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ASSTAL SOIREE. The annual soiree of the members and ad- j herents of St. James's Churchy Wellington-y street, took place last evening, and was very well attended. The tables were bountifully provided, aud presided over by the following ladies : —Mesdlmes Macnicol, A. Craig, J. Mackie, McKenzie, MoN'ab, Goldie, W. Gorrie, Alexander, and Misses Chalmers, Kennedy aud Follock.—After tea had been served, and the tables cleared, the Rev. R. F. Macnicol (pastor) took the chair, and called upon the choir for a musical selection, when the authem, "Arise and Shine," was rendered with good effect. The Chairman, in his opening remarks, announced that he had received apologies from the Rev. J. Macky (Otahuhu), and Kov. Mr. Brown (Onehunga), for their nonattendance, owing to indisi>ooition, but lie was glad to state that the loss was somewhat compensated for by the presence of their old, tried, and highly-esteemed friend, the Rev. David Bruce. The Chairman referred in earnest and feeliug language v> the changes and vicissitudes which <lca".h aud sickness had caused amongst the congregation during the past year.—Mr. Brock (secretary) theu read the eleventh annual report, which is as follows : —

Tho I'cmciittce cf Management, in presenting their eleventh annual report :o the congregation, congratulate the members and adherents upon the succe-a which hiu attended their ctf.irts during the pist year; and the committee would unite "ith the cor?gresat;o:i in expressing their thankfulness to the Almighty for w- have enjovei'as r. (lurch during that period. We have nut," however, been without some of those chafes aud trills to which congregations aa well as individuals are sulj.-ct. Soon after our last annual report was prepared there passed away from our midst and from th world anil its con > ' 1 « Kattray died at the" age a 52, and v,as an'el.ler'ofthis conmegation from th.: time the present church was erectfd until his decease. Uis untimely deith was a great loss both to the Church ami community. While we de»ire to express our sincere regret at his loss we feel assur.d he has removed to a higher sphere whcie the t.usy cares of life are unknown. sust.ioed by the unavoidable resignation of ITr. J. Y. Stevenson Jeldtr , aud Mr. Jame* UarJie (member of committee., and sivcral otheis who havn lift us, to assisi in ercctiug a separate charge at Keuiuera. However much we regret ih , * loss of so maD}' good members, it is a source of satisfaction to us that the cause of Presbyterianisrn is spreading In this province. We would tike this opportunity of expressing and tendering our sinctre thanks to Mr. J. M. Clsrk, for his great generosity in presenting this Church with the excellent harmonium now in use. Mr. Clark hvs frequently displayed hU liberality to us. and we regret his severance from this congregation on account of the reasons above stated. Ihe Treasurer shews by hi 3 statement a financial inj[irovemer.t in our receipts : the contributions received during the past year be ng £71 15s Cd in exce s nf the amount obtained in the preceding year. The sum of £755 15s 4d has been collected during the past jear, as compared with the sum of £713 10s 10d in the year 1874. These results are satisfactory, as they enable your committee to carry on with increased activity the variou) agencies in connection with this congregation in a more liberal manner tb-tn they otherwise could do. At a meeting of the committee of management, held on the 19th day of July was rcudved ;hat the subject of the debt remaining on the mause should be brouglt b=foro you at this annuil meeti-g. The committee leave the matter in your hanMs. and earnestly recommend you to devise a plan whereby tho remaining debt on onr inanso may be speedily removed. The Sabbath school continues under the able superintendence of Mr. l'etcr Mackie, and has a fair average attendance of 200 scholars under the instruction of H teachers. Foit -three new schol&rs were admitted during the past year. Over 00 new volnmes of books were aided to the school library during the year, which enabled the superintendent to give 20 volumes school, leaving 3SO books still on the shelves of the s hool library. The children have contributed during the year the sum of £52 12s Sd for missionary purposes and mJuoI expenses. The Committee desire to thank Mr. McCoskie ifor gratuitously accompanying the children's sir-giog on the harmonium for S'me time past. Vonr Committee were enabled, through your liberality, to vots the 6Um of £50, as & contribution from this Church to the Home Mission Fund, being about £11 more tlmn the amount voted last year. The object of the Home Mission Committee in Uiia province being try districts, it is incumbent on all who wish their brethren in the interior to enjoy the benefits of religious ordinances, to suppoit the Homo Mission Fund according as God his blessed them, t is almost superfluous to mention Mitchell, conttnurs in an efficient state; and the thr.nks of the congregation are due to those members of the choir who so regularly give their services in inaii.uinin£ the efficiency "f our psalmody. Yuur committee are glad to inform you that during the y<"ar23 names wer* added to the communicants' roll, leaving the number of church members at present on the rull 2-2 S. Tho prayer meeting centimes to be held eveiy Wednesday evening, and while the number attending has not'diminished, and the interest to all appearance has been sustained, it is much to be tioVi do not manifest a desire to enjoy the privil ge affords. The .Minister".! Bib:e Class continu»s to be held every Thurday evening, and although there are several member! who attend the class very icjularly acd with treat interest, it appears themselves of this opportunity of acquiring religions knowledge. The Young-Men's Improvement Association his p'ovrd a gnat Mic;rs», aid the members

