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PORT OP AUCKLAND. H jQu'Water, This Day: 6.34 morn.; 6.53 even. {~ „ Manukaa: 9.20 morn.; 9.48 even. Th* Sun: Rises, 6.12: sets, C.O. Tax Moos: New, 2Gth, 7.50 a.m. ARRIVALS. March 23. Brodick Castle, ship.Thyne, from London. Maech 21. Eowena, s.a., Sellars, from Tauran?a. iWaiwera; schooner, Bushell; fronrTatruaT*^"" '•"* ' - D.EP'A & T-JJ'R B S. Bowans,- s.s;, Sellars, for Tauranga. EN T KRBlTlifW^lfDSr"' Coralie, cutter, 29 tons,. C. Baker, from Opotikt Cargo: 70 pigs, 1G hides, 3 bundles skins. 20 bags bone, 3 bags wheat, 3 sheep, 9 cases bottles 7. - . ■ i\i j • j • CLEARED OUTWARDS. 1 • Ethel brigantine, 180 tons. McLeod, for K&iDark in ballast—G. '"W? Owen, agent. ' ' . ' f ■ ; ' On ward; schooner, 32 tons/Phlpps,for Wanearei' in Inllast. ' . ; • ' '■••• ■ • • • Agnes -Dbnild. 1 . schooner, 62 "tons, -McCabe,.for Giaborae; .Tla-Mercury £ ay and Coast' with general cargo, .shipped by Owen and Graham. • Alarm, schooner, 31 tons; Bartlett, for Levuka, via the Thames, in balk-t. 1 I '.n - PASSETNGKRrLIST. ' " •>' ' ' INWARIis. ' 1 -Per Rowena, s.s., from Tauranga: -Jfra Allison, Mrs •T. Chadwick and child, Messrs Feltou, >"WVL. Reea, Jacobson,.Jacobs, De Coque/Majo'r Pitt,Miss iforris, Mr A. Matoney, Mr J. jJyde, Mrs Williams,-Mr O. Bates, Mr G. A. a' constable and a prisoner. ■ Per Coralie. cutter, from Opotiki:—MrsDickson, Mra Banison, Messrs McLachla'n, Bryant.., ■-> - - IMPORTS. • . .... j [A 'special charge'is made for consignees' names in , .. c this column.] ' •per "Brodick Castle/ fromXohjdon: '' 119 bundle sheet ir0n,.41 cases galvanized iron, 1 .bale .pump leather, '2 case-* fern 'hooks, leases cutlery,.lll biinrtles'shovela,' 20 casks .cow prass, 50 cssks white cJoverjs casks alsyke, 1 cask trefoil, l'c&sk lucerne, 3 cases emery and glasa paper, 1' bale twine,: 2 cases-mill saw_flles, 1 case guns, 23 cases MilnerV flreproof<B«ifes, .T. and S. Morrin. • ' . : . 20. ,qr,-casks, 10 hhds. rum, 25 qr.-casksginger wine, 10 qra. and 250 cases Heanessy's brandy, 200 bags salt (fine and coarse), 30 packages oilmen's stores, 200 cases Blood's stont, and a number of packages drapery, Owen and Graham. 6 cases iron bedsteads. 4 bales mats, 4 cases sundries, 4 bales carpets, 2 cases - glasses,-3 cases sundries, "Winks and Hall. r. . • . 4 cues, Ireland Brothers. <T :.EXPORTS., • Per Ph«be,far the South:—3 cues ironmongery, 1 keg nails, 1 nest clothes-bnskets, 2 cases galvanised r~on, 3 casks zinc; 1 grindstone,-T. and S. Morrin. , •"Pet Rowe'na, for Taiiranga;- 2 kegs hails, 3 cases "Tonmongery, 1 case chimneys, 35 T bars iron, 1 keg bolts, l keg.fhorse-nails, 3 kegs nails, 1 roll zinc, 112 sash-weights, 1 weighing machine, 3 camp ovens, 2 •rfna paint. 1. package chain, 1 cask oil, 6 bags seed, T. and 8« Morrin.u VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Steamers: Llewellyn, lona. Southern Cross. Ships: Carnatic, Salisbury, Merwanjee Pramjee, Bredick Castle. Barques : Glenlora, Edinburgh Castle. Bacquentine: Southern Cross - (Mission vessel), Brigaatine: Ethel. Brig : "Vision. , -.- , Schooners:—Southern Cross - (training vessel), B.M. gunboat"Renard, Alarm, Marion, Orpheus, Mine* haha,- Agnes Donald, Acadia, Golden Isle, Prince Rupert, Canterbury, Belle Brandon, Wave of Life. ' ' ' j v . . PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Saw. Francisco.—Collma,, P.M.5.8., April 10. ",\ Lbvttka.— Llewellyn, s.s., Monday." Loitdon.—Carnatte, ship, early; Glenlora, barque, ""early. . *. . Southern Ports.—Phcebe, 8.3., to-morroiv; Hawea. s.s., 28th inst. Mission Cruise.—Southern Cross, auxiliary screw .barquentine, next .monthu . Poverty Bat, 4c.—Agnea Donald, schooner, today. • -i- \ . v . . Hokianoa.—Queen, schooner, to-day. WANOAREr &'Manoapai,—Argyle, s.s., every "Wednesday. . • • - VAijPARAiso.-rEdinburgh Castle; barque, early. Sooth Sea JsAands.— Vision, brig, early. Napibr.—Southern Cross, s.s., early. "WaitaraII—Go-Ahead,1 —Go-Ahead, s.s., early. Southern Ports, via Kapier.