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PORT OI AUCKLAND. Hws Waiib, This Day: Cl 7 morn.- , C.SS ev«n. Hies WAT "^ l(inßk(m: 8 .67 morn.; 8.63 eren. T>S Sun: Kisoa, 4.47: sets. 7.15. Tμ Moon: New, 2Sth, 6.43 a.m. ARRIVALS. December 25. Tona, 5.5., W. Farqnhar, f rom KusselL Qne«n schooner, Jones, from Hokianga. Jewie,'schooner, from Lyttelton. Rnbr, schooner, Cfltcbpole, from Wangaroa. Sovereign of the Seas, cuttur, Peterson, from Wangarei. December 26. City of Melbourne, nnil steamer. Brown, from Sydney. Charybdis, schooner, Lfcne, from Wangaroa. PASSENGER LIST. INWAHDS. Per City of Melbourne, mail steamer, from Sydney. -Saloon: Mr T. Marks: and 4in the steeraje. For San Francisco-Saloun: Miss K Haw "f™> * Ire an hit- and seven children. Messrs Tiffles, J 11 Orr. T ■Williams, J. W. Shaw, Captain Steward, and 7 in Me B S., s ~ from Smith, law Afnntacue Rev. Mr. liotise. ana others. PerWelThVgton, s.s., from Southern |>orts:-Saloon: Messr. Koch 4 Smith, Marker. Chase, Chapman Red--nod Brierlev O'Connell, H Pollen, Flytho, Ymle, Montague, Collins, O'lJriim, Belcher, L. D'Aubeney, Ayr "heal. Fryer, Lconnrd, Master Brebner, Miss Harvey, and six the steerage. raiP'\Rrs. rAsnecial charge is made for announcements in this 1 * column.] Per Wellington s.s., from Southern ports-—4 hhds, 1 box S ca es, 5 bal'S, 1 sack, 42 parcels, SO sacks sharps.'— TV. H. Wheeler, agent. PROJECTED DEPARTDK.ES. San Francisco (via Kandavau.).—City of Melbourne, s.s., noon to-day. SiDNtA.—Mikado, s.s., about 30th inst.; Hero, s.s., about 3rd prox. losßos.- Columbus, barque. 4th proximo; City of Auckland, ship, auout 4th Feb. Newcastle.—Mar of Germany, ship, today. KussKLL. —Inna, s.s., Monday next. TAUitAMOA, &c—Ttowena, s.s., Friday next. Sovthep-N Poats. — [lawea, s.s., Jan. 3. liEVUKA —Ocean Wave, sclioouer, to-day. Hm York—Florence, barque, Thursday next; Lizzie Fox, barque ear'yEast Coast.—Advance, schooner, Tuesday. ToSGATXBU. —Laititia, scboooner, early. TValeoa.—Torea, schooner, from Ouehunga, early. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Steamers: H.M.S. Sappho, Emu, lona, City of Melbourne SUds: City of Auckland, Star of Germany,'{Ocean Mail. Barques.—Columbus, Florence, Lizzie Fox. Barqnentine: Southern Cross (Mission vesseli. Brigantinea: Ktbel, Walter Glendining, Frances Xewey, Ka.e Brain, lrevelevan Family, Flirt. Bcliooners—Southern Cross (training vessel), Jessie Henderson, Peerless, laatitia, Belle Brandon, Ocean Wave, Prince Hupert. Sissy, Magellan Cloud, Blanche, (i olden Isle, J-.ffle Meikle, Canterbury, Advance, Transit' Jessie. VESSKI.S K.XPKOTFTV Hero, s.s., from Sydney; due about 2Sth inst. Mikado, nml steamer, from San Francisco; due about 30th inst. City of San Kranclsco, mail steamer, from San Francisco; due about 30:h inst. BUS Barraconta, from the Fiji Islands. Carnatio, ship (HJfl'G), from London: sailed Sept. SO. "Waipa ship, from Loudon: to sail November 10. Brodick Castle, ship.from London. iiJenlora, ship, from London;sailed October 23 Frank Pendleton, ship, from Gelle, Sweden; sailed Arimst 13. , Fern-len, ship, from London; to sail Isovember 20. Eenvenue, ship, from London; cleared out Oct 23. Ardvar, ship, from Glasgow: sailed, October 21. Jessica, barque, from New York, via Dunedin; sailed American Lloyds, barque, from New York: sailed. Lady Franklin, barque, from Melbourne. Ma'ithoy, bnrque, from New York; sailed Oct. 13. Victor, birquentine, from Port Gamble: sailed May 14. Agnes schoo ipr, from Ch itham Islands. Coronet, schooner, from South Sea Islands. An Kevoir, schooner, from Sydney; loailing. Arrivals Ccmstwisk. — Miranda, cutter, from Port Cuarles, with timber; Mana, cutter, from Wangapoa, with timber. Coastwise Octwjlrds.