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POET OF AUCKLAND. High Water, This Day: 9.0 mora.: 9.27 ?venat Mr.nukau: 11.21 mora.: 11.47 even. The Sun, This Day: Rises. 6 2<i; sets. 5 34. The Moon: Last Quarter, 3rd Sept., 4.J3 p.m. Weather, August 30: Showery. WIXD, August 30: E-, strong. aekivals. August Ci. Rowena s.s., McGregor, from Northern porta. Lady Fr'anlclin, barque, F.llis, from Newcastle. Queen, schooner, Veale, from Russell. Fawn,'cutter. Dam. from Russell. August 30. Star of the South, s.s., A. Palmer, from Napier and Southern porta. Fiery Cross, schooner, from Tairua. DEPARTURESA r oimt SO. Go-Ahead, s.s., McGillivray, for V.anganui (from the Manukaii. „ _ Southern Cross, s.s., Sell.irs, for Taurnnga. ENTERED INWARDS Chanticleer brig, IS7 'tons, Harvey, from Hobart Town. Cargo: Fruit 4-e.-Henderson and Macfarlane, '-Queer,. schooner. 48 tons, Ver.le, <ro:n Russell. nm-.cH. Cargo: 43 tons coal. PASSENGER LIST. ISWABOS. Per Stav oi t-ho South. ?.s., fvom Sou'heert por*i.— Satoor: ffir. 't. Cunningham, Mrs. i\l<utc.i, Primer, Kr. "W. '->. rrccei. V«i Fiji: ant .»«- McGregor. „ . »,-.v Batata. js., V»v».J» r- v 5" Hicto it iVrd, 3arto-, f>»«crwr. 2"- u,au - Mrs. Cross. Mrs. i<r«' ■. .. -v «t to the storage Per Swallow, schooner, from rairua:~.«=". M"nCeralic, cutter, from Tairua:—Captain if- T. Clayton. IMPORTS. Per Star of the South, s s.. from Southern ports:— From Napier: WO sheep, ". Vad cattle, 1 horse, 1 ton v.: t) 1 From Dunedin: 4 i.ises confectionery, ordcr; 2J cask- beer, J. Ii«i:l. Froin ■Wellington: 5 teas Morrison: Icmo, McLaren: and original cargo from Co., a '"Per 3 ' Lady Franklin, barque, from Newcastle, K.S.W.: 354 tons coal.—J. Reid. agent. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Steamer: Star of the South. Ships: Miltiades, Countess of Kintorc, Waikato. Barques: Thames, Ansdell. Fleur dc Maurice. .Vemento, Helen Malcolm, Montana, Lady Franklin. Brigs: \lbion, Susanne, Rio Loge, Chanticleer. Bng.-ntines: Resolution. Schooners: Dauntless (Hawaiian), Clematis, Jessie Henderson, Fiery Cross. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. London.—Countess of Kintore, ship. e:-.rly. Russell and the Norte.—Rowena, s.s., tais afternoon. . _ -1 Southern PoRTS.-Tarr.naki, s.s., noon, Friday. Levvka.—Star of the South, s.s., 2nd prox. Tacbano A.-Southern Cross, s.s.. th:.s afternoon. Lyttelton.- Rio Loge, brig, early. Hokiasua. —Phantom, cutter, to-day. San Francisco, via Honoluj.l".-City of Melbourne, • s, Sept. 4. Norfolk 1 land and >ew Caleuonia.—Dauntless (Hawaiian), schooner, to-morrow. Melbourne. —Miltiades, ship, e^r'.y. Stdnev .. >*n MELiiorr.Nr. —Victoria, s.s., about Sept. 7: Hero, s.s., about September 20. VESSELS 2XPI.CTED. City of Melbourne, s.s., from Sydney. Macgregor, mail steamer, from San Francisco, due Sep. 10. Victoria, s.s., from Sydney. . „ r Ferndale, barque, from London; sailed May o. City of Auckland, slnp, from j-ondon; sailed May ULoch Urr, barque, from Lonuon; sailed June G. Oxford, ship, frcm London, sailed June 9. Stirl n< Castle, ship, from Lcudon; sailed. Jackson, ship, from London ; sailed. Waitangi, ship, from London; loading. Zealandia, ship, from London ; sailed. Rydaspes. ship, from London. Cospatrick, ship, from London. Stanley Castle, barque, from I omion. East Lothian, barque, from Lyttel ion; sailed August 2.>. Glimpse, barque, from Newcastle. Harriet Armytage, barque, from Dunedin. Tien Tsin, barquentine, frcm Launceston. Wave. brig, from Oamaru. Magellan Cloud, brieantine. from Chatham Islands. Helena, brigantine.from Lyttleton; sailed August 19. Ryno, brigantine, from Lyttelton. Bell-- Brandon, schooler, from L-vuka. Pacific, schooner, frcm South c ea Islands. Southern Cross, mission schooner, from a cruise. Kenilworth, schooner, from South Sea Islands. Dauntless schooner, from Dunedin; sailed Aug. 23. Pearl, ketch, froia Penrhyn island. Arrivals Coastwae.—Gem, schooner, from Wancaooa with timber: Fannie, cutter, from Wangapoa. with timber- Dolly Varden, cutter, from Wangaroa, With timber; Rob P.oy, cutter, from Tairua, /.nth timber; Coralie, cutter, from Tairua, with timber; William and Julia, schooner, and Whitby, cutter, from the Thames, with timber; Vincent, cutter, from Tauranga, with 500 sheepskins, 15 casks tallow, Clayton, and sundry cargo; Swallow, schooner, frcm Tairua, with 13,000 feet timber, J. W. Waller. Coastwise Outwards.