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[fi:om oik own . oi;i:Ksros' iiks r. ] Tin: sixtli annual show in connection with the Waiuku Agricultural Association came oil' to-day. The weather was beautifully line for tile occasion, the morning being overcast, which made it pleasant for the driving of stock. At about nine o'clock a.m., the exhibits began to come ill, and continued to no so for about an hour and a-half. The number of exhibits was about '220 in all, and many of tliem of a superior description. The horses were not first class, and numbered 20 entries, although those which took the prizes in former yc.-'rs were beaten 011 this occasion, which shewed an improvement. 1 lie cattle also were not s:> good as they should have been : there ale better cattle in the district than were exhibited, but through the indifference of their owners were not shewn, which is to be regretted. The next section ou the bill was sheep, which were really good, and numbered entries. The ram which took first prize at the last show was only commended on this occasion, which also shews an improvement. The shearling rams shewed excellent wool ; also the ram lambs. The Ewes : There were only three entries. The Shearling Ewes : There were seven cullies, and they were, without doubt, the best section of sheep shewn. The ewe lambs were very good. Two pen of ram lambs extra, shewn by Mr. Joseph May, and bled by Mr. C. Iloshing, although extra, were awarded a lirst prize by tie-' judges, who considered them excellent. 'I he I*i"s : There were only eleven entries, but some very lint animals were shewn -—far superior to any pig* exhibited in Auckland. Mr. T. Hrown purchased the lir.-L prize young pigs from Mr. T. Bairiball, to take to' Auckland, to endeavour to improve the pig- about the town, which was considered by tl.e judges to be a step in the right direction. The entries in the field produce. seeds, garden produce, &c., were not numerous, but some of them were really very good. The poultry were not plentiful, but of a fair description. The fruit was very good. Some pickled and bottled peaches, exhibited by Mrs. I'. 11. King, Mere very good, and obtained lirst prizes : also some jams exhibited by Mrs. K. J. Moore. The following arc tl.e judges awards :—

Houses.—Stallion—one entry ; first prize, E. Constable, bred bv J. Dilworth. Brood mare in foal or foal at foot—five entries; first prize, C. F. Biseholl', bred by owner; second prize, .1. Hcd.v, bred by \V. Holland ; highly common ci, John \Vheeler. Three year-ohl colt, or lilly — one entry ; lir.-t prize, E. Constable, bred by A. f'.uckland. Two year-old colt or lillv —two entries ; lirst prize, C. F. Hisehoff. bred by owner; 110 .veoiid prize awarded. I'airs of horses — two entries ; liist prize, ( 11. Selby ; 2nd prize, I'. Hamlin. Hacks— four entries ; lirst prize, E. Hamlin, bred by owner ; second prize, S. Harriball, bred by E. Constable ; highly commended, C. T. Harriball. Koadsters—three entiies; first prize, E. Hamlin: second priz. , \V. .1. Harris; commended, \V. J. Harris, bred bv G. Crammer.

Ca'JTLi:. — Bull over three years old—one entry; first prize, W. J. Harris, bred by Carlyon, Xapier. Bull, under three years — two entries, onlv one exhibit ; prize, O. Marshall, bred by C. 'j'. Honking. Cows, in milk or calf —live entries; Ist prize, 11. Bent ; second pri/.e, C. T. Husking, bred by J. West. Best bred cow—one entrv ; first prize, C. llosking, bred by .11. Li ver. Cow, the property of settlers owning not more than fifty acrcs of 'and—two entries ; first prize, W. Smith ; second prize, W. Watt.-., bred hy W. Flavell. Heifer, three years and under—live entries; judges awarded the first prize to C. T. Jloaking, and the second to J. Hedge. The judges disqualified a heifer belonging toli. Bent, 011 the grounds that she was over three years old. A protest was lodged by the owner of the heifer, and the stewards allowed the

