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Amusements, &c. piUNCE OF WALES THEATRE. Lessee .Mr. R. J, De Lias. POSITIVELY THE LASX NIGHT THE SISTEKS DUVA LL I ! THIS (S ATL~Iii>AYj EVENING, A CIIEAT BILL ! A CHEAT BILL i MAGIC TOYS ! MAGIC TOYS ! • M \GIC TOYS ! MAGIC TOYS 1 Sailor's Dance) CAN CAN (a Parisif-nne (Juadrille;. GRAND COMPETITION' FOR PRIZES. Two Prizes will b« awarded to tho authors of the Best and Worst Conundrums. Riddles to bo addressed to Mr. C. F. CouLts, Royal Mail Hotel. PRIZE HIGHLAND FLING, As danced before her Majesty, at Balmoral Ca3-le. A NIG I T AMONG THE BRIGANDS. Monday—'The -vill appear for one night, at Otahuhu. Saturday, .July 11—Thames. JpniXCE OF WALES TIIKATiiK. Lessee : Mr. R. J. De Lias. Manager ..Mr. G. W. Collier. The Management liavo much pleasure in announcing that a Re-engHKcni-nt has b*.en effected with thri accomi llshcd Artiste, MISS MAY HOWARD FOR FIVE NIGIITd ONLY, Commencing Monday Evening, Junk 5. First production in Auckland of Boucicault'fl great Drama, entitled JEZEBEL. During the engagement the following New Dramas will be produced:— ** SOLID SILVER," "GOOD AS GOLD," &c , &cMlss May Howard wil' bo supported by Miss Clara Stephenson, Mr. G. "NY. Collier, and tho star Dramatic Company. Prices—Circle, 4s; Stalls, 2s 6il; Pit, la. Seats can now be reserved at Upton's. Carriages may by ordered for 10.45. J O. G. T. A FREE ENTERTAINMENT, Consisting of SONGS, READINGS, SPEECHES, &c.. Will be held Tuis (and kvzry Saturday) Evemnu, In connexion with the above, IN THE YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION ROOMS, Welleslky-htrkht. Mr. w. E. Turner, of California, wi.l Deliver an Addreis. The public &ro cort'.ially invited. Door* open at half-past seven. Aieetings. COLI BAN (iO-.D MINING COMPAQ Y (LIMITED). . The Orillnary General .Veeßfugof th* above-named Company will Ijj held tho Vomp-iiiy's Oflic •. Grahamstowu, o:i MONDAY, tho 12th inst-vnt, at the hour of 2 p.m. Business I o receive Directors' Report and Ba-lance-sheet, and to elect Direct-TS for the ensuing half y nr. Snjvreholders indebted to the Company fur Call wiU."i.ot Le entitled to vote, unlwi said Ca:l be paid before day of Meeting D. G, MacDONNELL. Secretary. (•r.»ham*town, July 1, 1575. Golden calk gold mining COMPAN Y (REG ISTERLD•. 'I he Aunual General Meeting of Shareholders of t:.e .l'.ove Company uill be hold in th> Mecna..ics' lustituto, Qneen-street. Gr.humstuWn, Ou TUESDAY July 13, Jb7s, at il o'clock a.m. Business: To receive Oiiectora* Repcr:, und Balancesheet; to elect two Directors aud Auditors for ensuing half-vear. R. McDONALD SCOTT, Mana.'cr. >U-tk Exchungp, t iwen-stiett, Thames, July 1, 1575. AII AX GAH APE DISTRICT BOARD. The Annual M»-« tii;K of Ratepayers will be held in the Newton Academy on MONDAY, sth July prox., at 7.30 p.m.. for the purpose of fixing tlie Tate and electing trustees for the ensuing year. JOSEPH WARREN, Chairman. June 15, 1875. ~VT E\V ZEALAND AGKICULTUKAL -Ll SOCIETY. The Monthly Meeting will be held at tho Criterion Hotel, Otahuhu, cn TUESDAY, Gth July, at J. 30 p in, M. M. TAYLOR, Secretary. DIXON'S No. I GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGI*TKREDJ. Shareholders are requested to par their overdue Calls, as the Shares are ii.ib'.e to be furMted. T. LEiGH WHtTE, Manager. JiO' lh7Z. EWTON HIGHWAY DISTKICT. 