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■ OSTSO F A if OKLANJ). II a i WtTEU/Thls Day: 7.19 morn.; 7.35 <"cn. ~ „ Msmikau: 10.14 morn.; 10.30 even. Ths'.Sus: Rises, 5.2; seta, 7.17. The Moon: New, this day; 1.7 a.m. AB RIVALS—JAK. 13. Icroa, C.8., I'arqubar, from Russell.—a.; McGregor, agent. rf'ttffs, » 8., Baker, fiom <3\ boras Jane Douglas, s.s.. Fraier, from Glsborno Napier.: Passengers: .Mesdatnea Carr, Harding, Stephens, Stanlrj.llunt. Misses Wylle, btar Masses. UolJan,"Van Dazelar, WUson, Grant. Stanley, and 5 steer«ee.-Uruicksliank ami io., agents. . Slirziporc, barque, Depeuxe, from Melbourne.— J. ' pioneer? schooner, Oabome, from Mautit'us. Canterbury, schooner, Moller, from Norfolk Island via Knssell. Passengers: Mrs. Wat:ing, Miss Manning, aod Miss liniily Bvans.—Master, agent. Sissy, schooner, Bnyldou, from Kapler via Thames. - ---Stone Brothers, agents. Golden Isle, schooner, Matzen, from Russell. Magic, cutter, from Kmsell. Januart I*. Taupo, s.s., Andrew, Jr u m southern ports. Passcdects: Mcsdames l?raser, Lloyd, Morton, Willlaa.s and family (3), Misses Lippall. McUonald, Mr. and Mrs. McLaren," inajor .tieaphy, Messrs.' Culpan, Trumblo McDonald, Ferris, Lillie. Wallace, Hen.Hoy. Goldie, Manray. Allan, Twigger, Scotland, Uooth, 11 steer* e.—Henderson and Mncfiurlano, auents. from routherri porn. Passengers,:— Mrs. *us!eo, Mrs. Pow.r, Messrs. Dowries, slieelran, Wilson. Higginson, Divies, iSrown, JJell, the Hud. Major Atkinson. '','"'■ ," -:,,-. . <jo-Ahe.d, 8.3., McGilHvraj , , from Gisbome aud Napier. Passengers:—From flapier ; Mr.■<. hrystall. Gisborne : Messrs. Haddiffe, T.ylor. W. S. Green Uradnam and family; steerage: Messrs. Ellis and Dougherty.—J.S.F.CO., agents. _ Bella iiar.r, barqne, McArUjur, f rom Hofeart Town. —Stone Broi., agents. _ .■' ... ~ , Kate Brain, brig»ntine, Gay, from, Adelaide via Wellington.—G. \V. Binney, agent. Trausport, btig, McKunon, fiom Sydney,—Stone 33r05., agents. . - - Saxon, schooner, McKenzie, from LyttoUorj.— Acidia, svhoonor, McTVonald, from Napier ria JBay of Is:auds —D. H. McKenzie, »gent._

Kate McGregor, schooner, from Napier. Daphne, schooner, ftom Loma.loma. Passenger :—Mrs. Athertun.—Cruickshank and Co., agents, i'awn, cutter, Kvanson, from KusseiL Keas, cutter, from Euasell.

DSPAKTUEES-te. 14. . • Wellington, s.s., Llojd, for Southern ports. Pasien"ers: Messr-. Vavasour. K. Joce.«, Lloyd, Geddes, Levi-hon, Savage, Goldsworthy, F. B. Ilives, J. Bell, l≥ Uunter J Wilson, J. York, Joihua 13), Mason, l-etrie, T. .fills, "\V. Frame, W. It. A. Gab;eu Plumridge. Leddcll, H. "Wright, J. Lye, Jas. 2Jrll' Mr aod Mrs. Datfill and 3 children. Mrs. Ailington aud 3 children. Mrs. Arnold and child, Mr. and Mrs. Wood and 3 children, Mr. and Mrs. D. "Mr and Mrs. tellers, Misses L'av dson and Lorrlgan, >ir. and Mis. Anderson, Kev. W. Kirk.- -Henderson and Macfmlane, agents. Helena, sihouuer, for Mercury Bay.

