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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Bian Watkb, This Day: 12 noon.: 0.23 even. „ Mannkau: 2.20 morn.; 2.43 even. " Tht Bdn: Rises, 4.33: sets, 7.3. To* Moox: First Quarter, this day, 1.35 p.m. ARRIVALS. . Macgregor, E.M. s.s., Grainger, from San Francisco. Phoebe, s.s., Worep, from Southern ports (in the iSanukau). Taupo, 5.9., Macfarlane, from Southern ports (in th« Maimkaul. lona, s.s , W. Farquhar.from Russell and Northern poite. Lai'.ilin, schooner, 44 tons, John Palmer, from Earotonga, via Aitutaki. Gulden Me, schooner, 7S tons, Matzen, from Russell. South Carolina, cutter, Soaics, from Wangaroa, DEPARTURES. Phrebe, s.s., Worsp, for Southern ports (from the Mannkau). . St. Kilda, s.s., Fiowerday, for Wanganui (from the Mannkau). , „ . „ Wai'vera, schooner, 42 tons, Bushel', for Dunedin, Via Tairua Favourite, schooner, Savory, for w angaroa. Elizabeth Conway, schooner, 45 tons, Conway, for Albatross, schooner, 77 tons. Bell, for Wangapoa. Clvdo, schooler, Anderson, for Wangarei. South Carolina, cutter, 27 tons, Soarcs, for Wangaroa. Fawn, cutter, James, for Russell. ENTERED INWARDS. Southern Cross, s.s., 139 tons, Holmes, from Kapler. AiuusLi, nriganline, 13S tons, Pullman, from Lvtt-rton. published on Saturday. Golden lile. schooner, 7S tons, Matzen, from Russell. Cargo: 102 tons coal. South Oiroliua, cutter, 27 tons, Soares, from Wangaroa. Carjo: 20,000 timber. Wangarei, cutter, Williams, from Wangarei. Cargo: Sundries. CLE.UtED OUTWARDS. Waiwera, schooner, 42 tons, J. Bushell, for Dunedin, via Tairua. Favourite, schooner, 40 tons, R. Savory, for'Wangaroa, in ballast. Elizabeth Conway, schooner, 45 tons, Conway, for Wangaroa, in ballastAlbatross, schooner, 77 tons, Bell, for Wangapoua, in ballast. Fawn, cutter, 2S tons, James, for Russell. Cargo: 7000 bricks. 4000 feet timber. South Carolina, cutter, 27 tons, Soares, for Wangaroa, in ballast. PASSENGER LIST. INWARDS. Per P.M. r..?. Macgregor, from Sarj Francisco:— Saloon, for Sydney: Mr. and Mrs. Wcstgarth, Messrs. Daviu, Bolderson,' Roberts, second cabin, for Auckland: Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Fraser. Steerage, for Auckland: Tlenry Siger, John Ferguson, Donald Campbell, John Pair, Jostah Marshall, D.. McLcod, Mrs. McLeod, and five children, A. Pallan, "W. Barlow, Mc.Murray. 26 for Sydney; 10 for Melbourne. Saloon, for Auckland: M. K. Eliott, mail agent. Per Fhcebe, s.s., from Southern ports:—Saloon: Mrs. Barnsdale, Mrs. Caroaron, Mrs. Whittaker, Miss Jennie Nye. Messrs. Casey, Earl, Symonds, McDonald, Nadcn, Nicoll, Lorensen, Baker, "Whittaker, Elliwn. Steerage: C. ' Por Taupo, s.s.. N from Southern ports: - Mrs. Potter and servant, Mrs. Priestley. Hon. G. Buckley, Messrs. J. C. MacCoruiick, Potter, Keane, Way, Heales, Ly.ll, Henecke, Hayman, Early, Boardman, and six steerage. Fcr lona, s.s., from Northern peris:—Messrs. S. Yates, L. D. Nathan. Montague, Dyson, J. Bowman, A. Bowman, J. G. Shepherd, Reyburn, J. £emp, li. Carlston, Pavis, S. Callaahan, Clark. Kerr, and McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Calwell, and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Hoag, Mrs. Matthews, Miss South* ell, Miss Hawkins, Mrs. Williams, airs. Meredith, Miss Rernolds, Mrs. G. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. onii Mrs. H. G. Shepherd, Mrs. S. Campbell, Misses McLeod (two), and four in the steerage. IMPORTS. [A special charge is made for announcements in this column.] Per R.M. s.s. Macgregor, from San Francisco:—4 bales seed, 33 bales hops, 60 boxes green fruit, 20 half-barrels dried fruit, 25 boxes fruit, 5 bags nuts, 2 cases merchandise, 1 case seeds, 5 bales hops, 2 sacks seed, 25 boxes raisins, 4 parcels. From Honolulu: 1 case plants, 1 parcel, 1334 packages for Sydney; 142 packages for Brisbane: 74fl packages for Melbourne. Per Taupo, s.s., from Southern ports:—lo qr.