—Colima, P.M. a.s., Sunday* VE39RLH EXPECTED. CoMma, P.M.s.s., from Kandavu; due 26th inst. H.M.S. Pearl, from Sydney. Tuscarora, U.S. corvette, froui Sydney. Dilpussund, barque (WGSID), from London; sailed December 19. Roblna Uunlop, ship,'from London. Anazi, barque, from London. . "Wanlock, barqae, from Glasgow. ' j BebingtoD, ship (PRIIV), from London; sailed Feb.' La Escocesa, ship (RMRG), from London, Aline, barque, from Glasgow; sailed January 7. Skimmer of the Wave, barqae, from New York, via theSooch. Cabarfeiih, barque, from Adelaide. Anne~L#ffis, barque, from Dunedin via Wellington. ' Ryno, trigantine, from South tieA Islands. Ocean I JVrve, brigantine, from Nadi, Fiji. Omaha brigantine, from Lyttleton; sailed March 13. Loch lee, barquentine, from South Sea Islands. Bella Nary, barque, from Ilobart Town. Flirt, trigantine, from Lyttelton; sailed March 13. Blancte,'Schooner, from Rarotonga. Sea R£>, schooner, from Sydney. BCaglc, cutter, from Penbryn Island. £tell«, three-masted schooner, from Dunedin (at the Thames). Edib, schooner, from South Sea Islands. | G'hipse, barque, from Newcastle; sailed March 7. 1 Atixvaxs Coastwise. —Anne. Milbink, p.s., from Mabrangi and Hot Springs; Bessy, cutter, from Wai7vaw.u, with timber; Mercury, cutter, from Tairua, rtitbtimber; Coralie, cutter, from Opotiki, with produca Firefly, schooner, from the Wade, with procutter, from Puhoi, with produce. - / Outwards.—Firefly, schooner, for the Wade Mercury, cutter, for Tairua, in ballast. Thet.s. lona will resume her trips to the North on Mondar next. - The is. Ladybird is due in the Manukau to-day, &nd thet.s. Hawea to-morrow. The Urqufi Glenlora is taking in a shipment of bark fron the brig Jane; from Hobart Town. The bngantine Bthel proceeds to the Kaipara, to load timbr for Dunedin. ' The schomer Waiwera arrived yesterday afternoon, from Tairua, with a cargo of timber. . The acboiner Alarm lias cleared for the Thames, here shg wyi load timber for Levuka. The N.Z S.S. Compauy's s.s. Phoebe, is announced to leave O&efeonga at half-past 9 this ' morning, for fhe South. ; The flue Httlt schooner Agnes Donald cleared out i yesterday for Giborne, via Mercury Bay and East i Coast ports, ™th a full general cargo. The s.s. - Rowena, Captain Sellars, arrived at an early hour yesterday turning from Tanrr.nga, with a small cargo of produce several passengers. s>he loft again on her return t*p last evening. Gadi-a.nt REBCUE —rnCuig ence wa3 rC(:L .i vf .,i by tho last West Indian mail. , n) . s a late iasue of London WetHy Times, of the \- eck ot tho A i geria a large Spanish steamer which ran„ horo durin | a • j on Cftbra Island, near Porto Ki„ on lho 6 2 5tfi of November. A boat was launched {. reso no the passengers and crew, but tho sea ran that she capsized and all hands were lost. On luring ot the disaster, and seeing that nothing more wt, beine attempted for the rescue of those on.boart contain Fauli, R.N., Her Majesty's Consul at Porto i\ C o i m . mediately seat to the Captain-Genernl to plh. e * |jj 3 experience and services as a naval officer at hi? ( ]j 3 _ posal, Captaiu Pauli having two different plans f or rigging a cradle, by means of which communicktiij! could be established with the ship. The offer wat warmly accepted, and" Captain Paulf, after making the necessary preparations, started off instantly at dead of night for Cabra Island, himself heading one of the two parties organised for the working of the cradle. His suggestions were cordially adopted by the Spanish naval force placed at his disposal by the authorities, and thanks to their energetic exertions under Captain Pauli's directions, all on board to the number of 300 souls wero saved. The Algeria shortly afterwards went to pieces, and, but for the bravery ef Her Majesty's Consul, it is not probable that anyone would have been left to tell the tale. New Ships for the N"AYr.--The Admiralty, says the London Weekly Times, have just issued a return of the ships building and ordered to be built. The Inflexible, twin-screw iron turret-ship, armour-plated, of 11,105 tons and 8.000 horse-power, h&ads tho list. She is building at Portsmouth, and will probably tie launched this year. She wiil carry four 81 ton guns mounted io revolving turrets, and will be the most powerful ship yet designed. The Dreadnought comes next with four guns in revolving turrets and is of 10 950 tons, B,COO horse power. She will, it i 3 hoped be afloat this year. A large number of names follow of ships unequalled by any othei nation. The Thunderer, four 38-ton gun.s, 0,100 tons. 5,600 now at Portsmouth ; the Temeraire, 8, double-screw iron armour-plated ship, of 8,412 tonnage 7 000 horse-power; the Nelson, 12, double-screw, armourplated ship, 7,323 tons, 6,000 horse-power, building by Messr.s Napier and Son, Glasgow; the Northampton a sister ship, is also being built by the same emiuent firm. The Alexandra, 12, double-screw armoured ship, 0.492 tons, S.OOO horse-power, at Chatham ; the Shannon, 9, screw armour-plated ship, 5,103 tons, 