— Jlmme Casey, s.s., for the Hot Springs and Mahuranßi. The s s. lorja airived on Christmas morning, from Bussell and the Sorth, with passengers and cargo. The barque Marathon cleared at New York for this port on the 13th Octobr. The barque Foraet-me-Not arrived at byoncy from this port via Wangaroa on th e 27th ult The schonners Charybdis and Ruby arrived from Wangaroa with cargoes of on Saturday. The schooner Jessie arr.ved on Saturday, from Ljtteltoc, with a c*rgo of breadstuff^. Owing to the Christmas halidays shipping business is generally »t a standstill. The schooner Queen arrived on Saturday evening, from Ho'tianga. wiih a general cargo. The cutter Sovereign of the Seas will sail for ■Waniiarnl on "Wednesday next. The steamship Hero arrived hence at Sydney on the 9th inst. r-he is announc-d to leave ajain for this port on the 22nd iast., and may therefore be looked lor to*morrow. The Australasian Steam Navigation Company has received a cablegram from San Francisco, advi-ing the tfppartiire from that port on tbe 9ih December, ] tt the R.M.S. Mikado. The mission batque John Williams, arrived at Sydnry on the Ist instant, bavins been ab«ent sinco March lust. During her crui-e she visite-1 the following groups :- Ellis, Savage, Kingsmill, Harvey and Samoa. Fhe is last fr« i Mare (Loyalty Wands), whence she sai'ed on tbe ISth Nmembe.. Her cargo con-.ists of missionary property, shipped at Tarinus sUf.ons that have been aband med and intended for new settlements to be formed at New The Airolo, schooner, Captain Groube, of Liverpool has been tradicg among the French i-lands at Tahiti and got into trouble; her former captain having violated some of tile French rfsulations regarding trading. The vessel and cargo v. s suiz>;d, and he was incarcerated. The vessel was subsequently given up, but the cargo, some 20 tons pearlshell wa? estreated, and the captain imprisoned for two months. The vessel left Tahiti on 27th September and has called at several islands on her way; tho last, Norfolk island, was left on 25th November, thence to Sydney, which was reached on the 6th inThe following men-of-wpr are on the Australian gtati ,n : Dido, 8 guns, Commodore W. C. Chapman, at Melbourne; Birracouta, C guns, Captain I!. E. Stevens, at Fiji ; Nymphe, 3 gnns, Captain Francis C .~uttie, on i- cruise : Pearl, 17 gnns, Captain A. P. Hastings; at Melbourne: Sapphire, 14 eun«. Capttin E. H. Mnrray, on a vogtge from England; Sappho, 4 guns, Commander N. S. F. Digby, at Auckland; Bearle.'l gun. Lieutenant-Command r Itemlell, at Sydney; Alacrity, 1 gun, 1 ieutenant-Commauder Morgan, at Sydney; Sandfly. 1 gtm, LieutenantCommander Nowell, at Sydney; Ecnanl, 1 giin, Lleu'enant-Commauder Dawson, at Sydney; Conflict, 1 gun. Lientenant-Commander Carey, cruising round Australia.

ARRIVAL OP THE CITY OF MELBOURNE. Some little surprise was experienced yesterday mo-ning when the steamer signalled proved, on roundinz the North Head, to he the well -known and Kmart City of Melbourre under commind of our old friend, Captain J. W. Brown, from . ydney. Hlic has en board the New South Wales portion of the San Francisco mail, and has called 1 ere, en route for San Francisco, for the New Zealand mails, which, however hxvu been dispatched a week ago by the Cyphrenes to Kandavu. Of the City's assage from >y.lney Captain Brown reports as follows:—After having received on board the English rr-.ils and passengers, left her moorings in Johnson's Bay at 11.15 p.m. on the 20th. nnd cleared the Heads at midnitht, parsed the Three Kings at 1.30 p.m. on the 25.h, ronnded the Kortb Cape at 6 p.m. same day, and entered the harbour of Auckland at 11.30 a.m. On the 26ta, experienced a succession of strong easterly wind-, increasiag at times to a gale, with aheavy head s-i and cloudy weather to the Tlireft Kings; thence moderate E. andK.N.K. winds until arrival. Passed a steamship, supposed to be the Colima, at 6 a.m. on thn ZZnd. about 600 miles to the eastward of Sydney Heads. The steamer leaves for San Francisco, via Kandavu, at noon to-day. SUPPOSED LOSS OF THE SHIP DARLING DOWNS. la our last Monday's fasu- we stated that tbe-stern-txrard of a larsre vessel, bearing the name " Darling Downs " bsd betn washed ashore at Ahlpara. The fresh appearanca of the gilding round the name shewed that the piece of wreck coald not have been in tbf. water any lengthened time. We observe by the MuTOpcan Mail and Home Newt, received by the City of Melbourne, that the ship Puling Downs, under command of Captain Wakebam, left London for Sydney on the *30tb September. She met with a mishap by loslDg an anchor and chain in the Downs on tbe 2nd October, but wa3 supplied with fresh one? from Deal, which roadstead she left text day. Her arrival at Sydney has not been reported in the Bydnej papera up to the 20th Instant. It is feared that this One vessel of 1638 tons will be numbered amongst the missing, the only clue to her fate at present being the stem-boarS picked up on the Abipara beach, with tbe name "Darling Downs." KNGLISH BHIPPING. The barque Glenlor*, T64 tons. Captain Le Viaconnt. aaileil from London to Auckland, on the 23rd October last, and was reported off Plymouth on the 25th. !