ESTEKED 1H vVARDS. Jane Douglas, s.s., 75 tons. Fraser. from Gibornp, with 5 tons lion, 2 cases fcacon, 2 bags fuuguj, 30 boxes fruit. ■ - Teimph. schooner. 39 tons, Sullivan, from •WangMoa. with 28,147 feet timber and 12 000 shingles. Kovi r, schooner, 33 tons, Anderson, from Wangalet, with 200 bags gum, 25 bags mnfrua, 10 boxes apples, 8 bales wool, 1 J ton machinery. Jt our passen56Janet, cutter, 26 tons, Cole, from EasseH, with 44 '"S'rSam'j cutter, 31 tons, with 21.000 feet timber, from Whingaroa.

CLBA.UED OTJTWAKDS. Mcndozi. barque, 493 tons, Hoivieson, in ballast, for Chili. —Cruidishaufc and Co., agents. Carbarfeidh, barque, 333 tons, McKenzie, for AdeLiido - D. H: ilcKenzie, .igent. •***■ Dnotiki schooner, 33 tons, Hams, for Mercury JSxr: io' cases biscuits, 10 tins oil.—Owen and Graham, a.cats. ■ IMPORTS: tA. special chargai3 nude for consignees , names inserted in this column.] P<ir Go-Ahead, 5.?., from Napier and Gisborne: 70 Per Mirznpore, barque from Melbourne: 000 tons ilarv, barque, from Bobttt Town: 5000 feet hardwood. 25.000 feet 5 feet palings. 5000 foot 6feet pallDg', 3000' rails. 130 bags bark, 300b»gs Hour, ' 2SS cases j.nis, 40 cases pressivcd frnit, lcasefamiy coods. So!i pieces sUme. Per Transport, brig, 'rom Sydney : 226 cases claret, 1134 eunnies sugar, 40 casks treacle, 10 half-chests tea, il ?asks raw sugar, 1 bos lev 10 drums oil, 0 cases S tegs nails, 2 cases fireworks, 14 cases sundnrs, 1 crate 1 hhd., 0 packages hardware, 1 cask, 2 bundles spides 1 bhd.- hoiloware. 1 b6x giass, 1 bcudle >?rew3 "70 tons coal, 20 tons coke, 40 tous stored ■ip&K&e! torn Adelaide: 1600 sMto flour. . ' Peri Daphne, schooner, from Lejia loma: Bags PerSason, schooner, from Lyttelton: 10. tanks mslt, 20 cases bacan. 50 sacks malt, o0 sacks wheat, l=>o sacks oata, 50 sacks honedust. : Pioneer, schooner, from Alsuritios: 230 toas sugar, Onen and Graham. ' Pe- Canterbury, schooner, from OTfolk Island: 150 bunches bananas, 2 bales, wool, 40 bags sweet potttoes, 10 case 3 bau*nas, 6 hides,-. 2 Jiorses, <"»<»- several yaclcages fnraitoia.',

EX If OUTS. Per barque Cabarfeidb, for Adelaide: 47,678 feet sawn timber, 205,9:4 feet timber (transshipped from ILovet Peacock), 3 pieces kauri timber, 100 doors, 2 packages. . . "

