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[Bv Electric Telecui.u'u.] [FROM OKI: OWN COUKESrOXIIENT.J CAMP, PAHA WAT, Wednesday, 110011. Immediately after breakfast the men were paraded to compete for the I Oth or .Marksmen's Match, and for this there were 110 less than 59 competitors. As will be seen from the scores at tiie 700 yards range, the shooting was very bad indeed, many of the crack shots not making double figures. Such bad shooting as some of the representatives have made during the contest causes them to be very indifferent now that the belt is won, and this is hardly tobe wonderedat, inasmuch as every minute of the day complaints can be heard respecting the ammunition. It is not only with regard to the quantity of powder varying, but it is the irregular cartridges, and this has happened so often when a man is pretty well up that the competitors have lost all coniidencc in themselves. It is to be hoped that in any future competition steps will be taken to have a supply of ammunition that can be relied upon, or many who qualify will refuse to compete. Another cause of complaint in this match is that the telegraph wires are in the line of lire, and in many instances the wire has been struck. The SOO yards range of this match will be finished this afternoon, and afterwards a sweepstakes between the crack small-bores. To morrow will be the All Comers' Match, and as many Auckland and Thames men have entered, it is likely to prove one of the most interesting matches in in the contest. The following were the items completed after yesterday's despatch :— The winners yesterday of the 12th or Moving Target Match are — Hoskins, Thames, 54 points ; McKee, Thames, 40 ; McKenzie, Otago, 45 ; Leigh, Auckland, 44: Gallagher, A.C., 43; Morley, A.C., 42. The Sth or Skirmishing Match was tired yesterday afternoon, anil the men were divided into live squads, each selecting their own captain. A squad contained thirteen men, with thirteen targets. Competitors to tire at any target, as the squads would receive the points and not the individual. Ten minutes and thirty rounds of ammunition allowed to each. Seven minutes were really devoted to the liring, the remaining three occupied in moving from point to point. There were three ranges, from 200 yards to 500 yards. Xo. I Centres. Outers. Hits. TJCaptain Hamlin.. .. lUo 1-42 12G -!!.S Captain Oeildes .. .. 174 112 114 400 Captain Murray.. .. 207 122 130 459 Sergeant Grant .. .. 105 12S 122 412 Liyut. Hoskins .. .. 12t> 12a 107 In Hoskins's squad, one man never fired a shot ; the nipple of his ride fouled. Captain Murray's squad : first prize, £15: Captain Hamlin's squad : Second prize, £10.

Mel-iren and Fenton tied with 21 points for the It.mge prize ; but as the former ina<lc I ' the least outers lie became the winner. S p.m. Tin- Sl yards "f the Marksmen's Match u;i. unified this afternoon, and the shooting, ] with iv exceptions, was worse than tills ] , ;i . miljil, a large nnmbcr having retinal. ,

Two iiri/cs nut of the three come to the j Thames. viz.. Ommly, tirst prize : Pey. I jiri/f : and (lascoiirne thir l prize. ) H..-kms tied with Gascuigno. lmt the latter j had *niters l>cy, with IS points, took [ ihe range prize. A ir.u.-t interesting srr.rJMixre ma*ch came . ,>•_] the conclusion ot the Marksmen's , i...i:.-h, 1-ttueenthe cracksmen of the Xorth j a:. 1 S«.uth Island, ami. so far as the contest ; ha* ll<«?kin>. Walker, ami Churton are ; a'.-.i i"! I'hristie ami Wilson. (Joldiewould competed. hut his rille lias not yet ! arrived. j The >ho,.ting <•£ Hopkins at the -100 yards ; r.i:;fe wa-magniiicenr. he having made twelve j h ;!! < eyes. includin.: the twosighting-shots. i The TOO ami SCO yards ranges have only : \<vk:: iiied. The I*oo yards range will be c"i.te>tcd some day this week, when the ; targets ean he got. : Nanjos. 7» yd>. SCO yds. Tl. ■ H *%in?OVhitworth rifle 4414444444 3134444343 7»1 '■ w.i'kvr Kijbv rifle .. U34344 44: : ;; 44a M 43444 72 , 1 hu-rsm rirlt-) .. 43*4314*43 43J*343434 71 * iMitfc-nl riUo' .. 443w33i4 343i334;;33 07 ; Wil<.,.n Ingram rille; .. 3444444444 43034343v0 Co ' I v'KANTKV I'IIAMPIONMIIT.—.VIiS'I-UT OK | >«. OKK< AND MO.NKV 1»1:IZE>. Match Totals.