admit they have received great licnelit from the A-so-ciatiun since it ni» started. They liavß noiv commenced on their fifth session. The Sabbath-school teachers h»M s prayer lue.-.ins .-very fortnight, aft-r the close of the school, to mvok<* a Mes*in:j upon their work, and that of the congregation generally. In conclusion, your committee would express the lmj.e that the He-sings with which our RnviMM Master has favoured us during another y-ar of our Church history maj stimulate in all to still further etl.jrts in promoting the spiritual welfare of each othf-r, and in advancing tlit: IleJejmer's Xirjgdom as far as our influence extends.

—Mr. Thomas Macky, treasurer, read the statement of accounts, of which we subjoin on abstract :—

To mmi.-ter'.i stipend, £350: Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, £50: g;is, jeltf 15=; church otticerj, £-10; insurance on church and manse, £10. interest on mrur-e, £32: poor, £■20: Home Mission, £50; Foreign Mission, £-.'5: Aged anil Inlirin Ministers" Fund, is: Widow and Orphan Fund, £0 S-ibbath-scho'jl. £10: c'eauing an-t painting church. £74 143 60; iniiCella' e.ius eiucns-s, £3'J7sl'il. BaU:ice in hand. £52 Ss 7d: toUl. £735 15s 4d Ky balance from last year, £22 7s: Sabbath collections, £4;7 17i Ud; pew ren;s, £:!17 13s'Jd; for Home .Missions. £41 15? 7d: ditto oa account, 1575-6, from boxes, £s Is G.I: soiree balance, £.2 10s; donation from Mr. Watson, £2; d;tto from Voting iTen's clais, £3 10s: total, £7i.". 153 U.

Mr. Thomas Smart moved, and Mr. Oxley, sen., seconded, "That the report and balance-sheet as read be adopted, and printed for general information," which was carried unanimously.—Mr. W. Gorrie was elected committeeman, and Mr. Thomas Smart was elected to serve in the place of Mr. Goldie, who retired. Messrs. Smart and Morton were re-elected auditors —Mrs. Mitchell then sang, /'Consider the lilies" (Mr. Mitchell presiding at the harmonium) with her usual taste and finish — Mr. Thomas Mackey, in a pithy speech, brought under the notice of the meeting the question of the £xisting debt upon the Manse. By a general system of weekly contributions, the debt could, be wiped off in a year. If the collections kept up there would be a surplus of nearly £150 next year; so that with forty contributors of 2s Cd a-week, forty of Is, and sixty of Gd, the debt weulJ in twelve months be a thing of the past. He moved that an effort of the kind indicated be undertaken. —Mr. W. Gorrie seconded the motion, which, after some desultory discussion, was carried, on the understanding that the ladies of the congregation be invited to co-operate with the Church Committee, and give their services a3 collectors.— —Mr. I*. Mackie took up the question of the appointment of a city missionary in connection with the denomination, and iu some terse, practical remarks, illustrated the necessity of such a sphere of labour being occupied ; but as the subject would come before them on a future occasion, under the auspices of the Presbytery, he would refrain from going into the details of the proposal at length.—The choir then gave the anthem, "Behold I bring you glad tidings," with great acceptance.—The liev. l>. Bruce next addressed the meeting, in one of his homorous and characteristic speeches, replete with sound sense, good counsel, and " dry" Scottish humour.—Mr. McCoskrie then sang, "Be thou faithful," in a pleasing manner. The song was followed by a duet, '" Lovely Peace," which was admirably rendered by Mr. Mitchell anl Miss Kennedy.— Mr. Brock, by prescriptive right, proposed the usual vote of thanks to the ladies in felicitous terms ; and Mr. Ow moved a similar vote to the choir, both of which were carried by acclamation.—Mr. Mitchell returned thanks on behalf oi the choir.—Messrs. Moody and Saukeys heartstirring hvmn, "Hold the Port, and the benediction, pronounced by the rev. chairman, brought a pleasant and proiitablo evening's entertainment to a close.

" Unmanned by the loss of her husband" is the latest style of indicating a "widow's grief.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4289, 12 August 1875, Page 3

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ST. JAMES'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4289, 12 August 1875, Page 3

ST. JAMES'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4289, 12 August 1875, Page 3