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Medical. jq| ITT~gTr' a s BIN G ' s J>HOSraOKIN, . THE 'NEW AND ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY, . TOR CEREBROSPINAL COMPIAINTS. PHOSPHORIN. . ! ' ' THIS REMEDIAL AGENT IS "SAFE .IN ITS ADMINISTRATION," "PALATABLE AND EFFECTIVE IN FORM," "and a specific for diseases 1 ' ' . Hero enumerated- . .. PHOSPHORUS is a normal constituent of the Blood, and a'never-failing ingredient in most of the important tissues of the Body. ; ' FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY. .of the Nervous System necessarily involves the,. disintegration of its tissue, and waste of, PhosphorusPHOSPHORUS IS THE FOOD OF THE BRAIN. : P H O ,SiP H OK I N. ■ Its use is Indicated in NEURALGIA ' NERVOUS DEBILITY HYSTERIA . PALPITATION . • ■ ' I rheumatism; liter complaints IMPOTENCT HEART DISEASE INDIGESTION" • CONSUMPTION" SCROFDLA BRONCHITIS LOWNESS OF SPIRITS ' | ' : LOSS OF MEMORY, DESPONDENCY j . WASTING FROM MAL-NUTRITION SCIATJCA AND LUMBAGO ; INCAPACITY to» STUDY or B(J3iNE3S. 1; ! PHOSPHORIN may be relied upon as a specific for that general.condition and.loss of power ktIOWH OS BELOW ■ PAR, and, in break.down from over-work and mental fatigue, it is the only medicine WHICH POSSESSES REAL'APHRODISIAC POWER. ; PHOSPHORIN improves the condition . of. the Blood, and stimulates its regenerative power. , PHOSPHORIN is the active principle of the HYPOPHOSPHAIES SO LONG KNOWN AND EXTOLLED. ' Neuralgia is the cry of the hungry nerve for PHOSPHORIN. CLERGYMEN, PROFESSIONAL MEN, or other- ' wise, ■ "whose mental exertion is severe and overtaxed, and especially when there is a state of excitability of the nervous system, which ;ia frequently 00-existent with & diminution of its vigour, indicative of an undue waste" of ilervons matter, will find PERMANENT KEUBS IN THE USE OF PHOSPHORIN. PHOSPHORIN will regenerate the Brain, and make old age active and energetfc to the last, and IN ALL AGES, WILL "REACH AND FEED BOTH THE BODY AND MIND AT ONCE." Price 10s a Case. By post, 10s 6d. DEPOT: J gHARLAND & (}o., BHORTLAND-STREET, I AtrCKInLND. | Protected by Royal Letters Patent, datqd Octobtr , 11th, 2869. UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE. DR. BRIGHTS pHosrHODrKE (O2onic Oxygen). ffHE NEW CURATIVE AGENT, AND ONLY RELIABLE! FOR K-IOIVOUS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. This Phosphatic combination is pronounced I£f the most eminent members of the Medical Profession to be unequalled for Us power in replenishing the vitality of the body, by Us supplying all the essential constituents of the blood and nerve substance. and for do* veloping all the powers and functions Of the system to the highest degree. It is agreeable to the palate and innocent in its action, whilst retaining all its extraordinary propertics; and, as a specific, surpassing all the known therapeutic agents of the day for the speedy and permanent cure of Nervous prostration Shortness of breath Liver complaints the hands and . Palpitation of the heart limbs Dizziness Impaired nutrition Noises in the head and ears Mental and physical deLoss of energy and appe- pression tite Consumption (in Its first 'Hypochondria stages only) Female complaints Eruptions of tha «!<<*> Impaired siglft and xoe. , Indigestion mory ' Flatulence Nervous fancies i [incapacity for study or Impoverished blood K business Nervous debility ia all Bick head&che stages Lassitude Premature decline. Timidity ; and all morbid conditions of the system, arising from \ whatever cause. The action of the Phosphodyne is twofold—on the one hand, increasing the principle which constitutes nervous enecgy, and on tho other the most powerful blood and flesh generating agent . known ; therefor#" a marvellous medicine for' 1 rating impaired and broken-down constitutions. It quickly improves the functions of assimilation to snch a