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[Bv Klectrh. Telegraph. 1 [IT.OM ot'R O .CN- CO P. TlKsrON ] •rill- I'II\MPIOX iiELT REMAINS IX 11 ' AUCKLAND. CAMP, PAHAWAI, Saturday. ■|'I,K concluding ranee of the Seventh Match, which would decide the championship for the vear, was linishcil this afternoon 1 latest excitement. Never in the vmals ' I rille-shixiting in the colony was s'u'h a e'osc race witnessed. At the close of •i e 300-vards range the leading men w ere ir. ion":'S follows Wilson, ; Skinner, .<.!• ; Elder, 2IH : Leigh, 2!>o : lloskins, 2!'0: Vri:i'-:2S'.l. When the last or (>OO- - ratine began evciy shot was looked ar<i t.. with stirring interest. • WWi.I.Y I'll ril Match, at 300, 100. and C \The .'loit van Is range was Wednesday last. .;oo

For tl'.c 400 yards range prize Win. an.' eeseph Parriball tied with a 'tine score of 1:;, and in ."-hooting otV Win. got a centre ;,i!il the other an outer. At the 000 \ards ran"c Council >ecured the prize with 22 points. The above match wastile filial of the series for the ' 'avalrv 1 7VIT-, and at its close Yon l'oclnitz. A.C.. was declare. 1 the champion for the year by Colonel l.voii. who complimented the winner

!\r.ivn:v Sk.vknth M.vivu (Continued). — The - l 111 and 000 yards ranges were shot ycs-tcrday. and the following aggregates include the amounts they scored : —

TUK < UAMI'IMNSHIP. According to rule, the highest aggregate scorer in the seven matches is the Champion Hide Shot of Xe\v Zealand, for the year ]s7f>. The following prizes aie awarded for aggregate scores : — i: s (1. lit. The hL'hi-.'t ! C"r» r, The Cf.ampi"-; to K- worn hy thwinner (.'«'jnjictiti -u . £ol<l riifUl. .in.J .. .. .. .. C>>) 0 0 >c jror f *i)v.-r rn'xU:. Ati [ .. .. .. .. .. 3"» 0 0 Srd hiirh'-st a»N; regale tccrer, silver an-1 .. .. .. .. CO 0 0 4'h hirh--: scorer, silver uic-tlal, vA 25 0 0 The Iselt i.-? therefore retaineil in the Auckland province by Skinner ; Elder, A.C., takes the 6econd prize ; Wilson, of Otago, the third ; and Coldie. of Otago, the fourth. |

\ .» v;ir«!s. \ ;tr.Js v.vMs. Ti ;• , ' \7 ' M ' 1 *» :>i } •<. : l« »rr»! ;»il .. • • \ 1' .rnl-«U .. •. • • !«' • " w 17 l:i /.» 4'.» ■•■...• \ t* .. .. 1«; ti i:; i:irrl'' ill «'■- II vrril«:t11 .. .. 11 1- l'» 4'2 . .. .. 11 i':' 17 .*•" '2\ 12 U -17 I i: !•> *2-: :•» fi, Lr 1.*' 21 1 *► :.l v." .. .. 14 . r '« -i.V. 1', 2-t !> -44 i 12 17 IS 47 KlNw 10 7 10 27

•'i lr!> S.KVr*"*. \t;«.»:»•«. \Tr -• r»>n Ti;r « \v vnv W:* A t . 1st I'luin* t ; Ki: .»?••) LJ'.'J .1 V.\r:i? i:i *J:n\ i vi'.'l U'« ( 1 iili.%11. U ,i;uku .. .. K.v-. A." 1-' 0 \ «' V I urrilvill. U v.uku .. .. 1^>«> N - .* r..irr:i> ill. Waiuku linl.e. W,,iuku T> r.r. .V. u .i.fcuo 1-7 M V.i-.z I -».i;k:: .. .. .. !-■> .1, ' .0 1-" 1 W ;uuku .. .. .. !!•'» j:• 4n . ,\.r. 110 rdi. w. - A-