THE MONEY rKI7.ES. i The total amount «'f money attached to . the rhampion-hip matches was iJiMH. divided as f« .Hows : —Seeond match, i'S4 : third « match. t"20; fourth match, I*2o ; tilth watch. i.*2o ; .sixth match, i'oi) ; seventh ; match. £l (, 0 ;to which iuu»t h-_- added gold medal and Champion licit for rirst ! arebate in all matches; i andX.K.A. •diver medal fur sciviid ; £30 and jsiver medal, third ai-irregatc ; and CJ."i and fc-ilvcr medal, fourth abrogate,—making a errand total f..r the licit of £-134. This ■ amount was divided au"<nL' tlie winners a* : follows : —Skinner, t'7S ; Klder. iT>4 : Wilson. IT,I ; (loHic, i'H ; Wythe, .I'2l ; ' tulhrjit. £1H : 1'lS; lloskins, £17; Armstrong, ill.'*; Kenton, i'lo ;, £10 : Morlev, ; I*S ; Fox, £7 ; McLxveii. il'i; Tomliusoii, ,t'«i ; Christie, £•"» ; * -tw ; (want, 1T»; Murray, A.C., -i~>; s. £5 ; McJlridc, £3: Armstrong, i ±o ; lirundy, 1M : ltyan, L'.i; Murray, ; r ] hames. ; MeLeod, .12; Vumell, £2; ' i>ichards<jii, £1. j r.vVALKY C HAM HONSHU 4 . ,

The above tables t-liew the totals of the 'iiih-rcnt iiiatch'-s, on the aggregates of which ! ] e:iile4l the mo.-t interesting events of the ' iiieetiiig—i.aimly, the (_'ha:;i[i:on Uelts. l'or t.'ie Infantry IVlt six jnatches were lircd—in all lit, shoz-% the highest possible score attain ible being -VJS points ; so it will be seen that not one representative has made an of centres. For the f "avalry Chani-pi'ii.-'-.'iip f'i(; r r:,atehes Were tired, einbraciiig -i-"i s.'iots. the higi.est possible aggregate attaiii.dile being licit has bceJl takdl with a score of 14~i— the average being still -iiia'k-r than the Infantry.

Tenth, or Marksmen's Match. 70" v(!s. Ti. Keys ... ... 0003033 'i Lieutenant Darriball * M. Iiarrit;all 0403KW 7 0 ollard 4340340 20 Kicharilsun ... ... 402-i2i2 20 Clark 0443303 17 Mackenzie ... ... ••• C0u;> 2 Svkca . 00"2ii2 14 Brown ... 3:.>2222 13 Ga tjfiine ... 2(iX»:;0 13 Felitou ... S424242 21 • iallaslier 0032u20 7 skinner 3024123 14 Kiuijswell OR20430 Mnrtelli 00"2 o Retired. Morris 4000333 12 Hamlin 00233U0 S> l'urnell 2034032 12 Kountree 0422202 14 C'r.nt 00320 Retired. CU.ise 02201:03 7 McLean 33'>21' 3 15 .McLaren 3233412 21 [SI itch 4 3I-.0 0 7 Captain Murray 0000 Retired. Goldie 20OSO33 I 1 NVlsnn S2'2ov03 10 ChatUia 2340302 M I.t-igh F.32U3 3 11 Me-jphv 4000040 S FuX 02-0 "2 <; lireer ... 4002420 1Uiuei 2440313 McLeod 0332422 1 ,: Thompson j: 3034 22 H Grundy 3230333 } • Murray, A.C 33ii»)22 12 Kenouf 022 333 » Munyard 0S3 003 - Sutton .. ... ... ... OOOvO Retiifld. G onion 0003402 J Armstrong... 3230;30 15 Blvthe 0000083 Partington * McKee OC42itO Marshall - 000-v30 J

■~T~~ 0080322 10 "'S.ll "Thames) 2023023 12 CunrittU 0000340 7 403*'»2«3 20 " 0?un5 4432000 13 I"* H000433 13 2302*234 13 Vtfmvi " 0020043 0 ' 01 "' 2430004 13 hriik-e* 0022044 12 r, 4 °*; 2000020 4 }; ,s f:r i i t . 2030020 7 V 2430200 11