—Wangarei, cutter, Williams. for Wangarei, with general cargo; Lady Rowen, p.s. for Mahurangi and the Hot Springs, with passengers and cargo; EtTort, p s., for Pulioi, with passengers and cargo. . The n.5. Go-Ahead left the Manukau for Wanganui yesterday morning. The p.s. Lady liowen will be laid up from Tuesday te Friday next, resuming her trips on Saturday. The cutter Fawn will receive cargo to-day for Kussell and the Kawakawa. . . The barque Memento is discharging her coal at the onter tee of the wharf. The other colliers are discharging in the stream. Thi! barque Ferndale, from Londori, appears to be making rather a long passage. Shi- in now 117 d£.ys 01 The barquentine Prince Alfred rived at Lyttelton from this pert on the 18th inst., <-'■ 'Cr a pasiage of ten days. , • ~ , , .. The brig Chanticleer is -' ■■ tue wl.arl (lis-chr-rpng her cargo from Hobart in s-i.:ellent jK I •~nc three-masted fchooner Pcurtman, rc.-.-n -.he Thames to Rnssell, proceeded oa>vi wyageon Ssiur day from the North Head. The schooner Ebenezer, bound fithe Thames tc Russell, put into harbour yesterda;- through stress of weather. The cutter Coralie arrived m harbour yesterdaj from Tuirua, with Captain M. T. Clayton, Marint Surveyor to the New Zealand Insurance Company She left Tairua on Friday last, at 7 a.m. Wii obligee to put into Mercury Bay at noon, on account of s fresh gale blowing, with squalls. Remained then until ,i a.m. on Saturday, when she got under way and worked up to Cape Colville, the wind beinf variable, from W. to W.S.W. At night the wine chaDged to N. 7- Passed Tiritiri at oam. on Sunday. Captain Clayton's visit to Tairua was in connectior with the 3chGoner Onward, reported on shore. H< went down accompanied by Mr. Henderson, of th< firm of Henderson and Spraggon, with six carpenters to endeavour to get the schooner off, which was sue cessfully performed. Great praise is due to Mr Henderson and his carpenters for their untirinf efforts in floating the vestel off. after the task ha<! been despaired of by others. They are now at wort putting in a new keil and effecting other repairs s jIH cient to enable the schojner to be brought to AuckThe schooner Swallow returned last night from Tairua haviug been chartered to proceed there with workmen to get the schooner Onward off. Mr. Henderson (of Henderson and Spraggon) having succeeded in floating the vessel and directed the necessary repairs in order to bring her to Auckland, returned tc town last night by the Swallow, which left Tairua on Saturday, at 9 p.m. A strong N.B. windl was experl. enced on the passage. The Onward while lying on the rock in Tairua harbour received a severe knocking about on Sunday and Monday last from the N.E. gale, and but for her strong build must have gone to pieces; as it is she will require extensive repairs on her being brought to Auckland. The ship Dorette, which arrived at Lyttelton on the 18th inst., from Newcastle, experienced a heavyweather passage. She left Newcastle on July 29, with light breeze and fine weather, which continued until the 3lst, on which day a heavy gale from the southeast sprang up, anil increased to a hurricane, the ship lying-to under close-reefed lower topsails, carry *• away the foretopsail. On August 1 the gale continued with heavy sea, which frequently broke right over the ship, washing hen-coops, pig-styes, &c., overboard. The gale continued during the next day. A heavy sea struck the ship, smashing the binnacle, and washing it overboard. In th? afternoon the gale moderated, and sail was made, but had to be taken off, as the wind again increased during the evening. From this date had light southerly winds to reaching Cook's Straits, through which S.E. winds prevailed, detaining the ship eight days. The ship will load at Lyttelton tor Law. —The last number of the Law Reports' " Cases in the S rivy Council" contains a full report of the case of Beal v. Marchais, which was an appeal from a sentence of the judge of the Vici-Admiralty Court of Gibraltar, in fce cause of damages brought by the master and owner of the steamship James C. Stevenson, an iron screw-steam-ship of 1,226 tons, against a French barque, the Bougainville, of 1,190 English tons, on account of a collision which took place in March, 1872, in the Straits of Gibraltar. The following important propositions of law are stated in the head-note to be deducible from the case:—l. A steamship seeing a sailing vessel at a distance of two or three miles ought not, even if the lights of the sailing vessel ate not visible, to take a course which will carry her across the bows of the sailing vessel. In the present case the judges held that, even if the lights of the Bougainville were not visible, owing to their improper position, nevertheless, the James C. Stevenson •'sinned against the rules of navigation laid down for preventing these unfortunate collisions by not slackening her speed, or waiting, or taking any of those precauticns which would have enabled her, before . she took the decided step of porting, to ascertain on what side the sailing vessel was going." 