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■-■•" j- -•■■-■ > ; ■'InsTUTanceSj,; ■■'-> ■■- QOUTH BRITISH FiKB AND MARINE KJ DJSUBANCE COMPANY OP NEW ZEALAND. . - Oaixui.' ...£750,000 ■ The popularity of the SOUTH BRITISH »mong Insurers u de&rl; shewn by the largo and steady increase of its business. The Kcceipts on Premium Account h&Te been-*- . ■ , Ist Vear.. .. ... .. ..' £34,032 2nd Year.. .. .. .. .. £69,041 , ,3rd Year .. .. £95,15 i Lowest rates. . .Prompt and liberal settlement »HM specially atA. BOARDMAN, ' Manager. A TJSTEALIANMTJXUALPfiOVIDENT SOCIIIY. FOB MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE, &o. KBW ZEALAND BRANCH. Head Office:—Wellington.^ Pkesest Adkvai. Ektesue-7 *^*f<2. AOOC3kIT7I,ATSD AKI IKVESTEB FvlZ%££\ l ßMfifl, Persons Assuring with this Office share the ivhole profits, and a Bonus ia declared every fifth year. Auckland Agent—Alxxieder Sjlunders. Medical Keferee—T. B. Kesdebdine. . THE TRANSATLANTIC FIRE IN. StTEANCE COMPANY OF HAMBUKO. Ca.pita.l. (Eevised)—£22o,ooo, in 3,000 Shares Capital Paid-up asd Kkserve I'uhd (ite T ißed)— £67,000. BANKEns IX THE COLOKT: BANK OV NEW ZEALAND. « tar All Claims Settled in the Colony Without Delay - Head Office : CHBISXCHUECH, NEW ZEALAND. AUCKLAND AGENT—ALEX. SATJNDERS, No. 0, Insdhakoe Boildinos, Queeu-st. This Company having opened Agencies thronghont the Colony is prepared to accept F-re Risks on every description of Property, at the Lowest Current Kates. FoBBiON Aα KNClEß—Bombay, Calcutta, Kannoon' Bangkok, Snigon, Pcnang, Singapore, Hong Kong Shanghai, Yokohama, Hiogo, Nagasaki, Manilla. Batavia,Samarang,ilacassir, Alexandria, San Fran Cisco, aieilco, Panama, Buenos Ayres, MoDto Tidco, Porto Alegre, Wo de Janeiro, Bahia, Pemambuco, Havanna, St. Thsmas, Aquadilla, Mayaquez, Ponce, Kingston, Jamaica, Honolulu, X.eTuka, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane. AOEKCIKS IN THE COLONIES.' Auckland .. Alex. Saundcrs, Esq. Buncdin .. B. T. Bowman, Esq. Wellington .. Messrs. Whittem, Nicholson, & Co. Invercargill .. Messrs. E. Tapper & Co. Wanganui .. George J. Scott, Esq. H. FUHIiJIANN. General Agent. Oil and Colourmen. T> U T L.E K & MoINNIS, -*-* WAKEFIELD-STKEET, AtTCKLASD, PAPERHANGINGS, OILS, GLASS, gCEIM, VARNISH, BRUSHES, AND ALL SAIHTEIS' ftBQTJISITES. PAPEBHANGINGS, for Cheapness and Beauty in' Design, not to bo equalled in Auckland. All orders entrusted to tlieir care will receive prompt attention. Trailers given for all kinds of Painting, Paper hanging, and House Decorating Work. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IV TOWN. 100,000 ROLLS 0F 7 PAPERHANGINGS,

