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POM OF AUCKLAND. High Wateh, Thli Day: 1.29 morn.: 2.14 even. „ „ Manukau:4.24 m0rn.;6.9 even: Thi Sun: Rises. 6.20; «cts. 5.47. THiaioos: Enll,'ath^7.iax.m^.".■'.'.'■ '"""'.:. ~. :•,.- AEiai:-»:iAi;s.- *' " ' " 'Apiii.' 1' ' H.M.S.- Pearl, Commodore -Hoslclns, from Sydney TiaSamoi.' '■* ' ' - ; -^-* -' lona, s.s., W. Farqnhar, from Northern ports. .Taranaki, s.s., Lloyd, from Southern jports tin.the Manukau). ~. •St. Xilrla,s.s., Plowerday, from Wanganul (in the 2Linukau). -Go-Ahead, 5.5.,: Austin, .from Waitara ;(i n the Manuk*u). Pretty Jane,, from Gisborne and Kapler. ~Jessio Henderson'rschooner, Robinson, (from Lyttollon (in the Manukau). ■ .•:'.■ j Effie Meikle, schooner, Doughtv, from Opotiki. Torea. schooner, Giundy, from Kaipara (in the Manukau). April 2. Ituhy, schooner, Catchpole, from WRngaroa. Elsinore, schooner, Bam, from Rus-ell." " * ' Onward, schooner, Bushell, from Wangarei. April 1. Ladybird, s.s., Evans, for Southern ports (from the Manukau). . . Southern Cross, missionary barqncntinb(auxiiiary screw), Eoogard, for' South Sea islands. ESTFVRED INWARDS. ' Pretty Jane, s.s., 101 tons, Helanrter, from Poverty Bay and Napier. Cargo as per imports.—A.S.P. Co., agents. t '. ■ ■- CLBAKED OXTTWABDS.' "Southern Cross, Missionary barqueotine, auxiliary screw, ioDgard, for South Sea Islands. Cargo as per exports.—S. W. Hill, agent. PASSENGER LIST. Por Taranaki, s.s., from Southorn ports:—Miss "Wiicocks Miss Jally, Miss Morgan, Miss Connolly, Miss Wood. -Mr and Mrs Carlton, Mr and Mrd Wood, Mu Williams, Mrs Smith, Mrs Fellinghanv Messrs Hood, Bnrriball (2), Field, Bates, Banks, Hall, and 10 in tlio steerage. ■■ -Per lona, s.s., from Russell:—Miss Agnes Wyles, Rattray, Kci'y. Mr Kemp, Stephenson, Sherwood, Slackindoe, Callaghan, Earlei Watkins Brother. Simcar, Clark, Lewinson, Houston, and nine in the steerage. Per Pretty Jane, s.s., from Gisborne and Napier:— Messrs Hill, Morgan, Banand, Chatfleld, Mann, Mat- : land, Nandrest, Kev. i\lr Eau. .

Per Missionary barouentine Southern Cross, for Norfolk Islimd:—itcv. Messrs. J. Hill, Palmer, and Wadrakui; Sirs. Palmer, and Mrs Wadrakel. IMPORTS. TA. special charge is made for consignees' names in this column.] PerTaranakl, aa., from Southern ports: 160 cases, 3 bales, 2D packages, S boxes, 8 toiler tubes, 14 kegs, 13 bugs, 2 box- s gold.—New Zealand Steam Shipping Company, agents. Per Pretty Jane, as., from. Gisborne and Napier: 20 hoad cattle, 1 parcel, 56 bales wool. EXPORTS.' Per Southern Cross, Missionary barque n tine, for Norfolk Island:— 3 cases axes, 4 case 3 knives, 4 cases tomahawks, 1 case holloware, 1 case lamps, 1 ense tinware, 1 bale buckets, 2 saws, 4 bundles spades, 2 bundles forks, 1 bundle sacks, 2 kegs nails, 1 bundle slash-hooks, 1 bundle galvanised iron, 2 package deed boxes, 7 packages ironmongery, 5 kega ironwork, 1 Case hoes, T. and S..Morrin. 4 cases brandy, 2 cases wine, 4 boxes tea, 6 boxes tobacco, 2 kegs tomahawks, 1 keg lard, 1 box pipes, 11 boxes soap, 23 cases, .4 boxes, 2 casks ale.