'J'lie Annual Meefingof thn Ratepayers of theabove District will be held ou MONDAY, the 19;h day of Jul. , at 12 o'elocknoon, in the Newton Ha L Busintss To fix R.*te, Elect Trust- es and Audi tors for the Also, to consider the advisability of bringii-B into operation the Eeucing Act su-pennon Act, ls7i. FRANCIS J. JONES, Chairman. duly 2, 1575. NE-TKEE-UILL HIGHWAY DISTRICT. The Annu ;l Meeting of the Ratepayers will he liel l at the Junction ht-lel, on Mi'N DAY, lh« ltnh ir.sS , at 10 a.m , to It-vy a rate aud elect Trustees and Auditors for the cusuing ycir. IH-JMAS A. BROWN. Chairman. July *2. ls7o J> AP ATOITOI li'IGLIWAY BOARD. The Annual >;Ccting «.»f tho abovo Board will be hrld a' the residen- e of Mr. JaliKS Wallace, lldhide, on TUESDAY, Jtilj at o o'clock. ALFRED BUTTLE, Secretary. EcclesiasticalGO NOI!KG AT I O _\~A L ClllJilCll, UEKESEO.tD-STitEET. llev. Warlow 1) nies. MA. Sunday. Jniy 4. Service in the morning at 11 o'clock, ami in th.- evening at C.:io. GR AFT O N 11 UA I) WEfjLE VAN (••U.RCII.-SUNDAY. .SERVICES.—JuIy 4. —Mr. H. Ellis v-ill preach in the inornintr at 11; aud Rev. W- J.< in the evening, at 0.30. XTKWToN 11 ALL.—Divine rviuu is held J3l in' New ton Hall everj* Lord's Day—morning, at 11 i,'el« ek and'in the evt-ning, at U 30. rJT-STIiKK'J' WKSLKVAX CIIUUCII. —SPMJAV SEUVIITS.-July 4' r l lie ICev. \V. .1. Wiili.nus will preach in the morning, at 11, and th- Key. \. lle.d in tlie evening, U 0 tiQ. AU>fKLL WESLHYAX CHUUCII.— SUNDAY !-EKViCt:s.-Jiily 4—Tie 1:- v. A Ui iil will pnavh iu the morning, at 11; and the ltev. J Wllev.-. ll in th.- ev.-niny, at S"~l\ 'LUKIi'S i'KKSIiVI KHI AX t'llUlU'll UEMUKUA) — The ltev. Thomas >cott will conduct an i.vriittig tfervite to-morrow at 3.30 p iu. IAUI AN SU.N'hAY iL\"l<JluS, U LI 'UN I-S I'KEE'l' HALL. L'oulr :ti'll by the ltev. S. E.lftr, 11 A.— July 4.— Morning . "Living ti. ilo Good." r.\ei :I..;: "Tlue Fortune-building; or, Making ti.e ■ eit of World." WJ E L LES L E V-STIiEET BAPTIST Vt CHURCH.—JuIy 4. —1 he Rev. P. ii. Com[ord, Pastor, w;ll prea>h iu the morning at 11, i-j.l in th - evening, at ti 30. Young men*B christian association. NOON-i'W PUAYKR-MEITING at School-room, liig i-street, nsar Durh:.u*. s,reet, 12 to 12.45. All are nvited. SKI. KIT BOARD AND KESIDEKCK; every coufort for Single Gent!c:ueu.—Harbour Vie v liouie, shortlaud Crescent.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue XII, 3 July 1875, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue XII, 3 July 1875, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue XII, 3 July 1875, Page 1