AiuuvAis Coastwise.—Eangatira, cutter, 50 tons firewood, from Omaha; Lady of the Lake, ketch, 40 piles, from JUahnransrL " - ~, T . Outwards Coastwise.—Janet, cutter, in billast, for Kussell; Lady of the Lake, ketch, in ballast, (cr The schooner Kate McGregor arrived in port yesterday from Zfapier, in bsllart. The s s. Eowena arrived in harbour early on Saturday from Mercury Bay and Tauranga. She brought «eTe*al passengers, but little cargo.' ■ . Tlie s.s. lona arrived in harbour on Satnrday mornins fioin Bussell and Northern ports, bhe brought « cargo of SO bags of gem. 20 bales wool, and several to is of sundries and produce. _ . The Union Company's s.s. Wellington, Captim Lloyd, left Oneliunga yesterday morning for the South ■nith alarge number of.passengers and cargo, as per The £ s Staff*. Captain Baker, arrived in harbour on Saturday from Opotiiii, via Tauranga, bringing as cargo 11 horses, 16 pigs, and a few cases of sundries She vrill be placed on the gridiron for a few days to have her bottom scraped. -.'.-. : , - The Union Company's s.s. Tanpo arrived at Onehnngion Saturday attrnoon, from Somh-rn por.j/ with numerons passengtK, as per list, and abaut ine rusuil quantity of merchandise. She it advertised to re:ura on "Wednesday. ' - . ' . • Tho schooner Aoidia,' Capt&in McDonald, arrived in port yesterday from Naviervia the Bay of lsliuds. At Kussell she took in 90 tons of coal, and on discharge will most probably load wifh tiinter for one of the Southern purts. The barque Caotr/eidb, Caplain McKenzle, cleared at the Customs on Saturday for Adelaide- In addition to carrying the timber cargo of the condemned American schooner Lovet Peacock, from Sin Francisco, she has on board a large quantity of kauri from one of the local sawinilla. The schooner Sissy, Captain Bayldon, arrived in harbour on Saturday Irom .Napier, %'ia fin-sell and the Thames. On her last trip she carried down a large portion of the mattriil required for the erection of the lighfc-honse on PortUnd IjUnd. She will load again with the re n-ainder. and take an early departure. - The A.f.P. Co.'s s.s. Go-Ahead. Captain McGillivray arrived in harbour yesterday morning from Napier end Gisborae. . She left the latter p-rt at 4 p m of <he 12 h, and experienced slight head winds to the East Cape and across the Bay of Plenty. "When cfl the Mercuries, on Saturday, the weather became exceedingly thek, to that the engines were slowed Arrived at the Thames early yesterday morning, rnd Unded the horses, event aally reaching the wharf at midday. " The B.s. Jane Doughvr, Captain Fraser, arrived in harbour frooi Napier and Giaborne, with numerous passengers and sundry cargo. The captain reporti that he left Gisborne on "Wednesday night Us', arriving off Tologa Bay at an early hour en Thursday. A quantity of sheep were waiting to be shipped, but had to be left behind, as a heavy _cross sea prevailed. From the outset of the passage to the East Cape stro g lioutherly breezei w«re experienced, and from the Cape into port the wind was from the south-east. The vessel is advertised te. return to-morrow evening. The schooner Daphne arrived in harbour at a laie hour Isat evening from Loma Lome, Fiji. The captain reports lraving on the 28th ult., and the first portion of the voyage experienced light winded On the 4th inst. % strong JCS.E. gale'eet in, which continued nniil tiis Bth, during the whole of which period we hove to On resuming the passage were favoured' with strong southerly we»ther until Satnrday, when a henvy Wow from the north came on, lasting for six hours afterwardu moderating to W. B-, with which we came into harbour. Bhe Is couslgned to Messrs. Cruickshank and Co., and brings a cargo of maize exclusively. ■ . ■ -.'...■ The brig Transport; Captain McKinnon, arrived in harbour late last evoalng from Sydney, with a ireneral cargo of merchandise and a quantity of stores for H.M> Sapphire. The captain reports : leav'ng Port Jackson ou the 29th ult, with a westerly wind, which circled the veksfl half the passage and SO miles to the good. For 11 day:) they were becalmed, not making more thin GO mile; a southerly breez*. then spranii no, carrying us to the Three Kings, wnlcb we sighted at 8 ;;0 a in., on Thursday ; off. tbfi Poor Knights on Satuidty evening, when w* hove to ia consequence of the weather sett ! Dg in thick and murky : weighed anchor ye<lerday morning with a N.E. breeze, and lunile the harbour at 10 p.m.

