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ARRIVALS. Howena, s.s., McGregor, from the North. Thames,' barque, Couves, from Sydney. Clyde, schooner, Anderson, from Waugarei. Dantzic, schooner, from the coast. Fairv, schooner, from the Last Coast. Alarm, cutter, from Mangawai. Vincent, cutter, from Tauranga. D E P A R TURK S. Jane, s.s , for Mahuraugi aud Hot Springs. Lady Bow-n. p s., for Mahurangi and Ilot Springs. Saucy Lass, schooner, for Napier. PROJECTED I)EPAP.TURES. Nokvolk Islands. — Mission schooner Southern Cross, to-day. Southkun Pouts.—Taranaki, to-day. Sydnky and M.u.n m-iixk.—Victoria, CGth. iiONi'OS —Th imoH and Woodlark, early. Lbyuka.—Vivid, cutter, to-day. VESSELS EXPECTED. Victoria, s.s., from Sydney, due 23rd. llangatira, s s., from the South. Star"of the South, s.s., from the Fijis. Hvlton I'astle, brq.. from London: sailed February Count: s> of Kiniore. ship, from London; loading. Clanranald, ship, from London: sailed. Endymion, ship, from London; sailed. Akbar, ship, from Boston, v»a .Melbourne. Berar, ship, from London, loading. Alice Cim-ron, barque. from Sydney, sailed Juue-i Joliba, bar*pie, from Lvttelton: sailed June IS. Velocidude, barque, from LyttfUon: sailed June IS, Free Trader, barque, from llooari Town. Bella M try, harqne. from Ilobart Town. Union, brig, from Lvttelton. sailed June I2tli. "Bmelie. schooner, from Tahiti. Charvbdis, ac:.ooncr. from the Fijis. Fiery Ci.>.-•>, schooner, from the South Sea Islauds. Edith, schooner, from t-h»> South Seas. Clematis, from Napier. Strathnaver. schooner, fiom Dunedin. Ocean Wave, schooner, from Lvttelton. IMPOIITS. Fer barque Thames, from Sydney 40 gunnies sugar, - qr.-casks treacle. 300 lug* maize. :> h<'isheads rum, 10 cases brandv, 10 drums oil, I cask red lead, 5 bundles iron, order ; 075 casks kerosene oil. 000 guunies sugar. P;'o bags bonedusr.. ]3?0 packages lUerciiandise. A-barrel.s apples. -•< quarter d«»., 10 pock-'t h<>i>s. 'Jul.• packages merchandise, -•"» tons 0 cv t. 1 -3 lbs. pig iron, packages merchandise. 300 do. tip drays, John Koborton and Co. ; 150 bags maizi\ 5u o«a>es half-pints salad »)ii, *20 do. pints d \, 50 do wax vesus. Ik i'onks and Co. ; '2 packages plants and trees, <T. : 42 bars iron. I cask bol:>. *J bars steel. 1 package sheet copper. Maseiield and Co ; 5$ bags bon.rdust. Stauniis J ones. b:igs mai:'.o, Sibbin ; 11 pacKages furniture, J. Hamilton; I'l cases matches. 25 cases wax vestas. P.arnett and Levy; 5 qr.-casks brandy, Kyan. P»ell and Co.; *2 tierces l.ampwaiv. !L Cooley; lease merchandise. W. Adams; 4 1 i-kages earthenware, T Boylan; 4 package' merchandise, U. Bloom: *J eases pian«»fi».*tes. James Howden; s trunks boots, ( harles W cstpfahl; 5 ca>es boot?. A. Levy; 5 cases clocks. 4 do. merchandise, M. Montague; 1 eucine ar.d WaUcr and *.'«•».: ll>< bags mai/e. Jakins an i Wilh-ox; - case-, Tiiomas Farnell; 4 do., Vpton; - do., Wayte.— L-t. Walker and C->., agerts. The s.s. Star of the South is announced to leave for Lt-vuka 0:1 or about the 1-l July. The s.s. Ladybird left Wellington, for the M.muk;u:. yesteriiay. The p.s. Patterson, from Wanganui. arrived at "Wellington on Saturday. The p.s. Comeratig, hence, arrived at Napier at 0 o'clock on Saturday morning last. The p.s. Loni'-raugisannouuced to leavo for Napier on Saiurdaj next. ship Jubilee, from London, with immigrants, arrived at Wellington yesterday. Six seamen are required for the bari/iie Adelheid, now lying at the Bay of Islauds. The* barque Ferou'ia, from this port, arrived at Newcastle on the 2nd inst.

