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New Zealand Herald Office, "Wednesday evening. Tlie duties collected at the Customs amauntcd to £(yS9 16s OA. Mr. G. W. Binney sold to-day at tho Com Exchange the balance of sugar, ex Mary Blair, from tho Yarrarille Refluery, at the following figures:—Fine whito, £37 7s 0«i; damaged, £34 2s 6d to £34 7s 6d; Mauritius. do., £30 to £30 IBs. The sale of Californian hops was postponed. A large number of cases of chairs fetched very fair prices. Mr E. Arthur held a produce sale to-day. The foUowing prices were realised: —Potatoes, 4s 3d to 5s 6d per cwt.; Adelaide flour £14 10s; onions, Jd to lid per lb.; gooseberries, s}d per lb.; maize, 4s 3d per bushel; salt butter, Sd to 10} d per lb.; cheese, 6jd to 6Jd per lb.; bacon, lljd per lb. AUSTRALIAN". Melbodrnk, December 18. The Melbourne Argus of the ISth December says:— In the import market business to-<ay has been slow and without anything like animation; very little general inquiry has been experienced, and apart from whit is doing in kerosene oil, scarcely a transnction otherwise is allowad to come before us. Breadstuff's art' firm, but in the absence of any supply little or no business can be reported; it is, however, probable, as far as regards wheat, that even an advance on present quotations might be got, though as the market now stands, we do not quote over 6s 6d. Supplies from the country districts do not appear to be coming forward, but we understand that orders h«ve gone freely forward to Adelaide. The shipment of 2900 bags, however, which has come forward In the Flinders is intended for transhipment. Flour is going off quietly but steadily at £13 12s 6d to £13 15s. Oats still meet with favour, and almost all recent arrivals of New Zealand have been cleared off at 3s 6d to 3s 7d. The balance of the Resolution's cargo, 1200 bags, has been taken up in one line at a very full pricequite equal to rates already quoted having been realised. Maize is firm, and sales can readily be made at sa; further parcels have been sold, to arrive, at this figure. Sugars are in moderate request for ordinary requirements. We hear of about (500 bags Mauritius having been placed at 32s Gd to 335. Candies are xneetiog with favour; a line of 600 boxes, ex Here- : fordshire, has. we understand, been sold for shipment j atSJd, in bond. Kerosene still meets with very coaj siderable attention; the movement referred to yesterI day still goes on, and further business is pending. The timber sales comprise flooring, sold at prices rising from 6s to 8s 9d and 13s 9d, according to size. Palings 5 feet &nd 0 feet were at same time cleared eff at 13s. We learn that Messrs. Rowden Brothers, workers in tin, have been compelled to stop payment. A meeting of creditors is intended to be called for Thursday next. The liabilities are stated to be £6000, but it is anticipated the loss will not amount to much. The usual weekly sale of wool held by Messrs. Hastings, Cunningham and Co. during the season attracted a full attendance of buyers at their stores this afternoon, and a catalogae of 2225 bales was offered to public competition, of which sales amounting to 1690 bales were effected at prices equal to late quotation?, biddiDgs b-nog well manifested throughout the sale. The only lot? passed in comprised fleoce wools, for which offers were made close up to the reserves of the owners, and doubtless businesss will be done during next week. Greasy sold at 8d to 13$ per lb ; scoured, 17d to22d per lb.; fleeee, 18d to 21fcd per lb. The Argus of the previous day also reports that there is a large business doing in oats, New Zealand stout feeding being saleable at 3s 6d to 3s 7d. Over 2000 bags have changed hands at fully up to our quotations. Maize is selling at ss, snd we understand a parcel was also taken up to arrive at this price. Regarding hops, Mr. "NVilliaui EL. Teulon supplies the j following important information, under date London, 29th October:— "A very much smaller quantity of fine coloured, and of healthy hops, though deficient in colour, haa been grown this season than could havo been anticipated. Notwithstanding this disappointing result with a large crop, the business transactions tu this date have been unusually heavy, and it is estimated that approaching five-sixths of the entire crop, in addition to large quantities of foreign production, have been sold. Choice and coloury samples have practically disappeared from the market. The occasional parcels met with can scarcely be reckoned anything, and an advance of 203 to 30s per cwt. over the opening prices in September would really be given if the hops could be obtained.