-casks brandy, IS cases meats, 19 cases, 1 case, 1 package, 1 parcel. 1 parcel, 1 parcel, 14 boxes fruit, 50 sacks matt, 4 bales hop*, 2 kegs butter, 4 boxes. Per Laititia, schooner, from Rarotonga: 00,000 oratiges, 1500 cocoanuts, 15 crates pine apples, 2 tons beche-rfe-uier, 3 tuns b'mc juice, 2 tuns cocoanut oil, half-ton coffee, and sundries. EXPORTS. Per Go-Ahead, s.s., for New Plymonth: — 1 steam engine, 1 boiler, 1 circular saw bench, 3 packages .'aws, 3 pieces leather belt, 2 screw jacks, 4 packages wheels, 4 axle?, 245 packages and pieces machinery, 200 kegs blasting powder, T. and S. Morrin. Per Rowena, s-s., for Tauranga: — 1 coil rope 7 cos's kerosene, 3 bundles brooms, 5 tins paints, 1 drum oil. 1 bundle spades, 1 box tin, 4 bars. 2 bundles iron, 1 keg nails, 1 bullock yoke, 1 chain, 4 cases, 3 parcels '-onmongery, T. and S. Morrin. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Stdxey.—Macgregor s.s., to-day. Londos.—Columbus, barque, and City of AucVand, ship, early. Russell.—lona, s.s., to-day. N/apiek. -Southern Cross, s.s., to-day; Pretty Jane, s.s., Wednesday. Povehtv Bay.—Pretty Jane, s.s., Wednesday. TVaitara—Kennedy s.s., early. &c.—Rowena, s.s., Fiiday next. West Coast Ports—Kennedy, is., early. SorrnKKN Pouts.—Taupo, s.s., to-morrow. New CALtno>-iA.—Ashbnrton, barque, to-day. Levuka —Star of the South s.s., early

VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Steamers: Mac:regor, Southern Cross. Shies: City of Auckland, Star of Germany, Ocean Hail. Barques.—Columbus, Ashburtorj, Glimpse. Barquentine: Southern Cross (Mission vessel;. Brig: Fanny Fothergile. Schooners—Southern Cross (training vessel), Jessie Henderson, Lady Don, Kenilworth, Lietitia. VE33KLS EXPECTED. Cyphrenes, s.s., from Fiji, due to-day. Wttipa. ship, from London. Brodick Ca'.tle, sh-p,from London; sailed. *slenlora, ship, from London; to sail Sept. 25. Carnatic, ship, from London; sailed. Frank Pendleton, ship, from Gelfe, Sweden; sailed Aueust 13. Warwick, ship, from London; loading. .Beneenue, ship, from London; loading. ship, from London; loading. Jessica, barque, from New York, via Dunedin ; sailed June 2. Lizzie Fox, barque, from New York, via Dunedin; sailed July 3. American Lloyds, barque, from New York; sailed. Lady Franklin, barque, from Melbourne. Sfa-ftthon, b-irque, from New York, early. Ifloronce, barque, from Port Chalmers; sailed. Victor, barquentine, from Port Gamble; sailed May 14. Belle Brandon, schooner, from Penrhyn Tsl-'.nd, early. Kate Brain, schooner, from Dunedin; sailed Nov. 24. L* til is, schooner, from the South Sea Islands; early. Au Revoir, schooner, from Sydney: loading. Peerless, schooner, from early. Aubtvails Coastwise.—Catherine, cutter, from Kawakawa; Morning Light, cutter, from Port Charles; Mahurangi, cutter, from Mahuraugi; Lake Erie, barge, from Tawitikino. Obtwards Coastwise.—Catherine, cutter, for Kawakawa; Morning Light, cutter, for Port Charles; Mahurangi. cutter for Mahurangi; Lake Eric, barge, for the Sandspit. The cutter Fawn left for Russell on Saturday. The A S.P. Co.'s Southern Cross will leave for Napier direct this afternoon. The 8.3. Wellington is advertised to leave the ManukJiu for Southern poets on or about Saturday next. Tbe s.s. Star of the South arrived at Russell on Friday. She may be expected to return thii evening The s.s. St. Kilda left the Manukau, for Wanganui, yesterday morning. The Trelevan Family Js loading at Dunedin for this The brigintinc Augusta, from Lyttelton, hauled alongside the wharf on Saturday. The schooner Albatross left for Wangapoa on Saturday. . The schooner Clyde left for Wangarei on Saturday evening. The schooner Waiwcra left for Tairua on Saturday, to load with timber for Dunedin. The Ediooncr Lady Don has finished discharging her cargo of grain from Timarn. The hoe new schooner Toogatabu will leave for Samoa to-iuorrow. The schooner Golden Isle arrived from Russell on Saturday morning, with a