W. PHILLIPPS & SON. 95 AND S7, QUEEN-STKEET, Have just opened, ex late arrivals, 80 .Packages (New Patterns) of PAPEIt HANGINGS, And to make room for shipments to arrive per ' Camatic' and ' Genlora,' offer special inducements to purchasers. Cheap Hessian and Scrim Gilt Mouldings, a large assortment, new designs Artists' Colours in oil and water ; Canvas, Paper, ATounts, and Sundries Engravings, Oleographs, Photographs, and Scraps Balance of stock of Ohromo Lithographs below Publishers' prices Silvered Plate Glass, from 138x72 . ... Polished nndKough Plate, Sheet, Ornamental, and Photographic Glass Glass Shades, Paints, Oils, Colours, and VarnUhea Brushes, Patent Silicate, Oxido of Iren Anticorrosive and Nelson Hematite Paint, and all : . nds or Painters' and Decorators' Sundries Portland Cement 1 i ■ WHOX.ESALB AND RETAIL. y?. fm.LLiPPs & son 95 and 97. Queen-street. TTOLLAND & "DUTLEK. Having considerably enlarged their premises, to receive large shipments to hand per late arrivals, are now prepared to supply the Trade. Country Storekeepers, Coasters, Carriers, and the public; trith "Wholesale and Retail Parcels, on tho most, liberal terms. Their present stock comprises— PAPERHANGINGS. A most varied and extensive assortment, on which a, liberal discount will he allowed to the Trade, Builders, and Landlords. Boiled and Eaw Oil Dry Colon . White Lead Brushes, Paints, Varnishes Artists'lMetUls. Polished and Bough Plate, Photo, Sheet, OraunenW

and Stained ■WINDOW GLASS, and every other commodity required in thePatotoß Trade. GLASS SHADES, GILT MOULDINGS, of very superior quality. : HOLLAND & BUTLER, OIL, COLOK, AND GLISS MKKCHAKT3, • 28 & 38, VIOTORIA-RTREKT, AUCKLAND: TO PAINTERS, BDILDEJEt*, AND i THE PUIiLIC IN GENERAL. J. HENDERSON,,. Having received, ex 'Dunedin,' 'JCmily McLaren, ' Forfarshirc,' and ' Lutterworth,' heafy shipments of P APERHANG IN G S,, & c., f solicits an inspection of his EXTENSIVE STOCK 100,000 YARDS OF°PAPERHANGINGS, Comprising a selection of 256 different patterns, and an equally extensive supply of every requisite in the Trade, all being marked at most reasonable prices. 63, QUEKN-STREET. Musical. „ .-^ Q-E YE NTY PIAN?,; AM) ' FORTY HARMONIUMS 1 TO BE SOLD AT GKEATLY ItEDUCED PEICE3 HOR CASH, In consequence of being overstocked and large ahlpmerits on the way. HANDSOMEST, BEST! AND CHEAPEST To be sold in New Zealand. HARMONIUMS, from £9 Ms. jo£ lM PIANOS £35 t0 £lso C - Harmoniums and Pianos OX HIKE with OPTION of PUBCHASE at the end of three, «Bj nine, twelve, eighteen or twenty-four months-tW hire deducted from price of instrument. HOFFMANN & SON'S A'JADEMY OK MUSIC, SMOim.A>*l>-*'TK£ET. TNSTECMENTT OF ALL KISDS TUKED ** D Etr-ATOIP. -piANOFORTES, Sojust AKIUVED, EX 'CARNATIC/ t A Choice Assortment ol ENGLISH FOfiTBS, with tho Patent Three I'edala. to be sola cheap. Also, a large stock of Musical Instrument* of every Kind, and all the newest and most popular M AU°t O he th abovrhaving been selected P««*£ Mr. H. Cncksey. in the Home Markets, eacb[uutra, ment will bear his registered trade mark, Invicw. and will be guaranteed genuine. oIJCKSBir .. Music Seller, 240. Queen-street^ MISS NORMA 8, TEACHER OF MUSIC, ■ WA'TEE r, O O QV A DBA" XT, Opposite Government House. arld'the'piANOFOßTE; Wynyard-atrwjt- 1 '•■"

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4488, 1 April 1876, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4488, 1 April 1876, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4488, 1 April 1876, Page 4