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NATIVE AFPAIi:S. [JEOM OUR OH'X COIIttESPONJ . NTS.] fssr.nsoy jy FJJOM THE KIK.. .~TE9. AimXDEi, Wednesday, 10 a.m. ek3o >-. a European, lias just come in m the King's country, where ho had been for a long time. He considers l<is life in danger, and bus left a brae family. 41! is unrest with both races. * ' 11 a.m. ftewi has h>ft Kopua for Tokangamutu. Kone of f o l !o '"' cr3 svc present at Xe £opu!i. MP- MACEAX S BETUBN. CaMTSIDGE, Wednesday, 5.30 p.m. llr. Ma-kay >- expected bac.'c late to-night or psrlv to-morrow morning. Evervthing quiet, and there is no excitecent. APPLICATION" FOK ASMS. Coromandel, Wednesday, 8 p.m. At .i meeting last night, a resolution was carried to petition the authorities to furnish S ftn« to the chief magistrates, to be distributed j, cas .-s ot' necessity. rqr NGAF.TERANGTS WILTTNG TO OO TO TIIE WAIKATO. Tattiianca, Wednesday, 3.15 p.m. Ibe Ngaeterangi natives arc buying ploughs sr.i spa les. They say they are willing to go i:tb; Waikato and light.


[FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Newcastle, Wednesday, 2.30 p.m. Avery influential railway meeting was held t'-ii atiernoou, M:i,ior Wilson in the chair. fi:e folbwing resolutions were passed unaniEiiusly 1. '"'This meeting is of opinion that the railway should be at once extended totbe confiscation boundary." 2. ''This meeting is of opinion that the rou'eof the proposed railway extension should tie to >*j:iri:awahia, thence through the Delta (is centra! point on tlie present frontier." 3. "This meeting is of opinion that a rft::ion to the House of Representatives shouiii he immediately prepared, and that ilsior Wilson, Messrs. Hume, Poyron, and Ejiicway be a committee to draw up the petition and secure signatures." C 01\ OMAXDEL. r t-on ori: own coi:cEsroNr>ENT.] Wednesday, S p.m. Bennet's stamper-box arrived S2 f ely at loiates last evening. © THE SOUTHERN PIIOYINCES. 'riJil IHE ANGL9-AUSTBALIAN PKE3B TELEGRAPH AGENCT.] TAUEANGA, Wednesday, 6 p.m. Arrived : Vincent, from Auckland ; Kangatiis, from Auckland. The Rangatira sails South to-morrow. She is now discharging. Ibe Cross has arrived. The Rangatira leaves to-morrow. Isusrou, the murderer of Campbell, a Taumca military settler, is a cabin passenger by the Kangatira. Ibe natives have got a quantity of tallow I'nev are learning to make nets in European fa-Lion. Nelson, Wednesday, S p.m. Superintendent's message to the Council, lsi'. night, recommending acceptance of the Ci'.c'-bi Government proposal, re West Coast rsi>av, wiil be considered to-morrow. Council iei'-:rd the proposal to borrow for construciioi; o; roads, railways, and water-races. Wellington, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Ibe following is from an official source, Mr. Murdoch, Inspector of the Bank of New Zeaiiid, telegraphs the Colonial Treasurer that the mmicium price fixed for tlie 4 per cent, loan •'".Australia —namely, fil'O 10s—was too high. Ibe tenders received in Sydney amounted to s total of £43:?,G00, of which only £500 was | ts£e:i up above the minimum. The remainder i of the oiiers ranged from £$.5 to £90 ss. In ] aMbourne, traders for £350,000 were receive.!, of which £-1000 reached the minimum, snd the balance was from £80 to £90. But between the dale of opening tenders and the departure of the "j'ariirua, £250,000 had been tabu up at the minimum. S p.m. Customs tt-legram reports Cynthia aground " Wcstportonly slightly injured. Chbistchckch, Wednesday, C p.m. £'1700 has been voted to the Council for a college site. The Provincial Secretary introduced a Government resolution in favor of immigration. He spoke slrougly against the General Government system. He advocates free passages, with expense- - , to immigrants paid up to the port of embarkation. In the first four months of the year only 356 men capable of work lave been introduced into the province. The Cp.ttle Committee report that it is not presentlv expedient to prohibit the importation of cattle into the province, but recommend the establishment of a quarantine sUtior: in harbour, and strict examination of si! stock after September 28. Admission to be granted only with certificates of soundcess. Ibe Jockey Club met and refused to re-eitd the disqualification of Peeress and Bob Roy. Dunedin, Wednesday, 6 p.m. The Chamber of Commerce has passed 3 resolution approving of the movement to secure the liarbour trust for Otago. Ibe two former resolutions were eent to the General Government. Three deputations wait on the Geueral Government regarding the last.

