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Testimonials, yy aiwera, hot springs. TO THE KICK AND DEBILITATED Follow Shakespeare's advice, "throw Phj-sicto the dogs," and visit the Waiwera Hot Springs. The healing virtues of these famous springs border on the miraculous, scores of persons aMicted with Paralysis Rheumatism, Kruptlons, Contracted and Stiff Joints' Gont, Lumbago, Skin Diseases, Sore Heads, and varieties of paiuful diseases have been restored toperfeet health through bathing in these marvellous springs, and drinking the mineral water, whogratefulJy bear testimony to the fact. The water has been pronounced the most remarkable healing water in the world, and effected most wonderful cures. TO THE TOURIST OR PLEASURE SEEKER IN LUSTY HEALTH the Waiwera Hot Springs wilt be a source of amazement and delight. The scenery in the neighbourhood is diversified and picturesque, and affords abundant material for the Botanist, Geologist, Painter, Poet, or Recluse. THE FAMILY HOTEL is fitted with every convenience for comfort. A wellsupplied table is provided, and this, coupled with excellent accommodation, attention, civility, and moderate charges leave nothing the most fastidious can desire. A Yacht is kept for the use of visitors. There Is fishing, shooting, and other pastimes for the strong or convalescent. Steamers leave Auckland (which is only 24 miles distant) for the Hot Springs twice a week, and there aro two conveyances twice a week overland. ~ Wake field-street, Auckland, December 14, 1874. Sir,—Having derived much benefit from bathing in your Hot Springs, Waiwera, I think it is a duty that I owe to the public—especially suffering humanity— that my case should be made known, before I went to the Springs I suffered for more than a month the most excruciating pain from rheumatic gout, had to be lifted in and out of bed. in fact was unable to walk without the use of two sticks It took me an hour to walk from "Wakefleld-street to the 'Lady Bowen.' After getting to the Springs I bathed twice a day and drank freely of the mineral water*, at least a pint cach day, and after six days I felt quite well, free from pain, and cau walk as well as ever I did. It is now cleveu days since I left andbave had no return of pain. Jf this should induco any person suffering as I was to try the hot baths I feel sure they will get cured, and if so serve the object I have in writing to you.—l am, sir, your obedient servant, Tjios. Wkavjnu. Robert Graham, Esq. Auckland, January 5, 1875. I Mr. Robert Graham. I Sir,—Understanding you are the proprietor of the I Hot Springs at Waiwera, I think it is only due to you | to givo a short account of my successful experience of tho ctlicacy of the Springs in the cure of Rheumatism. I had been suffering from Rheumatism since the year I 'CO, contacted through cold and wet working on the West Coast, and from that time until I left tho Springs I had suffered periodically from the same. Thesecond bath I took brought back all the rheumatic pains 1 had ever experienced in different parts of my body. At the end of a fortnight I was free from all pains, with tho exception of the ankles (which was always Ihe worst part affected), and with the exception of my feet being very tender from so much hot bathing I am quite a new man; I have not tho slightest pain of Rheumatism about me, not even in the ankles. To parties visiting the Springs I should advise them not to feel alarmed or disappointed if they find themselves worse the first day or two; according to the general opinion it shows the action of the waters. Also I would recommend tho drinking at least two or three glasses of water both on entering and leaving the bath; also, sweating in the blankets, for which accommodation is provided in each bath; and to parties affected with acute Rheumatism I think the more they use them the more speedy will be the cure. I remain, sir, Yours respectfully, C. 11. Willouoqbt Auckland, 10th January, 1575. Dear Sir, In tho interests of those who may be similarly afflicted, and in recognition of tli* benefits I derived at yoursanatorium, the Waiwera Hot Springs, I desire to record the ctllcacy of the baths and water in th* cure