matter to stand in abeyance until the protest was sustained or otherwise. Pair of yearling heifers—five entries ; first prize, J. Hedge ; second prize, W. FlavclL Fat ox or cow—two entries ; first prize, J. Hedge ; second prize, C. Hoskinc. Spayed heifer— highly commended ; J. Hedge. Sheep.—Rams over two years old—five entries ; lirst prize, W. J. Harris ; second prize, E. Hamlin, bred by Jas. Wallace; highly commended, C. Hoiking, bred by Jas. Wallace. Shearling rams —five entries ; first prize, E. Hamlin; second prize, C. Hosking, bred by Middleton ; highly commended, C. Barriball, bred by John May. Ram lambs—five entries, first prize, E. Constable, bred by owner; second prize, C. Hosking, bred by owner. Three ewes—three entries ; first prize, C. Hosking, bred by owner; second prize, C. T. Barriball, bred by owner. Shearling ewes—seven entries : first prize, C. T. |!arril>all, bred by owner ; second prize, G. H. Se!by, bred by owner. Pen of ewe lambs —seven entries ; first prize, C. Hosking, bred by owner ; second prize, C. Hosking, bred by owner; highly commended, (!. 11. Selby, "bred by owner. Extra ram lambsfirst "prize awarded to Joseph May, bred by C. Hosking. Pics,—l Soars over 12 months old—two entries ; lirst prize, C. Hosking, bred by C. T. Barriball ; second prize, J. Hedge, bred by C. T. Barriball. Sows that have farrowed— six entries : lirst prize, W. J. King ; second prize, G. Bregman ; highly commended. G. Marshall, bred by J. Hull; commended, C. Hosking, bred by C. T. Ilosking. Two sows under 12 months old—two entries; first prize, J. Hedge, bred by G. Marshall ; second prize, G. Bregman. Three pigs under 10 weeks old —one entry ; first prize, C. T. Barriball, bred by owner. Sadiu.khv.— No entry. Field Puomrci:.—Spring wheat—two entries ; first prize, C. Ilosking ; ' e col id prize, C. Barriball. English bar'cy—two entries ; first prize, C. Barriball ; 2nd prize, 1). Taylor. Cape barley—two entries ; first prize, (i. Marshall; second prize, E. Constable. Oats —two entries : first prize, I.). Taylor ; second prize, C. Barriball. Horse beans—one entry ; fust prize, G. Marshall. Field peas—four entries ; first prize, G. Marshall ; second prize, C. Barriball. Long red mangold wurtzel—four entries; first prize, G. Marshall; second prize, J. Walters ; commended, E. Hamlin. Yellow globe mangold wurtzel—four entries ; first prize, D. Hedge; second prize, G. Marshall; commended, C. Hosking. Sri:us.—Perennialryegr.°.ss —three entries; first prize, S. Barriball ; 2nd prize, John Barriball. Cocksfoot —two entries ; first prize, S. Barriball ; second prize, C. T. Barri ball. Prairie grass—two entries : first prize, W. Douglas ; second prize, W. Watts. White clover—one entry ; first prize, W. Douglas. Red clover—no entry. Potatoes (Hobart Town) —six entries; first prize, J. England ; second prize, E. Hamlin ; all the others highly coniiiierded. Kidney —two entries; only one exhibit; lirst prize, J. Hedge. Any other sort—three entries ; first prize, J. England ; second prize, G. Marshall.

i Dairy Produce.—Fresh butter—two eu- | tries : first prize, John Barriball ; second ■ prize, H. Douglas. Salt butter—three enI tiies ; first prize, H. Douglas ; second prize, John Barriball ; extra, commended, Jos. ; Matthews. Cheese—llo entries. | Garden Puodii-e.—White turnips—two : entries : first prize, W. Wr.tts; second I prize, .1. Hedge. Swede turnips—three j entries; lirst prize, J. England; second prize, C. Hosking ; highly commended, C. Barriball. Carrots — four entries ; first prize, G. 11. Selby ; second prize, 15. J. : Moore. Parsnips—two entries ; lirst prize, ! I>. Taylor; no other exhibit. Cabbages— four entries; lirst prize, 11. J. Moore; second prize, G. Marshall. Red pickle cabbage—no entry. Green peas in pod—commended, I!. J. Moore. Broad beans in pod ; —first prize, I!. J. Moore; extra bushel, highly commended, G. Marsh.-\'l. Seed onions — four entries; first prize, James Browulee; second prize, .T. England. Potatoe onions- - three entries ; first prize, G. Marshall ; recond prize. J. Walters. Ptunpkins—three entries ; first prize, .J. England: second prize J. Bright ; commended, R. J. Moore. Cucumbers—one entry ; no prize : awarded. Pie melons—no entry. Water I melons and rock melons —extra, G. Marshall; and water melon, John Codlin, were highly i commended. Rhubarb—five entries; lirst | prize, E. Constable ; second prize, R. .T. ! Moore.

j Pori.-rnv. — Dorkings —-three entries; ' first prize, E. Hamlin; second prize. R. J. Moore. Spanish —no entry. Any other breed - three entries; first prize, E. Constable; second prize, C. H. Green. Ducks — : two entries ; first prize, A. Campbell ; ! second prize, I!. J. Moore. Turkeys— no entry. Geese— two entries ; lirst prize, G. ' Marshall ; second prize, C. Ilosking. Pea | Fowls no entry. j Fnrns.—Apple-?—five entries: firstprize, ; E. Hamlin : second prize, T. Cardon. Extra : apples, highly commended, E. Hamlin. Quinces—- two entries: first jiri/.e, J. Eng- | land ; second prize, T. Cardon. Peaches —three entries : only one exhibit; no prize I awarded. Plums—four entries ; lirst prize, !■'. Hamlin ; second prize, G. Marshall ; C". j Hosking and J. England, highly com- ■ mended. Pears—four entries ; first prize, | C. Hosking : s ;ond prize, T. Cardon. Other cultivated fruits—walnuts ; first prize, T. Cardon ; highly commended, T. Cardon.

