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Druggist^.' KEMPTHOKirB, PROSSEB, & CO., ■ ■ SUCCESSORS TO H. & E. YOUNGMAN & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, DRYSALTERS, AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRYMEJT. Importers of Drugs, Chemi:als, Druggist Sundries in every variety, Patent and Medicines, Brushware, Perfumery,- Cordial M Alters' of all descriptions, Brewers' Isinglass, Corks, Tinfoils, "Wires (Copper a»d Tinned), Boiled and Raw Oil. PATENT MEDICINE AGENTS. Always on Sale and Agents for— Dr- do Jongh's Cod Liver Oil, Chloroayne (Collis Browne's), Rowland's Preparations, Bishop's Citrate i of Magne ia, Piesse & Lubtu's Perfumery, Steedmans Powder, Keating'® Bon Bona. Lozenges, and Insecticide; Grimault's French Preparations, Tronchons French Medicines, Wiielpton'e Pills, Singleton's Sarsaparilla, Mr. Churchill's Remedies for Consumption, Palmer's Washing Compound, Judson's and Mather's Dyes Jackson's Benzine and Cements, Blair's Pillfi Frampton's Pills, Cockle's Pills, Holloway's M;dicines, Dinneford's Magnesia, Cleaver's Soaps and Perfumery, Calvert's Carbolic Acid, Murray's Magnesia, Rimmel's and Gosnell's Perfumery, Townsend's, Bristol's, and Ayer's tfarsapari la, Sozodont, Painkiller, &c., Ac. STORES: "VIOTORIA-BTKK KT, AUCKLAND, AND SrAJTO.RI>BTEJCKT, DUNEDIN. BARRY'S TRICOPHEROUS, patronised by the principal families of Asia, Africa, Europe, and Amcrica. This excellent article is admitted to be the standard preparation for a<l purposes connected with the hair. It prevents its falling off, eradicates scurf, dandruff, &c., and keeps it in the most beautiful condition. Its habitual use renders the use of oil, pomatum, or any other preparation quite superfluous. It is richly perfumed with the most delicious floral fra.rance, and is warranted to cause new hair to grow on bald places. The best Hair Colouring in the world is BARKY'S SAFE HAIR DYE, Guaranteed not to contain any injurious or dangerous ingredients, and will colour the Hair or Whiskers any shade from Light Brown to Jet Black. A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. Can any adornment of the person equal a clear, white complexion ? Can any jewels or gems equal the rich natural blcom of youth imparted by a single application of the celebrated BARRY'S PEARL CREAM, that splendid toilet preparation, which offers to all who desire to be beautiful a cosmetic not only absolutely safe, but possessing the most valuable qualities for beautifying and preserving the skin ! It makes ladies of forty or forty-five appear but twenty, and instantly removes Wrinkles, Freckles, Sunburn and Tan. BARRY'S MARFILKSTA is prepared by a dentist of long experience and of profound knowledge of the teeth and of every method of beautifying and preserving them sound and perfect to extreme old age. It contains no acid, no gritty substance, and has no disagreeable taste. Every ingredient entering into its composition is safe and highly beneficial. It will cleanse the most unsightly teeth speedily, making them a pearly white. It will also harden the gums and impart a delightful fragrance to the breath, and is with confidence recommended as by far the best dentifrice of the present day. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. " Works like a Charm." WIZARD OIL. This is a remedy every family should have in the house to use in cases of emergency. It is purely vegetable, and may be used externally or internally. It is not nn oily substance, but clean, delicious, and safe to use, even in inexperienced hands. As an external romcdy, when freely used, it penetrates the absorbents to the seat of pain, causing free' circulation, and giving to the weakened and overstrained corda and muscloa new life and elasticity; it sheaths inflamed aud bruised surfaces, and cures pain as water quenches fire. Try it for Wounds, Sores, Burns, Sprains, Crick in the Back, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, or any other kind of pain or lameness. As an'interual remedy, it operates as a ditmsive sedative ; it tones and coirrects the stomach, aids digestion, and readily cLies Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Indigestion, Coughs, Sore Throat. The application of Wes-ton's Wizard Oil to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford case and comfort. A teaspoonful in half a wine-glass of water or spirit will, in a few minutes, cure Cramps, Sprains, Sour stomach, Heartburn, Bick Headache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, and all internal pains. 