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Wanted. T> EQCIRED FOR THE ARMED CONJI.L) STATSCLARY, 10 Good Up-sundinc Troop HOIISKS, 13 to 15. hands in height, not ag-.d. To be approved of by a Board of Otlicers at Cambridge, on the tflstMay. Required also, 10 Draught TTorses, suitable for ..xprt»> ...- = u. v;ILY j AM c J vox, Local Commander Waikat' Di.-tiict. A WIDOWER requires a Housekeeper.— A Aj.ply hns Post-office. "^PS7"ANTEt> —A Strong Boy. i;b!e to ricio V t a: ii >:-.rrv r.nt. orders.--Apotv to Captain of ' Kcyal Alfrc'V \Vhr.rf. "\"SrANTED—Good Men, to Drain about ¥ V li.; acres. -Apply early to C. T. "Wi'.f'S. Mount tlob.-ii u Xar.-jry, ttenulera. WANTED —A Situation by a Reaoe~tnble Y.-Mi.- 5Ua, who is d.shmis t.. niaitc lum-Si-lf generally not -■» mn ;h au object. Good reft;rer.ce^. —Apply to U.> , Hhllald Otlice. ANTED —A Croofl Ofiiera' Servant, Y with a knowledge 01" coikir.r. for Use Hot Sprincs.— Apply to .Mr. Stlvenson, at .Jackson arid KtuseU's, .Soiicilow. Fort-<tr.;»t. \VTAXTKI> Ivr.o'.vn—Tlmt T. Peacock \ y t .Suortiaml-stri-t. -- just roeuivtjd ai.d in stool;, an-t lWevfnl .1 : unl Marine (liars'- Mael'in'-, >n--etaele.s and Tbcrr.wiactvn, Pocket Ai eioi.h, Set. "E^TANXED —Life Insurers Lo remember % v tlio Government Life In.-nrance I'ltiee Low Pien'iums. Undenialili* Security, viz., the Consolidated Kovenue.—Agent: P. A. Pim.irs, Auckland. "w"T7"AXTEn, bv an I'xporieneed person —A ?it'i ition as* Uonsek..eper. or ( to a Lad.'. —Apply to Kev. C.W. Uloi., Kcad. T\7ANTKI) known lliat llor.r.a>-d \ T l!i mm;, Yictoria-strecl. have jnst opr.ned. * a large shipment «>t I'aitt-rlianginr;?, of uew and chaste patterns; a;so Oxford Krauzes in poli.jl.t:d iill aiiies. WAITED known thnt W. Let 3, Bookbinder, Machine Uuler, and Acv.uit Cook MaT.-ifacturi'r, has iciuovf d from V:cicri.-—Lrce: l.ast to V. yudham-street, next door above i!.< i'i-j ,<:ar c:tlice. "TS7ANTED KXOWr"—& Co. t » Wiolesalo and tic tail Timber SleTchanU :.rannfa.-tururi, escvato orders with .'.eipatch, and at the luv.-est possible prieeii, from any of their uiUlilishments. , , . HeadOrtite: Saw>'illand iunber\ards,Custom House-street, .Uickland Sash, IVor and M'.-iuding Facton-, Xc-vton S.uv JM-.11 and Timi>e»- Yard, Beach, GrahamstOtvn Timber Yard, Coromandel Sa'.v Mill. ilarbour, convenient :oi ai/ and deep water for loading. * ctices. /■•< E N E B A L RATE. •Of City Council Olliees. Auckland, May iI3, \"o'ii e is htrt'b}" given thai it is tiie intention of the «. 11v Cnrucil of Auckland, on the -Jul " .! i«:ie proximo, to make a (ieneral "date for the enduing "i'welvft Months of One shilling m the i ou.nd on nil -jpropt-rty vviii.iu iiie oily. A -tatmnrnl of the proposed rate cai'. b- u;:-i !. y im; ..-payur.' at this oUhv hetv;-;vn tltc hours Ot i 0 l:: " 1 p IJ ' V. I'llll.ll'S, itayor. •s d s iX

