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.4JL?i££ A N ' llJan Water: This fr*s: 12.0 morn.; 0.16 even. , at • Manukau: 1.84 morn ; 2.30 even. THE Sxts:'tl»ls l)ar ; nines, 5.13; sets, 7.0 J>glQ" ftrfpr i day 0.12 ft.m. .\ r i; i v a j, s. St. Kilda, p.« , Flowerday, from Wangan ni. Kowena, s s., fro-n llusscll and the Nocllx. Invcrerne. ship. Freeman, from London. Echo, schooner, l.overock, from Kussell. Venture, schooner, from Wangararu. PASSENGER, LIST. . IXWiRDS. Per St. Kilda. » s.. from Wanganu!:—Mr ana Mrs." Uatnltn, Mr. and Mr*. Margetts. Pouslas and son, Mr*. Crr swell and family ',2»: Miss Tried. Mr.« Fagg, Miss Chavanues, Captain McGillivray, Messrs. Campbell, Drown, Ledbury, Wh «Ur, Johnson, LamplougU. IMMIGRANTS PEIt INVHUEUNE Thefollowinsr U a list of the immlg r.»t* t.y the slap Invarerne, which arrival last evening. fr^r " Families. —J' h i ».,.l l.ucy Al on •i;.l 3<• IjjMnii. Cl.*rle.« Kmma 1\ TWrr-s nn-1 £> cluUlrsn and Isabella Brown anil 1 cliiM, J.jmpli un.l llarrirt Cicg, «.or« a. a Smh I! iriaml ami 1 ch.1,1. .eorge and -M.ry llarri.on and 3 cii.ltlren 11-nrj 1 ami Komtnna Hull. WillUm *n<s Harriot Hair|» .in 1 8 rliiM'en ':i">r-~r »ud l'"niiiy li 1 i 11' and I chilli, 1 lnlip and lill.'n ICi->-.u'; children. Jol.' J and Haonaj little TJ.-xr .wl Jane Loach and 3 children, llentj and Mary Io? e *nd 4 children. Levi t.:rt Sarah Usq and 1 chiM, Joseph and Elira Oliver and 1 child, Edwin and Ellen Stewar: and v l cLlldren Joseph and Eliztbrth Tread well, and - Sophia Miomn*. William and Ann Willis. William and *»iic« W ilkinson, Thomas and Sarah A. Bnston and 3 children, Robert and Janet tt. and 3 children, John and Mn:y Osborne and 1 child, William and Isabella UcKarlanc and 2 children, lavid J. and Catherine Lynch and 3 children. William and Isabella Nancarrow, William and Mrr;n Ritehi'on and 1 child. George and Mary A. ila'fteld, Fred and Fanny "Wothington. _ 0 , Sjnclk Men. —Charles It., Kct -r.C.. aud Sydney C. Barnes, Alfred G and William * n'M?, Alfred F. HediUtt \ Stewart. Matthew Alien, ..«wej>h Kryce. Thomas Bennett, George Candy, Thomas Candy, j\ illian? Campbell, John Ellis, Jaiu'.s I-ufile, William Gier, Adam He*-der*on, Geor.:** ilixvu, Thomas G Jackson. Edward J Kelly, Weib-mf Famzod, Caleb Sallr, Henrv Mellisb, Alex. Mackn'l, Ale*. IX T«amrton, William and Robert Nip«\ <»eorge Marsh Wiriam Offer, Charles Porten, Cornells and Francis Phillips, George Roger, William Itos*. Thomas Kobingon.John Renwick, John Shaw, Francis TMdy, Joseph "Whitman, William AVataon, John \tcsi, John, Sv'riicht, Timo'-hv Collins, Patrick Co!liti\ Hoberi b. Sheplierd, George Small, Alex. T. Hep.;, Clifton, Tatrick Greenan, Jaiuen S/e»K.i, bicnam "\WeJor, Thomas Lavin, Jtobcrt Daviscn. Ilenp' Turner. William Hicks, Samu''. Hicks, t.eorge L. Candv. James Candy, Francis : !-enry 1-or-tnn>', Geon?e Ilandcock. Cn r- les f -, :a y. .lenry lv. Hatfield,Jleury Dawe, SjMiLE Women.