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PORT OF AITOKI A S D. Biaa Watir, This Day: S.SS mom.: ».14 even. Tnx Son: Rises, 0 Iβ ; sets. 6 55. - , THjt Moon: First Quarter, 2nd April, 3.51 a.m. -ARRIVALS. Colima. P.M.S.*., Shackford, from Kandavu. Go-Ahead, s.s., Austen, from Waitara (in the M»nukau). Argyle, ss., Stephenson, from M&ngawai. Sea Bip, brigantine, Dunn, from Sydney. Golden Isle, schooner, Matzen, from Russell. Echo, schooner, Topp, from WaogareL Ringleader, revenue cutter. Gray, from Tauranga. DEPARTURES. Colima, P.M.S.S., Shackford, for Napier and the South. Go-Ahead, s.s., Austen, for Waitara (from the Manukau). Soathern Cross, s.s., Holmes, for Napier. llawea, s.s.. Wheeler, for Southern ports (from the Slanuknu). Fiery Cross, schooner, Wells, for Syjney (from the Manukau). ENTERED INWARDS. Colima, P. 81.5.5., 2905 tons, .-hackford, from ICandavu. Cargo as pel imports. Owen and Graham, ajents. Omaha, brigantine, 133 tons, Meiklejohn, from Xyttelton (via Napier). Cargo, general.— D. B. McKenzie, agent. Echo, schooner, 27 tons, Topp. from Wangarel. Cargo: 20 tons limestone, 90 bushele lime. Golden Isle, schco ier, 78 tons, Matzen, from Russell. Cargo: 102 tons coal. Wangarei, cutter, 32 tons, Williams, from ■Wangarei. Cargo: 00 bags grass seed. JO boie3 fruit, 6 b»ies G boxes butter. CLEARED~OUTWARDS. Go-Ahead, s.s., 81 tons, Austen, for Waitara (from the Macukau), in ballast.—Auckland Steam Packet "coTima/ P.JI.S.V, 2905 tons, Shackford, for Napier and Southern ports, with original cergo from San Francisco, and 15 cases.—Owen and Grahiro, agents. Southern Cross, s.s., 139 tons, Holmes, for Kapier. Cargo as per exports.—Auckland Steam Packet Company, agents. Waiwera, schooner, 42 tons, Bushell, for Mercury Bay, in ballast. Christina, schooner, 59 tons, Edwards, for Russell, in ballast. PASSENGKR LIST. INIVAKI>3. Lord Uervey Fhipp3, lion. Dr. Pollen. OUTWARDS. Per Ilawca, s.a., for Southern ports:—B. H. Gubbins, Jones, Jfelton, WiUiama, Chapman, Mrs Hunt, Mrs Braseuhaiu and 3 children, Mr and Miss Taylor, Rives Mr and Mrs ilaue, Mr« fcaalett, Bigginson, Corlett, Caldwell, Craig, Mr and Mrs Luscombe. Matrlll. Davics, Ronayne, B. S. Meyers, Eugel, JackBon, Whitu, Smith, C'onroy, Jonas (2), Defter, i'airclough Mrs Crump, Miss Crump, and four children, Mrs Howard. Per Colima, P.M.S.S., for Napier :—Saloon : Rev. De Berdt Hovoli, Mrs Hovell, Mes3ra G. O. H. Turner, Barker, John Henderson, H. B. Hussey, Ven. Archdeacon Clarke, Miss Brewer, Mrs and Miss Stuart, Miss Turner, Mr S. llichardson, Rsv. J. If. Stuart, Rev. Mr Borrows. Steerage : Thomas Bennet, C. Hauuey, J. Hewitt. Per Southern Cros3, s.s., for Napier:—Mrs Green and 2 children, Lydia. Howarde Troupe (8). IMPORTS. /A SDecial cbaree is made for consignees' names in thia column.] Per Colima, P.M.S.S., from Kandavu : - 11 bales grass seed, Owen and Graham. I case, S sacks seed, 25 cases dried shrimps, 59 packages beans, &c, 118 cases maize, 3 cases chaire, 20 flasks quicksilver, 200 cases salmon, 14 biles seed, 142 bags Beed, 2 boxes seed, 1 box, 2 packages, 12 cases brooms, 361 nrits sugar, 1 case sundries. For Southern Ports— oo packag' 3, 54 bales hops, 2 cases p» mlI (lo.Ahoarl. 5. 3 . t f rom Waitara: 400 sheep. A,3.P. Co. agents. EX POUTS. Per Southorn Croas, s.s., for Napier:— II casks seed, 39 packages, 20 cases biscuit, 4 cases, 40 bundles hoop tron, i register grstes, 3 bundles brooms, TO bundles galvaulsad iron, 2 bullock yokes, 1 cask ironmongery, 1 i kg. ploughshares, 1 parcel, 3 casks ironmongery, 34 bundles hoop-iron.—l. and S. 1 balo lo.ithcr, Irelanl Brothers. 1 parcel. B. Porter and Co. 2 clues brandy, 20 cases schnapps, 6 cases whisky, fi cases rum, 4 kegs lead, 4 tins lead, 3 cases pUteglass 8 boxes glass, 390 sacks grass-seel, 3 pieces ■wood 3 cases druses, 11 ca3ks seed, 20 cases biscuit, 20 cases drapery, 70 casos spikes, 4 bales, 110 packages. 