The barque l>l:iok Watch arrived at Dunedin yesterday, from Sydney. The schooner D.intzic arrived from t!ie coast on Saturday, with a c:ir-;o of shingles. \*o. The Mis'ionarr schooner Southern Cross will leave for Norfolk Island to-day. Tho -chooner Clyde arrived from "Wanga:ei on Saturday, wiih a general cargo, nod several passeu^ers. The departure of t he cutter Vivid, for Levuka, has beeu postponed until to-day. day, wi:!i a general cargo. The cutter Alarm has arrived from Manjawai, with a cargo or settlers' produce. Xue cuiter Agnes is announced to leave for the Kaiparn on I'liursd iv next. The Himalaya "has cleared for London, at with 74.V. sacks wheat, sicks tlour, lujo Ijales wool, gjTh-j birque Amateur, from this port, arrived at Newcastle on the 4th June, and the brig Nile-, hence, on the .<ame day. The Jo!iba has sailed for Auckland, from Lytteiton, witii 330«.' i icks wheat, 150 sacks sharps, 140 bags bran, 500 «•••«*■«. The schooner .Saucy Lass cleared at the Customs on Saturday for Nnpierand the Ea-t *vi;!i a caigo of timber. She took her departure yesterday. The schooner t'airv arrived from the Eas; Coast on Saturday, with a general cargo of settlers' produce, Arc. The s.s. Victoria was announced to leave Sydney for this port on the IGth instant, rthe may. therefore. be io-jked for this evening or to-morrow morning. The siiip Kesult, late Polar Star, w;is lying in Rangitoto last night wind-bound. She will probably ieuve for Sydney this morning, the wind having hauled round to a inore favorable quarter. The barque Veiocidade left Lyttelton. for this port, cn Saturday, with the following cirgo:—l4'..; sacks potatoes 57'.) sacks wheat. 747 sacks oats, 270 sacks bran, IGS sacks barley, 14 bags psas. 33 cases hams and bacon. The s s. Rowena arrived from Mongonui and liav of Islands on Saturday morning, with the following passengers:—Saloon: Miss Callighan, .Miss Seaman, Messrs. K«-mp, J. Macfarlane, McLeod, Margetts, Kell, Dool.m. J. Callaghan, T. C;tllighan, 1). Callaghan, Bnker, Mowbray, Butler. Whetherbv, Adam, H. Srevenson, Captain MelCeuzie, Captain' Marven, Baker .2 , Wi Kaieue; and 13 in the steerage. Cargo; 51 sheeji, Scott; 1 stt-am launch. Coal Company; 20 kits kunieras. and sundries. We are indebted to iLr. Symington, the purser, for the above 'lhe following teh gratu has been received by the Secretary of Customs from the otiicer in charge of H.M. Customs, Ilav-dock, Province uf .Marlborough ; --"Captain Scott ;Alert) reports Sunday, Ist, noon, sighted, seven miles south Jerawili, ship's quarter deck with house and all attached; passed within about 40 feet. Close to fore end house was hatchway about seven feet square ; house, with rose leek each side, three feet; one door front house, port side ; only one window fore side, three windows starboard side, about lo xl 2 inches : house about twentv feet. Saw also cask and other debris close to it." This was probably part of the vessel that was wrecked on Capo Campbeil a few days before.

