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Wholesale Druggists. SUCCESS, " Rrof. Babbt. " Philadelphia. July 7th i --, " Dear Sir.- Having lost my rjalr during mM T ?" in China, I was completely bald oSifivZ. head. On my retnrn to Philadelphia T waV? ?ar to make a trial of your y ' w ** ""laced "BARRY'S TRICOPHEROUS, which I thought conveyed a comfortable tiV,' . to the head. This induced me tohw . nes, bottles, and before I had finished the tMr.l hT.?i more hair began to grow. lnira bDt *. my " I have continued to use it since, ami I L-iv» * the of as fine a head of hvr I L * yosth. u " r a > 'a Qj " This letter you are at liberty to rj. as r r ,, „* -lam, yours. St, »»you please. "CHARLES LEE." BARRY'S SAFE HAIR DYE Is a really good anicln, prepared l,v P u fissr r u Barry, whose name is so well known in ■*" with his great H»ir Kene»er, BAKEY's'tpw'. o -! 1 PHEROOS, established over 70 years Tlac °- YOUTFI RESTORED By the use of that innocent and deL' s ht:ul Co«a^iBARRY'S PEARL CREAM Which speedily removes wrinkles, freckl-5 tan. and sunburn, and enables anv ladv'rf • forty-five to pa<s easily fur twenty? It i 3 ei,mTiM T perlumed. and guaranteed perfectly healthful ill mad- from the blossoms of the most fra-rij. h j an* will cure almost any skin disease btiSs clearness and purity cf enua'l-d?"i■ ?* the finest alab.iater. The trial of op.', br r -l"" r 'I satisfy any la-ly of the great superiorhVof 'c" Ph T Peap-l cream over all other preparaiirLs fort« a .? lying the complexion. WWi '* BARRY'S MARFILIXA, the most beautiful and pearly whrfeness If £S regularly will oositively preserve the T e "h and In a sound and healihy condition to eitreme c!d t&r Wholesale Agents for New Zealand: KEIIPTHORNE. PEO3SER i CO. "A DUm for every Wound A Cure for every 111." WIZARD OIL. ■\\-estos--3 FA3IOL-S Remedies shnuM never be 11!. pensed with in ca-es of pain and iDfljmmatioa n~J, ether Man or teast. Their million pv everr whore—from all sections of the habitable elobe-froni ever}-rank in seciety- the deiicau- feuial.:-tUov«-or the farmtr or liveryman in his st.bles, unit7h c*lc voice to j-ionounce :hese medicines uneiiuallei RETAILED BY ALT. AND SEUREKEEPERS. Agents: KEMPTHORNE. PROSSER i CO. "O EAXDRETH'S PI LL S~ "When an important truth is uttered, it will spread. LUNGS AND KIDNEYS CURED. Isaac IV. Briggs, of 145. Suffolk-street, Xev York says he has used Erandreths Pills for thi-ty year-' having commenced to use them in February, 1536 - , for J>yspepsia and Affections of the Lunss and Kidneys. He took Urandreth's Pills every dav for thir. teeD months, and in M:irch, 1537. bec-.ime a perfectly sound, healthy man, thouirh before He commenced with this great medicine, he mi on the verge of ths giave. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. SCIATICA. " Henry D. Bnadreth, Esq., Liverpool. '• lieywood. October 9.1571. Allcock'a Masters.' and two dozen ISraudreth'a VHU. Is ljd. The Plaster seems to produce wonderful results. There is scarcely a day passes but some one is telling me of the cures thty are making. Rheumatism in various parts of the tody disappears a=? if by niagic. Only on Saturday last, Mr. Jacob H«jwood, Albert Terrace, Starkey street, lieywood. iiI formed me that he h.d been troubled with sciatica for three vears; so bad was it the last twelve month 3 j of that time that he was unable to fullow his employment. He had tried many doctors, been to Matlock, and spent £2 on a largely-advertled el-ctric-cham belt, but all to no purpose. Souif> one at last persuaded him to try your Plasters. He s .id h» hud 00 faith in them, but he would try them, for ln« stuck fast; they could not mase Irs pan much worse, and it would only be a little more money sent alter the rest, so he bought two —one he placed on h-j was ready for his work. It is now six months a? >, asil he has had no return of his pain. —Yours trulv "W. BECKETT." Agents for New Zealand: KEIIPTUORNE PROSSEE & CO. DR. J. C. AY E R'S Celebrated MEDICAL PREPARATIONS May be obtained of all Chemists and throughout the colony. _A_ Y "R p ' S CATHARTIC SUGAR-COATED PILLS (is glass bottles). These Pills contain every medicinal property desirable for the cure cf Indigestion Costiveness, Ilekdache, and Liver Complaints.