>he has the following passengers on board : — Chief cabin—Messrs. M. B. Smith, Charles P. Vininu, Frederick Stephens, Wili'am 'Wordin.iham, J. N. Mnntben, Lucy K. Manghen, and Mr. Helyer. Second cabin—Mr *rthur Wilson. Alioe Wilson, Benry E. Wikon, Archie K. Wiljon, Jchn Menzies, and Dover N. Ifolesworth. Steerage—Mr. H. E. Moody, Francie B. Moody, S. Field, Emma Field, Mrs. Jane PattemoD, Patrick Mnr.ay, Kobtn B. Key, John Cornieh, Robert Small, Henry C. Small, Bichatd Plant, Charles Plant, Charles Brown, Robert Emerson. Thomas Foully, Charles J. Bridle, John and William Kvinson. The following particulars of the damrge to the BroJick Castle, which left London on the 7te Ootober, are from tho Bnropean Mail:— The Brodick Castle <Lyn<o, from London for Auckland (general carno), was towed to Falmouth on October 18 by the CI- ve,l»«d vs.). with mainmast and all gear B one » mlzen-'m-st carried away by poop-deck, lying on port side, lower rigging attached; port side of poop stove' in, all rails and stanchions broken and destroyed, several hearoa bent and broken, all ekylisrhts destroyed, four bint- loit, main deck stove in several places, foremast shaken, roretopmast gone, and one side of top fc.okcn off. Emitrants.sent to Plymouth by rail. Olia'n t.lutes all right; one dead-e;e strap broken; hull all right, and making no water. One man killed and auothcrdiiafeleu. The Brodick Castle arrived at Ply.

moutb. on October 22. where she will' repair d*maCM. The Brodick Castlo was disabled in a heavy gale on the ISth October, in the B»y of Biscay. , The ship Ardvar left Glasgow for AuckUnd on the 22nd October. and .ailed from Groenock on the. 25th. Th« Bhlp Edinburgh Castle w« on the berth at clearedl out at London for this port on the 27th OctobßOn October 14 Messrs. Palmer and Co., Jarrow, UnidiedWm th«ir ahip-ballding yard an iron sailing sWd named the Wniroa, built to the order of the new l-iwi»nrt Shinning Company, the dimensions o' which fe.-Lcngthf 105 feet; bfeadth, 34 feet; depth, 20.1 feet: registered tonnage, 105'J tons. Assistant-Paymaster William Wykeham Perry, secretary to tho late Commodore Goodenough, has b«sn specially promoted to the r»nk of Paymaster in Her Majesty's Heet, tho acting captain of Her Majesty's ship Pearl having reported the warm appreciation expressed by the late Commodore Goodenough of Mr Parry's devotion in that " lie af considerable risk to himself (having nt the time a f.ore in his mouth) sucked the Commodore's wound, in the hope of extracting any puson which might bavo besn left by the arrow." The steamer Edinburgh, belonging to the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, sailed on October G from tho Thames with the shore ends of tho new cable which that company has manufactured for tbe Extension Telegraph Company, to be Uid oetween .Australia and New Zealand. The deep sea portion, consisting of ono thousand miles in length, will he forwarded early in November by th« Hibernia. It would app' ar that all hope of the safety of tbe ship Strathtuore has been abamlo.ied. It is understood that when she left the Thames she carried no less than twenty tons of gunpowder and spirits as vart of her cargo, unci it is feared that tire has broken out on board, and that an explosion wi'h disastrous results has followod She had between forty and fifty passengers on board, and with tho crew she would carry from eighty to ninety souls. B Y TELEGRAPH. LONDON. Arrival: July 25, Counters of Kintore from Auckland. Sailed: Zealandia, P. M. Co.'s steamer, for Sydney.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4406, 27 December 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4406, 27 December 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4406, 27 December 1875, Page 2