4V-0 .Vn> I \i«:i < vrtr U \ artl<- V' 1*1. 1 , ' ird U*ti;.-:inui .. 3333 4 :> 4 23-» 1K> I 1-v' vri'.-en. "M-o .. 3-'\*.'330 4423233 2 <*.'2034 Mi ' « • »:k-\ T:..rai-'- .. 33i-243l 3223232 224«'«tn.» 7:» ■ Pun -a»ii 4344440 o:-*'23 o-.h-' 33j> 7;> 1 <v»i» T':..t:uvs 4432344 44-/33i2 2043321 y.» i ■ V.«r \c .. .. 2333341 4-431-J 4314430 107 . Th.iuu-? .. W44222 2332 -33 2223323 | i-no. A.C .. 3334233 33322L'2 4323230 MI ■ Yv-"Z ThuiiU-.- 4243343 3232344 30-3234 loO I VA* . 423*343 3023443 :>233->3 j -kirn'or. Auckland .. 43433-» 334234 i 2323432 111 ••ur:i.N T;ir.iiiVKi .. 3343423 344U323 J--332V3-I i*; Ki:.c«vci-ll. ?"'UthI:in-l 2434234 i'3:;3<23 i->.»o\'3:> *2 ' M»r:rl!i. >lnr:!»oro* 2':-<"'2 43 3i'3223.» <>224o3 01 , b-t-da* A v ■ .. 3:'._:'.44j 03322"«.» 3-34-J322 i>3 ; -•-.'ton M-.rU.,to' .. 3433431 3323232 22o3032 <»7 '■ Tiiaim 1 * .. 33o34v? 0433332 4222« x 04 >•• • Arn*«tr-"ii.- n.amrs 33 4:.333 33:vw3 222*304 . Ma:-i.all. 1 Uuicdin .. 34332 3 o3u2430 342-323 ST ; T!u:u-s .. 3:">33o34 23-v33» :;3"<»3J'> 71 > Ulr;h". A.C 4v34 o 3--- ; 3'.» t'3422ol ' V&rAiauni. - 1 uck. .. 33334 12 34--2323 23o32«3 j .. 33lo333 2242301 "300223 7'J| Uv-cf \Vell;n.'t' n ::04;-;-i;3 3334424 33 3 :;3 i-; j H-unlit) W.tiuku .. 322-« 32 22222'3 "4''-3424 v*. I Uountrv-'. NW.n.ton t2"S- UI «23-:22 o2"32"2 74 rurutfU. Wauciliui.. 4434434 2"32232 421- 2«-2 >y Metier. A.C .. .. 33."...,4 4243324 22ol- lO , Wilson. lUin. till) .. 3124231 3:.2323-> 2»-32233 ! Rvin A C .. .. 44.vj3->4 033233.» Campb 11, T: atr.cs .. 421 433 422-'243 3 4232-'4 ;•$ ' Chri<M»* « :.u-o .. i»2;;3233 43;?-344 3433303 ini i ♦ TJ.iliiifS .. 331443.4 444 '. 33 334>'3'3 U»1 Dev. • .. .. 3 '"i:o3 3 ,, ."-l 7> Iaurt::-:i .. 4;':U4-j3 3iU«j|2 4 J^»3; ? i . lUv AiK-kl t: .1 .. 34rV4-J3 lN;v;43J -22--'J4-l» 1-) KoVi«*--n. :: 3"*J3*J34 434 -"io O403'"»» S3 « Waivi! ' .. 3:'"4-i_'3 32i'- '.'.-o 7^ >, i>n .. 'j:U.±.M3 C»43- > V7 t'j tJ i\ 4-:.k'-2-Z-) t.:« > iJrant. Th.iii.t < .. 413-.43'> :»"343i» • h.4St>. A.C. .. 43VJ3 4 32444'-4 433?/'33 '34 Mi-Lcar, Thamv-i .. -J33-.3-J2 4 3'>33-.-'2 >1 MoUren. ei.'k'O .. 333-J434 4324:C1 0'403{2 1-A> . .-/trt.-.n- W.tujariTii :r:4 ;- , 44 -24 j-3333 *.«4 i- .itch, .. 342Xi-24 *23J3;:0 4 : '.r;:aJv, Thituc .. 3-4 3.3,"2 33iV240 vl ■ Marrav, A «' .. •• -'-'i-i_3l 42.--JVU3 3:>34 3-J s'J Munvird, 43 3'-:'3433 ; ronJ'Uf. v fij i-r .. 4334-J42 0 i *4-<3 • Wr>tlM 2:-m«' i'--:;2423 -j-i-j.«.-js 77 l!urri«. »I-o:i .. W4444J Z'ZM.v* Mollvitle Wellitistoa 34 42 432 4-2:.2>*J«J t's CASjpbcII, A C. .. 3""4334 (»3*>* C"> 07] «iMVi'Tt. A C 332332"! 4432443 W44"2" l<"-0 1 Murr.iv, Thtnu-s . 433:;3"2 <e>2324 it-A-'-rJ 70 i f .. 333444'.' 2:3 300 4324'24 «> Mi'.% * »ta.* 5 .. 434333.2 443.31 3» 4323221 1"2 1 -i«h AucvI-.C i .. 4rmi3 "'23333 KH»J4«>J iO , U.aphv, \Xv>x\srA .. »1*42332 7» i .Tohi.>tun. 4343««24 0223o32 a-J • K«,\, Cantt-rl. ,iv .. 2414414 ;23"4-£ 2433.-2> M ! Najiii-r .. 3:24344 2222-.-30 !»:. ! Hluck, Waiukr. .. 3333i-.»4 0224322 >7 , McLeOti. .. 3-44 443 -J.-323'.rj 2344K-0 *M ; Tiiorapson. "i.-uro .. 033v244 ' K\x-.e Pi:xz k >-. 7ru M.Mtrn. 2C«0 yar-U kit.: t r . .. .. 20 j 3'X'yanis r/.tice- . .. .. 21 1 4'. , 0 var-i- Puriii-U .. .. .. t 5t<jvar<ls ran^e— .. .. .. 24 | C'O yar«U rarii-'e-KM-r .. 21 M\tcu riiizr.s. I 1st. SktMl-.T Ill I •od 107 3rd < i'Adic 102 4:h. 101 5;h. Venxr.n 100 C'.h. (*il!»ert 100 7th. VcLctc li-0 Sth. Sykt-s W irtli. Mcllvi.lo l«* lOtb. Arm>trr C? us AOOI'.EGATK Mnlit!! XT THE Cl.nSE or T!ir Str.IES or Matches. 1st. Skinner (Champion' 313 2nd. KM'-r 313 Jrd. WjJs-'iP 310 4th. tioldie 305 5th. ZC") *Jth. Ar.ii«-.rorjg 3"'. Tin. 304 Mh. Ulvthe, A.C 2.M 9th. Lvk-h 216 10th. * lias-, A.'"* 2t*i 11th. (.allA.C 12th. Morl-v, A.C.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4124, 1 February 1875, Page 3

Word Count

PRIZE-FIRING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4124, 1 February 1875, Page 3

PRIZE-FIRING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4124, 1 February 1875, Page 3