating the alimentary canal. In my opinion its more ceneral use would tend greatly to diminish the excessive mortality which has hitherto existed in the Colony." "JOHN STtfGLETON, M.D., ' ' . "Medical Mission Dispensary, ; , ■ ■ : •'. Wellington-street, CoUingwooil." •• Having tried Mrs. Bloor's Food for Infants and Invalids, I am justified in saying that I consider it en excellent article in all cases where infants are deprived, of their natural food, and invalids suffering from dyspepsia, combined with feeble digestive powers. • " GODFREY HOWITT, M.D., , " 104, Collins-street" " Having tried Mrs. Bloor's Victoria Patent Farinaceous Food, I can safely recommend it as being well suited for infante, children, and invalids, and as it is manufactured from colonial grain it Is fresh, sweet, and very delicious. ■ ■ • i "JOHN WILKINS, F.R.0.5., England, , " 121, Collins-street E " TTRUSE'S INSECTICIDE. Persian Insect Destroying Powder.' Sold by all chemists, in packets at Is, nnd In tins at Is 6d, 53,10.1, 163, and 20s each. ; This Powder is unrivalled in destroying fleas, bugs, ants, flies, cockroaches, beetles, gnats, mosquitoes, moths in firs, and every other species of insects in all stages of metamorphosis; whilst it has no qualities deleterious to human beings, and is quite harmless in its application to dogs, cats, poultry, &c OXILLIAMS'S AUSTRALIAN YEAST . POWDER. This Baking Powder is packed in half-pound canisters specially adapted for tho climate of New Zealand. It makes light wholesome bread without yeast; also biscuits, cakes, and all kinds of pastry without eggs, and with less than half the usual quantity of butter. Williams'B Yeast Powder will doubtless speedily drive all other baking powders from the New Zealand markets, and secure for itself that high popularity it has attained throughout Australia, where it is to be ound in every well-regulated housohold. ; XT RUSE'S FLUID MAGNESIA.The Jurors of the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866 and 1867, awarded the ONLY PRIZE MEDAL , for Fluid Magnesia to Mr. Kecse. Accompanying their report is tho remit of Mr. J. Cosmo Nowfierry's Analysis; by which it appears that one fluid ounco of KnusE's Maonkjjia contains fifty per cent, of Carbonate of Magnesia in excess of any other Magnesia exhibited. KRUSE'S FLUID MAGNESIA, For upwards of twenty years, ha 3 been approved and prescribed by tho loading members of the medical profession. Its almost universal use affords sufficient proof of the high estimation in which it is held by the public generally. It is carofully prepared of uniform strength. Mich fluid ounce contains ten grains of pure Carbonato of Magnesia. i " KRUSE'S FLUID MAGNESIA possesses all the properties of tho Magnesia in common use, but being in a dissolved state, and quite free from any adulteration or contamination, its effects arn moro energetic and reliable; besides, it has the advantage of not forming those dangerous concretions in the bowels which sometimes have resulted from the use of dry Carbonate of Magnesia. KRUSE'S FLUID MAGNESIA promotes, in a very mild manner, the secretions in the alimentary canal, and removes any disposition to the formation of acidity in the same, and especially corrects the tendency of the chyle to become acid. It is the acidulous condition of the chyle which causes not osly Dyspepsin, with its troublcsomo symptoms. Heartburn, Ucadache, Nausea, Vomiting, Pain after Eating, &c, but gives rise very often to Spasms in the tomach and bowels, which in children often lead to Convulsions and Nervous affections. The acid also causes Diarrhoea and Dysentery in children, and prevents a proper digestion nnd assimilation of food. A frequent use is consequently often recommended by medical practitioners, nnd the antacid aud mild aperient qualities of Kruse's Fluid Magnesia render it tberefore an inestimable remedy. In the following cases of illness it is found particularly benefloial as a pleasing sodative and aperient in all cases of irritation or acidity of tho stomach (particularly during pregnacy), Febrilo complaints., Infantile disorders, or Sea-sickness. . The solution speedily removes Heartburn, Acid Eructations. Sourness, or Irregular Digestion of Females and Children. IT COMPOSES THE. STOMACH AFTER ANY EXCESS OE HARD DRINKING. Kruno's Fluid Uagnesia is sold in bottles, Is (id, Ss od, and 3s (SO, by Chemists and Storekeepers throughout the Australian Colonies. "OARRY'S PEARL CREAM,: A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. YOUTH RESTORED, by the use o! this Innocent and delightful cosmetic. BARRY'S MARFIJJNA, Kor Beautifying and. Preserving the Teeth, Perfuming the Breath, and Hardening the Gums, is the best article for removing Tartar, Canker, Scurvy, and all other diseases or substances injurious to thaTeoth. : . BARRY'S TRICOPHEROUS, . BARRY'S SAFE* HAIR DYE, Articles too well known and esteemed to seed any comment from us. , . ,■ T\R. BUCHAN'S CONCENTRATED J-' COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA : ; . ' Operates as a mild but ct&cacieus alternative 'and tonic, gives tono and vigour to the system, renovates the blood, aud affords protection from attacks arising from changes of season, climate, and life. This very agreeable and beneficial beverage will be found in every respectable hotel bar, and to thoso who value health and long llfo, ask for and drink this article in lieu of trashy and ruinous alcoholic liquors. See'you get Dr. Buchan's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggists, storekeepers, and publicans throughout the colony. KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER AND CO. HAVE ON BALEPhotographtc Chemicals, Camoras, Dallmeyer's Lenses, and Sundries Homoeopathic Medicines, Medicine Chests, Books, and Packet Cases Tooth Instruments and Dental Sundries Patent Medicines, Porfumory, Fahoy Goods, Soaps, and Brushwaro Aerated Water Makers' Materials—Corks, Bottles, Sulphuric Acid, Spirits Wine, and Ginger Brewers'lsinglass and Sundries Arsenic, Sulphur, Bluestone, Soft Soap, Castor Oil, Townsend's Sarsaparilla, Lime-juice, Flavouring essences, and Confectionery. STORES: , VICTORIA-STREET EAST, AUCKLAND, DOMESTIC ECONOMyT" JUDSON'S DYES. "Tim proccw •pi-Sin t n clran ar.d Ein'.plfi.'lVre •pprarsno lei ivhrc>t'rrl.'i.lrs>uiul.! n0t.1.0 aoran-n dyer,or ivli/djciiiK-dnr thanld not. hi «vcry wollrcßubud fmijlly, boas common n.< Any y»!»:is lutly couM Ijfsin lu'r rxfwr'im'nt liii -i iil)i,jni,r;r;ill.rr 111 al.;i-ln ,if ivnier uinl iirm r.'il anrrwarita l" lar B cr i.tllclw or drrss In a hirnd. p:iTi or furil-b.ull. 'J lie iMn-,' u oil il Ut; \tfr h* JUDOON'S SIMPLE DYES cimsi.; of lu brilliant rulnurs, in.l itch W iw.l (or ilKhis Mlti. U'fti,u..u.m, j- ra :>ir r ». rib,-,., Leather. Hair, IVury, iiim;:, Wyod.tilid formally . ott,i-r litrrpcKCs. - ' Bold by ChcinUis a,,.l Slalinncrs ilirouiihout liie •■VVurlii. juke Hypertonic. Proprietors-EASIEI, JUD3ON & SON, X.-OTSTX3OKT. : m'HE counties'' act , Thi various Forms for Valuators, &c, under the new Acts, can be obtained at the Hejiald Oflice,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4748, 3 February 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4748, 3 February 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4748, 3 February 1877, Page 4