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Medioal. . THE BLOOD 13 THE IXWE." CLARKE'S "WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIX TU K I;Trado Mark—" Blood Mixture." . « Tira Grka.t Blood Purifier- ajcd Restorer' For cleansing aud clearing tbe blood from any impurities, cannot be too highly recommended. 1 - ... ; For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is a never failing and permanent cure. . • -It Cures old Sores. . • Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Keck. ' *' Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs Cures Blackheads or dimples on the , < Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Caucerous Ulcers. Cures Blocd and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from allitapure matter From whatever cause arising. '? As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war ranted freo from anything injurious to the most delicato constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value * THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL . PARTS. Pold in Bottles, 2s Sd each, and in Cases, containing six times the quantity, lis each— sufticient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority o* standing cases, by all Chemists and Patent ATed 10 "<•. Vendors throughout the world. *• SOLE PEorEiETOE, F. J. CLARKE Chemist, ' Apotuecaiiies' Hall, Lincoln, England.. EXPORT AGENTS: y Burgoyno, Burbridges «> Co., Coleman-street, London Newbery.t Sons, 37, Newgate-street, London. -■ Barclay & Sons, 95, Farringdon-street, London. Sauger & Sons, Oxford-street, London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. Agents for New Zealand— -v : KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO., D unedin and Auckland.-' CUKES MADE EASY HOLLOW AY'S 1 OINTMENT Bad Legs, Ulcerous Sokes, Bad Breasts, and I Old "Wounds.—No description of wound, sore, or 1 ulcer can resist the healing properties of this cxcclleac Ointment. The worst cases readily assume a healthy . appearance whenever this luendicament is "applied, sound flesh springs up from the bottom of the wound inflammation of the surrounding skin is arrested, and a complete and permanent euro quickly foUows"the use of the Ointment. • . ... Piles, Fistulas, and Internal Inflammation. —Those distressing and weakening diseases may with certainty be cured by the sufferers themselves, if they .will use Holloway's Ointment, and closely attend to the printed instructions. It should be well rubbed upon the neighbouring parts, when ail obnoxious mat ter, will be removed. A poultice of bread and water .may sometimes be applied at bed-time with advantage: the most scrupulous cleanliness must be observed. If* those who read this paragraph will bring it under the notice of such of their acquaintances whom it may concern, they will render a service Uiat will liCfet bfl forgotten, as a cure is certain. , . Rheumatism, Gout, and Neuralgia.—Nothing has the power of reducing inflammation and subduhtg pain in these complaints in the same degree as Hollo, way's cooling Ointment and purifying Pills. >Vhta used simultaneously they drive all inflammation and depravities from the system, subdue and remove all enlargement of the joints, and leave the sinews and muscles lax and uncontractcd. A cure may alwaji .bo effected, even under the worst of circumstauccs, if the use of these medicines be persevered in. ■ Eruptions, Scald Head, Ringworm, axd other Skin Diseases.—After fomentation with warm water, the utmost relief and speediest cure can be readily obtained in all complaints affecting the skin and joints by the simultaneous use of the Ointment and Pills. But it must be remembered that nearly all Bkin diseases indicate tbe depravity of the blood and derange ment of the liveT and stomach; consequently in many Cases time is required to ( <purify the blood, which will be effected by a judicious use of tho Pills, The gen&ral health will readily be improved, although tho eruption may be driven out more freely than before, and which should be promoted; perseverance is neccssary. Sorb Throats, Diptheria, Quixsky, MDMTB, and all other Derengemehts of the Throat.— On the appearance of any of these maladies the Ointment should be well rubbed at least three times' a day upon tho neck and nppor part of the chest, so as to penetrate to the glauds, as salt is forced into meat This course will at once lomove. inflammation and ■ulceration. The worst cases will yield to this treatment by following the printed directions, •• Scrofula or King's Evil and. Swelling • of tbb Glands.—This class of cases may be cured by Holloway's purifying Pills and Ointment, as .their double action of purifying the blood and strengthening tie system renders them more suitable than any other remedy for all complaints of a scrofulous nature,. As the blood is impure, the liver, stomach, and bowels, being much deranged, require purifying medicine to bring about a cure. Both the Ointment and Pills-should be used uius following cases:— . . Bad Legs Cancers Scalds • k Bad Breasts Contracted and Sore Nipples .. Burns Stiff Joints ?ore Throatsjm Bunions Elcphantiasi Skin Disease! Bite of Mosquitos Fistulas Scurvy . and. Sand Flies Gout Sore Heads Caco-bay Glandular Swell-Tumours • o! Chigo-foot ings Ulcers " Chilblains Lumbago Wounds f) ' Chapped. Hands Piles .., Yaws Corns (soft) Rheumatisms %,* There is a considerable- saving by taking the larger sizes. •. N.B.—Directions for tho guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. "