of Dyspepsia, from wh ch I had suffered many months. I hanks, however, to the virtues of the mineral waters, together with a free use of baths, I was relieved of the distressing symptoms, and have fciuce enjoyed the best of health. Yours Iruly, John Bent. Robert Graham, Esq. Robert Graham, E*q. Dear Mr,—Having suffered from rhenmatism for some time past, on the recommendation of my medical T>r. Uliirnbull, of Christchurch, I visited your Hot Springs. After threo weeks' bathing and drinking the mineral water, lam restored to perfect health. In fact, I have not felt so well for years as I am at present. The trip altogether has been a most enjoyable one. I found the hotel comfortable, excellent table, attendance good, civil and obliging, pleasant for the invalid seeking health, cr the man of business requiring luxation. I know of no place In New Zealand where a person could puss a few weeks more agreeably thao at your Hot Springs. Yours faithfully, J. J. FrrzGinnoN. Public Notices. TEE Partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned has This Day been DISSOLVED by mutual consent. The business will in futnrc be carried on by Mr. Vii'Keh.m, tfQt'ho wiJl receive and pay outstanding accounts. SAML. VICKERS, J. O. DAVI ES. 19th August, 1875. HAVING bought the business of the Cooperative Meat Supply Company, I supply:— Roa*t Beef. 4d., 5d., Cd., 7d. Itoilincr and Stewing Meat (without bone), 3d., 4d. Legs of Mutton, fid. Loins Mutton, 3jd. Fore-quarters Mutton, 3d. All of tho best quality. Delivered to all parts of the town and suburbs. Weekly account. A. DORN WE'LL. OT IC E OF RE.MO VA L. Having made arrangements for increasing our business, on and after the 20th inst., the s:ime will be carried on at the more commodious Stores of Messrs. W. J. Hi'JtsT Co, 101, Queen-street, aud at the Mills, Freeman's Bay, as usual. M. & J. SOPPET. August 3,1575. JOHN SOPPET, HOUSE, LAND, AND GESERAL COMMISSION AGENT, No. 8, Quken-street. Agent for Mr. C. G. Quick's Waikato Parcels Delivery. August 5, 1575. SIR MOSES MONTEFIORE TESTIMONIAL FUND. Subscriptions In aid of this Fund will be thankfully received by L. D. NATHAN & CO., Shortland'Strcct. JpUBLIC NOTICE. With rcferenco to the absurd advertisement of Thomas Fish, in your issue of yesterday, I may stato ,hat as the character of T. Fish is so well-known, the Allowing explanation wiU bo deemed sufficient. W. DAWSON. i We hereby certify that, as Tustees of the Estate >f Thomas Fi*h, Chemist, Princes-street, wo sold the nrhole of the Stock Fixtures, Book Debts, Furniture, < SarsapariHa Business, ana all rights therein and j >elonging to the same, to W. Dawson, Chemist, the j ibove having been assigned to us by the said Thomas ?ish for tho benefit of his Creditors. TIIOS. MACFARLANE, HARKNES3 HAMILTON, F. W. £. DAWsON, W. J. CAWKWELL. I gARSAPARILLA. ! I distinctly contradict the statements of Mr. Dawson and the trustees of my Estate, as to their laving disposed to Mr. Dawson of my Sarsaparilla Justness, my legal advisers having perused the Deed »f Assignment and informed mo that no mention hereof is made, nor are any words therein nsed under vhlch tho lluslness could pass; the only things sold o Mr. D. relating to my Sarsaparilla being the Plant irid a few gallons of Sarsaparilla. I hereby Caution dr. D. and all other persons from using my Trade ifark. THOMAS FISH, . Chemist. July 31.1875. 0 A U T I O N. ] J. & F. MARTELL'S BRANDY. It having come to our knowledge that Spurious imiations are imported, Consumers should be careful o see that they obtain the genuine article with our Irand, which is to be had of all respectable Dealers. MARTELL & Co. ÜBBER <S<TAMPS. Rubber Stamps la Indeitrnctible Vnlcanite, or the 1 Ordinary Soft Rubber, made ia Twenty-four hours' totice, at the Fitting Shop, ShortUnd-street. pi HIMKEYS SWEPT by Jams Merratt, 1 Ly Karanjrahape Road (next Mr. Gxubb's, Baker), tthe following rates;— Three-story chimnies, Is 6a; wo and one-story. Is each.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4297, 21 August 1875, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4297, 21 August 1875, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4297, 21 August 1875, Page 1