3,500 horse-power, at Pembroke, are both afloat. "Besides these heavy ironclads, there are a large number •f fast unarmoured frigates-building, and numerous small vessels. The greatest activity is being displayed ?n the Government establishments, men being largely taken on instead of being discharged. In addition, two new ironclads are ordered to bo built, but the designs are not completed. All th*se vessels have been designed in the Controller's Department at the Admiralty under the supervision of the Controller, Rear Admiral W. Houston Stewart, C. B. ARRTVAL OF THE BRODICK CASTLE. < We yesterday, reported the arrival in our waters of , this fine powerful ship from England., She uofor- ' tunately made the port too lata to enable .us to give < any details, in our yesterday's issue, of her outward ] passage, fclaviog been duly passed by the Health j Officei, the ship was admitted .to .pratique, and but for .the wind beiag adverse' would have come up har- 3 boitt. £lie .was compelled to anchor shortly before G sundown, off Holmes' wharf, .the tide not serving her 2 further.. Regarding her passage. Captain Thyne re- r ports having taken his departure from Plymouth on . the 14th "December last, with moderate south-south- u east winds. Caught the north-east trades in latitude n 19 north and longitnd* 28 west, on the sth January. These' were < carried as far as 2 degrees north,' but proved very light. The Equator was crossed on the 13th January, SI days out. Fell in with the southeast trades immediately after losing the north-east, rhey proved moderate and bore the vessel as far as Bf ;defreea south. Liaht winds'and fine weather were experienced to the meridian of the Cape of Good ; Elope,t which was crossed { on ' the.. 12th February. P Sew /; Uie veMel was Ucalmod -for . nearly a It

whole. WfiefLyland - whilst in this quarter a large?""* iour-maste<r£ steamer, which was taken to be the" jpissed. Moderate breezes were again,. -.Wgnenceaon running (down the easting, which was> > ;'acconlpUshed3n about624?grces south latitude. The' »Tfereq Kings were riot sightedjrbut Cape 'Maria Vau tDieman was made at 2 arm. on Thtusday last. s - Down ■ >the.coast a istroog gale, accompanied with squalls, was t Passed the ship s outward bound'off Titiritiri, on Thursday. On'theiTth January spoke the ship Patriarch, Cipt. , Payne, of Aberdeen, in latitude 9 degrees 41 minuted south, and longitude 32 degrees west, bound from» ' London to Melbourne. Amongst the incidents of " :tbe>voyage-mayr.bermentionedrthefollowing f 'takeh" : from the official log book, under date 25th December,

1875: At noon day a vessel was seen on the port bow, on her beam ends. Steered up close'under her stern, to render assistance if required. Fofl"d , Tlßr . to_be - •Abandoned. — Dublin,* all masts standing,, except ,mizen top-gallant ( mast, lower main top-sail setf^The'hull looked quite fresh; Jill .the.starboard-bulwarks-being-in the water. Seeing no one one on board, and having emigrants, did not think I would be justifiedin takingebargeof her. which could easily have been done. In two days she > could not fail ti> reach Madeira herself. On the same day the crew were ordered to send aloft .the top--1 gallant yards/which had nob been sent up before, at the request of th« Plymouth Immigration This order the crfcw refused' to;carry out; at the instigation 1 of .a couple of ringleaders,.and for the sake of-peace and good .order the work was tffected by the officers . 0 f the fchip. • These ringleaders shewed throughout the same mutinous spirit, and on arrival at dnchorftge yesterday were given into.the custody of the police for a recent breach of discipline. The Brodick Castie is a fine, wholesome-looking vessel of 1 1775 tons belonging to the Castle line of Glasgow clippers, to which the Edinburgh Castle,'how in port, also belongs. The immigrants have come out under charge of Dr. Cleghorn, late of the Waimate, to whom great credit is ,'due for. his kindness and attention. The only deaths that have occured are two twin infants,'named John and Ellen McGrath, and a woman named Hannah Wilson, aged 34, who died from rheumatic fever and heart disease. 1 The passengers speak very highly of Captain Thyne, who, since the vessel's departure from London, has had much to contend against.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4482, 25 March 1876, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4482, 25 March 1876, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4482, 25 March 1876, Page 2