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Amusements, &c, JDRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Til IS (TUESDAY,' EVK.VIXC, G !*EAT M'CCESS <>F THT. 0 1 R A R D EN T E 15.I 5 . T A I X M K N T ! Til!'. C.IUAIiD FAMILY Re-jw>ctful!y riiiiwiiu-' that in c>iweqn-<!ic» nf t"no a IliltcrinK sure- s .•uttii'linir th.-'.r : iliey have leased the Piiu e of Wales i heatic for one week, * when they will h»w tli»s honour of ]>resc:.tii> ' this wonderful, saltatmial. gymnastic ]_ PANTOMIME ! As performed by th-n< l;*iOO nights in Fraiwo, Auierio.i. e and vustralia. und--rti.e yuisli- d pair- ri.ur-•, and by command of M 1 biers, Jx-Presi-hmt of tinVr.'rch Uepublic: Oeucr.d Cnnt, Pre-idei:t l\s.A.;Sir vleu. k\ Bow.»n, G<vt nor «f Victoria; Sir fttrcub.-s llohinson. Governor of .N'twS'Uth Walis; and Mr Maurice O'Connel), Governo. of Qweosland. IN AUDITION T«» TifK «v<>.n Eiiri i, VAI /ENTI NE JACOBS, TUB CELKBIIAT b PkESTII >IG IT \'VLVii \NJi 2 VENTKILOQI'IST, Will pres-.nt his Kl.i-ai.t and l-hiterfainmfiit. untitled, SCENES IN Tlll-; MAGIC CIKCJ.. , And 4 " I'U.VN Y PKOI'UO I HAVE MKT." MISS .MAGGIE KNIGHT, The Phasing Little ('..nimo-lionnc, in I er roevt-'ire of SUNOS AM) DANCES A PULL AND f.FKICIENi' OnCIIESTIiA. » Hcids of Families are resp-ctfully informed thai ! complete airaucemi nts h;iv« b.-eii uu»d.' f,.r thu couv«niencc and comfort <»r visitors t<» the Dresscircle, and their patronage is solicited. N.B.—Positively the L*ST Series of tl;ese I'liirjue Performances to be gv*-n in Auckland, the Girards being on their way to fulfil an important engagement in London. Prices of Admission— Dre?3 Circle, 4s; StaU-, -la fid; Pit, Is. Tickets f«-r Ueaervtd fur sale thr'ju ß'uout the week at Upton's. {"1 H O 11 A I- II A L L. GRAND CONCERT, IN- All>or TIIE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. THURSDAY, FEBKUAUY 4, 1575, AT S P.M., IIY THE AUCKLAND CIIORiL SOCIETY, ASSISTED BY MISS CHRISTIAN AND MRS. SMYTHE. P K O G P* A M M E. PAKT I. Selections from "Judas Maccabreus." Airs and Ducts, by Miss Christian .ml Mrs. Suiythe ; Choruses by the Choral Society. I»art 11. Concert Waltz, '' Barden Licde/' {Guns'l). Song, " Heating of My Own Heart" (McFatren] — j Miss Christian. Duet, " Te '1 Kanienti" (Camp*na)—Miss Christian and Mrs. Sraythe. Band, " Polonaise," with song (Kticker). Song, "Mountebank" i. Vivien)— Miss Christian. Duet, " O, Friend Beloved" (Nicolai)—Mi.-8 Christian and Mrs. Suiythe. Son*, " Onl> the Night Winds," from Contrabandista (Sullivan) Mrs. -ruythe. Chorum, " T/niahaiser" (Wazuer)— I Society. Front Scats, 4s : Ainpitheatre, 2s. Cd. Front Seats reserved on application at Messrs. Vpton and Co.'s. where a plan nny be seen. Tickets may be obtained at Messrs. Upton, Wayte, Chapman, "lurrell, at the 1 Rooms, and from Members of Committee. i LATE TRAINS, STEOIEKS, AND 'BUSES. Lectures. Lecture on samua and new GUINEA. The Rev. Gfouuh Hi-.oxvn hiving been dotuccd in Auckland till the d«'i)jr:\ue of the ' H»ro,' has consented, at the ht rcjui'stof his frends, to deliver a Second Lectvir*' in i'itt strt-et C'mrch, THIS* (Tuesday/ EVENING, Kcbruarj' 2, at 7.00 o'clock. , A collection will b«.» niadc