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Fine Arts, Etc. OHROM O-LITHOGRAPHS, ETC. W. PHILLIPPS & SON, 12. WYNPHAM-aTiitrr. W. T. and Son have just opored, ox ' Assaje,' a Large Assortment of c II II o JIO-L1 T II O G R A P H S, linbracipg every variety of subjects, after the most eminent Ariiats. Also, some beautiful specimens of COLORED I'II0'l'0(;l;APHS AND LITJU 'GRAPHS. Including 1>»« ■'»»" ar.d o1°" and bavin* a large varied stock 01 ( ( T M O U L D I N G S I'., fel* ct fr- in, xnv of the above cm be framed to order. m-Fl'll\NiilV(iS t-V EVERY DESCRIPTION ' .V QUALITY A: I) DE-IGN. Scnm a<\. IMati' .nul -hoot Glass. White i«. d. oil I''* Lruslns. c . I'atent Silicate I'.o'nt, « xide of Ir- n, \ntir •ro>sive Paint, Hiiil :U1 ters -..n«lrie«. W. PHILLIPPS & SON, OIL. COD 'I'll, AND MERCHANTS, li. u ymllKiin .-troet, above tho Hkkalu OHice stationers and Booksellers. £JHA M PTALOU P & 00 OP Eli, STATIOXi:ItS & UOdKSELLEIIS. VNT gOO KS, All Sizes, lluliiiFS and UindiiiKfl. CHOOL O O K S and requisites. jc, u u j: k x-s tis k kt, (ri ositE Sew Zealami Insi-raxck 81-ILI.INCS. FOl: THE BENEFIT OT THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IS THE TiIOVINCE, ; and to supply a want long felt bv them, tho undersicned brpa tu intimate that he has Opened un Establishment, next to Messrs. Hewin Brothers, at the Coiner of Queen and Wcllesley-streets, for tho Sale of Catholic Hooks. Newspaper®, Tic- ; tuTes, iVc., and hopes the cause will meet with that j>atronage and support it d« serves. Stationery and School Hoolts.—JaMKS FLYNN. Paints, Faperhangmgs, <feo. ■pKOCLAMATIO N. NEW rAPERHAMiINUS. EX 'FERNDALK' AND 'CHILE/ A choice seloctioa of tho ab«n-e now on view. and Uoiled in cask and drums WHITE LEAD in wood iron (various qualities) GLASS- Rough, Plate, Fluted, Enamelled, BtJiined, and slioet COLORS— Burnt and Raw Sienna and Vaodyko Urowu tin oil and vrai« r) VARM?HES House, Coiieb-paiuters' and Cabinet mak« rs* Methylated Spirit TUItrS, English and American Clock nnd CempASS Glasses, Scrim and Calico. Gold Leaf, Bronze, r.rn*hware, Glue, Whiting, Mixed Paints, aadthe virions other article.?, too numerous to mention, required in the trado J. II ENI»ER-SOX, Oil and Color Merchant, 07, Queen-street. N.U.—Country orders will meet with prompt attention. T> A X 1 K R II A N G I N' G S. HOI-LAX D ~AXD BUTLER 'Osfonl,' their First Shipment of New Patterns for 1574 and 1875. Also, ex ' Citv of Auckland,' 50 000 FEET CILT AND STAINED PICTUREFRAME A>'D ROOM MOULDINGS, which for quality cannot be surpassed in Auckland. White Lead, Oils, Trurs, Varnishes. Brcszies Window Glass; In fact, everything required in the painting trade can Ve obt*ine«l at iIOLLAND aSD BUTLER'S. Oil, Cc-lor, and Glass Merchants, Picture-Frame Makers, »fec., •JS and SO, VirroitiA-sTiiKKT, Auckland. Chocolate. WATERS' SOLUBLE CHOCO- - LATE —A Bkveraoe roR rni jfe,Heai.thv, the Invalid, and c ° v -S&/ valescent.—Tiiis preparation owtt lt "l characteristic properties and fine aroma /£, t he use of tlio choicest Trinidad and>Jcv>/c'ar»cc»a Mbs, and of being carcfully fresh cvtiry day. according to/ % r ,. ceipts. It will bo found reyZ, oratin?. and is testimr.nlaU: on account b, lnl . ( rlo f ro m the fatty, oily sutehn XV 01 T taincHi in the Yact?