full cargo of coal. The cutter Waugarel will leave for Wangaroi and llangapai, calling »t Parua Bay, this afternoon. The cutter South Carolina arrived from Wangaroa with a cargo of timber on Saturday. TheR.M. s.s. Macgrcgor will leave for Sydney at jioon to-day. She has to take in about 50 tons coal and 250 tons cargo for Australia. The schooners Elizabeth Conway and Favourite, and the cutter South Carolina, left for Wangaroa on Saturday. The fine new schooner Tongatabu will leave for Samoa to-morrow. All accounts against the vessel roast be sent in to Cruickshank and Co. by 10 o'clock te-morrow morning. Tlie s.s. lona, Captain W. Farquhar, arrived from Russell and Northern ports early on Saturday morning She brings as cargo 338 cases and 180 sacks euro 48 bales, 13 sacks and 1 package wool, 10 casks oil 3 spars. She leaves again for Russell and Northern Ports this afternoon at five o'clock The s s Cyphrenes may be expected to arrive from Kandavu at any moment. Tho new mail steamer CoHrS left San Francisco on November 10th (Auckland time 11th), and would touch at Kandavu and d.scharge mails, p'issengers, and cargo for thisi port too tho Cvnhrencs, awaiting at that port. The Colinia would then go on to Sydney and the Cyphrenes here. ' She will leave for Nai-ier and Southern ports shortly Times of the 29th ult. says:-"Tho heavy gale which commenced on Friday increased n strength on Saturday, when tha ram descended in torrents, putting a stop to all outside work. It is gratifying to state that although the gale blew with ■.-■terrific force on Saturday night tho ships in narbour rode safely, anil, with the exception of the schooner J. G Cotaon dragging into close proximity to tho •western breakwater, there was nothirg to call for any remark. Yesterday the glass rose considerably, and towards evening there appeared a prospect of tbe glie .baling."

The b.s. Pbrobe, Captain Worap. arrived at Onelmnga, from Southern ports, on Saturday afternoon. She left again yesterday afternoon. . . \ The Union Company's powerful s.o. Taupo", Captain James Macfarlane, arrived at the Onehunga wharf yesterday at 2p.m. She left Port Chalmers at 4 p.m. on the 29th. ultimo, and arrived at Lyttelton at 9.30 a m on the 30th: left same evening at 6 p.m., and arrived at Wellington at 10 a.m. on the Ist instant. Light head winds prevailed since leaving. Left Wellington at 1.30 p.m. on the 2nd, and arrived at Picton at 0.20 p.m.; left at 3.30 a.m. on the 3rd, and arrived at Nelson at 11 a.m.: left at 10.30 p.m. same night, and arrived at New Plymouth at noon on the 4th:le(t at 4 p.m., proceeded under easy steam, and arrived off the bar at 9 a.m., and at the wharf as above. Experienced strong N.W. winds crossing tte Straits; from thenco light westerly winds with considerable beam sea. We have to thank Mr. W. Newman, the obliging purser, for the prompt delivery of our flies and other favours.

The Otago Guardian of tho 27th ult. says:—The Marmion, schooner, arrived at Port Chalmers with a cargo of timber yesterday morning. She left K&ipara on the 10th instant, with a north-easterly wind, which continued for 24 hours, followed by light variables till the 19th, on which day she experienced a northwest wind, with thick weather, which shifted round to south and increased to a heavy gale with a low barometer, indicating 2919. Passed Cape Campbell on tho 20th instant, the gale still continuing and compelling her to anchor under the Cape on the 21st; the galo moderated the same day, and veered round to the south-east. Sho passed l'ompey's Pillar on the evening of tho 21st, and experienced south-easterly weather till tho 23rd, when the wind shifted round to south-west, blowing a terrific gale. Moderate weather ensued on tho 25th, and thence along the coast to arrival as above, light variable winds were experienced. Sho signalised tho schooners Jessie Niccel and Roderick Dhu oil Capo Campbell on the 20th instant.