at the close of the Lee- ! ture in aid of proposed Mission to New Guine\and ; Islands contiguous. I Meetings. I "VfEW ZEALAND AGHICULTUif AL -1.1 .SOCIETY. I The Mrnthlv "Meeting of this Society will be hold 1 at the Criterion Hotel, <Hnhuhu, THIS DAY (Tuesday). Und Febiuary, at 2 p.m. Busings-*: I o disc ss matters relative to the Sheep Inspection of the Auckland District. M. M. TAYLOU, Secretary. THE Annual Meeting of the Aucklan.l Dispensary will be held on TTlUUsday AKTKRNOON, at the Mechanics' Institute, at 4.30 o'clock, for the purpose of preseutiug Report, electing OUiccrs, aud general bnsinoss. R. B. SIIALDERS, Hon. Sec. I jy OIiTH KR N CL V ii. ; NOTICE. : The Annual Meeting of tho Members of the Club will be held on THURSDAY next, the 4th inst , at 4.30 p.m. BURTON' J. DAVKXSY ecret.iry. "VTIL DESPEItANDUM GOLD MINING J3l COMPANY (UEGISTEUED). An Extraordinary Meeting of Sharehol Tfrs of this Company will be held at the Company's ofliee, *-ho:t- ! land-street, / ucklan-l, rn WEDNESDAY, 17th day 1 of February, IS7», at 3 o'clock. ( ] Business : To sanction tlie sale of Company's* j property, and to pass a resolution requirm: tho , Coinp >ny to be voluntarily wound up, under the ll'ith j section of the Mining Companies Act, 2572 Bv order of the Directors. 1\ A. WHITE. Manager Auckland, Jan. 23, 1370. "VTEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMXl PANY (LIMITED). NOTICE. In accordance with the Articles of Association, a Meeting of the Auckland Shareholders in tli»' New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited) will be held at the Large Ro< in, New Zealand Insurance Company's Buildings, on WEDNESDAY, the 17th tobfiwry. .'it 3 p.m. Business:—To eh ct three Directors, and to form the Local Board for the current year. Proxies intended to lc exercised at this w«vt:nr must be deposited at the Company's Oflic-.- at le.t t hours before the tim* of m- eting. Nosharelndder i? qualified to be elected as a Director unless he give to the Secretary, or leave at the <.:lice not less than seven days before the day for election of Dirfctors, notice in writing under his hand <»i his willingness to be elected such Director. By order of the Local Directors. JOHN BATGEfI, Agent N.Z.S. Co. (Limited). Fine Arts, Etc. 0 HROM O-LITHOGRAPHS, ETC. AV. I'HILLIPI'S & SON, 12. WVNim.l M-.^TIiKET.^ W. V. and Son have just opened, ex * Assaye,' a Large Assortment of x C 11 Pi O M O - J. 1 T 11 O (i n A P II s, Embracing every variety of subjects, after tho ln'jst eminent Artiats. Also, 3omc beautiful specimeus of COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS AND LITHOGRAPHS. Including Don Jaa:t and Ilaidee, 0.H.M.5., itc., and having a largo and varied stock of GILT MOULDINGS To sel-ct from, 4ny of the above can be frataed to order. PAPERHANGINOS OF EVERY DESCItIPTIOX OF QUALITY AND DESIGN. Scrim, Hesaiaii, Ac., Plate ami Sheet Class. \\ hite Leiil, Oil PHints. Brushes, vc., ["Htcut hllicato P.iint, Oxide of Iron, Anticorossive Paint, and <dl Faintwr's Sundries. W. PHILLIfPS & SON, Olt., COLOUII, AND GLiVSS MEKCFIAXTS, 1:?, WvciUmui-atrect, above tho Bec.vlu Olli.e.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 1