N. k u;r-. j<ls. Tl. \ T • • -i u.t i'.arriball .. C> 20 : . ;;Vt1 3020320 S 26 1 kvu.U • 04"3-J:;2 U so ; /,Vkr Woo. 40 4 21 f o;:o.x'io 7 21 , • v v., C2:;o -2-i io 23 , \, C ,.- S iw 2233.v\; it; ."a ♦ «0'O203 26 t • tT 03vf.0 -2 S 22 c MtH- :>2'N.V04 !> 21 , r ■' 'no 2i<XW.\ 12 20 1 I-. .. t U .. . .. 320i:k»0 10 21 !-,( 020ui.t? 7 l(i \ 't: a ' 40<.>v333 13 2* Unirt-.l. M,'k,e Co:j034ii 10 22 .. .. 002 Retired. i': IK 11, TluiuKS.. .. 2032000 7 111 H -k:n« 0034v3> 10 i'.y 4333123 is 31 1 >■•}»• r .. .. .. . Ouo Urtiivtl. ii.iy (Xh-c103 7 20 ' r .:r!;?sson .. .. .. t'OO 1 .. .. Pv2222>> >> 20 i v.-rti- " o-> lirtircd. 1 .McllvMe OWiV'.'O 0 7 1 M. -rl* v r> 17 , I'artiiu'.na 0-X> Kotired. ; Mcl.,:ui '»« IS 30 1 .1. MrLiivn i\»03' v.i 0 24 C 0-t>2.;03 8 1> J. chViklin v<>3t20 i) -2:i J l' !!'.»::«*."2 7 2 *J \ Mcl.'iil JO 2»: 1: ■ '.v .. .. .. l.*> 32 - 1\:: ''if C\W""0 U 0 t

