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Ciemists and Druggists. i E. GE,. AS SING'S; ■pHOSPHOEIN, j THE NEW AND ONLY RELIABLE KEILEDY FOB ' i CEREBRO-SPINAL COMPLAINTS. | * PHOSPHOKLN". < THIS REMEDIAL AGENT IS 1 "SAXE IN ITS ADMINISTRATION," I "palatable and effective in form," J " AND A SPECIFIC FOR DISEASES ,, : Hero enumerated; • PHOSPHORUS is a normal constituent of tho ■ Blood, and a never-failing ingredient in most of the i important tissues of the Body. i : FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY of the Nervous Sys- ; i torn necessarily involves the disintegration of its ! tissue, and waste of Phosphorus. i - PHOSPnOEUSIS THE FOOD OFTCTE BKAIN. ! ' i PHOSPHOEIN. j i Its use is indicated in j NEURALGIA NERVOUS DEBILITY j HYSTERIA PALPITATION MIEUMATISM LIVER COJEPLATNTS IMPOTENCY HEART DISEASE INDIGESTION CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS ■- LOWNES3 OF SPIRITS '. LOSS OF 3UEMOHY, DESPONDENCY WASTING FROM MAL-NUTKITION FCIATICA AND LUMBAGO ; INCAPACITY for STUDY or BUSINESS. L PFIOSPHORIN may be relied upon as a specific for ' that genual condition and loss of power known a3 I BELOAV PAK, aud, in break down from over-work • and mental fatigue, it is the only medicine WHICH ; POSSESSES HEAL APUKODISIAO FOWEK. PHOSPHORIN improves the condition of the Blood, and stimulates its regenerative power. PnOSPITORIN is the active principle of thn tIYIOPHOSPHATES SO LONG KNOWN AND EXTOLLED. Neuralgia is the cry of the hungry nerve for , PHOSPIIOKIN. CLERGYMEN, PROFESSIONAL MEN, or other- ' wise, whose mental exertion is seve're and overtaxed, and especially when there is a state of excitability of : the nervous system, which is frequently cc-existent 1 with a diminution of iti vigour, indicative of an undue " waste of nervous mailer, will iind PERMANENT J BELIEF IN THE USE OF PHOSPHOBLX. ' PHOSPHORIN will regenerate the Brain, and make old age active and energetic to the last, and IN 1 ALL AGES, WILL 'RKACH AND FiiJjD BOTII I THE BODY AND MIND AT ONCE." ' Price 10s a Case. By post, 10s Cd. 0 3 DEPOT: i J C S HAPiLAND & C°-» 1 SHOKTLAND-STEEET, ' Auckland. 3 . , a jH EIM AU 1 T AND CO., ." "Uγ pharmaceutical chemists, s hue vivense. PAltld. Mom. cnixrAL/r.T :>i>d Co. beg to inform the public i hat they have mr.rte arrangements in order to .secure a regular supply of their CKLKBKaTED > REMEDIES, all prep.ired according (o the formulas of the Oiliciil Codex. These medicines are prescribed i by duly qualified medical practitioners in ail pai t3 of i the civilised world. They nil bear their plminacetis cal denominations, so that phy>icians know exactly the ualure and property of the prescribed remedy. This following list contains some of tln-se renowned preparations, wli ch. ns well as all the olhers, are I constantly kept bv Grimault aud Co.'s agents, wl:o ! receive them direct from Paris:— DK. LEICA'S PHOSPHATE OF IRON. ' This preparation contains the two chief «lemenls of boms and blood; is a rapid cure to Anemia, Chlorosis, ami impoverished blood. It has no costive pror/eiti' s, tind exerts nn acti'n upon the teeth. ! GRIMAULTandCo.'sSYRUPofHYFOPHOSPHITE of LIME. 1 Tho diseases of the olicst, I'itlierto reputed incur- , ] able, will Hntl an certain remedy in the syiup ■ of HYI'DI'IIO-P'-ITEof .'.IMEof GRIMAULT and Co. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, the different types of i cour.h, never resist its salutary influence. GKIMA[JLT iiu.i Co 's Al ATICO CAPSULES and INJECTIONS. Renowned physicians proline Grimanlfs Matico as tho mort a live, and at the fame time the most : inoffensive remedy in the treatment of ncute and | 1 CUi:uNICDISKA'Sr:-i. It has not, like CopaiLa, the nconveiiienc'i of c;.i!-ingnau.-ca. dusaiu's syrup of i.ioTornosruATEof i LIME. ! TONIC, IV STOBAXIVK, and digestive remedy of the lir-t i>:irlicu!arly siiisal.le FEEULt: i SUBJECT*, CONVALESCENTS, OLD PEOPLE,aud RIUK i-TTV CHILDREN , , who find in them the CALC.M;EOU3 ELEMENTS entering into the constitution of tho honi'S. Well adapted for married ' ladies and WET N UUsES, wh- se milk it enriches. I (; KIMAULI' and Co.'s INDIAN CIGARETTi-;-;. , These Cigar, ttc, made of the extract of Ind an ' \ ASTll'jl..\. S NLItA'OUS COUGHS, : : LARYNGITIS, UOAKSENE.-s, Lt'ftS of VOICE, ! FACIAL NEUIIALGIA, ami INSOMNIA. j c GrvI.IAULTandCo.'sGIJARANA. \ : A single powder of this vegetable production is 1 sutlkiouttonueinstimtlytlieMOS'EVlOLESTSlCK i HEADACHE. It is the most valuable remedy i < against DIA IiIJIKEA, DVSENIEIIY, audr.Udisovdrrs 1 proueoi' ing from DEu AN G EJI EM of the STOMxVC 11 .' or BOWELS. This powder is indispensable" for all I I families, and far more eiliCuCious th:m opium or subnitrate of Bismuth. ] Agents in New Zealand: < Mil. GIIAVKS AICKIK, AVJCELASD. j

Furniture, &c. mo THE ELECTORS AND BONELECTOP.S Or' THE CIT.i" EAST AND THE PROVINCE OF ATJCKLAXD. Gentlemen, —I take the earliest opportunity to inform you that I am a Candidate for your special favours. I find thai I hare not sufficient room in my present Establishment to show my furniture, Eedding, &c; therefore, after careful consideration, I have taken tljose more Central Premises recently occupied by Messrs. Cranwell and Co., at the bottom of Shortlandstrcet, where I intend to carry on the business of Cab:aetmaking, TTpho'stering, &c; and having had 35 years' practical experience, I shall be able to snppjy you with good and sound Furniture, at the very lowest possible prices consistent with Quality. Furniture, Mattresses, and Eedding of every description made to order, aud guaranteed to givo every satisfaction. Mattresses re-made. Dining and Drawingroom Furniture re-covered and thoroughly renovated. X.E.—Tho business of China, Glass, Earthenware, and Kitchen requisites, &c, will be carried on as visual in the Old Establishment, by Mrs. Probert, where every order will receive the very best attention. ' I am, Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant, H. PROBEET. BLUE ■ DERWENT POTATOES. A Tery Prime Sample on Sale, in lots to suit pur chaser!. ' : . S. 8. MEYERS & CO. t> reserved meats. A recent shipment for sale, consisting ol Beef, Mutton, Potted Head, &c ■ ■ ■ ■ i H. S. MEYERS & 00. "•"

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4407, 29 December 1875, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4407, 29 December 1875, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4407, 29 December 1875, Page 2 (Supplement)