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Medical. fet JJ'OK THE BLOOD IS THE LI£&» CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD FIXTURE. Trade Mark—" Blood Mixture" The Great Blood Pi-rifier .. .. i> For cleansing and clearing the blood 'f^S,*.* 1 ' impurities, cannot be too highly 7 For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Dh^S™andlirej cf Mkm niirVoir^: hn? aDd rs 3 ct Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck Cures Ulceratcd Sore Legs Cures Blackheads or Pimples on the Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures CRiHfr-nis Cuj.-» .atul okin - t -s Cures Glandular Sirelliaes. Clear s the Wood from all impure mitter 1 roni whatever cause ari*in" As this mixture is pleasant to tLe* tane and tr,r ranted free from anything injurious to W delicatc constitution >f either se.T w•* ™. solicits to giv_• i trW r ' V x .^^ nr ''- r THOUSANDS OF T'STI.V 0\ \iV. 'i?.» /MR" in Botties, 2s 3d eacl.. «:v r : . ,<>. s c .-. at . ; Tix times the quantity, lis uv - uU-v ; : t ' r^ • v-nuanenl cure in thr* jv. . -r' ; a*-: s by all Ohomistv- an; i V-.- 1. - . "> i-u dors iLucughout tlu world. -^n- ! -Sole Proprietor, F. J. QLA RK E | CUEMIST, ~ ' f Apothecaries' Hall, Li.vr.oLN-, £^ :usd EXPORT AGENTS: Burgoyne, Rurbridges v Co., Coleman-street Lcml.n Newbcrybons, 37, Newgate-street. lond.~ Barclay i Sons 05 r Farringdcn-street. Loudon • ranger A Ox/ord-street. London , And all ine Loudon Wholesale llou««*.s j Agents for New Zealand— KKMtTIIUI.XK. I'iiOSSEK £ CO.. j _ Dunedin and Auckland. j rjpHE SUFFERER'S BEST FRIEXb. I . HOLLOWAY'S tills. i Disorders AFrKCTixr. TIIE LiVir, Stoji i.-ii j .I.VD lion ELS —lhese Pills can be confidently recom m.;nde« as- the most simple und ccrtain reniili«? ! indigestir.i!. flatulency, aciditv, heart Sum, con' I «d all th; many-, ::ai au; C; resulting' fr 0m ! .use rd» 10 11 ic-li or bowels hi all ;» : 3 '" i r;?»: * 1 ce to set the stonari. "iheM : -»'!! rl *.«J iirtugihkets of u!S i. -•••« -iia\ be ta.-cn: mder anv circumj scsuce*. s ..■y-:gh powerfully tonic and satisfactorily I 2 P - er . 1 i. \ re nj ' l<l in their operation, and beneficial .-.j tJ;- vhole system. I ?1 "" N " <•"■» Debility-, Xeuvoislrritability I —K-« *"-.>lt*on>c effect exercised by these admirable , Fills eyev tue blood and fluids generailv is like a ] charm in dispelling low spirits and restoring clieerfnlI ness. Their general aperient qualities well fit th»m for a domestic medicine, particularly for females of all ages and periods of life. They never betray any disagreeable irritating qualities: they quickly eject all impurities from the system, and regulate everv func tion of the body, giving wonderful tone and en'ergv to weak and debilitated persons, while they brace and strengthen the nervuns system in a most extraordiTo Regain Health, Strength, and Vigour.— "Whenever persons lind themselves in that state termed a little out of health, and there are so many causes at work to shorten life, it is necessary that Hollo wart Pills, the finest puriliers of the blood ever known should be at once taken, as they not onlv rid both solids and fluids of all morbid matters, but regulate all disordered actions, and strengthen the frame in a most extraordinary manuer. OtD C £ UGH I'.,V OLM ' ASU Asthjiatical AfFECtions.—These 1 ills, assisted in their action bvmbbin? Hollowav s Ointment twice a day upon the throat and chest, and keeping those parts covered irith the preparation, will be feund the most effective remedy tor asthma, coughs colds, bronchitis, asd influenza. These remedies tranquilise the hurried breathing soothe the irritated air-tubes, and assist in dislodemi the phlegm which stops Hp the air-passasres This treatment has proved wonderful]? efficient in not only curing old settled coughs and colds, but asthma of many years standing, and even when patients who were in so bad a state as not able to lie down on their beds lest they should be choked by phlegm. Derangement ani> Distension of the Bowels. Flatulency, PiAituncEA, and Dysentery.—Any symptoms of the above complaints should be immediately met by appropriate doses of th-*e Pills, according to the printed directions: delav mar bs followed by disastrous consequences. These Pills ara a certain rontedy for all the ailments of the alimentary canal; they secure the thorough digestion of the food, and act most kindly on the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, as a household medicine they are unrivalled, and should always be at hand. VERY IMPORTANT: OF CosTrvENEss BEWAP.ELRarely buwittJe notice is taken of costiveness, yet at certain periods, it is a sure sign that danger is near. All who are seized with apoplexy and paralysis have prewously suffered from costiveness. In the former case the blood Hies to the head, a small vein is raptured on the brain, and we know the rest. Let wives counsel their husbands, and husbands their wives, never to go to bed » second night, if the bowels hare not been properly moved during the day, particularly if they feel heavy and drowsy. A few gentle doses of these tine PilLs will regulate the circulation of blood, and remove all dangerous symptons. llolloway s Pills are the best remedy known is the world for the following diseases:— Ague Female Irregu Scrofula or King's Asthma larities Evil Bilieus com- Fever of all kinds Sore Throats .P**! 