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Sales by Auction. MONDAY. FEEIiUAHY TARANAKI LAND SALE. MR. WM. COURTNEY Will Fell by auoti'in nt hit I!omm, Devon -street, on Monday, the 22-id February. Township of fitzroy—About so sections of this beautifully-situated spot, O J the bank* of the Waiwakaiho, being lj n; 11 ?* from the Town Post-otlice. ami twenty chains off the Meet Sand Works From each of the Fections there is a « di'ndid view of th>* sea on the one hand and Mount Kirnm't on the Other. . Tu«.n*v-one w: r*' t.visc of one of the most central nv'l .liifiMe liusinecß Sites In f>eV(iti.*trC(t, at per f,.,.t s feet » v feet fr« nt ik'-'. Ki\e pl-r did KreelmM A Hot invixt- in Courtenav-s-r.rt, foruierlv the pr't'Ortv af the R"v. J». Bavhy. Ore sp endid Freeh-Id Ml .tn.cnt in Two <t> l endid Frechoifl Al!ottiie?.t« in Leech stieet. Town IMt - 4} Acre's, adjoining th.» residence of 11. -ro'i.n E<«j.. bountleil bv the Hospital lioad and IK'titii lllver. «:• i-ti.-n-; No-. 1.r%7< and I,K?'». Pvnller-tre'i k , with a u.. f-tur-r'X'jjK'd ctta.*e ard fvo ehininn^. » hn t!m-Seeti-ns N<.«. in. and 0", c"mta : ning If.i cres, 4" of which havv> beeu ph>ughe<l and ffra^-d. 1 mir t'luv--st'eet - Two beiuti'ul P»uilding Mtc, i ;iihi-rt-*ir.-et -Corner -Vc ion \t». l.i'Ti*. with threet>"Mied cottage; also, 1.-vel Section No. 1 ad'oiu-ln?iiil»-rt s ir,H!-ll .)(ofSf. ii.,:i K" 1.077, with {ood four-rooiu.-d cottig«* . „ liilt e.t street- I ;.lf of Stciion Ko. 1,0.7, with wellbuilt house. . - t-ech and Flliott-streets-Corner >ectiou Sos. and i,. r ,3 •, >\it" substarjia' two-r- ouied cottago and garden. , ->i . .\ores Rush L*nd, -e'ti- n Sf». at the junction Of the '"arr. t» an«l FrankUv Koad-; a clearing of about lii.o-re. has been made. ' *cu- pri«c!]»dly bn-h, 150 and Huii.nui 1 >i-trie*. at th j ;nctio.i of t.o Ackwur'.h and Richmond Toad* Ai>o, \ «pl<M'.lid Invent men?, tw • adjoininc; tarms at Tatttrniir.aka. comprising acres; onelea«c ..f :<7S a.-r«'s has live v-.ars t.> run rn.iii the Is: May. 1-7.V r-'tit Mioiii-rato The otli.-r 1« >-0 li <3 npwaril of «-i. hteen vi-ara t. run. Then- is a incd. well-llUllt. si\ r..oinnd house: imrchasine clause about £4 P'-r wp. The «hole prujieily is font il iril anlidividetl. Sections in Kitzroy Town or Defeired I'aymoi.U. Sa\> a*. 11 o'clock. O T I C E. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND. NORTHERN DISTRICT. Between Josktu Howaud, Plaintiff; and Tiiomas Bkay, Defendant. Whereas, by virtue of a Wiit of Fieri Facias Issued in this action, and directed to me, ordering nio that of the real and p rs nal property of the above-aamed Thom as Bray, I should cause to be made the sum of £208 SsOd, together with interest on thesaid sum at the rate of per centum per annum from ths 14th day of November, 1574, together with £1 13s 4d for the said Writ, Sheriff's poundage, Officers* fee?, &c.: Now I do hereby give notice that I shall cause to be sold by FuMic Auction, by Richaiu> Artjii'H. at his Auction Mart, Queen-street. Auckand, on the 9:h day of March, lS7f>. at the hour of 12 o'clock unless the said debt of £20S 5s 0d and interest be sooner paid, together with the said sum of £1 13s 01. besides Sheriff's poundage, OfDcers'fee?, Ac.. All the Estft'e, Right, Titl»\ *nd Interest of the s*id TnoMAS Bray of, in, and to all that plccc or parcel of Land in th-' Province of Auckland, being lot number seventeen of section number one the subdivision into sections and lots of allotment nunifer nine of section seven, Suburbs of Auckland, rarish of Waitemata, and County of Eden, bounded on the north by lot four of said section number one, thirty-eight feet; on t'neeast 1 by lots eighteen, nineteen, and twenty of said taction j number one, one hundred feet; on the south by North-street, thirty-eight feet: and on thfi west | by lot sixteen of said section, one hundred ; fet-t; and, also, a'l tlut piece or parcel of j land in New Zealand aforesaid, comprising lots ' numbers three and four, of section number one, of the subdivision into lots of allotment nine, of jscction 1 number seven of the Suburbs of Auckland aforesaid, bounded on the nor'h by tho Karangahapc Road, seventy-six