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Medical. " TpOR THE BLOOD IS THE life. » CLARKE'S WORLD-PAMRD BLOOD MIX TUP. F Trade Ma-k—" Blood .Miiture " ' Toe Great Blood Ti-RiFieii a.vd Rr.vropr For cleansing and clearing the blooi f' ro ' , • impurities cmnot be too highly recomme : ,j.,] ' r for Scrofula, Scurvy, .skia Diseases, an-i s<re*rf all kinds it is a never failing and permanent • — '" It Cures old .-ores. I urea Ulcerat-d Sores ->n the Nek Curci Ulctrate.l >or«, • Cures Klackheads or l'irnile? on the Cuies Scurvy S'-res. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cure- M«d and Disease Cures <;l.v ,j u i* r Swellings. Clears tin- i;lf,ud frjm all impure a:i:t-r As this mixture is to t c ta;'--> an.' «- ranted free from anything injrricus to - delicate constitution of either sex. th~ PrJj ri-vT solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its va'u .'• THOUSANDS OF TKSTIMjXIaLS FV-* tA.ii PAETS. "V r "'* i-old in Bottles, 2s 3d each, and in Cises, ccnttr-j— six times the quantity, lis each —sufficient to effect I permanent cure in the great majority of 10-V standing ca-es, by all thcrui-.ti and I'ateat Mecie'ji Vendors throughout the world. " * Sole Proprietor, F. J. CLA RK E Chemist, ' Apotbecaeiej' Hall. Llncol.v, England. EXPORT AGENTS: Burgoyne, Burbridzes * Co., Colcman-street, LoLl ;a Newbery.v Sons, 37. Newgate-street, London." Barcfay i Sons, 95, London. Sanger £ Sons, Oxford-street, London. And all the Loudon Whole-ale Huuscs. Agents for NewZraland— KEiIfTHOKNE. PKOSSEIt & CO., Dunedin and Auckland. \ L L CURBS MA DE E aTy HOLLO WAY'S OIXTMENT. Bad Legh, TJlckrous Sokes, Bad Breasts, ano Old Wounds.—No description of wound, sore, « ulcer can resist the healing properties of this excellent Ointment. The worst cases readily assume a healthy appearance whenever this mendicatuent is applied sound flesh springs up from the bottom of the wound,' Inflammation of the surrounding skin is arrested, acd a complete and permanent cure quickly follows the use of the Ointment. Piles, Fistulas, and Internal Inflammation. —These distressing and weakening diseases may with certainty be cured by the sufferers themselves, if they will use Holloway's Ointment, and closely attend to the printed instructions. It should be well rubbed upon the neighbouring parts, when all obnoxious mat ter, will be removed, a poultice of bread and may sometimes be applied at bed-time with advantage; the most scrupulous chanliness must be obscrTed. If those who read this paragraph will bring it under the notice of such of their acquaintances whom it may concern, they will render a service that will ne.erba forgotten, us a cure is certain. KnEUMATisM, Gout, a>d Neuralgia.—Nothing has the power of reducing inflammation and subdainj pain in these complaints in the same degree as Holloway's cooling Ointment and purifying Fills. When used simultaneously they drive all inflammation and depravities from the system, subdue and remove all enlargement of the joints, and leave the siuews and muscles lax and uncontractcd. A cure may always be effected, even under the worst of circumstances,"if the use of these medicines be persevered in. Eruptions, Scald Head, Ringworm, and otiier Skin Disease?. —After fomentation with warm water, the utmost relief and speediest cure can be readily obtained in all complaints affecting the skin and joint* by the simultaneous use of the Ointment and Pills. But it must be remembered that nearly all skin diseases indicate the depravity of the blood and derange xnent of the liver and stomach; consequently in many cases time is required to purify the blood, which will be effected by a judicious use of the Pills. The Rene. ral health will readily be improved, although the eruption may be driven out more freely than before, and which should be promoted; perseverance is necessary. Sore Throats, Diptiieria, Qcinsf.t. Mump*, AND ALL OTIIEK DeHKNUEMENTS OF THE TiIHOAT.— On the appearance of any of these maladies the Ointment should be well rubbed at least three times a day upon the neck and upper part of the chest, si as to penetrate to the glands a s salt is forced into meat. This course will at ouce icmove inflammation and ulceration. The worst cases will yield to this trea:ment by following the printed directions. Scrofula or Knq\* Kviland Swellinnooftiie Glani>s. —This ch»s3 of cases may be cured by Holloway's purifying Pills and Ointment, as their double action of purifying the blooU and strengthening the system renders them more suitable than any otlw remedy for all complaints of a scrofulous nature. As the blood is impure, the liver, stomach, and bowels. being much deranged, require purifying medicine to bring about a cure. Both the ointment and Pills should be used n tha following cases:— Bad Legs jCancers [Scalds Bad Breasts Contracted Nipples Burns j Stiff Joints [-"ore Throats Bunions tElephaiitiasi iSkin Diseases Biteof ITosquitosjFistulas (Scurvy and Sand Flies .Gout Sore Heads Caco-bay Glandular Swell- Tumours Chigo-foot ings Ulcers Chilblains [Lumbago Wounds Chapped Hands [Piles Yaws Corns (sofi) [Rheumatisms %* There is a considerable saving by taking th* larger sizes. N.B.— Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affiled to each pot. "\T E II v o i; s k e s s r XI WEAKNKS-;! PIMPL S IN' THE FACE! FLUSHING! LUS-* OF MEMORY I iIhNTAL DEPRESSIONS. All those suffering fro-u luw ai> vu ;.i.■ :;-■ :« -:. .. 1 apply before it is too late arid i:r»-iii«-«M d.l- : • *'r. L. L. Smith, who i* the only qu .hried m V. -J man in the Australian pr:tcLi3:ng ly cu these diseases and their oririn. I>r. L. L. SMITH'S name is a househnl I w. rl. aid through his meant many thousands of h jiuei hire been made happy, and nany whose live* "tre j. misery to them, have beei restored to heilth on-1 comfort. His practice In Victoria has extended nnw 21 years on this specialty of ii 3 profession. His i ractice extends moreover throughout all thvse :>•'.::•:*, and patients have vis ted him even from i'-ir-neo, Japan, China, and India. To convey soni* -'1«* of the f-xtent of his fame and name, he i .is t»-e:. c ■•,- suited from Great Britain six times durin? the- ; •-- 1574. Those wishing to consult Dr. L. L.SMITH ran : o so by enclosing a One Pound note, stating » ::.- toms, and duration of siuTeriii t '. A reply will I e -c:i by return mail. Dr. L. L. SMITH, for the convenience of th'-er'.-personally consult h m, ba3 taken those ex-teiii--;* premises in Collins-street, late the residence ■>? H:i Excellency the Governor. Kvery luxury snd comfnr: will be found for those waiting to consult the Doctoi. Address - - Dr. L. L. SMITH, Collins-street Fast, Melbourne. Consultation Fee by letter, £1. N'.B.—For the convenience of patients in the bouring Colonies who wish to visit him personally it Victoria, Dr. L. L. SMITH has taken a large a In the suburbs and fitted it up as a Private Hospiul for the treatment solely of the above affections: a.i also including Gout, Sciatica, and paitful cktom diseases, Dr L. L. SMITH has also a large Turkish Bathin* Establishment for the treatment of his patient*, specially such as suffer from Gout and Rheumatism. Medicines, appropriately pauked, forwarded to w the Colonies. GISTS BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from th* Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional. Gravel an<l Pains in the Bici. Sold in Hoia 4s 6i each, by all Chemists and Patent Medic::.* Vendors. Sole Proprietor—F. J. CLARKE, APOTUECARIrS* HaLL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND EXPORT AGENTS: Burgoyne. A Co., Colcman-street,Lesdca. Newbery A'cns, 37, Nt-wgate-street, London. Barclay Sons, 05. Farringdon-street, London. Sanirer Jv S.ns, Oxford-street. London. And all the London Wholesale House-* Agents f., r New Zea'.and— KEMPTHORSF, & CO.. buneilin and AuckUsd. Nurserymen. ? u MOUNT HOBSON XTJKSERT, EEMUEEA. The extensive and firstclass Stocks are in vrry wi condition, and are in I*+ paration for sendinz oat will be sent to any add.tss. Vr■ Town Agents. EW M A RKET SU USE RY, -i_l OPPOSITK RAILirAY STATION. C. S. McDONALD invites inspection of H<«!*' rior and varied collection of Slll'.l'B-.K-. includin- a choice assortment r.f Api les rn W« t ,'" proof .'ticks. A v sit to the Xurserv v ill intending purchasers of th- exc-!lert i.iulity Cl tu Stock. Catalogues free on application. THE Rates for Advertising in the HeeaLU are as under:— s. d. Three Lines J ° Four Lines 1 6 Six Lines - % Per Inch 5 ° The number of insertions required must re wr! 'j on each advertisement, otherwise it will beiiise'W till countermanded and charged accordingly. . Contracts mads forMenthly, Quarterly, Ualf-yu-'. ■ and Yearly Advertisements. , hl .v I Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths (*ba must bear the signature of the sender) ate chsrgea under:—Births, Is ; Marriages. -2 . 6d.: I'eatW, "•• with funeral notice attached, 2s. 6d. _

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4291, 14 August 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4291, 14 August 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4291, 14 August 1875, Page 4