** In liquids the only feature is the auction sale of wines and Bpirits, when it will be seen that a decline had to be submitted to on almost all description of brandies, kartell's 1874 was sold at 6s 6d; Hennessy's 1874 realised 7s ljd, while 7s 7d was accepted for 1872. Jules Robins and Co/s dark and pale 1874 was placed at 5s to 6}d, and Associated Vineyard, dark and pale, was quitted at 4s 9d. The case of this last-named brand brought 17s, while Central Vineyard sold at 20s per case, and 29s was [obtained for flasks. Sales of Otard's case brandy are reported privately at 23s for parcels, and 23s 9d for smaller lots. The following is Messrs. J. H. Clough and Co.'s report, dated Melbourne, December 15 Wool: The usual sales of the week have been held, and large quantities have changed hands, both by auction and privately. On Monday last we catalogued 1241 biles, of which upwards of 1000 bales wero disposed of. There was a full attendance of buyers, and the bidding throughout the sale was spirited, and the prices realised "were satisfactory. Greasy seld for 9d to 13d; scoured, 15d to 21d. and fleece, 14d to 22£ d per lb. Sheepskins : During the week we have disposed of a large supply of dry skins at slightly improved pricpa upon those ruling last week. Our sales have been— for butchers' green skins, 3s to 5s 6d ; pelts, Gd to 2s ; dry skins, 6d to 2s 6d each ; and station skins, 5d to 8d per lb. Hides : We have had a large supply forward this week, bnd prices continue firm. We sold green ox at 23s to 36s ; cow/103 to 23s each ; Victorian wet salted, 4}d te 5d ; New Zealand, 5d to sjd; and calfskins, 5d to 6d per lb. , Melbourne, December 21. | Speculators in kerosene are endeavouring to raise the market, Is 6d is said to have been, paid; large sales of oats took place at 3s 3d to 3s 7d. Breadstuffs unchanged. Currants were sold by auction in a large parcel, at s£<L Sydney, December 22. The Sydney Morning Herald of this date reports as follows:— Buyers appear to have deserted the import markets more suddenly than usual at this period. Increased facilities for transmitting supplies for the interior by rail prolonged the Christmas trade until much nearvr to the holidays than in previous yearß, and to this is attributable the apparent dulness with which the week has opened. There is no change to notice in the value of breadstuffs. Flour sells in trade quantities at £10 15s to £12; wheat is nominally worth 5s to 5s 3d. Dried fruits are easier, and stocks largely increased by recently-arrived shipments. Holders of sardines look for advanced prices in consequence of advices to hand by Suez mail reporting a rise in the French markets. From Calcutta, under date November 10, we learn that the Old Kensington had sailed for the colonies, with 1250 cases castor oil and 5713 bales jute goods, leaving the Francis Call on the berth to follow. The market was quite bare of rice. Castor oil was unchanged. Coal quiet; Australian worth 13 rupees 4 annai. Private advices from New York state that the Lion cleared fox Sydnny on October 16, with 3300 cases kerosene and sundries. Shipments of kerosene to Melbourne for the month only amomted to 5100 cases, and to New Zealand, 2200 ca*es. The A. Kobb had 10,500 cases engaged for Adelaide, and the I Europa 5000 cases for Melbourne. The Rebecca J. Moulton has taken the berth for this port, to follow theC. C, Leary. The stock and sharemarket very weak. Sellers of I some bank stocks were willing to accept a slight decline. New Zealand changed hands at £17 6s 4d to £17 3s, and wero offered at 17J. City had sellers at 81' New South Wales had buyers at47}d, sellers at 48J. In Steam there was very little alteration. ; Hunter River wanted at 7£, holders asking 8J- Ilia- ' warra could have been placed at 4f. Insurance shares without improvement. Mining very flat; Peak Downs at 8s 9d* were the only sale. | Adelaide, December 21. Wheat is dull at 4s 9d.

CALLS AND DIVIDENDS. ■ ~® *o"owing are the current calla and dividends payable in the companies named below C^; LS— ,,, „ £ b. d. Date. . ' °V"L°: tho South ...004 — Jan. 12 . j Waitekauri.. ... 0 0 6 — Jan. 12 Queen ol the May ..010 — Jan. 12 I Yoojog . 0 0 6 — Jan.-12 - j j Baudot Hope .. .. 003 — Jan. 12 - ! Oolibdri 0 0 3 — Jan. 12 I Ural 0 0 3 — Jan. 12 City of York .. .. 0 1' 0 — Jan. 12 National 0 0 8 — Jan. 12 New Exchange .. . 0 0 3 — Jan. IS Dividend— Tokatea ~ 0 2 0 — Dw, 30

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4408, 30 December 1875, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4408, 30 December 1875, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4408, 30 December 1875, Page 2