feet; on the east by lot numbor two of said subdivision, one hundred feet; c»n the south by lot number seventeen and put cf lot. number eighteen of said subdivision, seventy-six fe<*; and on the west by lot number Ove of said subdlvisi >n, one hundred feet: with all bul-dings erected upon the said pieces or parcels of land »*e«p'?ctive'y. Also, all the estate, right, title, and interest of the said Thomas Hhav of. in, and to all thnt piece or parcel of land in tho Province of Auckland aforesdd, containing by admeasurement thirty-eight acres two roods and twelve perches, more or less, and being allotments numbers one hundred and sixteen and one hundred and seventeen, of suburban farms, Parish of Waitemata, and County of Eden, bounded on the north by lot one hundred and thirteen, two thousand seven hundred and thirteen liuks; ou the east by a road, one thousand four hundred and twenty-eight links; on the south by lot one hundred and eighteen, two thousand seven hundred and thirteen links; and on the west by a road, one thousand four hundred and twenty-eight links; with all buildings erected upon thd said piece or parcel of land. Also, all that piece or parcel of land in the Province of Auckland aforesaid, situated in the Parish of Titirangl, County of Eden, and being allotments numbers fiftytwo and fifty-three, bounded towards the north by a road four thousand one hundred and eighty-eight links; towards the south-east by a line bearing southwest, two thousand one hundred links; ou the south by the centre of a stream bounding parts of lots sixtyfive and sixty-six; and on the west by lot fifty-seven, three thousand three hundred and seventy links; with ft!! lufdings erected upon the said piece or parcel of Iv&l Also, all that piece or parcel of land being lots rrjabe.-* one, two, and three, and another part of & suldiv'iijn of allotment seven, of section number suburbs of tho City of Auckland, Parish of WaUemata, and County of Eden, bounded towards tho east by Queen-street, one hundred and four feet; towards the north by a stream; towards the west by (lie Cemetery, one hundred and liftem feet; and towards tho south by lot number four of said subdivision, one hundred and thirty-two feet six inches, with aU buildings erected upon the said piece or parcel of land, and also .all that parcel of land being lot number twelve of section one of a subdivision of allotment nine, of section seven, suburbs of Auckland aforesaid, bounded on the north by lot number eleven of said subdivision, one hundred aud dxtten feet; on the east by a lino thirtythree feet; on tho south by lot number thirteen of said subdivision and section, one hundrod and sixteen feet; and on the west by West-street, thirtythree. frftt, with all buildings erected upon the SAld piece or parcel of land. And I further give notice that the Kstatc or Interest of the said Thomas Bray in rospcct of abovo mentioned lot seventeen, of section number one, of the subdivision into sections and lota of allotment nine, section seven, suburbs of Auckland, and of lots three and four, of section number one of the subdivision into lots of allotment number nlno of section number seven, of the suburbs of Auckland, consists of a life estate or interest or other legal or equitable estate or interest in tho said lots or hinds, and that the estate or interest of the said Thomas Bray in respect of the remainder of the above-mentioned lands consists of his equity of redemption or other equitable estate iu the said lands, and that all the said lots and Unds, and all the estates and interests of the said Thomas Bray therein and thereto, have been taken by me in execution at the suit of the said Joskpii Howard, the Execution Creditor. Dated 14th November, 1874. 11. C BALNEA VIS, Sheriff. Sa.huel Jackson, of Fort-street, in tho City of Auckland, Solicitor for tho said Joseph Howard. Photography. •JyJ' O T 1 c E . R. H. BARTLETT, PHOTOGRAPHER, Begs most respectfully to Inform his friends and tho public generally that ho has I RECOMMENCED BUSINESS EXTENSxVE NEW PREMISES OVER MESSES. J. t J. DICKEY'S. ' Auioini.mi xi;l City Halu

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 4