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Wholesale Druggists. Kempthorne, PROSSER, & CO., SUOOEKSORJ) TO H. «k Ei VOUNGMAW & CO.. Wholesale Druggists, Drysalters, and Druggists Importers of Drops, Chemicals, Druerists' Sundries In every variety, Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Brushware, Perfumery, Cordial Makers' Goods of all descriptions, Brewers' Isinglass, Corks, Tinfnils, Wire*, copper and tinn»* BoilM ami Raw Oil, Patent Mo'lumuh Agent*. ALWAYS ON SVLE, ANI> A«IF.KTS FOll— Dr. De Jongh's Owl Livor (Ml : Chlnrodyne, ColliJ Urown.-'j; !:owl.;i,«r» Preparation: BMiop's Citrate of Magnesia: an.t I.iiMn'a P-rfuniory: Mtecilman l Po».lw: K.-»miik> I It'll Bops, r.iirri)B«s..inrl !c.«-cttc»l<> Grinault'a Krfich .Prep orations; Torchons I reneb Metliuines: Whrlpton's Pills: Singleton's Sarsaj arilia; Or. Churchill's Remedies for Consumption: Palmers WaJ-hingCompoundj.Judsou'sand Mather's Dyes; Jack* son'* Ben*tn<« and Cements: (Hair's Pilla; frau.pton's Pill*; Cockle's Pills; Holhnvjty's Medicine* : Dinn-ford'a • havrr's Soaps and Perfumery; Culvert's Car!»olie Acid; Murray's M<tgu<»sia; Rimmtdl's u d Gosnell's Perfumery T-avp . iid's, Bristol'*. and Ayer's Sariyimrilla: r.t; Painkiller-ftr &r i riT'HtES: I 3TArrom>-»i r.r» ». nexnov, ani- Vun..uiA-*no- et, I \f( IvLANH. £HONSUMPTION. — Chest Akfixtion. DR. CHUUCIULL'S SYRUPS OK IIYPOPHOPIIATK 01-' LJ.VK SODA, AND lUON*. recommended by tht leading Physicians in Europe. Agents: KK.MPTHORNE, PRO3SER & CO. PEAR'S CELEBRATED SOAPS, PERFUMERY, and TOILET REQUISITE.- alway n Ftock and on Sale by the Wholesalo Agruts. KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. Horses. —ltkct. jamks's buster, used in her Majesty's Cavalry Regiments, patronised by Major-General Sir Charles Dalbiac, Inspector General of the Cavalry Forces, and highly eulogised by Professor Coleman in his report to the Adjutant-General. Its great ellicacy in all cas< s where blistering is usually applied is well known: and its celebrity has extended to all tho great studs throughout the world. No horse will gnaw it. In use 40 years. Caution.—None Genuine without the Signatures of tho Proprietors. VL S. & J. Jamkn aroon the top label of every pot. Wholesale Agents; KEMPTHORNE. PROSSER &CO. LLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTER, A CURATIVE HOST IN ITSELF. Superior to Spanish Fly Blister, or any Blister, or any Rubefacients or Stimulating Liniments whatsoever. Wholesalo Agents: KEMPTHORNE PROSSER & CO. WESTON'S WIZARD OIL. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, NEUIIALGIA, AND GOUT. WESTON'S WIZARD OIL was first introduced to the Australian public in ISG4, and the wonderful and mjaterious influence it exhibited in stopping tho most excruciating Pains, Aches, and Infirmities is well known. If you are suffering from Rheumatism, try a dose of Wizard Oil internally twice a day, and bathe externally over the parts atfectcd (using the Oil freely), it will not only cure the pain, but will remove the cause of tho dlseaso. If you aro afflicted with Neuralgia, Head-ache, or Tootli-acho, apply the Oil to the part* affected as per directions cncloted with each bottle. If you have Diarrlia>a, want of Tone, or relaxed state of the Bowels, tako a fow doses of Wizard Oil and they will soon be restored. If you have a Burs, keep the parts covered with cotton saturated with Wizard Oil. This will in a short time draw out the fire and euro the pain. If you have a pain in the Breast, Side, Back, or Kidneys, bithe the pa.rts affected night and morning with tho Oil, and take two or three doses internally. weston's magic pills (sugar coated). This great medicine may be used according to nuture's requirements. We point with confidence to long duration and wide-spread reputation as proofs positive of public appreciation. Wholesale Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER k CO. "DARUY'S TRICOPII ERUS FOR THE HAIR Will restore the thinnest and harshest hair to full vigorous bear ty. For 70 years it has been in constant OS9, aod wo know