—Ellen, Kate, o. " m>'.y Stewart, Sarah, Sally, and lUryJu/ca, M'»i -• Caroline. Margaret K., Lrdla, and Am ie i hiilip 6 -«ie "onck, Marr Crooks, Susan Ovary, Maiyai't McKeown, Annie Jtoberts, Elizabeth iu<ers, Martha Boberts, M\rvsliackles, MarthaA'-rd, Emily Victor, Eliza B. Lee/Margaret Collins Mi.y A. 5-yprh, Karriet Jackson, Harriet J. Natiord, Uvingston, Mary | Gorman, Sarah, Amelia, S. Kt-n; t v, Oarne- W. Skeg;s, | ared three years. , Analysis.—Male «vdnlu, '43; f'- *Jull c , 50; I male children, -2; female c!. idren, 'clants, 7 Total number of tonir, vo0; <?;»•.'.ai :o 171 statute Nationality.—English, iiv, Scotch, 10: Irish, 45, "Welsti, 3; Channel Islander, 3. ? vial, 4 200 souls. "7 ~ IMPOKT3. Perft. Hilda, s.s., from H'a .sjanul: 4C h?ad cattlo, 650 sheep, order.—Comes anc Ualdy. *. Per Invererne, ship, from Lordon: IS casks, 1 case, 1 i barrel, 1 TV. PliilllppS i; \case, K. P. SykeJ", 10casks 12cases, B. Gittosatd K , K. and H. ; Isaacs; 30 cases, 5 bales, 5.•> rases?. 3 cases, 4 ca«es, order: 1 case. Bank of >"£•*■ Sv-Aland: r> Uew Zealand Loan and Mcra.ntik Agoncy 6 cases, £. Wayte; 2 cases. A. ":irk and 75 cases, Ilendersoa and .\!p. 'rlire; 2 pvkages, and Co.; 44 o;»!c.-: i eases. "Williams and Co.: 3uo . C i3r \ 8 > 248 packages.. E. and 11. Isa.*..'.f I( J Ci'.?** s , t p 20 box -9, 2 crates, order: SSO L"*.. • «. 40 20 kegs, € cases, Stone Brothers; 1 ca*., 7 ivks, K. Arthur; 12 tanks, 4 sheets lead, 5 pockcts.2oo # 1 bint, 10S cases. Brown, Campbell and Co.: 17 order, If-8 iron rails, SO stores, 5 cases. S livndV?. f ..asks, K. Porter and Co.: 1 package. J. Htncoc«s: 73 cases, 20 bales, McArtlmr, Shera and Co.. 2 chains, 16 anchors. 20dhags, 2<K) boxes. 200 boxes, 40 3 eases, IS bales.' 3 cases. 7 barrels, - cask*, order: 44 cases, 10 Sargord, Son and Ewcn; 100 boxes, 10 quartercasks. 2 tales, 8 case 3, order: 7700 bars iron, 120 bundles iron, I'Opiates, 440 •» r.v>.B and covers, 203 JK>t», 1- bundles atefl. 11 baL-.s. 1> cosV.s. 1 barrel, 500iu.xes candles, 8 casks, 3' b »»i<j v * 1C c.vu3, CO arm? and boics, T. and fc y ? «-»rrn; o cases, Bank Of Now Zealand; Spackases,E. an I i.*. 1 0 ci'es. 11 c.isks, 12 keg«, i-.cland Brothers; 13 bate*. 42 cases, A. Clark and *.*iur; i*> Iwxes, 23 case. ' 7 bales, IS pacfeages, 4> Lewis Brothers; 4 bales, order; ftOoO an*: . nv.n'Uyof railway plant, Minister Public Works E. Poit-r -nd Co.: 32 tanks. N Z. Shippinu I »tnp* 1 namptdoup and Co.; ?-.v. -T. Cosgmve Ct»-~N Shipping Cc"»'j-l;-. a»;e^ts VESSELS IN UARKCru St'-amers: Sonthtrn Cross, ilowena. Ships : Afesaye. Glenlora, Wa. i-.\cr s tu* Dilharree, Ayr, Edith .V . 1 : i.jthian. Barquent'ne: Southern Cross (Missio. 'Uiidarys.s.). *Brig«: Drover # o'ave. Schooners: lon*. DauasUns, F;-nn/ Kelly, Peer- | lesSTfT!ti?satros*. Tawert. Attiib-ortli, 'olden Isle, Clemati*, Edith. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. — i Sa3 Fhancisco, via Honolulu.— mail steamer, Feb. 19. Sy/>nf.y anp MEtuoußSß.