4 parcels, 0 trunks, 1 truss, 30 cases, 31 pacs.schooner, for SyOnoy: 45,013 leet timbor. 7E3SELS IN HARBOTJR. Merwanjeo Framjee, Brodick "fiariiues: Glenlora, Edinburgh Castle, Glimpse. William, Ackers. Barquentine: Southern Cross (Mission vessel), Brisn : Vision, Jane. Brißautines : Flirt, Omaha, Sea Eip. . Sciiooners:-Southern Cross taiimn? vessel), Marion, Minohaha, .Acadia, Belle Brandon, Wavo of Life, Golden Isle. PROJECTED DEPARTURKS. SAN FrAKClsco.—Colima, P.M.s.s., April 10. Losdu.n.—Camat'.c. ship, early; Glenlora, barQue, Sodtiiekk Ports.—Ladybird, s.s., Saturday. MjaslOS Cuuise.—Southorn Cross, auxiliary screw barnueotjnc, Saturday. , WASUAKCt & jMasoapai.—Argyle, s.s., every ertnesday. Valpauaiso.- Edinburgh Castle, barque, to-morrow. Newcastle.—Jane, brig, early. CIfATUAiI Islasos.— Agnes, brigantme, early. VK3SKLS EXPECTED. H.M.S. Pearl, from Sydney. Tuscarora, U.S. corvette, from Sydney. Dilpiusund, barque (WUMD), from London: sailed December 10. Robloa Imnlop, ship, from London. Bflcium, ship, from London. Wailock, barque, from Glasgow; sailed Feb. 9. Behingtou ship(PRHV), from Loudou; sailed Feb. La Escoccsa, ship (P.MRG), from London; sailed Fob 9 Aline, barque, from Glasgow; sailed January 7. . Skimmer of the Wave, barquo, from f>ew tfork, via tho South. Cabarfeidh, barque, from Adelaide. Anne Lewis, barque, from Dunedin, via Wellington, itt'iio brieiuitiru, from South. i.ex Islands. Ocean Wave, brigantiue, from Nadi, Fiji. Acnes brisantiue, from Napier. Loch Leo, uarqnentino, from South Sea Islands. Bella Mary, barque, from Hobart Town. Blanche, schooner, froin.U-irotonga. Maeic cntter, from Punhryn Island. Estelle, three-masted schooner, from Dunedin. (at the Thames). Edith schooner, from South Sea Islands. Atlantic, schooner, from Ounedin; sailed March 27. EHbank Castle, schooner, from Oamaru. AimrvALS Coastwise.—Janet, cutter, from WaneaiDO'i with 22 600 fe«t timber; Iris cutter, from from Kennedy's B»y. with timber; Lc-ih, cutler, from tho Uay of Plony, with produce; Berth*, cutter, from Puhoi, with produce; Vi angarei, cutter, from WanB!I COASTWI3E OUTWAKDS.-Janct, cutter, for WanRapot in ba\la s t; Annie M.Ubank, p.s., for Hot 8P Tha ga s a S a Argy!lo !l areive(l yesterday evening from H Thl a tefgantiue SeTitip, Captain Dunn, arrived in The schooner Golden Isle arrived yesterday from the TiaT of Islands, with a cargo of coal. The Ichooner Echo arrived yesterday, with a ca- B o of linio from the Wangarei mines. The schooner Rosannah lloso and bngantine Sea Gull aro loading at Kaipara for Dunedin. The schooner Fiery Cross. CapUla \v ells, has left the Manukau tor Sydney, with a cargo of timber. The A.e.V. Co.'s 3.3 soutborn Cross took her donatture last evoiiioc for Nauier direct, with pasiencer3 and cargo. The Union Steam Shipping Company's s.s. Hawea "left yestorday morning for tho tiouth, with several The ship' Merwanjce Fratujee will commence to discharge cargo at once. She is berthed at the eastern tee ot the wharf. Tho siiip Belgium and barque Eobina Dunlop were on the berth at London loading for this port when the mail left. The Revenue cntter Ringleader. Captain Giay, arrived at 5 o'clock yesterday morning from Tauranga, having as passengers tho Hon. Dr. Pollen and Lord Hervcy I'hipps, A.D.C. to his Excellency the The >' Z S. Company's ship'La Escocssa sailed from London In the sth February la t for this port, with tho following passengers:—Saloon: ilr L. Uelahaye, BrU. Walker, Air T. Eastmm. and Mr P. Walker. William Davies, Miss Madeline Dames, and ti.rte children Mr James Dukes, Mr Adam ilcComb, and Br.oDic K OAHLt-Thli case (says fone 8 df» 30 rain W., on the lllh of the month, ir«t lv-r main and mizen masts, and her foretopgallant mas?anclfo?etopma S t-head, and was roUios-bulwarks -SJder Se«ral P of her officers hid been disabled and JJri her crew kiUed. In this condition she was Lea f,om on tord the Cleveland, an iron screw ship seen "° u " "%. ,_ wen t to her assistance, and towed ■which immertia elv weni iu rendering the