During the passage of the ship Naomi from Liverpool to Port Chalmers, a sad calamity occurred, casting a gloom over .ill, viz., the drowning of Alfred Williams, a fine lad of 10 years. It was on the Sill May, the ship at the time going cL'ht or nine knots with a surf At a quarter to nine in the evening, Williams, who was heavily clothed, and last seen I.;,icing over the lee rail of the poop, with his hands in his pockets, is supposed to have been jerked rl „, a heavy lee lurch. The first intimation of the accident was cries being heard astern by the man at the wheel. The ship was immediatelv wore round, and overv search under the circumstances made, hue without avail. The barque Thames (of London), Captain Couves. left Sydney on the 7th instant, with a light Westerly wind, winch lasted only a few hours, when it shifted to the eastward, and blew with great violence for three days, accompanied by a heavy head sea. Since then the wind has veered from the li.cj.K. to K.N E. up to triday hist, when it went round to a northerly quarter, enabling the vessel to clear the North Cape, which was rounded at 3 a.lll. on Saturday, l'assed Tiritiri at midnight same date, and anchored oir the Queen-street wharf at S o'clock yestenlav morning. The Thames brings 100 bags of the .Suez mail for Auckland, and a large general cargo consigned to Messrs. It. 'Walker and Co., owners of the ship, she brings the following passengers.Messrs. Walker, Morris, Wm. Campbell, wife and four children, and Mrs. Petersen and -Mrs. Couves. We have to express onr indebtedness to Captain Couves for full tiles of fcydney papers from the 24th May to the 7th of June inclusive, copious extracts from which will he fouud clsewnere. On discharge of inward cargo the Thames will commence to 1 ad for London, with gum, Max, »7 ~e w , hol< =.of her cargo is ready for shipment. lj. (1. iitzgibbon, I'own Clerk of .Melbourne, has, m a letter addressed to the Commissioner of Customs on the subject of night signals of distress at sea, offered the fallowing suggestion: "1 have the honor to submit to your consideration the expediency of adopting, in reaard to Victorian vessels, and recommending the authorities of other places to adopt in regard to theirs, a regulation that the signal to bo u-sed at night in token of distress be rockets with a bursting charge of red stars and port fires of the same colour; that the cases of such rockets and port fires be plainly marked with the words ' Distress onlv ' as a cautiou; and that a penalty be attached to their'usc for other purposes. I may add that 1 see but little difficulty in arranging a telegraphic system of night signals to serve ordinarily urgent maritime requirements, by means of dilferently coloured and constructed rockets, but deem that to be of only small importance in comparison with the immediate adoption of a simple and universally understood signal of distress." Mr. Kitzgibbon, in a postscript to his letter, adds— '' The Rangoon's rockets were seen in the town of Galle, but people said, ' She is signalling to the China mail boat.' The Sussex rockets were seen by the Port Philip pilots, who said,' It is holiday time, and these are fireworks which are being let oil' for amusement 011 shore.' The Northflcet's rockets were seen by the coastguard, who said, 'It is a ship signalling for a pilot.' "—Aye. POET OF RUSSELL. Vessels Loading at Coal Mines.—Pearl, IrvineWilliams : Queen * Vuale : Maid of tUe Ali "' . ° UT ' VAr - D ''. Wiiai.ij.-o.—June 11: .Rainbow, 357 Alhinn -S't whaling grounds, with original cargo; l l' for whaling grounds, witli part, of original cargo. June 17: .Merlin, S46tons, Thomas for whaling grounds, with part of orginal cargoMn^f 3 rT^ Do li.i'tv f°ii tons ' for -New Bedford,' Mftss.j U.S., with full cargo of oil. Outwards Coastwise.— Jeun 14 : Ruby 3a ton* Catchpolo, for Auckland, with 58 tons coal • Speedwell, 33 tons, Owens, for Thames, with 54 tons coalJulia Price. 41 tons, Queen, for Thames, with 70 tons coal; Rover, 33 tons, McOabe, for Thames with 55 tons coal; Morning Light, 29 tons, Tiller, for Thames with 46 tons coal. June 16: Policeman, 62 tons, Evans' forTliamea, with SO tons coal. June 17: Rowena s.s.' 74 tons. McGregor, for Mongonui, with 8 passengers and original cargo. June 18: Wangarei, 52 tons, Carmichael, for Auckland, with 22 tons coal; Forest Queen, 52 tons. Dam, for Auckland, with 80 tons coal. June 19: Kose, 26 tons, Millis, for Thames, with 40 tons coal. June 20: Maid of the Mill, 36 tons, Williams, for the Thames, with 54 tons coal; Rowena, 5.8., 74 tons, McGregor, for Auckland, with 2S passengers and 10 tons coal.—[Correspondent, June 20.]

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New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3624, 23 June 1873, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3624, 23 June 1873, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3624, 23 June 1873, Page 2