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n. dn Wm . Thffl Day: 8.49 morn; 0.0 even. WATKB, Dnk|i i : IUO mora . ; XL2O even. Tax ScN: M 0.42; seU 6.25. Th* Moon: >ew, 31st, 11.-0 a.m.

arrivals. Tanpo, S.S.. Macfarlaao, from Southern porta (in the Manukau). , - . /» Taupo, s.b., "Wheeler, from Southern ports (In tne Manukau). _ Ann McLeod, «choou*r, McKenrle, from Russ«U. Clydo, schooner, Anflcrson, from Wangarei.

DEPARTURES. Southern Cross, A.B.F. Co.'s s.s., F, Holmes, for Napier. Moa, brig, McDermid, for Newcastle. Vision, brig, Loverock, for Tongs. Favourite, schooner, Savory, for Russell.

ENTERED IN'WARDS. Alutnbagh, ship, 1137 tons, Lowe, from London, with a general cargo. .Z S. Co.. agents. Louisa, brigantinc. 123 tons. Howling, from \n arraambool. Cargo: ISOO bags potatoes. , . Queen, schooner, 40 tons, Jones, from Hokianga. Cargo: 193 sacks gum. 10 hide*. 1 case sundries,— Lewis Brothers, agents. . , _ Kenllwortb, schooner, 113 tons, Jackson, ( ron J ' Caledonia. Cargo: 2 crises lime-juice, 21 drystones, 60 hides, 20 sacks Norfolk Island pine seed, 20 casts brandy.—C. A. Harris, agent.

CLEARED OUTWARDS. Southern Cross, s.s., uw tOM ' 4 * 'wF J™ Napier. Cargo as per exports.—Auckland Stoam Packet Company, agentsVision, brig. 150 tons. G. H. Loverock, for Tonga. Cargo as per experts.—L. D- Nathan and Co., agents. Favourite, schooner, 40 tons, Savory, for Russell, in ballast PASSENGER LIST, NWAJIDB. Per Taupo, s.s.. from the .South:—His Honor Justice Gillies, Mr. a d Mis Smythes, Mrs. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. little, Captain Daldy, Messrs. St&nbrook, Ching, Matthews, Dnm«ft.»M, Chadfield, Fitzgerald, Roee, Biddle, Vivian, Puddle, and five steerage. OUTWARDS. Fee Southern Cross, s.s., for Napier. Salonn— Me&srs. Cole and Mclntoali. Steerage—Mr. and Mrs. „Mole. Per Vision, trig, for Tonga: Mr. Thomas Farrell. | I IMPORTS. [A special charge is made for announcements in tbi s column.] Per schooner Clyde, from Wangarei:— 21 hides, 17 sheepskins, Ireland Bros* EXPORTS. Per Southern Cross, *.s., for Napier:— * 2 c-sks ztac, 4 cases zinc, 2 bundles shades, 2 cases lion, T andS. Motrin. 2 bales leather, 4 package?, Ireland Bros. 6 eases galvanised iron, 2 cases zinc, 2 dozen ploughshares, T. and S. Morrln. 8 hales leather, 1 caso leather, 1 cask pegs, 1 box nails, Ireland Bob. 20 cases biscuits, 50 sacks lime, 10 cases apple*, - cases plants, 6 boxes tea, 25 cases kerosene, 4 cases sundries, 2 qr.-casks rum. 4 cases iron, 20 bars iron, 3 bundles spouting, 3 bundles ridging, 1 keg screws, 1 case, 11 boxes glass. 1 ease plate glass, 6 boxes glass, 1 cask white!ead, 400 bundles shingles, 1 theodolite, 2 mwkf lead, 1 can tarnish. 1 case glass, 2 pianos, 1 package sashes, 43 kits oysters, 1 bale canvas, 4 wheels, 20 eases oranges, 1 piece timber, 00 drainpipes 10 bags salt, 25 packages. Per Vision, brig, for Tonga:—s cases sardines, 20 *a«frg geneva, 25 ca-es brandy, 10 gunnies sugar, 18* cases geneva, 11 boxes tea, 20 cases kerosene, 4 qr.tierecs tobacco, 2 eases tobacco, 10 cases bottled beer, 5 cases drapery, 1 bale cottons, 2 cases cottons, 1 cases woollens. 2 cases apparel, 1 case millinery, S boxes bine, 1 case matches, 1 case cocoa, 1 case peas, 20,000 feet timber, 200 bags flour, 33 kegs beef, SO boxes soap, 123 tins biscuits, 12 tons flour, 80 bags flour.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. London.—Robina Dunlop, barque, early. Stpney.—Hero, s.s., about sth proz. Southern Ports.—Taranaki, e.s. Taupo, s.s., tomorrow; Wellington, 8.5., 25th inst. Letuka.—Emu, 8.5., early; Prospector, barque, 25th inst. Chatham Islands.— Magellan Cloud, torigantlne, Jth instant. RwSlell anp the North. —lona, s.s., Monday n^xt. Sah Francisco via Honolulu—City of Melbourne, mall steamer, 3rJ proz. Hokianga.—Onward, schconer, Friday next; Queen, schooner, early. Newcastle.—Stag, barque, early. Wanqarei.— Clyde, schooner, aud Sovereign of the Seas, cutter, this evening.

VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Steamers.—Llewellyn, Rowena. Ships.—Flechero, Lutterworth, Alumbagh. Barques.—Robina Dunlop, Stag, Prospector, Director. Glimpse. Brigantine: Magellan Cloud, Louisa. Brigs: Wave, Syren. Craig Ellachie, Wild Wave. Schooners. — Southern Cross (training vessel), Fairlie, Albatross, Mary Melville, Queen, Kenilworth.

VESSELS EXPECTED. Gazelle, German man-of-war, from a cruise. City of Melbourne, mail steamer, from Sydney; due

2nd pre*. Mikado, mall steamer, from San Francisco; duo oth prox. John Heunie, ship, from London (VTGQ); sailed May

12. Dover Castle, ship, from Belfast (JiCTR); sailed May

SS. Carisbrooke Castle, ship, from Belfast (HLWB]

sailed June 8. Columbus, barque, from London (KVHR); sailed June & City of Auckland, ship, from London (KMTR); sailtnl

Jane 15. White Eagle, ship, from London; sailed. Ocean Mail, ship, ftoni London. British Empire, ship, from London; sailed July. Star of Germany, ship, from London. Jeaslca, barque, from New York, via Dunedin; sailed June 2. Lizzie Fox, barque, from New York, via Dunedin ; loading. Behrlug, harqne, from Sydney. Cabarfeldh, barque, from Lyttelton. Victor, barquentine, from Port Gamble; sailed May 14. Chanticleer, bri?, from Hobart Town. Helena, brigantin*, from Dunedin. Nightingale, brigantlne, from Melbourne. Papua, schooner, from Karotonga. Edith, schooner, from Rnrotcnga. Peerless, rchooner, from South Sea Island?. L&titia, schooner, from Rarotonga. Jessie Henderson, schooner, from Dunedin. Clematis, ketch, from Napier.