Tho topsail schooner Canterbury. C»T>'ain Moller, ariirol in barboar ou ijaturda&nioi nlrg.f roni Norfolk bii days, enconfflimig Vt. and a .\V. Hindi clilefiy. ' orauieuced to tiike in Tomeward caryo on Hie'27th ultimo, and left on 30lh. The win«l throughout the pihsage wts cMsßyfroni the S.K , and one series of beting, much of the skipppr. The Thri-o Kiucs were sighted on Sund'y week, and tiie vessel Uv heiailnie* for three daya, heavy swell preT.ilirf. <aUii-BR craft, to roll frightfully, ani uarryjnK av'jy the main gaff. The wind then cime up fmui the S.SJ!., and the North Cape \ns raandei en. Wednesday, leaijilr-g on Friday, ■ where several aud u portion of the were lauded. Left that port night, and wzdt a good run into Ihie hirbsur, passing the Piocesr and other vessels ou the passage. TLe fore-a- d-aft schooner Pioneer, 180 toes burthen CftuUta Osborne, arrived in harbour on Saturday from the Mauritius, with a cargo of sugar, to the order of Messrs. Owen and Graham. The ciptain' report! 1-STiiiK Mauritiw on the 13th of November, nnd for the days had light vi'eilerly w:nds i'or thu ntxt f.Ttnlght had a fair run, th- vessel ni.iklaz her 190, 200. 220,, and 230 knot! per 24 hours, an that J «bm'l,- St. Vincent «3ul', was slchiiid in S5 days, and Wikon'» Promontory in 3S. Thrt o days more god sa'libg was obtained, when a scries'of calms i mvailcd, niill:fying Ihs qa : ck p<eEaga ihit ihe oatwt of the predicted Cape Alau'a Va.i>, was on the 10th , anil from ihrrice variablee until the la t twenty-four hoars, when a north-easter brought her into harbour.The TC3 el is owne4 in 4dcUidf. and th>; cautain re-, that, when r he li'ft the lalind of Blturitius an onorCious quintityo; shipping were svrsitl s 're ghte, but aone wercofferiiig oio-pt in smullq lantiiieuand a* such low rates that'sitipatitsten, *- eem"!d it better to Iγ an. The'rcceiit a-riens, bsera, in thn »dVftKCftof sugar will have imparted a little briskness io the?l!jjpiDgeiccc tho Pioneer left. ".-■ ■:■.

The birriue Mendoza, Captain Dowlson, cleared at the Cnstoais on Saturday, aud will sail to-day, in balK t for Ci.ilL • . . ■„ ,„_ I his tnpiail schooner Golden Mo. Captain.w»«»°. arrf 1 ul on Saturday from BntseU, with a cargo of CO .1 fo lta" Fr e u P cn C b?rque aU, K™uv e au Nomado, Captain O«re Sd3«Hhe customs, will take her tlcnarture Ttu-day. in ballsst for .Maiden Island, there tr> load <vith B"aQO (or Hauiliurgli. .-■•■• °lho «liip City of Auckland, Optain Ka'.ls. will clear at thu Customs to-day, and takes her departnm for Lnnrion to-morrow, weather permitting. - This North Shore Company's ferry steamer U aHve-tiseil to t&ko oS intending passengers to her tr-morrnw noon The following is., the airgo : —2'.oi> ■ bales wool; 2300 cases K'im, 110 tons copr», 15 bales cotton. CO casks tallow, 22 tons manganese, 13 tons zinc. 12 tnns nickel ore, and a shipment oi gold will probably be made by one or more of the banks. The 3.-ocon, sclioon r. Captain K. McKenzle. arrived in hirbour 'yettcrday, from L' tt. lton, with a cargo of produce. Loft the southern port, on Sunday last, with light F. and S.E. wlnd3, which continued until tho vessel sighted the East dpi;, which was rounded at S pm. on Thursday. Tlvj weather at this time was thick and dirty, but cleared tha folowinit morning. r'rorn thenco northerly winds into hirbqnr, dropping anchor after a fair weather passage of seven days. ' ' The Mizantinn Kate Brain, Captain Gay, arrived in port yesterday moraine, from Adelaide via Wellington. T- e captain reports leaving Adelaide on tho 9th ult., air 1 aftfr experiencing «p eudid weather with the wmdchl-By fiom and S. w., msde tinrun to Wellngton in 20 days, arriving at th»t port on the 29th. Liy there, awaiting nrden, until this day w< ek, when we sHiled f;r Auckland, and h;td floe weAther ou the passage up. She br.ngs a cargo of fl«u, consigned lo G. AV. Uinney■\Ve understand that telegrams have bi:er, received on board li. M.s. .-apphiro. announcing the fact of the arrival at Sydney, of tl.JI.s. rtolveriuo, the new ilis'hip of Commodore Hoskins, from homo. According to instructions, s.e wjs to-call in ftttlm Crozcts on the passage out. Now that tho WoWrrine has arrival, beiiiß relieved, wtl pro ceed hoin", c»iliogat Auckland c« route, is now on her passage, aud may shortly be expected. H. M.S. .Sappho is also on her way (rom - ydn-.y to this port with storei from hoifin, tho Wolverine having brought bub a sufficiency for the Australia 1 squidron. Tho French biicme Mirzapore, 622 tons register, Cupiain Dopeux, »rri»ed in harbour on Saturday Light, from Melbourne, with' a largo cargo of stoue for tho new d> ok. Shois a sister ship tn thti Nnuveau Nomade, now in port, iind is owned by Messrs. Baonr and Co., of Bordoaux. France. On tha dhch.irge of the stone she will proceel in liillast to PiKet Sound, to lead w.thlumbtr for the Melbonrno market. Ti.e ciptain reports having made a i>lcasunt passage of fourteen days, leaving Melbourne on the 31st December, with the wind from tho N. \V., ah'.eh continued until Cape Brett was reached, on tha 11th From thenci, the wind h»3 been variable with occasional breezes from tho same quarter as that which prevailed during ths v ynge across, ohn will discharge into the barges recently u=ed by the Noveau iNomadp. •