The smart schooner Lmtitia arrived in harbour at 8 o'clock on Saturday night, from a cruise amongst the Soutti Sea Islands, she is last from Rarotonga vio Aitutako. Captain John Palmer has obligingly furnished us with tho following account of his cruise:— Left Auckland, September 15th; had fresh westerly breezes with flno weather until tho 19th, when the weather became unsettled, with beavy squalls of wind and rain, wind veering about from S.E. to N.W. 23rd, it blew a wholo gale from S.E. 24th, blowing a gale from N.W., with a heavy cross sea. 25th and 2(jth, wind shifted to W.S.W., still blowing with heavy squalls of wind and rain. 27th, light variable airs and calms. SSth, wind freshened again from N W.. with sqiuilis and wind, and heavy rain. 29th, cleared up with u lUht breeze from eastward, with I fine weather until arrival, and continued so until arrival in Kurotonga on tho 2nd October, thus doing the passage in 17 days. Left Barotonga in ballast, with 2S passengers, on tho 9th October, bound to Aitutaki, and arrived thore after a pleasant run of 22 hours. Took in a few tons of cotton and other produce, 150 pigs, 32 passengers, and sailed on the 12th for Rarotonga. Lay becdmed ofT the Island until 15th, then got a whole gale of wind from S. 15., and continued for 24 hours: had to heave-to; 60 of the pigs died throujh stress of weather. Made Rarotonga on 17th, when the weather became fine. Sailed on October 25, in ballast, with 35 passengers for the Island of Mangee, arriving there on tho 25th, after a too fine weather passage of light airs and calms: loaded cotton, Ac, there, and sailed on November 6 for Rarotonga, arriving after a beautiful passage of 24. hours. There being no oranges in Rarotonga (too late injthe season), had to ballaat and sail for Aitutaki, arriving there on the 14th, after receiving tho benefit of a westerly gale lasting 30 h. urs; loaded up oranges and other fruits, and sailed on the 17th, with a light breeze from the south-oa3t with fine weather, and continued bo until the 25th, when it fell calm. 26th.—At daybreak ship in the centre of a circle of waterspouts. As the sun rose the wind came from tho north-west, and increased during the day to a gale. witß heavy squalls and a delnlge of rain. The galo took off on the 29th, wind veering to the W.S.W. with moderate breeze: made the Hen and Chickens on December 3; wind hauled more to the southward, and had a dead beat for the remainder of tho passage. The schooner Blanche sailed for Tahiti on the 23rd October, to be sold to the Government there. The barque Delmira called at Rarotonga on November 2. in route for Melbourne, with guano. The Tahiti schooner Lorille picked up a water cask belonging to the missing schooner Papua. The cask was found about 20 miles to the eastward of the Island of Attiua.

ARRIVAL OF THE MACGRE6OR. The R.M. ss. Macgregor, H. Grainger, Esq., commander, arrived in harbour at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, from San Francisco, with the Kngllsh mail. Captain Grainger reports that he left San Francisco at 6 p.m. on the flth Nov. (10th, Auckland time), and and anchored in the stream: at 8.30 p.m. the balanco of the English mail having come on board, she proceeded to sea; 10th, light Dorth-westerly winds and dense fog till the 13th; then light easterly winds and calms remainder of passage to Honolulu; arrived there on the ISth at 910 a.m. Sailed again same day at 3 p.m. We had light north-easterly winds and fine weather till the 21st; crossed the eqnator on the 23rd in longitude 161.22 west; on the 26th, in latitude 11.35 south, loDgitude 165.0 west; sighted James Munro Island, bearing S.S.W., distant 13 miles; light variable windi and calms from the 22nd to the 29th; on the 30th, at 4.30 p.m., stopped the engine to repair some small defects in machinery; lavage Island being then abeam about 5 miles distant, several canoes came off, bringing fruit, &c., and a parcel of letters from the missionary, the Rev. Mr. Lawes: at G p.m. proceeded on voyage, and for remainder of passage had strong south and south-westerly winds, with head sea. Passed Needle's I'oint at 11.30 a.m. on Sunday, and arrived as above. We have to thank Mr. Pringle, the obliging purser, for the delivery of or flle3, report of passage, and other favours. ENGLISH SHIPPING. The master of the Edwin Barrow, bound to Bluff Harbour, reports having grounded on the bar of the Tees on Sept. 30, and bumpe.i heavily. The cargo will have to be discharged and copper stripped off to effect repairs. The Brodick Castle (ship), from London to Auckland, New Zealand, with a general cargo, was towed into I'lymouth on October IS by the-Cleveland (s.),of Shields, having been fallen in with on October 14, with main and mizenmasts rolled out and ever/thing attached carried away, hiving encountered a heavy gale the previous day in the Bay of Biscay. She also had one man killed and another disabled.— Home NeKS. The ships Benvenue (2000 tons), Waipa (2000 tons), and Eernglen (lC'-O tons), of the New Zealand Shipping Company, were loading at London for this port when the mail left. The Glenlora and Warwick were also loading for Shaw, SavLlle and Co.


WELLINGTON'. December 4.—Sailed: Wellington, for Picton. Pasaengers: Miss Walmsley, Mesdames Haines, Turton, Dempsey, liaise, Messrs. George Mcmy.s», Nariti, Olive, Richards, Jackson, ten iiamigants, and ninteen original from the :-outh.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4388, 6 December 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4388, 6 December 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4388, 6 December 1875, Page 2