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Wholesale Druggists. ONDERFUL. SUCCESb! " Prof. Barry. " Philadelphia. July 7th, 1873. "Dear Sir- Having lost my hairduring my services in China, I was completely bald on the top of my head. On my return to Philadelphia, X was Induced to make a trial of your "BARRY'S TRICOPHEROUS, which I thought conveyed a comfortablu pleasantnei, to the head. This induced me to have two more bottles, and before I had finished the third bottle, my hair began to grow. " I have continued to use it since, and I have now the appearance of as fine a nead of h«ir as in my youth. " This letter you are at liberty to use as you plea&o — I am, yours, &c., • " CHARLES LEE.'* BARRY'S SAFE HAIR DYE Is a really good article, prepared by Professor Alex Barry, whoso name is so well known in connection with his great Hair Kenewcr, BARRY'S TRICOPHEROUS, established over 70 years. YOUTH RESTORED By the use of that innocent and delightful Cosmetic, BARRY'S PEARL CREAM, Which speedily removes wrinkles, freckles, roughness, tan, and sunburn, and enables any lady of forty or forty«five to pass easily for twenty. It is exquisitely perfumed, and guaranteed perfectly healthful. It is made from the blossoms of the most fragraat flowers, and will cure almost any skin disease, besides giving a clearness and purity of complexion equalled only bv the finest alabaster. The trial of ono bottle will satisfy any lady of the great superiority of Baruy's Pearl Ckkam over all other preparations for beautifying the complexion. BARRY'S MAKFILINA, For Beautifying and Preserving the Teetu, Perfuming tuk Breath, and Hardening the Gumb, Is the best article for removing Tartar, Canker, Scurvy, and all other diseases or substances injurious to the Teath, Its taste is most agreeable, imparting peculiar iweetn«sa to the Breath, and insuring to the Teeth the most beautiful and pearly whiteness. If used regularly will positively preserve the Teeth and Gem* In a sound and healthy condition to extreme old age. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand: KEMPTHORNK, PROSSER & CO. * 4 A Balm for every Wound, A Cure for every 111." WIZARD OIL. Weston's Famous Remedies should never be dispensed with in ca>es of pain and inflammation upon either Man or Beast. Their million patrons everywhere—from all sections of the habitable globe—from every rank in society— the delicate female—the overseer, protecting the lives of his valuable servants— or the farmer or liveryman in his sUbles, unite in one voice to pronounce ihcse medicincs unequallod. RETAILED BY ALL CHhiIISTS AND SEORKKEEPERS. Agents: KEMPTI7ORNE, PROSSER & CO. BKAXDRETH'S PILLS, ENTIRELY VEOETABLK AND INNOCENT. When an important truth is uttered, it will spread. LUNGS AND KIDNEYS CURED. Isaac W. BrJggs, of 145, Suffolk-street, New York, says he has used Brandreth's Pills for thlety years, having commenced to uso thein in February, 1830, for Dyspepsia and Affections of the Lungs and Kidneys. -lie took Brandreth's Pills every day for thirteen months, and in March, 1837, became a perfectly sound, healthy man, though before he commenced with tills great medicine, he was on the verge of the grave. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. SCIATICA. " Henry D. Br*udreth, Esq., Liverpool. 41 lieywood, October 9, IS7I. "Dear Sir,—Please to send me another six dozen of Allcock's Plasters, and two dozen Brandreth's Pills, Is ljd. The Plaster seems to produce wonderful results. There is scarcely a day passes but some one iis telling me of the cures they are making. Rheumatism in various parts of the tody disappears as if by magic. Only on Saturday last, Mr. Jarob lieywood, Albert Terrace, Slarkey-street, J ley wood, informed me that he li*d been troubled with Kciatica for three years; so bad was it the last twelve months of that time that he was unable to follow his employment. He had tried many doctors, been to Matlock, and spent £2 on a largely-advertised electric-chain bolt, but all to no purpose. Some ono at last pori suaded him to try your Plasters. Jfe said he had no faith in them, but he would try them, for he was stuck fast: they could not make his pain much worse, and it would only be a little more wont»y sent after the rest. So ho bought two —one ho placed on his thigh, and the other on his back —and a week after he was ready for his work. It is now six months ago, and he has had no return of his pain. —Yours truly, "W. BECKETT." Agents for New Zealand: 1 KEMPTHORNE. PROSSER & CO. Dr. j. c. ay e it's Celebrated ! MEDICAL PREPARATIONS May be obtained of all (.'hernials and Storekeepers throughout the colony. AYE R ' S CATHARTIC SUGAR-COATED PILLS (IN OLA AH BOTTLE*), These Pills contain every medicinal property desirable for th* cure of Indigestion Costivennss, Headache, . and Live Complaints. AVER'S COMPOUND CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, One of the most effective Alteratives erer produced for Purlfjlng the Blood, and the Cure of Seiofnl*. Ulcers, Hamoars, Skin Diseases, and Female Disorders. The above being purely a Medicine, and not a beverage. On. Bottle is far more etlicocious than any ■uiaparilla hitherto olTered to the public. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Or Anodyne Expectorant, a reliable Antidote for Colds, Coughs, bronchitis. Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and all Pulmonary Diseases, AYER'S AGUE CURE, A most efficient remedy in Agnea Chill*, Fever, Bilious Affections, and Derangement of the Liver. AYEIt'S HAIR VIGOUR, FOR Restoring the Natural Vitality and Colour of the Hair, Is not a dye, nor does it possess any coloring matter or offensive substance whatever, neither will it soil the most delicate fabric, but Is an agreeable dressing to the hair, promotes its luxuriant growth, giving it richness and beauty, removes baldness, and Invariably restores Faded or Grey Hair to its original colour. The above elegant preparations have lon* been strongly recommended by the Medical Profession, and command a world-wide reputation, which is sufficient gurantee of their utility and genuineness. Ayer's Almanacs, containing instructions for the treatment of all class* of diseases, may be had gratuitously on application to all Chemists and Storekeepers. Wholesale Agents, Auckland: KEMPTHORNK, PROSSER * CO. — Chest Affection. DR. CHURCHILL'S SYRTJPS OF HYPOPHO3PHATK OF LIVE SODA, AND IRON, mommended by tht leading Physicians In Europe. Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. PEAR'S CELEBRATED SOAPS, PERFUMERY, and TOILKT REQUISITESaIways in Btock and on Sale by the Wholesale Agents, KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER A CO. HORSES.— Lieut. JAMES'S BLISTER, used in her Majesty's Cavalry Regiments, ' patronised by Major-General Sir Charles Dalbiac, iDspcctor-Oencral of the Cavalry Forces, and highly eulogised by Professor Coleman in Uti report to the Adjutant-General. Its great clllcacy in aU cases whole K . applied Is well known; and its celebrity has extended to all the great studs throughout the world. No horse will gnaw it. In uae4o years. Caution.—None Genuine without the Signatures of the Proprietors. fi. 8. &J. Jamkh are on the top label of every pot. I Wholesale Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. ALWAYS ON SALE—Drugs, Chemicals, Druggists' Sundries In every variety, Patent And Proprietary Medicines. Brushware, Perfumery, Cordial Makers Goods of every description. Brewers IMnglass, Corks, |Tinfoil, Copper and Tinned Wire, Ac., Ac., &c. bTOSXS: Victoria Auckland, axp Sxatvoaxh HTUKKTi DUNKDIN. KPMPTHOR3 E, PROSSER & CO.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4295, 19 August 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4295, 19 August 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4295, 19 August 1875, Page 4