° U possesses c> /requisite quality to ensnre , a permanent X\/ and popularity. | "°»d at Watkrs', Confectioner, Queen Jtreet, 2s. Cd. per lb. A 11 .ilicount on parcels over 12 lb. E. WATERS, ONFECTIONER, S QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. "Having trkd Mr. Waters' < hocolate, I faid it to be verj and believe it to be nutritious and easily digestible, being free fiotn fat aud other im. purities so often found in tin; imported article. (Signed) "THOS. B. KKNDFRDINE, " M.K.C.5..L..&C. " Auckland, 9th June, 1874." " Sir, —The Chocolate of which you sent mo a sample makes a very pleasant and nutritious beverage. It is free from nny unwhoh some admixtures and it! flavour is exc -Uunt, equal to that of any French Of English Chocolate.- Yours, &c., Ac., "F. A. HARTMANN, M.D. * Auckland, 20th June. 1574." Medical. HAYWARD'S JSKW DISCO VERY, SELF-AID FOR INVALIDS. THE TREATMENT AND MODK OK CUItK. IIOW TO USE SUCC£SSFULLY (With Safety and Success), In all cases of veakneas, low spirits, despondency, languor, exhaustion. (k)Altty oss of strength, appetite, decay of the nerve structures, loss of vital power, functional ailment* arising otu various ixccsscs, ft clings of exhaustion, ctc.,cfc. WITHOUT MEDICINE, THE NEW MODE Re-animaUs and revives the failing functions of life, and thus imparts energy and fresh vitality to the exhausted and debilitated constitution, and may fairly be termed Tll K FOUN TA I N O F HEAL TH. THE LOCAL & NERVINE TREATMENT Imparls tone and vigour to the nervous syttem, and possesses liighly re-animating properties; its influence on tlie secretions and functions is spt edily manifested, and in all cases of debility, nervousness, depression, palpitation of the heart, trembling in the limbs, pains in the back, Ac., resulting from over-taxed energies of body or mind, Arc. Full printed instructions, with pamphlet and diagrams for invalids, post free, '25., from tJ.c sole invntor and patentee. Dit. 11 AY WARD, M.R.C.S., L S.A., &c., York-street, Poitman-square, London, W. (Registered in terms of tho Now Medical Act.) JQ E A E N E S S. 'J'he undersigned lias a recipe from the Chief Aurlit of the Royal Dispensary for Diseases of tho Ear, I e in-stre«*t, Sobo. London. On reccipt of a remittance he will forward the Chemical*, coinprnnded by a distinguished Auckland Chemist, with full directions for use. it has entirely cured scversl parties aillicted with this distressing complaint. He lias been publicly thanked in tho Auckland newspapers; and a gentlemen in Otago, whom it had cured, has sent him £10 for a quantity to transmit to Melbourne. It is nn infallible cure if the tymx>anum of the ear is not destroyed. Printed copies of testimonials forwarded post frto. T. B. HANNAFORD. High-street, Auckland. Produce, Seeds, Bone Dust. Q LOVER-SEEDS. OLOVER-SEEDS. Now landing, ex 'Dilharree' and 'Warwick/ and for Sale at the Haymarket, New Clover S«*eda (growth and purity guaranteed), at tho following prices per lb. I per lb. White Clover . . Is. -Jd. Rape . . . . os. Cd. Al -ykj .... Is.'Jtl. ;cr lush. • ' \v 1 -iviss . . . Is. LM. ] Poverty Fay Rye ltrd i l'ivor ... Is. Oil. L Grass, superior Lucerne .... Is. Cd. | sample . . . Ss. Od. Timothy . . . . os. Ud. ] Christchurch do. 7s. Od. Trefoil . . . . Oa. Od. [ Cocksfoot. . . 10s. Od. ALFRED BUCKLAND.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4127, 4 February 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4127, 4 February 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4127, 4 February 1875, Page 4