degree, that where for years an emaciated, anxious, * cadaverous, and semi-vital CDudition has existed, the flesh will rapidly increase in quantity and finnnesa. a d the whole system return to a state of robust health. i Xfce Phasphodyne act? electrically upon the organii sarinn ; for instance, it assists natfure to generate that I human electricity which renews and rebuilds the ! osseous, muscular, nervous, xnombranons, and organic systems. It operates on the system ■without eifciting care or thought uppa the to the pcocess. It moves th-i lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, 1 stomach, and intestines, with a harmony, vigour, yet mildness, unparalelled in medicine. The Phosphodyne gives back to the human strtfcttftjß, in a suitable form, the phosphoric or animating clement of lite which has been wasted, and exerts am important influence directly oh the spinal marr >w and nervous system, of'a nutritivo,' tonic, and invlgoratiig? character; maintaining that buoyant energy of the brain and mdscular system which renders the, mind cheerful, brilliant/and energetic, entirely overcoming that dull, inactive, and sluggish disposition which many persons dxperience in all their acfrlohs,. The beneficial effects of the Phosphodyne are frequently shewn from the first day of its administration >»y a remarkable increasn of nervous power, with a feeling of vigour and comfort to which the patient has, long been unaccustomed. Digestion is improved ; the appetite increases wonderfully; thebowel£becoin& regular; the* eyes brighter; the skin clear andnealtDy: and the hair acquires strength, shewing the importance of the action of .the Phosphodyne .on Che organs of nutrition. . ( . . • t . . * Finally, the Phbsphodyne maintains a certain degree of activity lathe previously debilitated nervous system; its use enables ail debilitated organs to return to their, sound state ' and perform their najtucfcl feiDCtion?. Persons suffering £rom Nervous De&l&y, or any of thp (hundred which-this distressing disease assumes, may rest a&ured of an effectual and evm Speedy oure uy. the judicious use of this most iar&ln : - able remedy. r ' DR. ; BRIGHTIS - PHOSPHDDYNE Is Bold only fa'cases ■ at ; los 'Gd by aU Chemists and • Patent Medicine Vendors throughout ttoe Globe,,~hull Directions for Use, in the English, French, and German, Italian, and Dutcii' accompany eaeh case. ; ■ *' r ' i,: " . ' ' /' ' : ,! - .13T CAUTION.—The large ang increasing demand for Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne to several imitations under somewhaVsimilar hatares; purchasers'of this Medicine should therefore! be- careful to observe that each case bears the Government Stamp, with {he. words VDr. Brights Phosphodyne" engraved thereon,, and .that the same words are alio bjqsvn in the t bottle. : : AGENTS : FOR NEW : 2SAIiAND- v '- f ; KEMPTHORNE, PROSBER & CO., \ ■' ! Dpygbiy-jmp APCgJLAMP. •.',•< y ;.;a ; • .®>", i The'underslgned has a'Tecipe ifrom Chief AuHst * .of the.Royal Dispensary for Dlseasffl of ; tiie Kar, ; | Soho, :0n jreoeipt of a remit-, i tance ne will forward the Cheinicals, compounded by i ;a distdngniahed Auckland Chemiflt,with fiul : directions' t ? M e &tirely cured several parties afflloted • imth' this distressing .complaint. < He has been publicly in the Auckland-newspapers;; and a gentlo-, » jman in Otago, whom'it has c&redJ has sent' him jBIO' 1 for'a qnanflty to transmit to Meibonrae.- libra iri-' • jfallible cure if. the Vthe ear is nokdea-' vtroytA..' :: - , r •• \ \ 'Printed copies c>t UstimoniaU forwarded post ; (ree ;;.,;M .';u • | i -t :: J :T.3. HAiINATOR©.:- , AntiMaaf*- ' r x <>

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4405, 25 December 1875, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4405, 25 December 1875, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4405, 25 December 1875, Page 2 (Supplement)