The wel'-known Hobart Town trader BolU Mary, Captain McArthnr, arrive 1 in harbour at an early hour yesterday morning, after a passage of 20 days. Thn cnptain re orts leavimc Hobart I'own on the 23r<l ult. »ith '.he wind west to Pillar, which was passed the d»y following. The wind then veered iound to the JN.B, blowing from that quarter for three dajs. accompanied with heivy gxiei and a nasty cross sea. On the 27th the wind shift d to the S »'., cirrying them to long 106 26 K., l>t. 37.27 *. on th« 2ud of January- tou> thence to the Three ienced flae easterly weather. .-»pe Brett w s lighted at 4 a.m. on tho 13th, >vitli the wind from tha N.W. Passed the. Poor Knights at noon of tho same day, and Hen and Chickens at 3.30 pro... irrivi'ig in harbour 12 30 a.m. yesterday. the ihreeiiiUKS sigh'.ed au immense school of sperm whale*. The chief officer states h» haa been wlm Ing for 13 ye&rs, but never saw the fl h so numerous before.

Tub ni,rji--ir.AKSBA.— Wo lluve bran furnished with the subjoined account of l!i« i>linage of the above vessel fiom Auckland to F.j'. The erirrescondent writes from Lnnin Louis, o.i the 24th nit.:— left Auckland at 4.50 p.m. on the Bth Decemberswind s.W.; steady brni-ze. At 0 i> m. yassol Tiriliii; 7.2) p.m. passed K-iwau; ,t midnight the Hen and Chickens; wind fell light. Passed Poor Kuights at 4 a.m, and Caps Brett at 0 a.m. Knn to noon 120 niik-s. Wiud fel Ito a dead dilin or nearly so ; 10th, wind N. \Y, very lisjtit, but run 45 miles: 11th. wiud gradually frcsliecing, at timei site would lay her conrto. the \vater aa smooth a< a mill pond, when we found the ship going at times 10 to 11 knots. "I h»t day we run 209 mile-. 12th, wind S.W.. cloudy, barometer fulling, and a threatening appearaocb. Took in double re;fa f.r an hour, wheu the clouds cleared away, an.l we made all sail again. Logged 189 miles. 13th, wind N; light, ran GO -niles. 14tli wind variable, ve'v light, 7— mtl<.-s j 15th, wind K. W., vsty light, 130 mil-s ; lUih, .V.W , very light, 160 miles ; 17th, calm. 40 miles ; IStb, S W. to S K. 170 miles j arriving in Levukii at midnight nn the I2tli. We never bad any chance of tryina what the could do, as with the exception of oua night, when the clouds wonid c me up vury bUck and threatening, 1 thought it prudent to Uko in a reef; sheC"Uld hiyecarrird double the sailEbe had. . (>i>c*mber 21.—Strong hea>t wind aiid rain. i;ct under vinh at 4 p.m. for Loma Loma—a deat beat of 121 m 1 s—and arrived at the Passage at 0 a.m. on the ».2tid ; wind fell light, and it took us till t! p.m. to do the last 25 mile*. At timrs on this passage hail a nasty cross sea She behaved flrst-rate.and as stiff as a church, aud very seldom poked her nose under the water The owners. Messrs. Ileniiey. who cam* up to Loma Loma with her are perfectly satisfied with her.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4731, 15 January 1877, Page 4

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SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4731, 15 January 1877, Page 4

SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4731, 15 January 1877, Page 4