" Is there no hope? the sick man said; The silent doctor shook bis head." " While there is life thero's hope, he cried." " JEgroio, dum animas at, spes est." BE. L. L. smith (The only legally-qualified medical man advertising) . CONSULTS On all affections of the Nervous System (no matter from what cause arising) On all broken-down constitutions On aU diseases arising from indiscretions On Gout On Rheumatism. . . . lu these colonies, those excesses which wenave in* dulged in "hot youth" tell upon us mth IcKlui interest. ' _. Ouriegrets are useless, ®. -^J 1 sole idea should be the chances we potsesb Ot ing the ills we already have, or combatiDg me effects likely to result. Hide it as ho may, put on as goW an exterior a« ho can, still is the victim tonscioTistbtt he is a living lie, and that sooner or later his vices mil discover him to the world. Our Faith, our to society at large, the welfare of our future oa* spring, aud the duty, we owe to ourselves formasprocrastinat'.on, ana points out to us, not to wait tul wo ravages break out in our constitutions. • Before negociatmg with a merchant, before engages with a confidential clerk, before employing a barrmei, a careful man makes enquiries as to their standing their length of occupancy or residence; and.intne case of a legal adviser, both as to his legal qualtfic*tions and as to his capabilities of transacting ihe individual business hi'lconsults him upon. StrangetoisjV however, in tbeseli'cticn of a medical man, ihesuffeitr frequently omits these necessary precautions Ma without regard to the fitness, qnalification, experience and ability for the particular ailment requiring treat*. ment, he consults the nearest man, whose experience and practice, perhaps, lies in quite an opposite direc tion. It is astonishing that so many are driven mad, are ruined in health, and are bankrupt in spirits, hope and money? Havel not for years pointed out to two that I, -Dr. L. L. Smith, am the only legally medical man advertising in the colonics? Have I not also prosecuted, at my own expense, these very qoacw, and exrosed the various nostrums they are seuinfij —such as Phosphodyne, Essence of Life, &c —and Ma . them analysed and found them to consist of; • Sugar and flavouring matter," and the certificates i have PitoVKD to be all forgeries. It is for this r® 43 ®? that I step out of the ethics of the profession ana advertise, to give those who require the services oi mj branch an opportunity, of knowing they can consul' . legally qualified man, and one, moreover, wno j m-idc this his special s udy. .„ . .#„» Dr. L. L. Smith is the only legally qualified media 1 man advertising, and he has been in Melbourne . years in full practice on "J NERVOUS DISEASES LOSS OF I'OWEIt AND DEBILITY SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS' . want ok cokdiiioi< GOUT Dr. L. L. SMITH can be consulted by letter t«i £1. Mi-dicines forwarded lo all the colomea. De. L. L. SMITH, IS2, Collins-street hast [lave residence of the _ ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41£ ILIS is warranted to euro all <1 isehar ß cs from u Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired o . P a t en t Medici SOLE° rS 'PROI>IUETOR—F. J*. C £ - Apo IBE B IJurgoyne, Burhridircs <s Co., ColcmaMjj d 0; Newberj* &sons, 37, Newgate-street, London. Barclay & Sons, 85, Farringdon-street, London. Sanger & Sons, Oxford-street, London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. Agents for New Zealand— . ro KEMPTUOKNK^ROSSKR^^. PROX r FORMS for Highway Boar# can be had at the llkhai<v> Ofiico. —> THE Rates for Advertising in the are as under:— a d. 1 0 ThrecLines.. j $ Vour Lines Six Line 3 * go ' Terlnch •* **_♦ h fl written The number of insertions required ot'V; u&M on each advertisement, otherwise it wu till countermanded and chained accord Contracts mad® for Monthly, Quarterly, . •,, and Yearly Advertisements. "Tilths' . Notices, of Births, Marriages, and Deaui. y must bear tbo signature of the sender) nnder: —Births, Is.: Marriages, 2s. J prith funeral noti.e attached: 2s. «>■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4487, 31 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4487, 31 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4487, 31 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)