—Mikado, s.s.. to-day. Hero, s.s.. early. BuyiseLL.-Rc.vena, 5..«.. M€»r.dty next. London —Glenlora, ship, Jv.r.gfraii, br.T<iae, early. Taukanoa.—Southern Cross, s s.. Monday next. Soutueks Pout;. —Ladybird, s s.. to-day. Gai lk — Assayp, ship, 'o^lay. NVw York.—Ayr and E-lith Ros*\ barques, e»rly. Tajcknaki and Wanoanul—Go-Ahead, s.s., today. IiYTXKLToN. —Clematis, ketch, to-day. "Waj»ganui—St. Kilda, s,s., to-tlav. Wano - HE'—TVangarel, cuttcr, Monday. VESSELS EXPECTED. SJika'lo, mail steamer, from San Francisco; due tod ay.' Hen, 5.».. from Sy Incy. India, slip IQUKll), from London; sailed Nov. 24. Barou Al>-r(i/ire, ship, from I.ondon; sailtdDec. 0. ship, from London. Anazi, barque iIL) WN), from London; .«ailed Oct. 28. Ade, barque (lIFIS\ from Loudon; sailed Nov. 19. Eapidc, «arqtio, from New York, via Adelaide sailed .Sept I^, Bella Maiy, barque, from Hobait Town, Jungfraiz, barque (HTBS), from Wellington. Lady Franklin, barque, from Newcastle; sailed Jan. 14. KaHlia, banpi-?, t f T th« B*y of Islands. Mary Melville, schooner, from Napier: sa led Jan. 21. Papua, schooner, from Rarotonga. Fiery C. Os?. schooner, from Oamaru. Byuo. brigau;ine, from Botumah. N jrhtipgalo, briga»tine / from Melbourne. Fairlie, schbone p , from Lyttelton: sailed Jan. IS. • . Xlie-aiclioentr Echo arrived yesterday from Russell, • with a cargo of coal. "i he Vchooncr V.-nture arrived yesterday from Wangaruru. The s s. Uowcna arrived in harbuurearly this mor;.ing. from after a smart run of 14 hours, with 50 p. "ei gtrs and a cargo of hurdric.-t. lhis c.s St. Kilda arrived at Oneliunca at 11 o'clock vesterd.'O'-xuorninsr from Wanganul, which port fr3»e a- on the 2tth inst. The s.s. Ladybird will lo.ive the Manukau for-the South iramejliately-a(tcr the axrival of two o'clock train fro.n Aucklntid to-day. The b.irqu» ntine Prince_Alfrcd arrived at the Bay of Islands, from Noumea, oh Tuus lay. She will load .coal Russell, and vooie <zi to Auckland. A it RIVAL "OF THE INVKRkRXK. The ship Invererne. ; Ca\tain C. Forman. arrived in harbour yestcrd.iy eyeniug from London, after a quick passive of K) days from port to port. She l.riugs .a general cargo nr»d 200 Government immigrants, who In good health. The Invcrerne is an iron ship 0f*744 tons reg»s*er, and is owne<i by Messrs. J. 'iihd li - Grpnii of London. She was'foTmeTL known as Laity B<infield. but has late!j' been jfeOhribtened to her present name. She comes consigned *to : *tKe New Zealand Shipping Company. On lusr 3N>uu4iug the North bead last cvenlLga signal was : lbade for t v .e Health Officer, but it was too late to clear the feltlp 'as*, right, consequently no communication was allowed with the ship. The list of her passengers : adfl fcargo app'-ars elsewhere. j

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4123, 30 January 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4123, 30 January 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4123, 30 January 1875, Page 2