■VTOTXCE is hereby sjivfn l ' :: >- by tm order j3( of the Supremo Omit of Nov a! Uid._ Nei - Ih-r'n District, at Auckland, Lh- ray oi Mav, IS7S, FKKI>K!t!'*K I.F.F. of \\ jS»C"IU.n»t. Auckland. Grocer, was adjudjed .1 Ijaiikru.'t, the true intent and Meaning of J.e l.ankrup c l -f',7 aid the various Acts amending the s ime. an.! i.v V' same order a meeting <■:' his Cu ditors, ca..ed Urn lirst meeting. wa> .nvantcd ru-W at .he ..I the Provisional in ia.uu..pu>, Court-house, at Auckland, on » tI)-N |tnTI.W, the 4th day of June next, at Hie :iuuv oi .. 'iHnk! ihi- dav oi :.iay,l;73. WILLIAM L:OK REE*, for Al'..--rt Devere, Solicitor tor the sa:o bati:.' not l r lIRRV'Y .'"lvc t: Aice thai, in according § 'With t::'-- 2Tti"s-'eti„:i rf the Licensing Act. 15-71. i- i; my intention to apply to the. llencli of Magisttutf.s lin tlio 12th June i.v.'.t.or so tis.-nafter a# t.i« 7 may sit, lor a Troisier of Licence of the PapaKlira Hotel, i'apakura, now licM by me, to NICHOLAS SIMMS, of Auckland, Settler. Dated this 2Sth day of May. ISi3. MARTIN TpAUKAi'AKAVA LICGITWaY HO A3O- - K-ites ill arrears on the ICth June will be handed over to the Solicitor oi the Hoard for immediate settlement. I;ONAK> Ch'iiriium. May2S, 1573. §>;:FCGE ¥OR the destitute. _£_\i „ The Right Rev. tie: Uishop of Auckland. Altiso Committee: BU Worship the Mayor The ltev. <J. M. Nelson The Rev. P. 11. Comfort! ». 15. liiss, Es<i. H. 11. Lusk. Ksti. Mr. J. C. Stovin. In consequence of the limited '"-'ay's and accoi.inlodation at the disposal oi the ehantao • Wu >.i> at nres. Nt established in tin--, eity, as «ell ,i» ». i.uLtiiit. [i, ~. . lr ,. „o' altogether devoted to the rehct ot toe ,-U--me ca*e= of voverty and destitution contemplated bv the Refute," and because ever; penny ud it is hoped that a lanre amount of» am. stipport will Le euliste.iie, the c s tabU,hment CI this mSt Print"' l , forms now lie at each of the Ranks, wj'-ire subscriptions and donations will be rec-ned, and m which the addresses can be entered ot t.:Oie who lateral to become annual subscribers. Tho subscription lists will be cosed tlie 14tl. day ot June next, and will then be pubh-hea: the subscribed, in the meantime, being acid m .riut by the Acting Committee. STOVI y j lion. Secretary. gRRVA-VT3 DIRECT FKOAt ENGLAND - R. W. H ETUERINGTOiv Emi'Lovmest asd Zsnuratios Aok.-.t, Uxbridge, 2ugland, . ... ,i. « „ ltp i General for New ZsaI is appomicu oj the A 0 passaae r land to select suitable P e 7" n ? i or tll e past year 10 this colony, and has « a if lrse r succeeded in sending t - j*- eII1 ale Domestic a number of Kara tin England - servants. He will he hapw to' & fit a r anr Servant reninreil . I.J r t s ,^ s COUlltryi an( i w ill t d'lliculty 111 servants by the next emigrant s rai.moiir to ' - v sum of £1 must be sent for ;;?, Xu?eouired.'which will be used, when neces- \ n assisting the emigrant to obtain a passage. ?.?-;iove'?: hould write direct to R. W. Hetuehinok'.s Stating fud particulars of situation and ot the ervant wanted. Strict investigation will be made into all servants' characters before au engagement is • "Reference may be obtained in New Zealand from Prf.ix e « GRAHAM, Vaile's Buildings, Queeu-street, Auckland. -jyr O T I C E. 1 TAIRUA SAW MILLS. 3 TO TIMBER MERCHANTS, BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS These Mills being now in full operauoo, the P;rotimber utmost dis-

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New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3603, 29 May 1873, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3603, 29 May 1873, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3603, 29 May 1873, Page 1