11 * 5 . Fits Stone and Gravel' dutches on tne Gout Secondary Syr»y. Skiu Headache toms Bowel complaints Indigestion Tic-Doloureux Colics Inflammation Tumours Constipation of Jaundice i Ulcers the Bowels Liver Complaint !Venereal AffecConsumption Lumbago j tions Debility Piles i "Worms of all Dropsy Rheumatism | kind 3 Dysentery Retention of iWeakness, from Erysipelas Urine J whatever cause «tc., <tc. % There is a considerable saving by takiD? the larger sues. y.B.- Directions for the guidance of patients is every disorder are affixed to each box"\r E It V o Us N E S S ! JJI "WEAKNESS! PIMPLJ-S IX THE FACE! FLUSHING! OF MEMORY ! MENTAL DEPRESSIONS! All those suffering from the above ailments should apply before it is too late and irremediable to Dr. L. L. Smith, who is the only legally qualified medical man in the Australian Colonies practising solely on these diseases and thtur origin. Dr. L L. SMITH'S name is a household word, and through his means many thousands of homes have been made happy, and many whose Uvea were a I misery to them have been restored to health and comfort. His practice in Victoria has extended aowover2l years on this specialty of Lis profession. His practice extends moreover throughout all these Colonies, and patients have visited him even from Java, Borneo, Japan, China, and India. To convev some idea of the extent of his fame and name, he has been consulted from Great Britain six times during the year Those wishing to consult Dr. L. L. SMITH can do so by enclosing a One Pound note, stating age, symptom.*, and duration of sufferinc. A replv will be sent by return mail. Dr. L. L. SMITH, fer the convenience of those who personally consult him, has taken those extensive premises in Collins-street, late the residence if His Excellency the Governor. Every luxury and comfort will be found for those waiting to consult the Doctor. Address Dr. L. L. SMITH, Collins-street E&3t, Melbourne. Consultation Fee by letter, £1. N.B.—For the convenience of patients in the neighbouring Colonies who wish to visit him personally in "\ ictori i, Dr. L. L. SMITH has taken a large mansion in the suburbs and fitted it up as a Private Hospital for the treatment solely of the above affections; and i also including Gout, Sciatica, and painful nervous I diseases. Dr L. L. S/iIITII has also a large Turkish Bathing 1 Establishment for the treatment of his patients, specially such as suffer from Gout and Rheumatism. Medicines, appropriately packed, forwarded to all the Colonies. E A F N E S . The undersigned ha? a recipe from the Cliief Aurist of the Royal Dispensary for Diseases w the bar, Dean-street, rfoho, London. On receipt of a remittance he will forward the Chcinicati. <-"-mpounded by ii distinguished Auckland Chemu:, with full directions for use. It has entirely cured several afflicted with thn distressing complaint He has been pub'icly thanked in the Auckland rjwspapers; and a gentlemen in Otago, whom it ha't cured, has sent him £10 for a quantity to transmit to Melbourne. It is an infallible cure if the tympanum of the ear is not destroyed. Printed copies of testimonials forwarded post free, T. B. HANNAFORD. nigh-street, Auckland. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all diacliarges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex. acquired or constitutional, "Gravtl and Tains in the Back, Sold in Boxes. 4s 0 J each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole Proprietor—F. J. CLARKE, APOTuncAßirS* Hall, Lincoln, Englanp. EXPORT AGENTS: Burgoyne, Uurhridxes & Co., Coleman-street, LondoQ. Newbery &Scns, C 7, Nev-?>te-street, London. Barclay & Sons, 95. Farringdon-street, London. Sanger & Sons, Oxford-street. Loudon. And all the London Wholesale House-'. Agents f«»r NVv Ze-Ond — KEMITi:ORNB, I'ROSSF.R & CO , Dunediii and Ai^klacd.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4124, 1 February 1875, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4124, 1 February 1875, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4124, 1 February 1875, Page 6 (Supplement)