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Wholesale Druggists. KEMPTHOENE, PROSSER, & CO., Successors io H. & E; YOUNGMAN & CO., Wholesale Druggists, Drysalters, and Druggists* Sundrymen, Importers of Drugs, Chemicals, Druejists* Sundries in every variety, Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Brush ware. Perfumery, Cordial Makers' Goods of all descriptions. Brewers* Isinglass, Corks, Tinfoils, "Wires, copper and tinne Boiled and Raw Oil, Patent Medicine Agents. ALWAYS ON SALE, AND AGENTS JrOP.— Dr. De Jongh's Cod Liver Oil; Chlorodyne, Colli? Browne's; Rowland's Preparations; Bishop's Citrate oi Magnesia; Piesse and Lubin's Perfumery; atee«iinan's Powder;Keating*s Bon Bons,Lozenges,and Insecticide, Grimault's French Preparations; Torchon's French Medicines; "Whelpton's Pills; Singleton's Sarsaparilla Or. Churchill's Bemedies for Consumption; Palmer's ■\VashingCompound;Judson'sand Mather's Dyes; Jack son's Benzine and Cements; Blair's Pills; Frampton'i Pills; Cockle's Pills; Holloway's Medicines ;Dinneford'i Magnesia; Cleaver's Soaps and Perfumery; Calvert'i Carbolic Acid; Murray's Magnesia; Rimmell's and Gos nell's Perfumery; Townsend's, Bristol's, and Sarsfparilla; Sozodont; Painkiller- &c. &c. CSTORES: Stafford-street, DuNEnxy, and Victoria-street Auckland. J> AINKILLEU SUPEKSEDED WESTON'S WIZARD OIL. This great American Remedy Cares RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, GOUT, SCIATICA CONTRACTIONS, DIARRHCEA, AND ALL NERVOUS OR INFLAMMATORY ACHES AND PAINS For Internal and External Use, Wholesale Agents for New Zealand: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER AJTD CO. "jpEAR'S CELEBRATED SOAPS, PER FtTUERT, and TOILET REQUISITES alway In Stock and on Sale by the Wholesale Agents, KEMPTHOSWE, PEOS3ES & CO. BARRY'S TRICOPHEKUi FOE THE fIAIR Will restore tho thinnest and harshest hair tc ful vigorous hearty. For 70 years it has been in constsn use, and we know of no case where it failed. Try il Tit it. 3 BARRY'S SAFE HAIR DYE Is clear and cleanly. It has only one bottle, an< gives no trouble in applying: is exquisitely perfmred and dyes any shade from light brown to black, and i warranted not to contain lead or any injurious in gredients. BARRY'S PEARL CREAM, the most wonderful and innocent of all preparation; for beautityiug the Face, Hands, Neck, and Arms. It does not produce a chalky, pallid white, bu gives to faded cheeks the rich, healthy BLOOM OF YOUTH. BARRY'S MARFILINA, For Bvlautifyinc and Preserving tds Tretii b Perfuming the Breath, and Hardening tiie Gums, is the best article for removing Ta*?or, Canker Scurvy, and all other diseases tr substai c« injertou to the Teath, Its taste is most agreeable, imparting peuulia sweetness to the Breath, and insuring to the Teetl the most beautiful and pearly whiteness. If uset regularly will positive preserve the TeePi and Gum L in a sound and healthy condition to extreme old age. Wholesale Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER AND CO. Tj R. J- C. AY E R'£ * red jNIEDICAL PRI7PARATIOKS 1, May be obtained of all Chsmlsts and Storekeeper! ij throughout the colony. AYER'S CATHARTIC SUGAR-COATED PILLS I. (IN OLASS^IiOI-TLES). These Pills contain every medicinal property deiir 0 able for the cure of Indigestion Costiveness, Headatiae q and Liver Complaints. 0 AYER'S 0 COMPOUND CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, 1 one of the most effective Alteratives ever produced or Purifying the Blood, and the Cure of Scrofula ' Ulcers, Humours. Skin Diseases, and Female Dis , orders. J The above being purely a Medicine, and not t • beverage, One Bottle is far more efficacious than an) r Sarsaparilla hitherto offered to the public. 1 AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, an Anodyne Expectorant, and reliable Antidote o: Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough Croup, and all Pulmonary Diseases. * AYER'S AGUE CURE, a most efficient remedy in Agues, ChUla Fever Bilious Affections, ana Derangement of tie Hv?r. ' AYER'S HAIR VIGOUR, FOR i Restoring the Natural Vitality- axd 1 Colour of tiie Hair, i is not a dye, nor does it possess any coloring rnattei oi offensive substance whatever, neither will it soi] the most delicate fabric, but is an agreeable dressing to the liair. promotes its luxuriant growth, giving il richness and beauty, removes baldness, and in. variably restores Faded or Grey Hair to its original | colour. The above elegant preparations have long been ■ strongly recommended by the Medical Profession, r and command a world-wide reputation, which is • sufficient gurantee of their uniity and genuineness. J Ayer's Almanacs, containing instructions for the [ treatment of all classe of diseases, may be had gratuitously on application tc all Chemists and Storekeepers. Wholesale Agents, Auckland: > KEMPTHOENE, PBOSSER & CO. HORSES.— Lieut. JAMES'S BLISTER, used in her Majesty's Cavalry Regiments, i patronised by Major-General Sir Charles Dalbiac, Inspector-General of the Cavalry Forces, and highly eulogised by Professor Coleman in his report to the Adjutant-General. Its great c.fticacy in all cases where blistering is usually applied is well known; and its celrbrity has extended to all the great stud? throughout the world. No horse will gnaw it. In use 40 yetr*. Caption.—None Genuine without the Signatures of the Proprietors. K. S. A: J. James arecn tho top label of every pot. "Wholesale Agentd: KEMPTHORNE, TROSSER &CO. L LLCOCirS FORGITS PLASTER, j A 'L i'OST iis WSLXF. j b'aperiur to Spanish Ely BHste*. oran.v BkrUr, ur v*y j HcV".Ucients A? ctfaialwing ianinc-nts r7hat3C«rcr: j Wholesale Agents: j EEMPTHORNK, GROSSER & CO. — OHiWf AcFECnoN. DE. CHURCHILL'S SYETTPS OF nYPO^BQPHATE OF UJTE SODA, AND IK0">, recommended by tho leading Physlc'sra iJI i^vjop?, Vg«nif: SEMPTHCJa?., PEOS3EII' 4 CO. Landing and to arrivn, Per ' Counttaa of JCintore,' ' Miltlades,' acd ' Ferndale,' Hoffman's Washing Crystal?. Maih'r'i SandrJas, Bottling Wire, Olir i '.ill, Soda iVater, and all Corks, Tinfoii, Grape Capsule.), Shulac, Confectionery, Hardsfood Steedman's Powde:s, AlleMk s Plasti-is, Keating's Lozenges, Cockles" Pills, Fuller* Earilj. HoUoway"! Pills »nd Ointment, Grimanlra Preparations, Rlmmel'a Perfumery, Citrate Magnesia, Fluid Magnesia, Powell's Salsam, Floroline, Norton s Pills, &c. Ex 'William Gifford/ from New York,*. i Barry'a Tricopherous, Hair Dye/ &c

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 3994, 31 August 1874, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 3994, 31 August 1874, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 3994, 31 August 1874, Page 4