]>ui*qlt.ts - First prize, Mrs. R. J. Moore ; second prize, Mrs. I*. H. King. Aktici.ks or Lo<\u,»rsriiv.—A collecti<hi of jams— first prize, Mrs. I\. J. Moore. A collection, of pickles—first prize, Mrs. T\ H. King. The judges for the horses, cattle, and sheep, were—.T. Bainbridge, G. Hawke : and— Anderson, for pigs ; and the remainder of the exhibits ; R. Rent, W. J. Harris, Major Lusk, and \V. Flavell. THE T>INN Ell. At live o'eloek about tifty gentlemen set down to an excellent dinner, served by host Campbell in his best style. Captain Hamlin, the President, oecup'cd the chair, and Captain Harris the vice-chair. After justice had been to the good things provided, andthe eloth having been removed, the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were ♦hunk and responded to. The toast to the memory of the late Supcrintendeutwasdrunk in solemn silence. The toast to " The lunch and Mar of New Zealand" was responded to by 11. C. Rarst.,w, Ksij., R.M., in an able speech.—" The House of Representatives," by .Inseph May, Fs<|., M.H.R., who said he had only been to the Assembly one year, for which he received I'loO, which he thought ■was too much, lie thought the great light of the next session would be the abolishment of the provinces. If they went in fordoing away witli all the provinces lie would join them. lie thought we Could do without IVovincial (Government, although the General Government was not more economical than the other, but he believed we were overgoverned.— "The Army and Navy, and Colonial Forces" was responded to by Captain Alexander.—The Secretary then read the prize list, as above.—Mr. C. Husking proposed "The Health of the Judges." He was sorry we had not more to shew them.

The improvement in horses was not so much a* he M ould wi.-h to sec, but he believed there were better cattle in the district than were exhibited ; it wanted more eo operation to make agricultural matters go on as they should do. There were too many of our would-be leading men indifferent about the matter, -which he was sorry to say. He concluded by proposing the health of the

•fudges. Drank with cheers.—Mr. Rainbridge, in responding, said lie was pleased with he .show, alt hough the horses and cattle Were not so good as he could wish to have seen. The sheep and pigs were really excellent.—Mr. Anderson also responded.—Mr. Rent, a.s one of the judges of the pigs, said he had never sen better in the province, and congratulated the district. He was glad to learn that a gentleman from Auckland had bought some of them to improve their breed. The potatoes were first-class. The fruits were especially good, although the entries were not numerous. He pointed out several alterations, which he thought the stewards might improve on, in arranging the exhibits. —Mr. liai 'tow, in an able speech, proposed " The health of the Successful Competitors."

He said he expected to see more exhibits. He considered the sheep and pigs admirable, but was great!y disappointed at the show of dairy produco, of which be considered himself a judge. There was no cheese. He made a lengthened speecli of the advisability of cultivating and manuring the ground.— Messrs. Hamlin, Mai-shall, Bischoff, C. T. Barriball, Hosking, Sclby, and others responded in the usual way. Mr. Moore also responded, and proposed "Tlie Unsuccessful Competitors."—Mr. Hodge proposed "The Kindred Societies," which was responded to by Mr. May, who made a few remarks on the show, particularly with reference to the grain, which he considered was very good. He was glad to see one of our settlers who might almost be called a new-comer exhibiting so many articles. He referred to Mr. Marshal], and was glad to see liim carry off so many prizes, and thought he deserved very great praise.—Mr. I ledge proposed

"The Ladies," which was responded to by Mr. Chappell in a humorous speech.—Mr. Green proposed "The Press" in a happy speech, which was responded to by Messrs. S. Barriball and .T. < 'happell ; and the Chairman proposed the health of "The Host and Hostess."—Mr. Campbell re-ponded, which brought the meeting to a close. —[Own Correspondent, February 24.]

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4146, 26 February 1875, Page 3

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THE WAIUKU AGRICULTURAL SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4146, 26 February 1875, Page 3

THE WAIUKU AGRICULTURAL SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4146, 26 February 1875, Page 3