£100 was realised from the benefit for Roberts. Heavy floods have occurred on the Molyneauj. It has riser. 16 feet. The roads were *&?hed away. Trnllic has been suspended between Clyde and Queenstown. Wednesday, 8 p.m. biiiy Timed suggests that Government =hcuid appoint some one to observo transit of Verms at Stewart-'e island ; Hector observing Oost northerly in the North Island. [lEOil THE >'E".Y ZEALAND PEESS ASSOCIATION.] Napieb, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Rechab and Arthur Harding, eons of John Harding, of Mount Ternon, have been cornpitted for trial for having, under their father's instruction?, destroyr-d a bridge at South Havelock, on Mi Idle Koad. The Comerang has tailed for Auckland, and the Clematis for Mataura, to load sheep for Auckland. Wellisctos', Wednesday, 8 p.m. Arrived (last r.ifjht): Wanganui, the South. Sailed : Wangai.-ui, for Napier. CHEisieiiuucii, Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. In the Council, last night, resolutions were tarried that the province should be represented by an immicration agent in the United Kingdom; and that instructions regarding the number and description of immigrants required should be given by the Provincial Governments, subject to approval of tho GeEerai Government. That all expenses of eiich agency should be paid out of the Immigration Loan; and that the system of free Passages Ehould extend to persons nominated the province; and that the Superintendent be requested to pl>ice £2000 on the Estimates lor the purpose of promoting immigration to e Province, in case arrangements cannot be wade with the General Government, in accordance with above resolutions. A. select committee on the importation of reported that it wa3 not expedient to prohibit the importation of etook to the province, but that n quarantine ground should be ?P ar ' 1 > that, a certificate of soundness f-J? i ' )e re l"i re d before cattle are shipped the province ; that they should be inpected before landing, and all diseased •nimals destroyed. DujTedin, Wednesday, 7.30 p.m.. of jugar, ex Hadda, yesterday, fo.lowing prices:—Good yellow, " M 1 - 7s (5.1 ; line yellow, £37 ;

finest yellow, £37 12s 6d to £38 ss; good white, £3S ss; fine white, £39 15a to £40 10s ; yellow counters, £35 15s. 8 p.m. The nomination for tho Superintendency is fixed for tho 4th of June, and the election on tho 18th. A strong but unsuccessful effort has been made to induce Major Richardson to stand for the Superintendency. Ho will stand for the Council. It is believed now that Macandrew will be unopposed. He has issued an addreßS, saying the province should return men who are detei mined to get the business of the session over in fourteen days. Tho Michael Augclo, 86 days from London, brings 140 passengers, all well. The Fidelia, wrecked at the Cape, was owned here, end intended to trade between this and Newcastle. Bluff, Wednesday, 2.25 p.m. The Hero sailed from Melbourne on the 20th, and should leave Sydney on the 24th. Tho Queensland hairless horse Caoutchouc is on board the s.s. Tararua for exhibition in New Zealand. THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. [l-iOM THE A^GLO-AUSTRALIAN TRESS TELEGKArH AGENCY.] Melbourne, May 22. The s.s. Hero left here on the 20th for Auckland via Sydney. Several passengers, includins Mr. Murdoch, of the Bank of Now Zealand, for Auckland. It is considered in commercial circles that if the B:mk of Ixew Zealand had been permitted come discretionary latitudo tho New Zealand £250,000 loan would have been successful. As it was the loan was not placed. The minimum was fixed too high. Some of the tenders wero opened on the 16th. Brokers report sales of about £40,000 of the loan at £90 10s. , , Despatches will be sent, per Baroda, declining to enter into the Suez contract on the terms proposed bv Earl Kimberlcy. The dato ef' the Baroda's departure is doubtful. Forty-two passengers by her refuse to go, and sho is still at the Heads. The second officer is badly ailectcd with smallpox. Full despatches liavo been sent to iSew Zealand by Mr. Francis, maintaining the position assumed relative to the mail service. The Cabinet are considering to-day the border duties question, with every prospect of settlement. The newspaper postage has been reduced to a halfpenny. The outgoing mail steamer Baroda is quarantined with small-pox. Felix Kabat has been sentenced to eleven years' imprisonment for forging bills. Borham, convicted of tho Sandhurst murder, has been hanged. There is a great scandal in the PubUe Works Department, owing to the alleged opening of tenderers envelopes by officers of the department. A criminal action has been commenced against, the Melbourne Herald by Mr. Winch, owner of the Commodore. The case is proceeding. Governor Bowen is becoming popular. The Ajc declares he is becoming too cheap. Moore, n seaman, stabbed a seaman named Kelliher fatally, and has been sentenced to three years' imprisonment. Grains are very firm. An Kight.-liour Sewing Machine Girls' Factory Bill has been introduced. Sydney, May 22. A mining action lias been heard in Sydney, Harley versus Grevilie. Both the parties are members of the Legislative Assembly. The damages were laid at £100. A verdict for the defendant was returned.

An earthquake was felt at the North Shore on Monday. It was preceded by a slight shock 011 Sunday. Mr. Samuels, Postmaster-General, leaves bv the Hero for Auckland. He will return to Melbourne, and leaves by mail steamer for London and Washington, relative to the Ca'ifoinian Mail Service. Tlie ex-Consul of Hankow has been arrested for embezzling funds belonging to tho Imperial Government. Ho wa3 committed for trial. Adelaide, May 22. There is a general agitation in favour of the eight hour movement organization. The Register severely criticises Mr. Francis' action relative to the mail services. Wheat, is firm at os 6J. Sales have been made at 5s 7d per bushel. McMurdo, forger, was arrested oil board board the Coorong. Nimblefoot is the favourite for the cup. There is a great mining mania iu Northern goldfield stocks. Wheat, 5s 6d to 5= 7d, firm.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3603, 29 May 1873, Page 3

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TELEGRAPHIC. New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3603, 29 May 1873, Page 3

TELEGRAPHIC. New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3603, 29 May 1873, Page 3