2. In a ease of collision, even if the light of one, vessel was invisible, the vessel will not on that account be held to have contributed to the collision, where theoth*r vessel has pursued a course which of itself would suffice to produce the collision. S. A manoeuvre made too late to affect the collision does not make the ship liable as having contributed to the collision, even tf the manoeuvre was erroneous. 4. Where a steamship is approaching a sailing ship and does : not -know what course the other ship is pursuing, it is her •duty (whether the lights cf the other vessel are •visible ox not) to takts no decisive movement uuUl she can ascertain it. 5. Th® law does not appoint any particular place at which th« lights should ue fixed, but they onght to be placed so as to be properly vtalbte

The schooner Fiery* Crots arrived in harbour yesterd»r» shortly after noen, from Tairua, with a cargo ci timber. She left Talru* cn Friday morning last, ana experienced freah winds and variable woafhg^ the PB m S ?pan> that the useful little p.s. Effort has ba«a . purchased by Mews. Prnoce, Howard and Co. for_» tug boi. tat Tairua. Such a boat has been alnce the starting of the saw-miUs.andth.. recent total !on of the schooner Onward has no doubt >, Captain^ Ellis, arrive.! in harbour on Saturday onThTuthl^ to the other collielt lately arrived. She is coxmgneu t0 Tt e fs hn ßowe d na, Captain McGregor, arrived on Hrekland* 49 bags gum, Arnold, limes and Co., 17 } taps ium,'H. EUUalph and Co.; ». bags sum,. Stone B. others. The Kowena was placed on the gridiron in oriler to fix a new blade to her sen.*', and will leave „™in for the North this afternoon. "The s s. Star nf the South arrived yesterday after noon from Southern ports and Napier, from which latter port sho brought a cargo of sheep• -"« P"U'to the Tamaki to land her live stock. SUecam, up harbour and sirwgside the wharf at 10 o dock la t night. "We to li.itnk CaptamPalmer for full of l-test Southern papers i?il other at Dunedin the Star was plactu ir the ffloatmh , -A 1 for cleansing hf r bottom, re-pamUn*, a ' ld a J! 0^ rh ;V L , 1 y i The Star is announced to sail at 5 p.m. on Wedntai. »y I next, foi Levuka. _____ TtrLEGRAiTTC SHIPPING. .^ngnstfJ- ; Tlir, kel-o ."Miny * »«7 " 3 '' ' ni ' '• j Opotiki this iuorair;; wtih croducv for ' * & The cuttc r Yiocont ".ailed . I j The cutter- Suri, Wanderer, and Tairu.* wu ( i srnv->i. Wel;.;-; i'os, A-usu^t2T>.^ tk,-. rio^^iu-ncutstermer Lutx - -ev»*c* " • 11 fM and t*« X*rJ*W % u " 4l '- V/KSfi'r.i;- Att\ n>', '20. TLe s I. Murray left r\t midnight jsaHnity for Orcvniouth wilh tie San Francisco ">*■■■ , GbkvmoltH, August _J. T>/.s.s. Murray nirived ii: 9 a.m. PtoJtT Cl-ALMSRS Aug"Sl3o. A rnved: Last night, ship OU"?o, 83 from L(m.;>»u, with 3(H immigrants; ~cl vo.JW ■>-••• barque, S7 days from Loudon, wi'a ten pass.;liS"i3The >,'orona!|brouglit SW. immigrants. Lvnm.TON, A'U'a-t The s.s. Phcebo arrived at S am. with the Sail /ra'icisco mail, and left for Dvmedin at 5.Z0 P- m -. Tlie s.s. Albion arrived at 2.30 p.m. from Wollidk--0n" Lytteltox, August 30. The St. Lawrence a;:d Bathcart are at the heads, with 750 immigrants. PORT OF RUSSELL. Outwards Coastwise.— August 20: Blanche, 10 tons, Hansen, for '.he coast, with eeneral cargo; liowena, 74 tons, McGregor, for Mongonui, with eeneral cargo and 9 passengers; Fawn, ~S tons, l>am, for Auckland, with 4:1 tons coal and 1 passenger. August 27: Julia Price, 41 tons, Queer, for the Thames, with 70 tons coal: Ebenezer, '.!4 tons, .Manner, for the Thames, with 43 tans coal. August _s. Queen, 40 tons, Veale, for Auckland, with til. tons coal; liowena, 74 tons, McGregor, for Aucklani., with 10 tons coal and 23 passengers. No vessels loading coaL

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 3994, 31 August 1874, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 3994, 31 August 1874, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 3994, 31 August 1874, Page 2