1111! I! : SAMK, LTC". S tr, «£ = lini^ >k:r::<rr, Awcklu:il .. M 31 23 32 50 Ill 313 KM-r AC 01 31 -27 24 03 1m7 3*3 .. .. :u 24 .J ..» o? 3k> .. .. 5? -'2 57 l'.'i 3 *■ Hoskins. Thames .. ."0 32 32 :>3 101 3vO Ami s Thames .. 5.* SO 2» 20 *"4 0> 3'.'5 Gilbert, A.C t-3 33 54 1"-' 304 lllythe, A.C i-v*. 37 -J." 2-J 02 00 J'.rj Lruh, Aut/kl.iuJ .. 00 30 20 25 01 o' 2:»> k v « Thame*.. .. CO 2$ 23 20 ."7 103 -270 ' Chw. A A*. •• 03 34 25 23 i>7 04 2V0 «,aUffixr A.C'. .. 03 33 1> :ii 54 JO 2f>5 irlrv. A A: • .. '-4 2:> 21 3'"> 50 1»0 2» M -I.. • ••'.. T:J .. 50 2 1 2 > "J- ."1 '» 2s» n A-.-kUn-l 50 2".' 17 2-r. McltvMe. 52 32 20 27 4? y» 2*3 j itch o:u:u .. .. 5< 34 20 40 ?;» 2>2 ♦ Lr;s:ii». .. 52 30 2"> 2-.> 50 t-i 2*2 Thi:r..- .. 43 27 23 "20 50 100 2*1 >utt.>n. Marlhor-rach .. 0-J 32 17 20 4S i»7 2?-j T'.'t»lin**a. .. 4s 31 2f. li 01 t«7 2>0 • Th.uue? .. 50 -'J 25 2> 50 27'.' Uichar«:?OD, «'t *> .. 54 33 2- 24 50 S3 27; virij. .. 55 2.*. 22 24 55 05 270 <;-,rdou.Thames .. 54 30 20. 21 57 r"4 .Mclean, Th-uucs .. o? 3'/ 2.'. 20 ".4 *1 274 Nd area, ouuo .. .. 31 30 24 31 57 100 273 Purnell, Wellington .. 44 20 25 r.f> -,7 '.-2 -272 <;rant, .. 02 27 20 Hi .'3 >.*. 2<i:» Hamlin, NVaiuku .. :>1 30 27 17 s0 2«.7 L'urus, .. f>4 22 21 45 1*0 2''•• > Uuu.Us A.C 4I» 31 21 24 44 !'3 2*>: (lav, Auckland .. 47 20 2"» 27 40 i»0 2-iO Fox, Caatcrburr .. iG 30 22 32 i» ?4 -.>'i KiuffSWclJ, X'UtLiiDd 50 20 24 24 4'j b2 20J •:rccr. Nni.i. r.. .. 43 27 20 L'2 DO. iC» 2'U: iii-c i.-n.' AC. .. 01 i: 17 2f. <\t 2'13 W.llii;gtoa .. .*3 33 21 11' ."*• i*J 'J02 l:ri»no. Thaws .. 43 3-"> 22 30 ;*»4 t2 *^01 Til•• 57 34 24 27 43 70 201 .. 4-> 32 23 »-•: r.5 J?7 200 Mar.W.'rouch .. M 32 27 1"- 53 51 25'.' l:-'u-uf. r .. 0" 20 21 2!» ;..i oo 2*/7 A.f 4- 2"; 2'*. C» 43 >7 2.*0 Iiluck. aivku.. .. 47 2*» 21 43 .-7 2.*.0 t>-v, l'hmi- > .. 52 30 24 2S 44 7? 2.%0 tlnindv, Th\ii)-i .. 43 *j*.» :;u 14 4? i«l 255 l;urj?.'NeL- 'U .. .. 41 34 23 21 40 '.») 255 ri'l?.-, WtrSll:tn'l f.l 2l* l'» 21 45 77 255 Kvan. A.C 40 20 -0 2i 4s 70 251. Murrur. A.C . .. 2a 35 21 25 52 50 253 ift-aj/aV, Wf.stlaa«l .. 4s :<1 2«» 24 51 7> 232 Johnston, ltar.iritik^i.. M 20 23 2-"» 43 M 25'.' Morris, unjro .. .. 51 31 -Jl *.y 43 7w 25o McKeczie, .. 47 31 23 21 45 7'j 240 Cl.irkt\ Thames .. 3- 3'.' 10 :«• 52 7o 245 Colenjan, Waikato 4«j 31 20 Co 41 7< 245 l{«'antrt-", Wellington 45 :2 17 10 57 74 241 WVUingtcn 41 20 24 U» 43 ?3 237 Thompson. Ot.i.o 35 27 In 24 5«» h') 237 Marl-lla. -Marll>or'.uph 55 27 2-; 24 44 01 237 ■ Fairhrother.C mtvrburv 4* 23 24 17 40 00 22". CampUli, A C 4'"' 20 24 ]7 31 07 2'"s .McKee, Than!*-" .. 3r 20 17 3.5 71 2-nj C"ll.i-<1, — — — 54 !»0 144 (burton, Wai.jariui - -12 04 l3o NfeU-n, Thames .. 10 30 10 22 — - 117^

1 * ■= -e S NiME, £T. . ■n ri = ri 5 Vfin l'o»*ln:tz, A.(*'. .. -U 2'J 21 1 14;, J. liarriball. H'aiuku .. :;."i JO l'-'I no I.ieut I lirrilall, AVaiuku 37 -J- 2". 4< 13s 1 Keys, A.C. .. .. 34 2- 2'J I'.i l:s7 [ t •.riiiell. .A 30 30 2>j ii i:;i : AV. r.ini'.ill. AVaiulu .. 25 -27 21 . r .7 13:>. Miils. l!jtn.ilik«*i .. 3v 21 h<> i:a A. Ilimtall, Wniuku .. 35 32 23 :ie i2» t ii.-.l.-e. Wni jk ' .. .. 31 2ii 20 51 l'.'s ' WaiS-ato .. .. 31 2-> £' 47 127 ; ). Waiuku .. au 32 21 44 12". i -'■■l-ns ». A.i; 3u 3'J 20 3.-> 12'J i 1; it-, ac 2<; 2; 20 17 lis . ).:Vu:. AVaiuku 2; 2! 2') 41 115 > t'U, A C 12 25 21 27 ss j

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4127, 4 February 1875, Page 2

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COLONIAL PRIZE-FIRING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4127, 4 February 1875, Page 2

COLONIAL PRIZE-FIRING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4127, 4 February 1875, Page 2