AitnrvALa Coastwise.—Mercury, cutter, from Tairua, with 29,400 feet timber; Nancy, cntter, from Waikawau, with timber: Sovereign of tbe Seas, cntter, from Wangarei, with coal. Coastwise Outwards.—Anne Milbank, p.s., for Hot Springs and MahuraTigi; Mp*)a, cutter, for Tairua, in ballast; Rob Roy, cutter, for Wangarei, in ballast. The TJ.S.**. Co.'s b.b. Tanpo, duo in the Mannkau to-day, will leave again to-morrow for the South. Tho schooner Effio Meikle arrived on Saturday, from Opotiki, with a cargo of produce. The schooner Ruby arrived yesterday from Wanga*oa, with a cargo of timber. The schooner Torea arrived at Onehunga on Saturday, from the Kaipara, with a cargo of timber. The s.s. St. Kilda, Captain Flowerday, arrived in the Mannkau on Friday night, from Wanganui, with a cargo of sheep. Tho A.S.P. Co.'a s.s. Go-Abead arrived at Onehunga on Saturday morning last, with a cargo of live stock, from Waitara. The Company's s.s. Ladybird took her departure from the Manukau on Saturday last, for the ooncn, w'th passengers and cargo. The solmn»o— -Di-J—« *nd On"-- 3 •"■ tl —- T j««»—day, with cargoes of coal from Russell and Wanga-

The clipper schooner Jessie Niccol arrived at TJunedio. from Kaipara, on tho 21th March, with GO,OOO feet kauri timber. The schooDcr Jessie Henderson arrived at Onehunga on Saturday, with a cargo of grain, &c, from Lyttelton. She left Ly;telton on the 14th inst. The Mc'aneslan Mission vessel, Southern Cross, took her departure on Saturday afternoon on another missionary cruise amongst the South Sea Islands. Captain Bongard has gone in command. . The s.s. lona. Captain W. Farquhar, arrived in port on morning, from Russell and the .North, with several passengers, and the following r_.rgo:—lCo bng3 gum. 33 head cattle. She leaves for the JJorth this afternoon, as usual. According to telegram from Wellington, the Government steamer Luna was to leave tlure on Saturday morning, for Napier, to convey hU Excellency the Governor to Auckland. The Luna would call at East Coast ports on the passage up. - The A.S.i'. Co.'s s.s. Pretty Jane, Captain Holandar, arrived in harbour on Satmrtary morning, from Napwr and'Giaborne, with a cargo of cattle, &c She leaves again on her return trip, calling at the R.ty of Plenty on Tuesday. Tho s.s. Taranaki went alongside the Ratlray-strcot jetty, at Dunedin, on tho 23rd March. She is the largest stenmer that b*s yet gone higher up the harbour than Port Chalmers She was drawing 12ft. Gin. aft, but, under tho guidance of Pilot London, she did not as much a3 scrape the ground.

Tho IS'.Z.S.S. C'o.'a 3.3. Taranaki arrived at Onebun?a on Saturday afternoon from tho South. She left ~Pnuedin on tho 2Gth lilt. From Dunedin to "VVcr'ngton she experienced strong head winds, with heavy sea; thenco to Nelson from S.K.; from Nelson to Onehunga light S.E. winds and fine weather. \l c are indebted to .Mr. C. .T. >'dmiston, purser, for report and flies. The Taranaki leaves again for Southern porta on Satuvday next.