COMPOUND* CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, One of the most effective Alteratives evei i. rodncM for Pnrifying the Blood, and the Cure of TJlcer3, Humonrs. Skin Diseases, and Female Disorders. The above being pnrely a Medicine, acd not s beverage. One Bottle is far more efficacious than jtf e&raaparilla hitherto offered to the uubhe. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Or Anodyne Expectorant, a reliable Anlidote ft Uolds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, WhoopinrCoJ*, Croup, and all Pulmonary Diseases. ! AYEE'S AGUE CURE, Bilious Affectioce, and Derangement of tlie Liver. AYER'S HAIR VIGOUR, FOE Restorinr tuh Natural Vitality α^d COLOL'K OF TUE lIaJR, Is not a dye, nor dues It possess any coloriEg mait^t the most delicate fabric, but is an agreeable dressing to the hair, promotes its luxuriant Krow:h, givicg it richness and beauty, remove 3 baldness, and isvariably restores Faded or Grey Hair to its origiiil colour. strongly recommended by the Medical Profession, and command a world-wide reputatiou, which is AVer's Aiiranacs, containing irjsir-dctioxs for \i.'-trc-atmeat of all classe of disraaes, may be hid grutuitouily Dr» application tc all Chemists Storekeepers. Wbnle.ulw Agents, Auckland : KKMI'TUOIINK, Plto.viEli "' CO. CONSUMPTION. — Cuest Affutio>-. Dl{. CHURCHILL'S SYRfTPS OF HYPOrfIOPIIATE OF LI.VH SODA, A.Nl> IKO>'. r:»mmended by tht leading Physicians in Earcpf. KKyrTHOR-NK, C rEO3>EK = CO. PEAR'S CELEBRATED SOAPS, TERfUM El: Y, and TOILET itISQL I.ilTESalwa." n Stock anil on tiile by the U'holesale AgtSU. KEWPI'UOKXE, Pli'laSliit J CO. HORSES.— Likct. JAMES'S BLISTER, 1!5 «l in her Majesty's Cavalry ~.t ouis.d by Major-t:«neMl Sir Ch.irle; iu.'.i»-, ui tb- Cavalry ai.d eji.-is-dl-v l-rof.-ssi.rC in bU r-i.Jtt :o ■-' \djiTt.iut-..Vucial. It, great ftlkac. i" allci--s' v ; ; ';* blistering ir- usu..ily appUe.l is wel: :.-:J■ ■ • celebrity has extended to all the giv-at studs ihrci--t out the world. No horse will guaw it. Iu a= e»J None Genuine without the Signatures c! tie Proprietors. t K. S."i J. Jamfs are on the top Übel of every pot. Wholesale Agents; KEMPTHOKJSK. PROSSEK CO. ALWAYS ON SALE—Drags, Chemicals, Druggists" Sundries in every virirty. P»teni and Proprietary Medicines. Brnshware, P cr ' nl °"J: Cordial Makers' Goods of every <l"OTP" on -J? liinglass, Corks, Tinfoil, Copper and Tinned »i", &C-, &c, &c STORES: TICTOBII-STBKET. \mUSr, ASDS.ArrOEIiKEMPTHOR.NE, PROSPER & CO.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4203, 4 May 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4203, 4 May 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4203, 4 May 1875, Page 4