1 Travellers should always carry a bottle of Weston's Wizard Oil. A few drops in water or spirit will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is , better than French brandy or bitters as a stimulant. _ j Wholesale Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PJtOSSER & CO. DJ. C. AYER'S Celebrated MEDICAL PREPARATIONS May be obtained of all Chemists and Storekeepers throughout the colony. AYER * S ' CATHARTIC SUGAR-COATED PILLS (in a lash softies). ThesoPilli contain every medicinal property desirable for th* care of Indigestion, Costiveness, Headache, and Liver Complaints. AYER'S COMPOUND CONCENTRATED TRACT OF SA KS APA RTT ,To^' One of the most effective for Purifying the CiirV of Scrofula, Ulcers, and Female DLsand not a bevcrage7 O fl *'® o M e 'l ß: " kr more efficacious than any Ctrsaparilla hitherto offered to the public. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Or Anodyne Expectorant, a reliable Antidote for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and all Pulmonary Diseases. AYER'S AGUE CURE, A moat efficient remedy in Ague«, Chills, Fever, btilaua Affections, and Derangement of the Liver. AYER'S HAIR VIGOUR, pott Restokixg the Natural Vitality and Colour of the Hair, is not a dye, nor does it possess any coloring matter or offensive substance whatever, neither will it soil the moat delicato fabric, but is an agreeable dressing to the hair, promotes its luxuriant growth, giving it richness and beauty, removes baldness, and invariably restores Faded or Grey Hair to its original colour. The above elegant preparations have long been strongly recommended by the Medical Profession, and command a world-wide reputation, which is sufficient guarantee of their utility and genuineness. .Ayer's Almanacs, containing instructions for the treatment of all classes of diseases, may be had gratuitously on application to all Chemists and Storekeepers. * Wholesale Agents, Auckland: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. TURNER'S PREPARED COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. These approved Preparations hold the first rank, not only as a food for invalids and convalescents, bat for persons in health, and in all cases in which nourishing qualities are require. Since their first introduction their sale has been extending at a rapid rate, beiug preferred before all others, ou account of their acknowledged purity and prominent nutritious qualities. Wholesale Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTER, A Curative Host in Itself, Supe ior to Spanish Fly Blister, or any blister, or any rubefacients or stimulating liniments whatsoever. One of the principal articles used in making them is Olibanum, the Gum from the trees of Lebanon ! the Prankincense of the Bible. Agents for New Zealand: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. PEAR'S CELEBRATED SOAPS, PERFUMERY, and TOILET REQUISITES always in Stock and on Sale by the Wholesale Agents, KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. HORSES,— LIEUT. JAMES'S BLISTER, used in her Majesty's Cavalry Regiments, patronised by Major-General Sir Charles Dalbiac, Inspector-General of the Cavalry Forces, and highly eulogised by Professor Coleman in his report to the Adjutant-General. Its great efficacy in all cases where blistering is usually'applied is-well known; and its celebrity has extended to all-the great studs throughout the world. No horse will gnaw it. In use 40 years. Caution.—None Genuine without the Signatures of the Proprietors, . R. 8. & J. Jakcs are on the top label of every pot. . Wholesale Agents: . ! KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. — CHEST Affkctton. DB. i CHmRCHH.r,'S SYRUPS OF HYPOPHOS- . PHATE OFLH*VE, SOr>A, AJfD XRONV i' bec mm ell ded - byth c 'leading Physicians In TSnrope. ■ rriO U MANUFACTURERS.' :I JL V 1 1.-cjotj ' '!. .J- aJ. - a :lu!ihj2 j' • i ii feavl&TmxcluLs«d;the »ielartTe.rigfct for; New , i.ljjnd of,iarrat7& Co.'aJPatent Seda ,Water Bottle : »nd Bottling Midlines, areopeil t4~ro4'ell tße right bt for' the differenv -Trdrtiwit • KJSMPTHOR2TK, FBOSSBR ft Go.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4408, 30 December 1875, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4408, 30 December 1875, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4408, 30 December 1875, Page 2 (Supplement)