Abuttals Coastwise. —Bessy, cutter, from Waikawan, with timber. Coastwise Outwards.—Rob Hoy. cutter, for Kensedy's Bay, with cargo; Helen, schooner, for Cabbage Bay, in ballast; Lady Bowen, p.s., for Mahurangi And thti Hot Springs. The N.Z.3.8. Co.'s s.a. Taranaki will leave Onehunga at doc.j to-morrow, for the South. The barque Harriet Armitage arrived at Dunedin from Kaipara on the 11th Inst. The brig Moa left yesterday In ballast for Newcastle. , The schooner Ann McLeod arrived yesterday morning from Russell, with a cargo of coal. The schooner Mary Melville, from Lyttelton, Is discharging her cargo of grain at Gore-street jetty. The A.S.P. Co.'s as. Southern Cross, Captain F. Holme*, took her departure yesterday evening, for Kapler dltcct. with passengers and cargo. \ The'ship Lutterworth has nearly ccmpleted the discharge of her cargo. Her destination hence is Newcastle. The barque Stag has entered outwards at the Customs for Newcastle. She fouled into the stream yesterday, and will leave to-drfy. The brigs Wild Wave and CraU Ellachie, and the brigantlne Louisa have been brought alongside the wharf, and are discharging cargo. The brigantlne Helena was loaded at Dunedin on the 13th Inst., and was expccted to sail for Auckland next day. The schooner Kenilworth. from New Caledonia and Norfolk Island, came alongside the wh/rf yesterday Afternoon to discbarge cargo. The following vessels are under alterations and repair at the Gore-street Jetty Steamers, Llewellyn and Enterprise; brig. Syren; schooner#, Charybdis and Queen. TheN.Z.B. Co.'s ship Waltangi, which came out on her first voyage to this port and afterwards went to Lyttelton to load for home, arrived at Gravesend on the 29th June last. The ahlp Aluinbagh has reported at the Customs, And consignees are requested to pass their entries, Ac., without delay. A sight entry to clear tho ship will be passed at 10 o'clock to-morrow. The brig Vision has cleared out for Tonga, with a cargo of trade. The vessel is expected to be away about three months on her cruise amongst tho Islands. She left last sight. , . The schooner Clyde arrived yesterday morning from Waogarei, with a cargo of produce, including 21 hides and 17 bheep skins for Ireland Brothers. She brought also nine passengers. The Union Co.'s steamship Taupo, under tho command of Captain E. Wheeler, arrived at the finehucga Wharf yesterday, at 11 a.m. She left Port Chaliners at 4 p.m. on the 13th. Experienced light variable winds, with smooth water, to Nelson; from thence fresh northerly winds. We are indobted to Mr. Wm Newman, purser, for our files and report. Bhe Is appointed to leave again to-morrow, at 11 a.m., for Southern ports. . 4 . _ _ The ship-of-war Gazelle, under the German flag, tnay be expected at any time to put in an appearance at this port She is under the commaud of Captain B«ron Von Schlienltz, and left the Baltic in June, 1874 for a cruse In the Scuthern Jiemisphere. She had'a party of astronomers on board, and intended first visiting Kerguellan Island to witness the transit of Venus. From there she was to proceed to Auckland, and Chatham Island", and thcnce to Auckland, thU being her only Intended port of call In New Zealand. After lier vlult here, the proponed Ilne of route ia Fiji and S moa Group, wncr. there are «ome German settlements, and thence to Japan. A Urge number of letter., parcels, and Phages •wait her officers and crew on arrival, each mail bringing additional correspondence. StraDge to fay. w«l>»ve Echconer Dauntless! the 28th June, for Wellington, yU Oamaru Harbour, having on bo* rll a f ° crcw WCH 200 casfca cement. lho naaw her crow wer Jonathan Harpley, Charles i*»i u.n# Thomas, John Proctor, Robert Whitfield. with Hans Poulsen as master. The last new. we have of tne schooner is that she left Moerakion tho 10thult-» f or Wellington, and ha? not since been heard or. in*. . Daunttess■ was - a flnc schoonar of 72 tons regtste , built at Auckland, and well found in every respect, so that it is hard to come to aby conclusion as to tae j oatue ol her loss.

The ketch Fiapy Kelly, which left on Wednesday J evening Jot \V«ngarea,'*ut'ltack fto through head winds. She^proceeilWl.again yesterday j afternoon.

The-cutter Sovereign of-die Seas, [having been recaulked and re-coppered, besides othet repairs, la now- » loadiugat the wharf for'Wangarei. Sad leaves this 6Ten '' r ing. >. • . s . \ >•' Si.xvEnr ok mp East Coast or Arnica.— Letters received in Knglaad, dated Zanlbar, June 4, € from the correspondent of the Western Morning News, mention the capture of * large slaver by H.M.S. Flying Fisb, on the Madagascar coast. The crew, finding escape impossible, ran her ashcro. The slaves bad been kidnapped by Arabs* driven down te the coast, and embarked. The ignorance of the natives in the interior as to tbe object of our ships i« marvellous, the slaves bdloving that the English aro cannibals and desiro to eat thom. Upon tbis occasion mothers actu&lly left their baMcs to perish in th'nr haste to cscapo from capture. The Flying Fish also took a slave-ship flying the French flag, which, therefore, had to be given up to tho French authorities, and was allowed to go free. The abscnca of a treaty against slavery with France is greatly to be del<lorct. as it U the only civilised Power which encouragjs tills crimo on tho coast, their flag being I hoisted by * livers, who thus defy our cruisers and I nullify our efforts.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4296, 20 August 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4296, 20 August 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4296, 20 August 1875, Page 2