■WRECK OF THE TAKNY KELLY. Concerning the loss of this well-known vessel, our "Wausaroa correspondent writes as follows:—" Tho ketch Fanny Kelly loft Wangaroa on Tuesday last bound for Auckland, the wiud at tho time was blowin? from the W.X.W. When between tho heads, the wind died away, and it being ebb-tide at the time and a nnstv soa running In from the north, the vessel becan 10 drift towards the south head. The anchor was let go to br' ig her up, but after holdiug on for a short time, the chain parted and tho v-sel drifted on to the south head nnd struck on an out-lying ledge of rocks, knocking in ber starboard quarter; it being at this time about ten o'clock, i'he vessel began to fill wHh water; the master lowered tho dingy and sent two hands away to the mill for assistance. A short time after the boat left, a pun" of wind came off the land, the master and remaining hand set the cmvas *nd tho vessel got clear of the rocks, after getting considerable damage done to her; but, being loaded ■with timber, she kept afloat. She soon, however, rolled over, tho two nieu having barely time to get on her bottom, and the ebb-tide was running strong at this time, carrying tho vessel out to sea—the sea sometimes nearly washing the men off her bottom. "When the dingy arrived at the wharf and reported the matter. Captain Davies, the pilot. Mr Davidson, manager of tho mill, and four others, manned a ■whale-boat and went to their assistance. When they got to the heads, they could not see any sign of the vessel. At last they saw her, bottom up, oivtsldo of Stephenson's Island, end could only see the poor fellows on her bottom now and again, as the sea was continually washing over them; when they r. scaed them they were ne.vly exhausted. The boat's crew deserve gri-at praiso for going out, as thsre wis a heavy sea running at tho time, and the men could not have held on much louger, they having been six hours on her bottom when they were picked up. On the s.s. lona arriving at Whangaron, on Wednesday morning, the master, on hearing tho vessel had drove to sea, 1 e proceeded out of the harbour to look for her, and found her ashore on a small island inside of Flat Island, about seven miles outside tho Heads, with the ■whole of her starboard side gone, and in possession of the pilot and her crew, who had gon»» out at two o'clock and found ber. A survey was held, and the vessel condemned and sold for £12 to Mr Davis, she was towed off in the evening by the s.s. Iona: but I think ehe is past repairing, at any rate she looks so as she lies on the beach in Wangaroa harbour. The Fanny Kelly was owned by Uaptain J. D. Hayes, of AUOkIana ARRIVAL OF H.M.S. PEARL.

The large ship reported as having na sed the Bay of Islands to the southward on Wednesday list, proved as wo conjectured, to be 11.M.5. Peart, bound from Sydney to this port under canvas. She made the harbour early on Saturday last, but no communication was allowed with the ship, in cons! qnence othero being sickness on board. Astlio> Health Officers flae was flying, Dr. Philson soon paid a visit t-> the man-of-war, m.d on learning that a aura of scarlet fever bad broken oat eleven days ago, and the patient ' "was not yet convalescent, he, with the sanction of the Central Hoard of Health, ordered the vessel into quarantine She therefore proceeded down, under steam, to the quarantine ground yesierdcf morning H.M.S. Pearl, which carries the broad pennant of Commodore Hoskins, left Sydney on the ISth nit,, for Samoa, which was reached on the 23rd. Xeft tagain on the 25th, and arrived as above. It is to be hoped that her rjnarantine -will bo of short duration. ' . kotice:to mariners. No. 6 of 187(5.—East Coast of North Island. >~ew, 'Zealand.—Cnstoros Department (Marine Branch), "Wellington, 21st March, 1870.—Captain Griffiths, of •thea.s. ■•Raogatlra, reports having grazed.a rock or •shoal ground not shown in'the chart. The weather. '■being thick, the oxact position .of. the danger could -not bo ascertaiued.-but it iS'Snppbsed to bear from; theKahau Bocks' E-NiKrdistant two miles. 1 Cap■'taln Falrchild. of the Luna, also reports dangers in the same vicinity,"which are not shewn on the chart. —H. A.'ATKiysoy. : -:* -'■ '•' • • >.> .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4489, 3 April 1876, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4489, 3 April 1876, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4489, 3 April 1876, Page 2