The A.S.P. C».'s 3.5. Go-Ahead arrived y/jterday j morning at Onehnnga, -with a cargo of sheep, from , I Waitara. She left again in th« afternoon on her return trip. > . ' The Black Prince, from London to Adelaide, ar- i rived off the Start on February 2, and landed pilot, , who reports that, when off Folkestone on January 31, passed a quantity of floating wreck, saw rockets sent up and signals of distress. Hove to for an hour, but • saw no boats about. i The MresiNo Ship Cttlzsai.- Castlk.—The , Australian and New Zealand Gazcttt of the sth Feb- , rnary «aye :—"On December 18 the new iron clipper ship Culzean Castle, Captain Macaulay, which sailed ] from Liverpool for Melbourne on May 25 last, was s posted at Llojd's »3 missing. The Culzean Castle is , four months overdue, the ordinary period in which the passage is accomplished being three months, while ; seven motitns have now elapsed since she sailed. . There is too much reason, therefore, to fear that the word ' missing* may be construed into ■ lost," and if so, there have gone down in her 67 souls, her crew ; numbering 3S all told, while sho carried 29 immi- . grants. The Culzean Castle was 1,818 tons reguter, , and sister ship to the Brodick Castle, and besides her living freight she cirried a large general cargo. She formed one of Mr. Skinner's ' CdStle Line' of packet : ships and was classed 100 Al at Lloyd's. She was boilt by Messrs. Wingata, of Glasgow, and her voyage ( which it is feared, has had a disastrous termination, was her first. M33srs. Houlder Brothers and Co. are ! the brokers The passengers shipped, numbering 29. . were as follows:—James Wright, Sophia Kuth ; Wright, Jane Elizabeth Appleby, Arthur Appleby ■ (son), B. Wrigley, Georgo Hemmingway eheard, ' spinner, Sarah Ann Joseph Berry Sheard : l-oo), William Rowley, Mary Rowley, Rebecca , Rowley (child). Helen Rowley (child), Phcebe Ann Rowley (ch!W), Lily M. Rowley, James Sinnott, : Thomas Sinnott, Nicholas Sinnott, Mary Sinnott, Margaret Sinnott, Kdmund Howard, Catherine Howard (wife), William Howard (child), John Mc'Jalway, John Toomey, Randle Wilkinson, Wllliara Caffer, Henry Linacre, Theodore Pimk, aud James Henry Archer. ARRIVAL OF THE MAIL STEAMER COLIMA. I he P.M.5.5. Co.'s steamship Colima, 2905 tons. Captain :-hackford, arrived in port at 7 o'clock yesterday morning, from Kandavu, with the English and American mails, transhipped ex Mikado, from San Francisco. The Mikado left San Francisco at 9 p.m. on the 29th of February (corresponding New Zealand date, Ist of March). Arrived oft the Port of Honolulu at 3 a.m. on the Oth March, and entered at daylight. Left again at 8 p.m. of same d*y, anti arrived at the entrance of Numuka passage at 11 p.m. on the 18th March. Entered at 7 a.m. on the 19th, aud arrived off Kandavu at midnight of the same day, entering the port at daylight, thus completes tho run in 19 days inclusive of stoppages, and making from Honolulu to Fiji an average speed of 12 Knots. The Colima left Sydney on March 12, at 3.55 a.m., and arrived at Kandavu on March 21, at 12.50 p.m. Met in port tho steamers Granada and Mikado, Exchanged mails and passengers, and left Kandavu on SI irch 22. at 0.15 p.m. Arrived at Auckland on the 2Sth, at 7 am. Experienced strong head winds and sea, with fresh gales, without change of wind from south by east or south by west duriug the voyage from Kaudavu. Wβ aro indebted to Mr Brigg3, purser, for fllss and other favours. The Colima left «gain at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon for Napier and the South.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4485, 29 March 1876, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4485, 29 March 1876, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4485, 29 March 1876, Page 2