of no c&so where it failed. Try it. Try it. BARRY'S SAFE HAIR DYE Is clear and cleanly. It has only one bottle, and gives no trouble in applying; is exquisitely perfumed, and dyes any shade from light brown to black, and is warranted not to contain lead or any injurious in. gradients. BARRY'S PEARL CREAM, the most wonderful and innocent of all preparations for beautitying the Face, Hands, Neck, and Arms. It does not produce a chalky, pallid white, but gives to fad< d cheeks the rich, healthy BLOOM OF YOUTH. BARRY'S MARFILINA, For Beautifying and Piieseiivino tiie Teetii, Pekfuminc. the Breatu, and Hakpenin« tub Gums, is the best article for removing Tartar, Canker, Scurvy, and all other diseases or substances injurious to the Teath, Its taste is most agreeable, imparting peculiar sweetness to the Breath, and insuring to the Teeth the most beautiful and pearly whiteness. If used regularly will positive preserve the Teeth and Gums (n a sound and healthy condition to extreme old age. Wholesale Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER AND CO. TO ARRIVE, PER ' COSPATRICK,* •ASSAYK,' 'GLENLORA,' ' WARWICK/ AND 'DILHAREE/ FROM LONDON; AND 'SUNLIGHT/ FROM NEW YORK :— 280 Packages, consisting of—Confectionery, Corks, and Lubin's, Gosnell's and RimmeVs Perfumery, x*«ncy Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs. .Tooth Brushes, Pateui Medicines, Glassware, Maw's Sundries, Drugs and Chemic«ia, Ayer's Medicines, Barry's Tricopherous and Hair Dye, y\ R. J. C. AY E H'S Celebrated MEDICAL PREPARATIONS M*y be obtained of all Chemists and Storekeepers throughout the colony. AYER'S CATIIARTIC SUGAR-COATED PILLS (in olaks bottlkm). These Pills contain every medicinal proporty doslrable for tho cure of Indigestion Costivenftss, Headache, and Liver Complaints. AYER'S COMPOUND CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, on-3 of the most effective Alteratives ever produced for Purifying the Blood, and the Curo of Scrofula Ulcers, Humours, Skin Diseases, and FemAlo Disorders. Tho abovo being purely a Mediclno, and not a beverage, On© Bottlo is far more eilicacious than any Saisaparilla hitherto offered to the public. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, an Anodyno Expectorant,, and reliablo Antidoto or Colds, Conghs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Crcup, and all Pulmonary Diseases. AYER'S AGUE CURE, & dost efficient remedy in Agues, Chills Fever CUinus Affections, and Derangemont of the Liver. AYER'S HAIU VIOOUP, FOR Restoring the Natural Vitality and Colour of the Hair, is cot a dye, nor does it possess any coloring matter oi otfensivo substance whatever, neither will it soil the most delicAte fabric, but is an agreeable dressing to the hair, promotes its luxuriant growth, giviug it richness ana beauty, removes baldness, and invariably restores Faded or Grey Hair to its original colour. Tho above olegant preparations have long been strongly recommended by the Medical Profession, and command a world-wide reputation, which is sufl-cient gurantee of their utility and genuineness. Ayer's Almanacs, containing instructions for the trestment of all classo of diseases, may be had gratuitously on application to all Chemists amd Storekeepers. Wholesale Agents, Auckland: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. £JALVERT'S CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP. This lluld is offered to the Agricultural public as an etllcient and harmless substitute for tho poisonous con.pounds now in use. It ia freely used and highly inri'hM hfln ? reat , llritain . Holland, Rm l Australia; J? J. en J ouml V "T efflraclons in tho treatment of bcab in Sheep ai d Mango iu Horses. Dora, and Cattlo, and for llig destruction of Parasiies, as llco tici, fleas, Ac., upon the skins of animals. WholeuU Acuta: XBMJTHOENE, PROSSER|AND CO.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4128, 5 February 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4128, 5 February 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4128, 5 February 1875, Page 4